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non US...what is your opinion

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posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 12:22 AM
ok, i have come to the conclusion that the majority of posts on this site come from american or british an american veteran who strives to increase his knowledge by learning more from others, i would like to invite all non-americans (especially middle-eastern arab and israeli members) to tell us how you really feel and explain the reasoning behind that sentiment.

[edit on 2-10-2005 by John bull 1]

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 12:31 AM
Opinion on what??

The war on terror? Iraq?

Let me quote myself from another thread:

Syrian Sister, I have an off-topic question:
I presume you are of middle-eastern origin and I would really like to know if you stay in the Middle-east..
Its for this informal survey I am conducting on ATS members, who are of non-western origin..
I am from India, reside in India, and I'd also like to add, that I along with my country are totally against the war in Iraq

I think one would pretty much know what opinion the people from the middle-east have on the topics I mentioned above...
IMO, the real grey area on opinions, lies in other parts of the world..

[edit on 2-10-2005 by Daedalus3]

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 12:31 AM
I think we've done this before but I'll answer your questions. To preface, I'm a WASP, Canadian. I think your government is out of control. It has no regard for the people or the men and women in the military. It doesn't care about your economy, ie, how the working person lives.

Just an observation from above the 49th.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
I think we've done this before but I'll answer your questions. To preface, I'm a WASP, Canadian. I think your government is out of control. It has no regard for the people or the men and women in the military. It doesn't care about your economy, ie, how the working person lives.

Just an observation from above the 49th.

fair enough....i respect your opinion intrepid....and for the record, i am also a WASP....anyone else?

(and by the way, i should have mentioned this earlier, but i've opened this thread up hoping for true individual opinions and not political anti-american/briton blogs.....if you disagree with where we are as americans/brits, thats fine, just give me a well thought out argument instead of irrational hatemail, as i have clearly stated that the intent of this thread is to learn something.....that includes you various unnamed members...though i doubt you'll have the huevos rancheros to actually contribute anything other than ancient middle eastern religion bashing.....hope you prove me wrong on that as i would like to learn.....)

Mod Edit: Fire Prevention. Remember, only you can prevent flaming in threads...

[edit on 2-10-2005 by snafu7700]

[edit on 2/10/2005 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 01:20 AM
LMAO.....thank you mister mod for correcting my indiscretions....although i wish you would have let me name the member by name to challenge he/she to post something worth listening to for the educational value.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 01:29 AM
So is this thread just a personal challenge to another member then?

tell us how you really feel and explain the reasoning behind that sentiment.

What exactly are you asking?

Just so I don't feel I need to post on this thread anymore I will post this and hope it satisfies your query.

I wish Americans a great future filled with the freedoms they have thanks to the constitution and the bill of rights. I hope that Americans protect their rights no matter who their political leaders are.
I am not only against the war in Iraq but I am against war period. May it be by terrorism, by nuke or by invasion, children do not deserve to die.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by Umbrax
So is this thread just a personal challenge to another member then?

tell us how you really feel and explain the reasoning behind that sentiment.

What exactly are you asking?

Just so I don't feel I need to post on this thread anymore I will post this and hope it satisfies your query.
I wish Americans a great future filled with the freedoms they have thanks to the constitution and the bill of rights. I hope that Americans protect their rights no matter who their political leaders are.
I am not only against the war in Iraq but I am against war period. May it be by terrorism, by nuke or by invasion, children do not deserve to die.

no, this is not a personal challenge...that statement stems from another thread....and if the mod had not edited me, you would understand

this is what i want:

i am asking for everyone's humble opinion about the world in general (we in the united states, regardless of our freedom of press, do not necessarily get the true world opinions.)

and just so that we are on the same page, i agree that children do not deserve to die.

again, the point of this thread is that i am attempting to learn everyone else's opinion....i might not agree with that opinion once i read it, but i would like to know what it is anyway so i know where you are coming from.....and unless you are obviously bashing jews, arabs, americans, brits, etc.....i promise to respect your opinion.

[edit on 2-10-2005 by snafu7700]

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 02:00 AM
Since this thread is in the War on Terror forum and not the Politics forum, I shall limit my comments to my personal feelings concerning the War on Terror and America's involvement in it.

I am an Australian and as such I consider Americans to be allies diplomatically, economically and militarily. In terms of the War on Terror, I would be wholeheartedly in support of it if it truly were a war on terrorism and despotic regimes. What I mean by this is that if the Coalition wished to truly liberate oppressed peoples and free the world from tyranny and the spectre of terrorism, then we could be doing more.

