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George Orwell

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posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 01:07 PM
I've read Animal Farm and 1984--I have them in one book.

I also have Cliff's Notes for both of them so I can study at my leisure (and I'm 32).

Those are pretty good books to read in today's political environment. I also have 1984 on DVD (I think they could have done without the full frontal nudity in it though).

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 01:13 PM
I disagree about the nudity... sex plays a big part in 1984, with Winston and Julia's relationship symbolizing one of the most direct and overt forms of rebellion against Big Brother and that for which he stood.

1984 was a great book, though, and so was Animal Farm. It's a damn shame that Orwell died so young.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by The Parallelogram
I disagree about the nudity... sex plays a big part in 1984, with Winston and Julia's relationship symbolizing one of the most direct and overt forms of rebellion against Big Brother and that for which he stood.

I meant the nudity in the movie. You can make it pretty apparent what they're doing without showing *everything.*

I also know that Winston and Julia "getting it on" was meant to be a political act.

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 02:23 PM
realy...? didi he die? or was he killed becauz he knew to much
no realy good book 1984...should maybe read animal farm

posted on Jan, 4 2006 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Amethyst
I meant the nudity in the movie. You can make it pretty apparent what they're doing without showing *everything.*

Don't you think that the nudity was done as a direct comment on our own society? It was done to provoke a reaction from the audience. Perhaps to make us think about how much of Orwell's prophetic work has become reality.

posted on Aug, 11 2006 @ 11:28 AM
Orwell's writings are perennial classics, in my opinion. I remember that in December of 1983, my roommate and I were discussing whether or not to have a New Year's Eve party. We agreed that some of the most boring parties we had ever been to were New Year's Eve parties. Then inspiration struck, and I hollered:

"Oh wow! Next year is 1984! That was the title of the apocalytic novel by George Orwell! This is our chance to host a 1984-theme New Year's Eve party!!" So we did have such a party, and a mob of people - and their friends - attended and had a great time. Let's see, I think the cover of the invitation card was the following:

Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice, but everyone agrees the world will end in 1984. So celebrate the coming apocalypse with us at our New Year's Eve party, and come dressed as one of the following: One of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, George Orwell. (etc.).

Inside the card, we defined joke rules to be followed at the party, such as:

1) When you arrive at the party, you will be given a page with a 2-part number. The 1st number is your individual number (of course you have no name in 1984, just a number), the 2nd number is your family number so that you can look around at the party and see what other "family" members you have been assigned to.

2) The shower stall in the bathroom is the official political prison (complete with dry ice "fog"), where rule violaters must serve a 5- minute sentence for each violation of the rules they commit.

3) A camera is set up in the living room to record everything you do, so that you will remember that Big Brother is always watching.

Well, the rules went on and on, but we did have fun with it.

posted on Jul, 22 2008 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by FutureLibrarian

Lol that's a really cool idea.
I bet you had a great time with that.

posted on Aug, 5 2008 @ 10:16 PM
After reading the book I thought the nudity in the film was a very good directorial decision. It showed Winston's final liberation against the system by regaining his sexuality. The book clearly emphasises that people are 'de-sexed' their entire lives, with nooky being a thing of repulsion and reproduction merely a way to procreate the species which shouldn't be enjoyed.

The full frontals were as blatant a smack in The Party's face as a bombing.

And if the cinema audience felt shock or anxiety at seeing the naked forms, aren't they slowly becoming brainwashed into thinking exactly like THEY want you to think?


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