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Unions are the corperation slayers and proud of it

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posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 09:40 AM
Talk about biting off the hand that feeds you, the brotherhood and sisterhood have caused the demise of many American industries.

The steel industry, textiles, airlines and the auto companies have been put out of business or forced into bankruptcy by the chokehold of the unions.

How can a company compete in world markets where only the nimble can survive?

Unionized companies can’t make quick and bold decisions because they have to get union approval for policy changes, which can take months and years.

In the real world decisions have to be made in hours or a few days for a company to compete and survive, unions don’t comprehend stuff like that.

More and more city and state governments are becoming unionized, and we thought that government was slow as molasses before unionization.

With unionization our country is headed for bureaucratic gridlock and a nightmare for the people that depend on government services.

America was at one time a great country.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 09:44 AM
You really think so? In hospitals Nursing Unions are the only reason hosptials no longer pay nurses minimum wages and the like. You think there is a shortage now..............

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 09:52 AM
/wipes eyeboogers from eyes

you mean big corporations arent bad and they have all of my best intrests in mind and they'd never # over their slaves i mean employees?

# a CEO.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 09:58 AM
Shortages are the great equalizer, that old supply and demand thing.

Nurses can name their price and many of them are getting what they want and more, without the middle man---unions---taking his share out of their paychecks.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Lysergic

you mean big corporations arent bad and they have all of my best intrests in mind and they'd never # over their slaves i mean employees?
# a union.

Last I checked this was a free country and if you don't like the company you don't have to work for them.

In America we have many self-made slaves

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by sleeper

Last I checked this was a free country and if you don't like the company you don't have to work for them.


posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by sleeper
Nurses can name their price and many of them are getting what they want and more, without the middle man---unions---taking his share out of their paychecks.

Hmm our union is exactly what a union should be IMHO. The dues are $15.00 a check. Every officer from the top down HAS to be a nurse working at our facility. I can call up the president and talk to her about anything anytime. As an elected member of the negotiation team for the contract I actually sit with the hospital to negotiate. What I negotiate for impacts me directly. We have about 2300 members that represent our 2 hospitals

THe union negotiates more than just money but that is a part of it. Stuff like staffing and working and even patient conditions are part of it.

Our unions site:

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by FredT

Hmm our union is exactly what a union should be IMHO. The dues are $15.00 a check. Every officer from the top down HAS to be a nurse working at our facility. I can call up the president and talk to her about anything anytime. As an elected member of the negotiation team for the contract I actually sit with the hospital to negotiate. What I negotiate for impacts me directly. We have about 2300 members that represent our 2 hospitals

Unions have their good points----for the members, but if the members don't get their way they throw a tantrum, and shut down the business, which hurts the community, and others that depended on that business or institution.

The union is powerful and can crush those that stand in its way, the little guy likes that kind of power, but if the company goes bust it is the little guy that loses the most, just ask anyone in the airline business and the auto industry, where thousands are losing their pensions when their companies go down the tubes----enjoy the power while you have it.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by sleeper
America was at one time a great country.

Go back to sleep.

You wouldn't last 5 minutes in pre-unionized America. Factory fires killed 100's in minutes with exit doors barred assuming the normal working conditions didn't get you with a variety of on the job ailments first. Families went deeper in debt the more they worked since the company store had a monopoly on everything. If you wanted to eat and keep your mill house and stay out of jail (since you owed the mill your children's future already) you worked for next to nothing, and died young from the hazardous conditions.

Damn straight unions are proud this isn't freaking Malaysia anymore, as should we all be that a middle class even exists, that children are no longer the property of capitalists and that certain elements of civic duty were even introduced to the monsterous industrial age at all.

I cry no tears for today's CEO's. Pffft.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by RANT
Go back to sleep

Go back to sleep, you guys would like that, the union plays the fiddle while American sinks.

Are the Romans still feeding the Christians to the lions? The pictures you show are of days long past, those days were hard and hazardous for everyone, but mostly for those without work----people were willing to take on hazards work to feed the family.

Slow starvation was much more terrible for those without the hazardous jobs----but the vast majority of jobs were not what you people depict, you go for the shock factor, using a few extreme cases.

Your right child labor is a bad thing better to leave those children on the streets playing with their graffiti cans of paint, planning their next hest, selling drugs on street corners, and mugging the elderly.

