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Sony CDs Are Putting SPYWARE on Your Computer

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posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 12:06 PM
How'a this for the latest in CD technology?

Lets say you buy a music CD which happens to come from Sony. You pop it into your CD drive on your computer and later discover that spyware that is virtually impossible to get off your computer is lodged deep into the core of your operating system. And if you do attempt to remove it, it will disable your CD drive! This is no joke; it is actually happening on new Sony music CDs. Right now, the spyware (called rootkit) just sits there… does nothing. But it could easily be appended, activated, altered by Sony or whomever they allow to do absolutely anything invasive to your computer without your knowledge.

After a lot of complaints, Sony is offering a download that removes the rootkit from your computer. But now it’s been found out that even that isn’t removing it entirely.

Sony CD buyers beware!

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 04:07 PM
I don't think I have it but where can I find the removal tool? Thanks for the heads-up

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 04:19 PM
I've probably bought 5 CDs since 1998. Not because of the availability of pirated copies, but because I don't want to waste money on one song and 15 "filler" songs.
I sony and the music industry thinks that the use of this spyware is going to help them in anti-pirating they are wrong. Pirates are always 2 steps a head of anti-pirating software.
If the music industry want to make a change, they need to make the consumer really want to buy music again.
Putting crap on peoples PCs only makes me want to buy CDs even less.

Way yo go Sony

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by Umbrax
I've probably bought 5 CDs since 1998. Not because of the availability of pirated copies, but because I don't want to waste money on one song and 15 "filler" songs.
I sony and the music industry thinks that the use of this spyware is going to help them in anti-pirating they are wrong. Pirates are always 2 steps a head of anti-pirating software.
If the music industry want to make a change, they need to make the consumer really want to buy music again.
Putting crap on peoples PCs only makes me want to buy CDs even less.

Way yo go Sony

Exactly, CD's have seemed to be in a downward spiral lately with the lack of good content and other options for music now available. Putting spyware on consumers computers does'nt make a whole lot of sense. I wonder what the intentions may be.

posted on Nov, 5 2005 @ 05:50 PM
I'm right in line with Umbrax--I almost never buy CD's anymore, for the same reason. I'm all for supporting the artist, but why pay $15 for one song? Now the thought that any label is installing software--even legit software--on my computer is going to make me think twice about the next CD I might've bought. I can't even stand those CD-Extra bits a lot of CD's have. I want to listen to the CD, and it's annoying as hell to pop it in, get back started on work, then all of a sudden some video clip comes up.

Uber Fr0g, one possibility of installing the spyware would be to see what other music you have on your computer, and whether it's legal or not. I know that's what I'd do if I were in their shoes--giving the devil his due, that's a good idea if that's the plan. (Of course I have no idea if it is or not, but...)

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:00 AM

Originally posted by Atomix
I don't think I have it but where can I find the removal tool? Thanks for the heads-up

Go to Sony's website. You may have to hunt for it a little (they AREN'T going to make it too obvious), but you will find it there.

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 10:31 AM
So I'm assuming this is a Windows only program?

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 12:02 PM
Here's a way to use it, if you play World of Warcraft:

Want to cheat in your online game and not get caught? Just buy a Sony BMG copy protected CD.

World of Warcraft hackers have confirmed that the hiding capabilities of Sony BMG's content protection software can make tools made for cheating in the online world impossible to detect. The software--deemed a "rootkit" by many security experts--is shipped with tens of thousands of the record company's music titles.

And here is the link to fix your Windows machine.

EDIT: To add correct URL.

[edit on 6-11-2005 by Rouschkateer]

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 01:02 PM
If a Sony product is installing unrequested software on my PC, without my expressed permission, is Sony, legally speaking, Hacking my computer?

Is this not a crime in several countries, the U.S. amoung them?

And to my knowledge, no has yet Proven that this covertly installed software is not at least potentially detremental to other software installed on my PC. Could I not consider this at least a potentially "malicious" assult?

I smell a huge lawsuit, perhaps even a huge class-action lawsuit, brewing!

Today, Sony; Tomorrow, the RIAA!!!

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 05:21 PM
I don't have a Sony CD, so I can't test this out, but perhaps there is an end-user aggreement in some sort fo fine print on the CD/CD wrapper/CD file?
Can anyone find out?

posted on Nov, 6 2005 @ 08:37 PM
yea, some guy and his lawyer will get filthy rich off this scandel

piraters ARE usually 2 steps ahead of everything, a quake 4 crack came out in litirally less than a day (THANK YOU DEVIENCE), sony is just getting desperate, but installing rootkits is pretty evil
which i expect from sony
how do you think they got to the top.

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