posted on Oct, 11 2005 @ 12:58 PM
Part 2
Thank you for your responses.
To prevent some confusion, I would like to attempt a quick review of what we read so far from the advisor.
1) Indigo children are a genetic change in humans that will become quite numerous in future years. [Ron: Perhaps in a thousand years, homo sapiens
will not be in the majority of the world’s population.]
2) Indigo children have an a greater sensitivity to spiritual contact and that will make them behave differently, and to make them pursue vocations we
have not even defined for now. [Ron: Services will open up we do not know we need yet, and it is these children as adults that will perform many of
these areas of services.]
3) Indigo children are being born around the world in several locations. (Ron: This should indicate that the appearance of indigo children are born
of parents of different racial origins as well as in different earth cultures.)
4) When indigo children age, there will be a change in their color to an indigo. [Ron: There bodies will develop a violet/purple cast to their
original skin color).
5) We (the population in general) may not recognize their presence in this early development since most of us do not know what to look for. It is
science that will properly identify the indigo children by studying their DNA structure which is quite different in some areas. [Ron: I do not know
that science has yet to grasp that a human mutation is occurring in significant ways yet.]
6) Indigo children can sense the morontia [ more . rawn . sha] better than we can. [Ron: Morontia is an energy composed of both spiritual and material
energies. It is invisible to our eyes. Our souls are constructed of morontia energy, for one example as to how it is used. There are morontia
beings who live on earth and who never die. They are not visible, but indigo children, at least some of them, will develop the ability to see this
form frequency.]
7) Indigo children will often work with the staff of a Son of God scheduled to appear here in the next few years. These children already understand
what this mission is about and will be among the great helpers to reform this planet with the staff of the coming divine mission.
I am pleased to provide Part 2 of the transcription for you below.
Part 2
Student: Is there any percentage of population of the children to be born this way, for a critical mass number, perhaps?
Celestial Advisor. I have no answer for your question.
Student: I’ve been wondering if as part of the morontial blending that is taking place with us here now, is DNA change a part of that? Is our DNA
being changed?
Celestial Advisor: In terms of bringing about the morontial blending? (Student: Yes.) No. You have within you latent morontial skills and potentials,
which are existent, yet have to be developed. You, by participating in this spiritual community, your willingness to explore your spirituality in
practical terms, has the ability to awaken within you, those nascent skills. You, personally, have awakened numerous of them, though there are many
which you are not recognizing, or are not conscious of. This is not an unusual situation, as you have few peers who can educate you, who can train you
to appreciate what you have in its most minor form. Were you to recognize these, and given an opportunity and environment of support, you could
develop them greatly. The morontial blending is as much cultural as it is hereditary.
You have within you the remaining Adamic strains of your spiritual parents, Adam and Eve, who came here to share their germ plasm with your species.
Unfortunately, as you know, this effort was cut short, truncated, abbreviated in many ways, so that the percentage that exists in you personally, and
others here, is very low, yet it does exist.
It is not a factor that is totally bred out of your being; some of your races carry more of this germ plasm than others. Those who are of the blue and
white races, have a good percentage, as do those who are the red and yellow races. The violet race and green race are gone, as you know, and so these
have been eliminated and their part of the gene pool has been eliminated. This is most unfortunate, yet it is what you live with. You can actually,
intentionally and deliberately, activate this germ plasm within you, these morontial capacities, simply by willing to do so.
These are talents, which are much like those of being a violin player or an artist of various sorts, who has nascent skills, which can be awakened
with practice. You simply say, "I wish to become a pianist," then you begin practicing. You can say, "I wish to awaken the morontial capacities
within me, at all levels of consciousness, in this lifetime," and then you must seek ways of amplifying those awakening skills.
There are no morontial schools, unfortunately, on your planet. There are no morontial/mortal schools, either. And there are very few mortal schools,
which deliberately and with intent, that strive to awaken those skills within you. This too, is most unfortunate.
You could learn much from the native, aboriginal races of each continent. Select from those that are the most spiritually evolved, those that have the
most evolved concepts of the universe integration and contact with the Creator. This will guide you in these schools of their practices for
But, we have to say many of you are "sissies." (Laughter.) You do not like to dehydrate intentionally. You do not like to expose yourself to harsh
elements. You would not like to run for twenty miles without water, would you? You would not like to be in the wilderness by yourself, without
clothing at night. You would not wish to develop those skills and so, the aboriginals would say you are "sissies."
Yet there are, my friends, many ways of crashing the barriers of consciousness, so that your morontial skills can come through. There is what you
call, the "breath of life," the dynamic breath, where you over-ride your instincts to stop breathing but you pant with guidance, with one who
understands breathing techniques. This can crash the barriers of your consciousness. There are various Tantric processes, which you can also use to do
the same thing. As you know, many of these practices have been subverted for other pleasurable reasons. This is a diversion from the original intent
of these insights.
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Ron: For the reader who may wish another voice from the celestial teachers to corroborate the Celestial Advisor’s instructions above, here are a few
words from yet another fine teacher answering a question about the indigo children.
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(JarEl 2/2005)
Student: Could you please comment on the phenomenon of the Indigo Children?
JarEl: Yes, these Indigo Children are nothing more then the logical step of evolution on your world. These genetic plans have been long in the works
before any humans have ever existed; before life began on your world. This new jump of evolution is the result of carefully laid out plans of the Life
Carriers. In order for you to begin to understand this new generation of children you must have full knowledge of how your world has evolved and how
it continues to evolve. You must have this knowledge present in your mind in order to accommodate such children. If you are ignorant of this, then you
run the risk of alienating these gifted children who will one day control this planet. They are your planet’s destiny and your future. They are to
be cared for, loved and nurtured, as all children should.
You must treat every child as an Indigo Child. If you truly view these children as being special, then all children should be special as well. When I
see your planet, I do not isolate one group from another. I do not favor one or the other. I see your world and the human race slowing but surely
evolving to a point where they will reach Light and Life. A new generation is here that will help to bring the beginnings of this new age, the Age of
Light and Life. The preparation that all of you here have taken in your own lives has qualified you to administer and nurture such children.
It is important that you identify these children as soon as possible so that you may adequately prepare for the future.
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Ron here: Please feel free to ask questions. It is the only way to emphasize answers and expand the information. I do not consider any question dumb
or unworthy. Please help yourself if a question forms that you wish to ask.
Thank you.