Take Africa, for example. If we wanted to liberate people from oppression at the hands of corrupt and murderous governments, there are many such instances throughout Africa. Let's invade those countries and overthrow their governments. What's more, lets be open about it. Let's say "Yes, we are attacking and invading a country which is no threat to us personally whatsoever, but we are doing so for the right reasons". You see, I used to believe that we should stay out of the affairs of other countries, that it was none of our business what happened there. I no longer believe that. Rather, I think that we are all human and if humans are suffering unnecessarily under despotic and tyrannical governments, that we have a responsibility to overthrow those governments and bring if not freedom then at least security to those people. I realise that there are many complex issues in doing so, but this is my general opinion.

Currently, the War on Terror appears to me to be a means of ensuring the continued security of America's interests in the Middle East as well as a means of promoting stability in the region. This is all well and good, but let us not be halfhearted. If this is a war on terrorism and tyrants, then let's go get them! I would be more than happy to see Australia's military take part in an attack on corrupt and tyrannical African governments in the name of overthrowing tyrants. If this war is just to ensure America's safety and the safety of its foreign interests, then why exactly is my country involved? If America were directly attacked itself, then I would have no problem with Australian troops being committed to assist in her defence. Indeed, after 9/11 Australia made good on this promise by enacting the ANZUS Security Treaty, which considers an attack on America to be an attack on Australia and vice versa. But America does not need our support in protecting its overseas interests.

If we are fighting terrorists and despotic regimes, then let us do so and make no bones about it. But at the moment it all seems a little hypocritical for me. There are people suffering under brutal, tyrannical leaders. Our Coalition should, in my opinion, turn its strength towards identifying and annihilating these regimes if we are to be true to our commitment to help oppressed peoples. What's good for Iraq and Afghanistan should be good for Liberia and Rwanda.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 02:12 AM
jeremiah, i could not agree more....the problem is that we tried that in administration started it, and another something about monkeys and a football it up by not giving it the support it needed, and then intstead of admitting he was wrong and fixing the problem, pulled us completely out (which, IMHO, is a causal factor in where we are today).

Mod Edit: Please Do Not Circumvent The Censors, Not Even A Little!

[edit on 2/10/2005 by Mirthful Me]

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 03:42 AM
I was born in Somalia, fled the country at the age of 5 due to the civil war and ended up growing up in Holland living there for 10 years..
I'm now currently residing in England, been here for the past 4 years.
I'm a born and raised Muslim.. I turned away from the religion 2 years ago, not due to the 9/11 attacks or any type of terrorism attacks because I KNOW that Islam is a peacefull religion and witnessed that my whole life in my family and neighbours.. I turned away from Islam for another reason, bassically dont want to believe in any religion that sees their God as so peacefull that he's even able to stop all the madness in the world but yet he doesnt.


I think many Americans dont care what they're government does aslong as they get to live their luxurious life.
I think America should tone down its $500billion a year budget to aid in other areas like healthcare/education.
I think America should stop trying to control the world, focus more on defending their country against ANY type of attack rather than being offensive and leaving their defense on American soil weak.
All great Empires are bound to fall sooner or later, America might aswell be prepared for it.

I condemned the 9/11 attack, I felt for the families but I also read/heard about the backlash against Arabs and Muslims in America.
I would be angry too but to generalise and attack any Arab in any shape or form just because several of their countrymen killed your family member/friend is just plain ignorant.

I'm normally against any type of war but getting rid of the Taliban in Afghanistan somehow felt to me justified but when America tried to invade Iraq too, I knew Bush and Co's War on Terror was actually War on those that opposed US interests advancement or tried to harm it in any way.

Allthough many Americans oppose any war against Iran, I can't help but think what if another terror attack hits US soil and the Americans get blinded by their hate and gives in to their Government and demands revenge?
I have been to Tehran (Iran), its a beatifull place.
Some Americans still see it as a third-world country somehow or a country full of sand.
Many think all women in Iran have to wear those Islamic black dresses covered from head to toe, well they dont have too (my girlfriend didnt have too), I've seen women in Iran that just walk and look like those in Holland/UK, several with no scarfs and most with a headscarf but only partially of their hair covered (fashion style).
If you happen to visit there sometime, look around and think what will happen if B2/B52/Tomahawk/Cruise missiles/bombs hit those streets, a culture crushed because Bush doesnt want them to advance or stop the upcoming Iranian Oil Bourse.. Not many Islamic countries are in the same league as the Western ones, why prevent them to climb to that level?
Ofcourse Iran has problems, but like they said so many times.. They wanna solve it themselves, they dont need a Shah repeat.

