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Kamau Kambon's final solution for Whites (CSPAN video)

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posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 09:28 PM
A teacher of African studies at North Carolina State University was at a Black Media Forum event at Howard University last week that was filmed by CSPAN.

At this event, Dr Kambron talked about being raised in Brooklyn New York and seeing the deaths of some of his friends who died because of drugs or shootings. He says he went through a serious change after that and dropped out from society and began to really examine the situation.

He observed that blacks were in a war and they were fighting against economic slavery.
He and his wife built their own log house so they wouldn't have to give white people any money.

He also says that emancipation of blacks, the end of slavery, was just an expansion of slavery on a global scale that made all white people plantation masters or owners.

Kambron says that the plan of the white people is to kill blacks and they want to make money off of the process of their death, such as through cigarettes.
He says there's only one 'n-word' on the planet, the white man and the white woman. Blacks are just imitation 'n-word's.

According to Kambron white people are trying to prevent black people from coming up with the one idea, the one solution to the problem, which is the extermination of white people.
That solution was met by applause from other members of the audience at Howard University.

The person who followed him denounced racial fanaticism but that was not met with nearly as much applause.

Here's a partial transcript of his speech and a video of his speech that I uploaded (about 10 minutes):
Kamau Kambon's final solution for Whites (CSPAN).wmv" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">townhall
… they’re monitoring our people to try to prevent the one person from coming up with the one idea. And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate white people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem. Now I don’t care whether you clap or not, but I’m saying to you that we need to solve this problem because they are going to kill us. And I will leave on that. So we just have to just set up our own system and stop playing and get very serious and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem and the problem on the planet is white people.

There were no riots in the streets after this as far as I’m aware, like there were in Ohio after the neo-Nazi protest last week.
He may even continue working at colleges around the US in spite of his radical views.
I’d like to know how guys like him even get hired by colleges in the first place.

[edit on 22-10-2005 by AceOfBase]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 09:53 PM
It’s the double standard, black people can get away with more racist remarks and get more leeway. Really, would a White Entertainment Awards or White Entertainment Television be as non controversial as their black counterparts? And would a white professor who said something like that still have a job afterwards?

Folks, don't blame me, I’m just pointing out how thins are.

[edit on 22-10-2005 by WestPoint23]

posted on Oct, 22 2005 @ 09:54 PM
Any college that chooses to employ or give a single dime to this character, should have their federal and state funding immediately withdrawn. If a white man got up there and said that blacks needed to be exterminated, he'd have lost his job before he even finished his speech. And you're right, there'd be riots all over the place.

I am by no means a racist. I just find it very rediculous that the majority of this country has zero tolerance for racism, while it virtually allows (and often promotes) many forms of reverse-racism. Those who seek equal rights should also exhibit equal rights if they ever expect to gain such.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 02:03 AM
Let this be a warning to all those who feel that the venom of bigotry runs in only one direction. Si vellum pax, para bellum.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 02:20 AM
as i've said before, if the reverend king knew what some of his followers have done with his "dream", he'd be turning over in his grave.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 02:23 AM
I wonder if he is avalible to give a lecture at Bob jones University?????

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 02:25 AM

Originally posted by snafu7700
as i've said before, if the reverend king knew what some of his followers have done with his "dream", he'd be turning over in his grave.

The Most Holy Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior was cut from the same cloth as those who followed him. Had he lived, he would be a race hustler just like Jackson, Sharpton and the others.

[edit on 2005/10/23 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 02:31 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

Originally posted by snafu7700
as i've said before, if the reverend king knew what some of his followers have done with his "dream", he'd be turning over in his grave.

The Most Holy Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Junior was cut from the same cloth as those who followed him. Had he lived, he would be a race hustler just like Jackson, Sharpton and the others.

[edit on 2005/10/23 by GradyPhilpott]

thats where our opinions part ways. sharpton and jackson are some of the biggest racists to ever walk the planet, but Rev King was a great man with great visions. have you ever read any of his speaches? his ultimate goal was complete equality. not to use his color to set himself up above white americans, like jackson and sharpton want to do.

sorry, but i think youre way of base here.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 02:52 AM
I lived through that era and I am not fooled by the rhetoric. I know what happened and know that religion was just a front. King was a pedophile and plagarized his doctoral dissertation. There was noting at all honorable about the man.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by FredT
I wonder if he is avalible to give a lecture at Bob jones University?????

Or better yet, I would love to see an exclusive interview of Kamau Kambon given by none other then those nutty Stormfronters. Should be interesting TV.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 06:48 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
King was a pedophile and plagarized his doctoral dissertation.
There was noting at all honorable about the man.

