posted on Nov, 1 2005 @ 11:43 AM
Well, sorry I don't have someone kick butt for you. There was this guy...
Known superhuman powers: Gateway possesses the superhuman ability to create a teleportational "gateway" from one location to another. A
person can thus step through such a gateway to be transported instantly to a location many miles away.
Real name: Unrevealed
Other aliases: None known
Identity: None known
Occupation: None known
Legal status: Citizen of Australia with no criminal record
Place of birth: An unrevealed location in Australia
Marital status: Unrevealed
Known relatives: Bishop (son, as proclaimed by Bishop himself)
Base of operations: Ophrah Industries headquarters, Denver, Colorado; penthouse in Denver, Colorado; mountain chalet in Vail, Colorado; house on
Oregon coastline
Group affiliation: X-Men
First appearance: X-MEN (first series) #227
From here:
It seems though that his son Bishop IS a butt kicker, although Bishop has American citizenship.