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Getting board of it all?

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posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 06:33 PM
Dont you people ever get board of it all?

I started getting into the UFO field about 2 years ago. Until that time, I have read it all, and its the same story over and over again. Its all very interesting and all, but you dont see any progress. Now I'm in withdrawl mode.

So my question to you is...arent you bored yet?

On a side note: I have to applaud the credible people in this profession who have not withdrawn becuase of loss of interest and are still in this field.

[edit on 18-9-2005 by kyateLaBoca]

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 06:46 PM
yeah, I know the feeling. When I first started lurking, I got wood from the amount of info on here. I read ceaselessly everything and anything that caught my eye. Then I scanned the old necroed threads and read those too.

Then one day, I looked, and I realized that I read it all. (well, all that interested me) It was a let-down not to get amped on a daily basis. I was a bit depressed from the withdrawl too.

Now, I stop by 10x a day instead of it running in the background day/night. When new stuff happens (and it always does) we will see it here first. I still scan the most replied to threads hoping for a burst of info that sparks up a discussion. I would ween myself off this site, but I fear missing out on something of interest.

I suppose one could just wait for the newsletter and get a heads up then, but I kinda enjoy hunting the site for nuggets amongst the glitter.

[edit on 18-9-2005 by shadow watcher]

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 06:51 PM
I agree with what your saying. The stories seem to be the same, videos of pixelated dots, similar looking photos of rubber alien suits. What we need to kick-start UFOuology back into gear is another big type of "Roswell" event. A recovered object, believable video etc. I know that the goverment has more experience of covering these situations up now (thanks to the 60's) but still, a well publicised event would bring more interest into the situation and could possibly yeild results.

Time to wait for the onslaught of criticising comments...


posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 07:11 PM
There are just to many hoaxes and false sightings for me to believe anyones stroy anymore. I come to the point where a flying saucer would have to land in a populated area with 2 or 3 hundred witnesses and 3 or 4 video camera's and a news van catching the whole thing live for me to's just come to that now.

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by kyateLaBoca
Dont you people ever get board of it all?

So my question to you is...arent you bored yet?
[edit on 18-9-2005 by kyateLaBoca]

Not quite yet. I just reread my John Keel books and get all psyched up again.

I am fortunate that I live in an area with a large ufo/paranormal/mindf*** community that likes to party. Also I spend a lot of time in the desert and mountains of the beautiful American southwest. I personally see things I cant explain on a regular basis; not to say they belong in the "high strangness" catogory, I just can't explain them.

Don't get bogged down with just UFOs; the phenomanon is much broader, with paranormal and religous overtones. Try reading Chris OBrians "Enter the Valley" and I think you will see what I mean.

For me the trick is to not become obsessive about any subject. The obsessed burn out because the energy to feed the obsession cant be maintained.

kyatelaboca I think it's time I shut my mouth!

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 08:00 PM
I agree with thecry. For some reason I have turned more skeptic than believer. Why? Becuase there is so much fraud out there. Anyone who claims to be a first hand experiencer has some sort of fall back to their sighting or abduction story.

The farthest I will go and say is that: I believe...

-There is some sort of visitation here
-The govt. does have some sort of communication with E.T.
-The military or shadow govt. has over unity energy solutions to oil.
-We are far from 1st official contact, becuase I believe we are being "observed" right now.
-We need another Roswell to happen in the middle of Times Square with hurt alien bodies coming out of the ship asking for help, and many citizens seeing them/interacting with them. But I would laugh, if the govt. managed to cover that up.

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 08:37 PM
I'm not yet bored of it, but I have my moments of doubts which is depressing.

Strongest cases are highlighted by Gazrok and that definitly indicates something funny IS going on and I have no doubt in my mind there have been visitations or even more interestingly, beings living here.

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 08:42 PM

Originally posted by kyateLaBoca
The farthest I will go and say is that: I believe...