God forbid we should put them hoodlums to work-----what then would we do with our police?

These tugs are not just from the ghetto, some are the bored children of the middle class and the rich, who like the unions, think that children should be spoiled and not get their hands dirty.

BTW, I grew up in poverty, and I did hazardous work and gave the money to my mother to help out, and by golly I survived----I would do it again.

The unions not the corperations will bring down this country.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 10:22 PM
I agree with FredT, I too was a negotiator for the hospital that I worked for. I later became a vice pres. of the technical side (nursing was in the same union). I got my hands on some fiscal documents for the hospital, during negotiations, the administration flat out lied to us about their 'poverty' woes. The bottom line is all that is cared about in our industry. Unsafe conditions were downplayed. I am pro-union and will always be.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 11:54 PM
You know, when the Wynn mega-resort opened here in Las Vegas, the people in the gaming industry created a frenzy trying to get on board with them. Some of the largest, most prestigious union casinos in town (such as Belagio and MGM) lost thousands of their employees to the Wynn, which is also unionized.

I, on the other hand, actually turned down a position with Wynn and chose to work for Sands Las Vegas at the Venetian for the sole reason that we are the only non-union resort on the Las Vegas Strip. Many that went with Wynn are now looking for a new job (there was a period of time when their security officers, who are forced to wear a purple blazer with an orange tie, were actually leaving their radios at their posts and walking off, sometimes many per night.)

The Venetian, unlike Belagio that lost thousands to Wynn, Lost less than 100, out of 9,000 employees!

Some of the reasons are:
The Venetian pays over 8 million dollars per year feeding its employees. We get two 30 minute breaks a day, where we can eat as much as we want. Last night I had prime rib and shrimp.

Wages are competitive, with no union dues.

We have, hands down, the best medical in the state. Free dental vision and medical for the entire family, I can see any doctor I want @ $5 per visit, no co-pay on prescriptions ect., ect. If you opt out of the insurance, they pay you.

We have a low-cost child care facility on property.

All this and more with no union!

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 02:12 AM
I'd say it kind of depends on the business and the union itself. As usual, either extreme would land America in a pretty bad situation. Too much union control wouldn't be good, but we also wouldn't be in good shape if unions never came along at all. Also, not all unions are after the same thing. While some simply want workers to be treated fairly, others don't want their workers to have to work hard at all!

I'll give an example. My memory is a little fuzzy, but I'll try my best to be as accurate as I can.

My dad worked for a company (I'm not going to disclose any names) when he was younger. Now, the employees of the company he was with did the same work as the employees of another company. The owner of my dad's company sent my dad out to the other company to display that his employees can get the job done faster and more efficiently. Let's just say that, before my dad, the employees of this company were "Fixing" about 6 or 7 "units" a day. Needless to say they weren't working very hard. Well, my dad showed up and "fixed" about 30 of these "units" on his own, in the same amount of time that it took this other group of people to fix 6 or 7. (In fact, I think the numbers may have been even lower than I'm remembering). These workers were part of a union. They started threatening my dad; leaving notes on his desk calling him a scab and whatnot. One guy even got in his face and started yelling at him. They were trying to tell him that he can't work so hard because he's screwing it up for the rest of them. Of course, my dad's (Boss') company wound up getting the contract, but those union workers were pretty damned mad at him.

I also know a guy who just got hired for a company. Something broke on the truck he was in, and he ran to fix it. The employee that was training him literally told him not to work that hard, and to never hurry. There are just some unions out there that thing that they should never have to work hard.

But then again, as I mentioned before, we wouldn't want unions to be gone altogether either.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 02:34 AM
A lot of people seem to forget when they bag unions that all the basic things they enjoy with a job, the working conditions, the decent pay rates, the OHS rules, the dental............ everything you EXPECT to come with a job, was firstly negotiated at some time in the past by a union.

posted on Oct, 16 2005 @ 08:55 AM

Originally posted by shadow watcher
I agree with FredT, I too was a negotiator for the hospital that I worked for. I later became a vice pres. of the technical side (nursing was in the same union). I got my hands on some fiscal documents for the hospital, during negotiations, the administration flat out lied to us about their 'poverty' woes. The bottom line is all that is cared about in our industry. Unsafe conditions were downplayed. I am pro-union and will always be.