Don't forget blatant adulterer. The night before he was killed
he spent it with a few white hookers. He beat them up rather
badly and I believe that at least one had to go to the hospital.

The 'good Dr.' probably is having a very warm eternity.

Oh .... and for those of you who think he was a 'good christian',
the REV. King didn't buy into many of the basic Christian beliefs
(denied the Virgin birth, resurrection, etc....)
and he even spoke out about these other beliefs that he held ....

[edit on 10/23/2005 by FlyersFan]

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
King was a pedophile and plagarized his doctoral dissertation.
There was noting at all honorable about the man.

do you have any proof of this other than J. edgar's reports?

Originally posted by FlyersFan
Don't forget blatant adulterer. The night before he was killed
he spent it with a few white hookers. He beat them up rather
badly and I believe that at least one had to go to the hospital.

i might actually have listened to this up until the point you inserted "white" hookers. if he beat them, what difference does it make what color they were? oh yeah, dramatic effect. peaceful black leader beats white hooker.

funny how that only made the headlines in racially biased papers with klan support.

Oh .... and for those of you who think he was a 'good christian',
the REV. King didn't buy into many of the basic Christian beliefs
(denied the Virgin birth, resurrection, etc....)
and he even spoke out about these other beliefs that he held ....

so because he disagreed with several tenets of mainstream christianity he was not a christian? why dont you take a look at all the different faiths from pentecostal to babtist to episcopalian to catholic and tell me why there is such a great devide between them, if you are such a theological expert.

i've read this stuff before and you are misinterpreting what he is saying to fit your opinions.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 12:22 PM
I've never heard about this bad side of Dr. King (why is he called Dr. anyway? Is he a dentist??? lol). I'd love to see some KKK/NeoNazi-free links that elaborate on this pedophile, hooker-beating, wife-cheating side of Dr. King. Again, please don't provide a link to the Aryan Nation website or anything similar. I'd prefer to see some proof coming from an objective source, if it exists.

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 12:29 PM

Originally posted by Rasputin13
I'd love to see some KKK/NeoNazi-free links that elaborate on this pedophile, hooker-beating, wife-cheating side of Dr. King.

I presume that you have access to the full internet if you are able to access ATS. All of these accusations have been covered in the mainstream media at one time or another. I don't frequent hate sites, so that is not where I got my infomation. However, I will do a search to see what I can find regarding the seamier side of the "good doctor."

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 12:35 PM
I'm a master?
Really? Where are my servants? Really, I'd just like to have a maid.
Where's the thieving honky who took my slaves?!?

*Note for all the slow-witted who might actually think I want to own slaves; I am saying that I am white, own no slaves and work for my scraps in this world.*

Seems the way to be nowadays, see the effect and if the cause is due to your own doing, make upa story and blame it on someone else. The American white male, if you can figure an angle.


posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 12:42 PM
THis man is nothing more than a racist.

It's discusting no matter if its a racist white skin man or black skin man- racism like this guy's in not appropriate. It's unfortunate that his views are supported by anyone, Ridiculus!

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 12:49 PM
Unfortuneatly this mind set occurs in big cities across the usa.
Take a look at some of the racist comments black detroiter's make about whitey, you cannot reason w/ these people, you cannot debate w/ these people, they will automatically think you are a racist, the mentality w/ these folks is so black and white, they have been indoctrinated at an early age by their parents' parents who have slave ancestors and their hate towards white people is so great yet they demand equality but aren't willing to give it. It's a circular argument all the time.

get an idea about what i'm talking about, pick your thread, all of them have racism in them

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 01:51 PM

The Martin Luther King, Jr., Plagiarism Story, by Pappas.

Reviewed by Barry R. Gross
Society, Jan-Feb 1996 v33 n2 p85(2)

Before his untimely death in August 1995, Barry R. Gross was professor of philosophy at York College of the City University of New York, and president of the New York Association of Scholars.


It is rarely pleasant to look at the feet of the great, for they are too often made of clay. And so it is with Martin Luther King, Jr. On the evidence, there can be little doubt that he plagiarized his Ph.D. dissertation at Boston University from an earlier one by a man, now deceased, named Jack Boozer. Pappas compares eight or more passages from Boozer's thesis with passages from King's in which the ideas and phrasing are virtually identical. He also cites several passages in which King and Boozer make almost identical mistakes in citation or punctuation. King plagiarized much else as well: Pappas identifies five plagiarized passages from King's pre-dissertation period, as well as from the final section of his famous "I Have a Dream" speech, whose passage "From every mountain let freedom ring . . ." was first spoken by another black preacher, Archibald Carey, at the 1956 Republican National Convention.