-There is some sort of visitation here
-The govt. does have some sort of communication with E.T.
-The military or shadow govt. has over unity energy solutions to oil.
-We are far from 1st official contact, becuase I believe we are being "observed" right now.

More of a skeptic than a believer? Sounds like more of a believer than a skeptic by what you wrote.

[edit on 18-9-2005 by whaaa]

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 09:08 PM
I can never be bored of the subject that I feel is the most important of my life time. I have certainly gone through a great deal of the information that is available, but the subject itself never fades from memory or tires me.

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 09:11 PM
If you get bored, why not get some documentries on your favorite cases? they can thrill you no matter how much you know of the subject

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 10:46 PM
I definitely understand what your saying about being bored about the same subjects that are just written in different ways. I was thinking about this topic a couple of days ago, I check this site religiously but lately I just see the same old threads over and over. Even when i go searching on the web hoping for something new and interesting i just end up finding even wilder storys that end up making me laugh, but i do check this site just to see if something interesting pops up (which is becoming less and less). I must admit I love hearing peoples theories, right now that seems to be the highlight of my visit here (and all I expect to find).
But one thing that really annoys me here is when someone new decides to write a thread that was talked about before (which is unavoidable since almost everything has been touched) and some big hotshot here rips him a new one. For the love of god try to give people a break here. If it wasnt for these threads there REALLY wouldnt be any new threads on this site. I say to these people if you see a thread youve read before just move on.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 12:11 AM
It's odd that my first post is in this discussion. I too have read old and current posts and have never felt the need to reply to any, mainly because I had nothing new to offer.

It seems that our alien "friends" have perfected their crafts and don't crash them anymore. Moreover, they seem to fly in "designated" areas most of the time (unlike the Zimbabwe incident). So those of us living not only outside the USA but not in the UFO hotspots will soon enough get bored of it all. Like one person who's posted in this thread, what we really need a whopper of an event to arouse non UFO public interest. This is what it will take methinks:

A clearly non terrestial craft crashing somewhere way away from America, where amatuers and non primed media can take pictures and video while the "authorities" are on their way to cover up the event. To add spice to it all, an alien survivor or two could drag themselves out and give those first to the scene the low down on what is really going on, by whatever means they use to communicate.

In the meantime, I'll from time to time drop in here and see what's going on etc but nothing much tweaks my meters these days I'm afraid. The only other way is for a mass protest walk into one of these supposed alien reserves in the USA, but that's unlikely isn't it?

It's not all boring though. I personally amuse myself reading the posters slagging each other off for matters ranging from credibility to grammar.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 04:38 AM
I agree. I started coming here a couple of years ago seeking an up-to-the-minute view of UFOlogy. Before that time I had read books, watched documentaries etc, but these concerned themselves cheifly with the famous historical sightings, e.g. Roswell etc. There was nothing up-to-date. And every new book/documentary would recap what I already knew.

I thought that the internet might provide the answers. I guessed (or hoped) that, with the advent of digital cameras, mobile phone cams etc, people would be capturing great UFO footage from all over the world and disseminating it across the net.

What I find instead is the same old story. Sadly, whether true or not, if there's a new account of a UFO, people are still unable to provide convincing evidence. "Blurry/pixalated lights" is about the best we get.

The existence of ET craft is a solvable puzzle. Governments are not omnipotent. If UFO's are here, it should be possible to prove their existence (paranoid goverment or not).

The puzzle is straight forward. It's not easy. But it's at least logical.

But in the absence of any evidence, what we get instead is something akin to a religion.

More and more, I see people talking about UFO's and spirituality. I see conspiracy theories that are impossible to disprove due to their circular arguments. It's becomming more a matter of faith than truth.

People are claiming that ETs are communicating in dreams/telepathically/spiritually etc. In the absence of any hard facts, they are creating a construct that will support their wish to belive in ETs but cannot be destroyed through rational thought.

I think this is dangerous for the subject of UFOlogy. It's no wonder scientists avoid it.

