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What Would You Do?

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posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 01:58 AM
What would you do if Christ appeared tomorrow and asked you to join with him?
Give reasons for your answer.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 02:02 AM
Christ will appear tomorrow. Except HE won't assk you to join Him. You will have had that opportunity to have made up your mind a long time now. And if you think you're going to bother Him about details THEN, then you gotta be outta yer mind darling hahaha.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by SamaraMorgueAnn
Christ will appear tomorrow. Except HE won't assk you to join Him. You will have had that opportunity to have made up your mind a long time now. And if you think you're going to bother Him about details THEN, then you gotta be outta yer mind darling hahaha.

-shrugs- He means nothing to me, I'm just wondering what everyone else would do.

Would they follow?
Or not?

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 02:12 AM
Ok, well without any "what if" type things getting in the way of this question like what if it was really Satan in disguise, etc.

Hell ya I'd join up with him....Who wouldn't??? Aside from the Satan worshipers of course. And I think even most of them would change their tune in this case.

Why, I'll tell ya why! Cause there are quite a few people around the world that would be on the list of getting an "HOLY @SS WHOOPIN!!" Even if I only get to stand back and watch the look on their face when it happened, that would still be fine with me and I wouldn't want to miss those golden moments!!

Also, I would hope the son of God would have some sense of humor, as I'm sure he'd would by picking me in the first place. Cause as he was dishin' out the justly deserved karma to all the nasty bastards of the world, I would be talkin' major $hit, baby!!!! Afterwards, Jesus and I would sit back and have a nice laugh about it too!

Thanks for asking that question, I really enjoyed exploring that little fantasy!

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 02:18 AM
"And I think even most of them would change their tune in this case. "

Yea, you're right. I think I would if given the opportunity!

"Cause there are quite a few people around the world that would be on the list of getting an "HOLY @SS WHOOPIN!!" Even if I only get to stand back and watch the look on their face when it happened, that would still be fine with me and I wouldn't want to miss those golden moments!! "

Oaw you are too cruel.Ha. YOU must be Satan himself! OY you make me faint with fear hahaha you sonof a gun hahaha

[Edited on 9/11/2003 by SamaraMorgueAnn]

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 02:19 AM
Maybe I should set up a scenario.

You are watching the news one day and a report comes on
"Jesus Christ returns as our Lord and Saviour!"
Then there is some video footage of a man floating about 5 feet in the air, somewhere in the middle East, arms outstretched saying "I have returned to judge and rule the world"

What would you do?

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 02:29 AM
Actually I figure it will be on the media. Because how the heck could everyone see it all at the same time, except for what we all have available right now to us. Or perhaps it may be like some so cool day-dream and everyone runs outside to look, at the sky, to see if that is correct or something, that they are receiving the signal hahaah,aaha, correctly.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 02:30 AM

Originally posted by �any

Originally posted by SamaraMorgueAnn
Christ will appear tomorrow. Except HE won't assk you to join Him. You will have had that opportunity to have made up your mind a long time now. And if you think you're going to bother Him about details THEN, then you gotta be outta yer mind darling hahaha.

-shrugs- He means nothing to me, I'm just wondering what everyone else would do.

Would they follow?
Or not?

On the Day He comes back, you will care.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by TheyWatchYouToo

On the Day He comes back, you will care.

Prove it.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 02:52 AM

Originally posted by �any
Maybe I should set up a scenario.

You are watching the news one day and a report comes on
"Jesus Christ returns as our Lord and Saviour!"
Then there is some video footage of a man floating about 5 feet in the air, somewhere in the middle East, arms outstretched saying "I have returned to judge and rule the world"

What would you do?

Well now Dany, that is certainly a whole lot less fun of a scenario, but I'll humor ya....

First, I wouldn't see such a message as I don't watch the news. It's nothing but a bunch of Lies, or Half truths at best, along with a one sided, unintelligent opinions. Plus the news just loves to drill all the negative crap in the world right to ya, which I already know is there and don't need them to re-hash it for me from their simple-minded perspective.