To see what Iran looks like really rather than what the Media is showing you, have a look at this site:
The true Iran and its people.

Do those look like people that are under an radical Islamic regime?
Do they look like they need help?
Its a westernized Nation that is shaping up to be a real power econimically and otherwise.
Many see Islam living in the Dark ages, they want them to be westernized.. Advance more.. Yet they wanna see the Invasion of Iran?

Related Subjects:
War Corporatism!

[edit on 2-10-2005 by shire19]

[edit on 2-10-2005 by shire19]

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 05:25 AM
Shire, that was a great post

Alrighty. I'm a Brit, living in the US. I do think the War on Terror was misguided, and I question the legitimacy of the Iraq invasion. I worry that this administration is alienating the nation from the rest of the world; despite claims of the contrary, the US does indeed need the global community and for more than a few reasons.

Sometimes the blind patriotism evident in some people disturbs me more than the apathy that's common in others.

What we need is balance; and what we have are extremes.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 05:27 AM

Originally posted by snafu7700
OK, i have come to the conclusion that the majority of posts on this site come from American or British nationals

I don't think this is true, i would say its pretty close to equal or a greater American majority.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 05:56 AM

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 03:18 PM
thank you shire for that well thought out post....and the pics are quite interesting....they do appear in every way similar to european and american cities.

the second link (war corporatism) doesnt seem to work though.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 04:04 PM

Those pics were great.

I really hope those people aren't blasted and bombed for the benefit of the pigs running our country. Not to mention the beautiful landscapes. If I were to live there, I would probably worship God (Allah), too.

It makes me guilty that if Iran is invaded, it will have been the fault of the corrupt leadership of my home country, and my lack of action. I should dissociate myself from this anti-Christ of a political system completely ASAP, and I hope that the war pigs meet fitting deaths.

Thanks again for the post, Shire.

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by bsbray11
Those pics were great.

This is what Rummy and Co. would call a "target-rich environment".

Today, via Josh Marshall, we learn that former White House terrorism advisor Richard Clarke has told 60 Minutes how it happened:

"Rumsfeld was saying we needed to bomb Iraq....We all said, 'but no, no. Al Qaeda is in Afghanistan," recounts Clarke, "and Rumsfeld said, 'There aren't any good targets in Afghanistan and there are lots of good targets in Iraq.' I said, 'Well, there are lots of good targets in lots of places, but Iraq had nothing to do with [the September 11 attacks].'"


[edit on 2005-10-2 by wecomeinpeace]

posted on Oct, 2 2005 @ 06:57 PM
ok im from South Africa and living in NewZealand.I dont know if many of you consider South Africa as a western nation but i`ll give my opinion anyway.

The U.S is an oversized elephant that is unable to carry itself and look after itself.Because of this it discrimminates other smaller animals because of its problem.

(My view isnt directed to all americans.Im good friends with an American from Washington state.I can understand how many americans feel of what their government is doing.)

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 09:07 PM

Originally posted by blackSt33L
ok im from South Africa and living in NewZealand.I dont know if many of you consider South Africa as a western nation but i`ll give my opinion anyway.

The U.S is an oversized elephant that is unable to carry itself and look after itself.Because of this it discrimminates other smaller animals because of its problem.

(My view isnt directed to all americans.Im good friends with an American from Washington state.I can understand how many americans feel of what their government is doing.)

everyone's opinion is welcome here blackSt.

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 04:52 AM
my opinion on the us is basically they just think they are to good.

they got no sense of modesty or being humble.

i think this mentallity, reinforced by the "we are number one" culture makes your goverment do the things such that its does

on the current events and such, i think your compleatly in the wrong with going into iraq, and supporting isreal, and most of the rest of the stuff you do outside your country.

i also dissaprove of your use of english, changing words like "nite" and "color"

i really hate people comming from another country, and doing an assignment with them, and they are telling me i dont know how to talk my own language.

people from india and japan and such having learnt the american way of spelling

i am from australia

i do not hold the US in very high regard at all, and if there were no alliance i wouldnt be extreammly fussed

posted on Oct, 15 2005 @ 07:53 PM
I must say, I agree that it is completely ridiculous that Americans have butchered the English language. I just don't understand why. Why dumb down the spelling? How is it any harder to speak and spell in it's original form? I could understand if the English language was invented by Americans, but then it would be called American, right? It's like as if people just never wrapped their heads around the fact that armour is spelt with a "U" in there, and they just gave up.

By the way, past tense of "drag" is "dragged", not "drug". Also, past tense of "swell" is "swelled" or "swollen", not "swolled". I have also experienced foreigners coming to my country and using American spelling.

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