I don't know what the next step is. I came here as a UFO beliver, but I feel it's always necessary to question things. Having done that, I'm becomming more and more skeptic.

Never before have we had the means or opportunity to solve the UFO mystery once and for all, and spread that answer across the world in seconds. And yet all that's presented itself is a sea of hearsay and speculation.

Still... there's always hope.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 06:50 AM
Author: Getting board of it all?

Dont loose the faith m8, i'm like u, i get bored at looking at all the same evidence, but at least we have the knowledge, and i suppose its up to us to pass it on, new stories will come and go, plz be patient.

I was watching a video that i downloaded the other day called: UFOs The Hidden Truth,
and it went on about an old abduction story that i forgot about,
On Oct. 11, 1973, Hickson and Calvin Parker were fishing on the Pascagoula River, enjoying the cool fall evening. What seemed to be the beginning of a peaceful night turned to chaos when the pair suddenly found themselves in a close encounter with an alien craft and its occupants.,

this is a link to the full story with audio interviews, plus the full transcript of the sheriff interview,

Perhaps the most crucial importance of the recording lies in the fact that Hickson and Parker relate the experience within a few hours of the abduction and the listener can hear their confusion, fear and astonishment (not just to the Sheriff's deputies, but among themselves when they remain alone in the room) at what they had just experienced

listen to the interview, its hard to hear so follw the transcript on the other link,

you may have hurd all this before but i put it in just incase,

All the best... Ian

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 07:14 AM
Lot's of good thoughtful responses to this topic.

It's a valid concern and certainly something most all enthusiasts in any field of research hit as a brick wall when fully saturated.

And the saturation phenom certainly happened by the end of the 90's as the Internet grew more accessible. I'd say the biggest problem one must overcome now is the increase in the hoax to evidence ratio.

If you recall, a handful of difficult to discount cases prior to the 90's made believers out of millions. Then by the late 90's and X-Files fever pitch there was almost a feeling of entitlement to imminent disclosure among more enthusiasts than ever. Now, though those solid cases haven't changed one bit, the field is clouded more and more daily as intensity of hope dissipates for us all.

You have to be skeptical now. That's just being loyal to the discipline. As those of rabid blind faith do more harm to the pursuit than the skeptics ever could (and that's true of any discipline).

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 07:15 AM
i like some others get bored with the mumbo jumbo stuff that comes out in here and other places, but sometimes someone comes out with something worth looking at and even give link to justify thier claims other times its just dreamers wanting self glory as in i was taken to the 10 planet and met jesus and elvis type stuff. when i first started there was just books and mags a few videos no net no sites like this very hard to get info in the early days, and when you did everyone looked at you like s nutter One of the first books i read was chariots of the gods then after that about 30 more books that i still have some good some crap now today i can get dvd documentrys . 2 i think are relitivley good ufos& aliens and Out of the blue, oh i have chariots of the gods on dvd
old but interesting. what im trying to say is this subject can be boring at times but it is a wait game in time something always comes out and gets you going again hell im near 50 started when i was 25

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 07:55 AM

You have to be skeptical now. That's just being loyal to the discipline. As those of rabid blind faith do more harm to the pursuit than the skeptics ever could (and that's true of any discipline).

A sad, but correct truth.

Oddly enough, some of my threads on what I consider to be important cases were done just for that reason... I was bored. I decided to dive in deep to already established cases, to see if I could learn more. I honestly didn't expect to find more than what I'd heard before.... Man was I wrong! (and pleasantly so). I always knew there was a lot to Roswell, and I knew many of the details. BUT, I'd never really examined it all so in depth before...looking at the good with the bad witnesses, etc. At first, I felt I'd end up coming away from the Roswell research going with Mogul, etc. but man was I ever wrong!

I looked into the Mantell case, expecting to find even more bizarre details to support a UFO. I mean, some of the stories surrounding the case were near legendary.... To my surprise, I ended up following the logic to the explanation of the skyhook balloon, as it fit every facet of the encounter.

