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Boca Cops Receive Training to Help Them Fight 'Domestic Extreemists'

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posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 04:56 PM
Check out this Link

The article is intentionally vague, but I wonder if anyone has heard more information on this?

Are they teaching cops to recognize White Power putzes, or what? What other groups made the list? What symbols, numbers, tattoos, make one a terrorist?

I would love to know more about this, if anyone has any information.

After all, I might have to change my mode of dress, hair style, tattoos, and phone number, to avoid being mistaken for a 'Domestic Extreemist.'

Seriously, what are they teaching cops these days?

posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 06:41 PM
well, it actually makes a little sense when you think about it. homeland security (and ive heard this directly from homeland security personnel) takes american extremists very seriously, because of worries that they could make an already bad situation during a foriegn terrorist attack worse by trying to cause a further breakdown of society during the event. if you happen to be a member of a survivalist camp, i'd watch my six, because they keep a pretty close watch on those camps, and their leaders. its the tim mcviegh (sp?) syndrome they are worried about.

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