Second, I would seriously question such a cheesy and non-creative way of appearing. My first thoughts would be that it's a lame trick from a second rate Special Effects Guy. I would hope after all this time to think about a proper entrance, the sky would split, stars would fade, the land would be instantly leveled leaving only humans standing naked in the blood red sunshine. Then a voice of thunder would boom from the heavens cracking open the scorched earth and boiling the seas. Arch-Angels as tall as mountains would fall from above and strike the earth. Flaming swords in hand with a look in their eye so fierce Clint Eastwood and Charles Bronson would whimper like baby girls from just a glance. Ya know somethin' like that!!

3rd. I would stand there in awe awaiting my judgement I guess and would try not to do something stupid during those last few seconds that would screw up my chances of being on the "Good Boy List". Also secretly hoping that this whole judgemnet thing is graded on somewhat of a bell curve, cause if it comes down to being "A sin is a sin is a sin" kind of thing, I'm not sure anyone including myself will be seeing anthing other than a firery lake. In fact I would feel a bit sorry for the monks especially, here they've gone their whole lives never even killing a bug and living totally as one with nature, and at the end of it all, they get caught on a technicallity.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 02:58 AM
The media has Christ returning somewhere in the world most days. I don't believe it.

No, I wouldn't join in: while Christ as a man in history had many useful things to say, the status attributed to him by the Churches for their own evil purposes has little to do with what I believe is my own righteous path in life.

And levitation is too easy a camera trick to be sucked in by these days.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 03:34 AM
hmmm....lemme think....

Well I would probably go whereever he wanted me to go , I mean he would actually be real. So I guess thats what I would do. I would not stand around and argue with the man..


posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 03:34 AM
if christ appear tomorrow i will asked him do you think your are the son of god or the ancient prophet that muhammad have says about your history a long time ago.well if you says you are the son of god ermmm let us fight each other or battle anywhere else you like too or in the armmaggedon. i care not whose gonna win you or me.but if he says i m the ancient prophet that being told by the muhhamad in ancient time then i will asked proof to me the thing or the sacred relic that god has promised to you,with that relic is you have the authority than i will says take what ever you like too or asked me, i ll joint you to where ever you go too

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 12:28 PM
I would join him so that both of us could be crucified again together. We are all the sons and daughters of God. Open your heart and listen to your soul. It tells you. However, you must listen.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 12:46 PM
I'd ask him to hold up his hands in the wind....and then see if it makes a whistling sound as it passes through the holes....

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 12:55 PM
i would laugh at all the unfaithfull...
i would cry at all the ignorant...
i would begin my ascension...
and if that means war against evil so be...

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
I'd ask him to hold up his hands in the wind....and then see if it makes a whistling sound as it passes through the holes....

That made my day, heheheh.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 09:19 PM
no. I'm not a bandwagon-jumper. it's not like he's Santa Claus, people. I see way too much "OMG, I'm a Christian and when Jesus comes, he'll give toys to all the good Christian girls and boys and coal to those evil bastard heathens!". that's retarded. being a good person and being a Christian aren't necessarily the same thing. going to church every Sunday doesn't give people the right to be self-righteous jerks.
I've decided long ago that the best path in life is to not be an asshole, religion or no. if Jesus disagrees with that, I'll happily take up my place in hell.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 10:16 PM

Originally posted by MorningtonCrescent
no. I'm not a bandwagon-jumper. it's not like he's Santa Claus, people. I see way too much "OMG, I'm a Christian and when Jesus comes, he'll give toys to all the good Christian girls and boys and coal to those evil bastard heathens!". that's retarded. being a good person and being a Christian aren't necessarily the same thing. going to church every Sunday doesn't give people the right to be self-righteous jerks.
I've decided long ago that the best path in life is to not be an asshole, religion or no. if Jesus disagrees with that, I'll happily take up my place in hell.

That made my day too.

[Edited on 12-9-2003 by �any]

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 11:03 PM
I would be most inclined to agree with MorningtonCrescent...You don't have to attend Church to be a good person.

....But it certainly seemsthat you need to be evil to succeed at a political career these days...

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