Pappas points out that once the plagiarism was exposed, new apologists-Professor Keith Miller, for one--took the last path. In a book and in an article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Miller takes the position that black preachers have traditionally "borrowed" from each other and, coming from an oral tradition, are not acclimatized to alien white scholarly norms. He asks us to rethink our definition of plagiarism. Pappas quotes Miller: "The process of securing fundamental human rights such as those King championed--outweighs the right to the exclusive use of intellectual and literary property." Really? Nor did King see things that way, for, ironically, he himself sought copyright for his "I Have a Dream" speech.


Among others, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and the New Republic all sat on the story. It was left to a British journalist, Frank Johnson of the London Sunday Telegraph, to break the story. This was followed by several stories in Chronicles, a publication of the Rockford Institute, whose managing editor is Theodore Pappas, editor of the volume under review. No doubt the American press restrained itself for much the same reason as had the academics: fear of being charged with racism. Pappas quotes The Sunday Telegraph's acid response to The Wall Street Journal's tepid story on the plagiarism: "Such is the cravenness of the U.S. media when it comes to race that no newspaper followed [our 1989] story.... Then, in an article full of apologetic mealy-mouthed phrases, The Wall Street Journal confirmed our findings." But there may well have been a secondary reason. Who cares about intellectual fraud? One of the strengths of Pappas's own essays in the book is his catalogue of plagiarisms and scientific frauds--including the little-known fact that Coleridge plagiarized parts of his important work, Biographia Literaria.

Sexual Incontinence:

Thanks to Hoover's use of COINTELPRO and King's road-dawg and sidekick Ralph Abernathy, King's sexual appetite and considerable infidelities are widely known. Even still the thought of King and Abernathy doing a "tag team giddy up" is disconcerting. Dyson readily admits that such failings on the part of King, Lyons and other black ministers is endemic to the culture of the black church which often rewards its leadership for such atrocities in the name of protecting black masculinity and patriarchy (holla if you hear me, Marion Barry). Dyson asserts, "as surely as King learned from the black church the use of brilliant rhetorical strategies . . . he learned in that same setting about the delights of the flesh that were formally forbidden but were in truth the sweet reward of spiritual servants." Citing real and fictional examples like Jim Baker, Jimmy Swaggart, and characters from Robert Duvall's The Apostle, Dyson is careful to remind readers that "such abuses or religious leadership are not peculiar to black churches . . . but the failures of the black ministry reverberate widely because the church remains the dominant institution in black culture and the black preacher a staple in sacred and secular affairs."

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover bugged his hotel rooms and sent his wife a tape that suggested King was having an extramarital affair. (Indeed, King did have such affairs.)

Later, the focus of the Bureau's investigations shifted to attempting to "discredit" King through revelations regarding his private life. FBI surveillance of King, some of it since made public, demonstrates that he also engaged in numerous extramarital sexual affairs. Accounts of such behavior also have been provided by King's associates, including close friend Ralph Abernathy. The Bureau distributed reports regarding such affairs to the executive branch, friendly reporters, potential coalition partners and funding sources of the SCLC, and King's family. The Bureau also sent anonymous letters to King threatening to reveal information if he didn't cease his civil rights work.

Later, the focus of the Bureau's investigations shifted to attempting to "discredit" King through revelations regarding his private life. FBI surveillance of King, some of it since made public, demonstrates that he also engaged in numerous extramarital sexual affairs. Accounts of such behavior also have been provided by King's associates, including close friend Ralph Abernathy. The Bureau distributed reports regarding such affairs to the executive branch, friendly reporters, potential coalition partners and funding sources of the SCLC, and King's family. The Bureau also sent anonymous letters to King threatening to reveal information if he didn't cease his civil rights work.


[edit on 2005/10/23 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 01:58 PM

Unfortuneatly this mind set occurs in big cities across the usa.

WHAT breeds this mindset? You have to find out the root causes of this before you start making some silly comments....... You see most of you all are mouthing off spitting garbage.. as if black people owe white people something for freeing them out of slavery. you could mouth off because you all exsist in a bubble that's the fact..

posted on Oct, 23 2005 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by crusader
you could mouth off because you all exsist in a bubble that's the fact..

Speak for yourself. You know nothing of my existence and I doubt you know anything about anyone hear but yourself.

[edit on 2005/10/23 by GradyPhilpott]

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