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U.S Senators told of new Saudi-funded anti-west rhetoric

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posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 11:04 PM

The government of Saudi Arabia is distributing books and pamphlets across the United States in an effort to recruit American Muslims to an international struggle against Christians and Jews, the director of a religious freedom organization told the Senate Judiciary Committee Nov. 8.

In one instance, a booklet distributed by the Saudi Embassy in Washington offers instructions on how to “build a wall of resentment” between Muslims and infidels, said Nina Shea, director of the Center for Religious Freedom.

Among the book’s directives: “Never greet the Christian or Jew first. Never congratulate the infidel on his holiday. Never befriend an infidel unless it is to convert him. Never imitate the infidel. Never work for an infidel,” Shea quoted during a committee hearing.

The booklet and more than 200 others containing similar anti-Western diatribes “demonstrate the ongoing efforts by Saudi Arabia to indoctrinate Muslims in the United States in the hostility and belligerence of Saudi Arabia’s hard-line Wahhabi sect of Islam,” Shea said.

She said hate literature, booklets, text books and other material was gathered from mosques and Islamic centers in cities across the United States, including Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago, Washington and New York. Some of the material was published by the Saudi Education Ministry, Shea said.


Why don't we do a regime change in Saudi Arabia, seriously?! Install a pro-west iron-fist dictator.

posted on Nov, 8 2005 @ 11:45 PM
Sounds like Bush should hold another party at his place for his Saudi friends, tell them to cool off a bit.... not that anyone who is gripped by the balls would speak badly of it's master.

This is yet another reason why we seriously need an Alien invasion!
Time for the Aliens to say, 'it was us all along, originally, but your imaginations created the rest.'

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 12:33 AM
Wonderful. What is next? A U.S. pamphlet on how to torture abroad illegally?

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 06:30 AM
The more I read and look into it, the more I believe that the US is putting it's self in a position to put political pressure on Saudi Arabia.

On the subject of installing a pr-US dictator...
If there is a revolt in Saudi Arabia, it is going to be bad for the US (and west in general). If you think that Iraq is bad, Saudi Arabia would be 1000 times worse. We have to get to the point where the Saudi kings are under more pressure from the US then they are from Radical Islam.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Uncle Pete
Wonderful. What is next? A U.S. pamphlet on how to torture abroad illegally?

The U.S doesn't torture, it abuses. There is a slight difference. Unlike Arab countries where torture and be-headings are the norm.

[edit on 9-11-2005 by NWguy83]

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 05:51 PM
Well, I finally got to use that little Ignore button! It felt good!

NWguy83, I didn't feel like registering for Defense News, so I didn't see the ntire article. However, when I read these words from your post..

Among the book’s directives: “Never greet the Christian or Jew first. Never congratulate the infidel on his holiday. Never befriend an infidel unless it is to convert him. Never imitate the infidel. Never work for an infidel,” Shea quoted during a committee hearing.

...they sounded familiar.

There was a thread here several months ago regarding anti-Western sentiment being taught at several Saudi schools around the DC area. I'm pretty sure that's where I saw those exact words.

posted on Nov, 9 2005 @ 10:35 PM
I heard about this on the Michael Savage radio show tonight.

The crooked Saudi's have not changed their stripes one bit and if asked about these alegations, they will Lie right to your face with a smile. I wonder if they continue to print this garbage just to appease the radicals?

AMM is right, if the Saud's fall....a facist Islamic government would takes its place and we would have to take them down as well.


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