At one time I worked for one of those large American car companies on the assembly line, and each week the union guys gave us a pep talk, they drilled into us how we were getting screwed by the company left and right.

They fabricated everything in order to make the company the bad guy, after all, if the company was not a bad guy then why would we need a union?

These union guys and gals didn't even get original they spouted off the same old Leninist anti corperation speeches, the ceos were out to get us little people, quick hide the women and children from these monsters.

What a bunch of hooey-----the sad part was how gullible most of the "little" people on the assembly line were to these outright stupid lies.

If the unions can't make the ceos look bad they have nothing, and they know it.

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by Herman

But then again, as I mentioned before, we wouldn't want unions to be gone altogether either.

Some people believe leaches serve a purpose, in the old days doctors used them to cure headaches and other ailments-----no one does that anymore because they now realize how foolish it is.

Hitler convinced much of Germany that that all the Jews needed to be exterminated.

Stalin convinced the Russians that free enterprise and personal property and freedom for all was bad for the working class.

The unions persuaded millions of Americans to believe all CEOs are of the devil.

All incredible lies yet people will fall for most anything if they think there is something in it for them.

Anti Capitalistic Hollywood creates villains of whoever they chose, and since they hate capitalism they portray all ceos as greedy idiots, and the little people love it.

The unions aren't going away as long as there are companies left to leach on.

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by sleeper
What a bunch of hooey-----the sad part was how gullible most of the "little" people on the assembly line were to these outright stupid lies.

Again as I pointed out our union is exactly how unions should be. We represent ourselves. We elect a board that HAS to work as nurses at the facilites at least for 50% of thier time. We are accountable to ourselves and the like.

Are ALL unions good? No, but to blanket all unions with this stype of sterotyping is pretty bad

posted on Oct, 17 2005 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by mulberryblueshimmer
A lot of people seem to forget when they bag unions that all the basic things they enjoy with a job, the working conditions, the decent pay rates, the OHS rules, the dental............ everything you EXPECT to come with a job, was firstly negotiated at some time in the past by a union.

That's what the unions want you to believe, and most believe the lies.

Ford Motor Company when it first started up in the early 1900s paid their works better than any jobs available at the time, also Henry Ford treated his employees like family.

It wasn't until the forties that the union’s finally got the Ford employees to turn on Henry Ford.

The union stood to lose millions of dollars a week if it got out that big corporations did well by their employees, so they brought in the big guns and did a smear campaign to make Ford a bad guy.

The unions poured millions of dollars into the smear job and Ford's employees ended up stabbing Henry Ford in the back in exchange for a little power over him and his company.

That's the bottom line, power, the little guy and gal will sell their souls for it.

Thousands of non union companies before the unions even existed treated there workers very well, to say otherwise is pure bull.
The unions like Hitler and Stalin are very good at deceiving people.

They understand human nature very well, offer something for nothing and people will gladly eat out of your hand, even if it's sh-t.

posted on Oct, 18 2005 @ 11:23 AM
Before he killed off the Jews Hitler shut down the unions. Interesting set of priorities.

Unions have taken the employment practises of the Western world from being a virtual slave system to a slightly better one. If the unions didnt shout constantly then the employers would start to make changes at the expense of the staff.

For a recent example just look at Gate Gourmet at Heathrow airport, the company tried to shaft a non union workforce, and sacked those who protested, leading to bigger and bigger protests that eventually closed down the airport.

Unions are some of the most important institution in the UK, simply because they give a voice to the masses. America might be better of if they had a few more unions trying to help the poor and voiceless.

posted on Oct, 19 2005 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by Uncle Joe
Before he killed off the Jews Hitler shut down the unions. Interesting set of priorities.

You didn't mention that unions are forbidden in communist countries also.

Under Hitler's dictatorship, unions and corporations had no power, and under communism another form of dictatorship there are no corporations for unions to leach off of and destroy, the communist have already done that.

The union is all about power, it takes away power from the owner that built the business and gives it to those that neither put in the blood, sweat and money to create the business.

The unions are like communist they take for themselves what others have created, in other words they pilfer the independence and property from individuals.

Much like what the USSR did to Russia---turned it into a Third World Country.

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