My cure for boredom was re-examining these old cases, to really understand what happened (or what probably happened) and why, etc. Another cure was going through some of the 1000's of UFO documents in the FOIA files. While most is garbage, there are some real gems in there...

Assuming the coverup is truly going on (and I believe it is, based on the research), these guys are good at what they do, and they've been at it for decades. It truly would take either a public landing and meet and greet, or a public recovery event, to force disclosure. Knowing that, I found that one way to not be so bored, was to go back to the time when they were fairly new at this, and made more mistakes. The paper trail is there, the mistakes are there. Theres a reason they've needed to go back and try to cover some of those mistakes up (i.e. like the Roswell Reports, etc. by the USAF). And that reason is simply the most important discovery man has yet to verify....that we are not alone in the universe.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 01:57 PM
I got bored with UFOology after about 2 days if that. To me,UFOology is to the alien phenomenon what collecting basketball cards is to the NBA. It's a hobby,not the actual game. I like seeing a UFO filmed as much as the next guy and I'm sure it can be alarming to see a UFO in the sky. But,as a field,I think UFOology is for the most part too limited to have an enduring interest. If the ultimate goal of the modern UFOologist is to prove the existence of alien life then they're working backwards in my opinion. I think chasing UFOs is going after the symptom instead of the cause because other fields like archaeology and history lend much more to the study of ETs. Plus,UFOology fancies itself as a science and you cannot use the Scientific Method(capital letters,not lower case) to prove something that's being covered up. And I think UFOologists who try end up doing the job of their enemy for them. They savagely cannabalize themselves in a futile attempt to be seen as credible. It's very ironic to see the elitism and hostility in UFOology. The end result is a group of people keeping themselves in check by expending so much time and energy trying not to sound like crackpots against people who's very job it is to call them crackpots. Even from an entertainment standpoint UFOology is hurt because only certain types of experiences are allowed by "serious" UFologists and anything else distracts from "real" alien research. Well if that's the case then of course it will get boring. You can only read about little grey men in a flying saucer putting people on lab tables so many times.

Another problem with UFOology is that in this day and age sightings and images mean very little. Even if someone caught a UFO on perfectly crisp film it would make little difference. Anyone with a good grasp of modern technology will know humans can make such a craft or create such a film. So it wouldn't do much but get attacked and disbelieved,probably the hardest by UFOologists themselves. So such things should be the last thing one goes after in my opinion. In 1557 a drawing was printed of a UFO that was seen by many eyewitnesses. The drawing depicts what looks distinctly like the nose and neck of a rockect ship peering through the clouds. Down to having rails and window-like structures on it. To me this is worth more than all the blurry/pixelated pics of today put together since no one back then even knew what a rocket ship was in order to be able to hoax one.

[edit on 19-9-2005 by Loungerist]

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 03:28 PM
On the contrary, even when and if alien visitation is confirmed, it's only the beginning of a new age in UFOlogy. We'd still have to...

1. Understand their culture.
2. Understand their biology.
3. Understand their technology.
4. Understand their history.
5. Understand their true motives.
6. Understand the coverup.
7. Hold those accountable if the coverup wasn't warranted.
8. Understand our current level of knowledge vs. assumption.

etc. etc. Proving existence is just one of many goals.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 03:32 PM

Originally posted by kyateLaBoca
Dont you people ever get board of it all?

I started getting into the UFO field about 2 years ago. Until that time, I have read it all, and its the same story over and over again. Its all very interesting and all, but you dont see any progress. Now I'm in withdrawl mode.

So my question to you is...arent you bored yet?

On a side note: I have to applaud the credible people in this profession who have not withdrawn becuase of loss of interest and are still in this field.

[edit on 18-9-2005 by kyateLaBoca]

One can only gain so much through the info available from books & researchers for example. Why not further your studies, i'm assuming you haven't tried going to a location with a camcorder, meditate for 5 mins then film the sky?

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