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Radio 666, Canberra and The New World Order

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posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 08:02 PM
Canberra Australia and The Masons - New World Order

Canberra in Australia is built on a masonic design.The area is of significance because of its large bowl shape. It is surrounded by mountains in a natural round shape. May have been caused by a meteor thousands of years ago but not too sure on that part. Canberra is built on a large ungerground tunnel network. These tunnels are huge, I have been in the ones myself under Woden valley hospital and my husband says those ones link up with ones under Parliament house and embassies. Flat like truck things drive in the tunnels.

So what is the purpose of all this? Well I believe Canbera has some heavy connections with the new world order that we should be aware of and study further. I have heard people say that the seat of the New World Orders Government will be Canberra.

Canberra and Washington.] Maps and Design

First cab off the rank this morning is ABC radio Canberra. ABC radio is run by the government. A government asset as such. So what you say, well Canberras government run radio station is wait for it....drumroll please 666 ABC Canberra

666 began broadcasting in January 1953 bringing a second ABC program to the national capital (2CY or Radio National as it's now known began broadcasting here in December 1938).
This additional station was connected into the national broadcasting service by a line from Sydney. As the 666 transmitter was of a lower power and higher frequency it didn't quite have the same coverage as 2CY. For this reason 2CY continued to carry regional programming while 666 began serving the local community with Canberra based programs.
In 1957 the 666 offices moved from the transmitter site in Gunghalin to a leased office in Civic and then in 1964 finally moved to the current studios on the corner of Northbourne and Wakefield Avenues in Dickson.
In 1975 the 666 frequency was changed from 1540 kilocycles to 1440 kHz and then again in 1983 it was changed to 666 kHz where it has remained until today.

Canberra was designed By walter Burley Griffin, who studied under well known Architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Another architect often mentioned in the same breath as the word mason.

Wright's personal life was a colorful one that frequently made news headlines. He married three times: Catherine Lee Tobin in 1889, Miriam Noel in 1922, and Olga Milanov Hinzenberg (Olgivanna) in 1928. Olgivanna had been living as a disciple of Armenian mystic G. I. Gurdjieff, and her experiences with Gurdjieff influenced the formation and structure of Wright's Taliesin Fellowship in 1932. The meeting of Gurdjieff and Wright is explored in Robert Lepage's The Geometry Of Miracles. Olgivanna continued to run the Fellowship after Wright's death, until her own death in Scottsdale, Arizona in 1985


Muir MacKenzie - his signature appears on "The assent to the Commonwealth of Australia" along with Queen Victorias, that document officially made Australia a nation.
His signature also appears on "the letters patent Constituting the Office of Gevernor General.
Knight Grand Cross of The order Of Bath

Widdershins - canberra Masonic Conotations
Interesting read.
Capitol Theatre Melbourne Masonic Design Walter Burley Griffin

Project Echelon

Project Echelon has strong links in Canberra, mentionably the Deakin Exchange and Black Mountain Tower, where it is believed that all telecommunications data is run through the exchange and keywords in conversations locked into.

I would like some input and info from other members on Canberra, Its connection to the NWO and the Masonic role in Canberra adn the new World Order. I am still researching this issue and will post more as I find more info.

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 08:40 PM
Oh Mayet you are more than on to something!!!
Canberra also has the largest per capita population of witches and occult practicing people prepared to state so in the censis.
Australia has a HUGE PART in the NWO. There is a reason so much of the world knows so little about this large and primary resource rich country.
There is a reason most of the world thinks that Howard was led by Bush in this coalition of the willing and not the other way around.
There is a reason Mary Donaldson from Tasmania, is now the Crown Princess of Denmark, other than they "met at a bar".
When George W. Bush was asked why John Howards popularity rose after "joining" the coalition of the willing when Blair and Bush's dropped, his answer was, "He married well." George chuckled but it was no joke. Australia is not short of the "right" families. Jannet Howard is very well bred and 'connected'.
Don't forget Cardinal George Pell either, he's no light weight at the Vatican may even be the next Pope.
While the world keeps ignoring us, other than a nice place to holiday, our proponents of the NWO just potter away at bringing it in in relative peace.
Oh yeah, and then there is Australian's part in ASEAN. The "Daughter of the King of the South"? The sun never set on the British Empire and we just won't cut those last apron strings....HUMMM

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Mayet

I have heard people say that the seat of the New World Orders Government will be Canberra.


I have heard this from many poeple for a few years now.New world order here ? But why us in OZ ?. I have driven to canberra many times and its just junkies,porn and hookers ?. Is it just me or are the ACT laws also strange to ?

[edit on 12-9-2005 by helium3]

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 09:25 AM
Come now Helium3, I have some very nice relatives in Canberra (we don't count the ex ASIO member) and cities full of diplomats are expected to provide 'sleaze' for all tastes. O.K. the night life there isn't great but the important people there would find the average nightclub rather dull compared to what they can get up to under diplomatic immunity.
The world of the average joe has it's "EYE'S WIDE SHUT" when it comes to Canberra. The world knows bugger all about Australia. Hell, Australian's know bugger all about Australia which are 3 major reasons for Canberra playing a major part in the NWO. NO ONE IS PAYING ANY ATTENTION TO WHAT REALLY GOES ON IN THIS GREAT SOUTHERN LAND.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 10:22 AM
Talk about a crappy place to run the world, I've been to Canberra and if I never go again it will be too soon. The NWO can have it as far as I'm concerned.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 10:43 AM
R988, your feelings about Canberra are just what 'they' want. Doesn't it strike you as odd that a nation of party animals has such a dull capitol? You can pretty well 'do' Canberra on a day trip and happily head back home being none the wiser about what really goes on there. Even if you were there to snoop you would have to be up to date with all the latest nods, winks, point of the toes and silly handshakes along with the right names/words to drop etc. before you even found the shell let alone cracked it.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 10:48 AM
Whats with the water there too? I took bottled water down everytime after my first trip there.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 11:00 AM
Mayet you must be on to something. Just a few posts bagging our nations capitol and not one mason jumping in to demand proof of a masonic plot !?!?
Seems 'they' just want this tread to go away.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by suzy ryan
Mayet you must be on to something. Just a few posts bagging our nations capitol and not one mason jumping in to demand proof of a masonic plot !?!?
Seems 'they' just want this tread to go away.

For the moment, you're all safe down there. Apparently, you were unaware that we in the NWO are all allergic to kangaroos.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:20 PM
I did a small project on Canberra a while ago, and noticed they considered Melbourne and Sydney for the capital but chose Canberra for some reason. I thought it was weird....

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 04:44 PM
A few people have comented why Canberra?

Well Some reasons I can think of. Canberra is the most newest capital city. Because of that planning, masonic as we have already sort of agreed on, the whole city has been "planned" from the tunnels up.

So we know there is tunnels underneath, how deep are they and what do the tunnel system consist of? Can they support life after a nuke strike?

Canberra was built in the 1920's, everything was placed exactly where it was planned. Other cities are older and not as much control over the design and building of them took place as in Canberra.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 06:30 PM
suzy ryan: 90% of the politicians dont even live in the ACT. Can you tell us where your getting all this wink wink information from ?. you want secret try pine gap

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 09:12 PM
Helium, Canberra is full of DIPLOMATS and their houses. They have family. One son was even deported recently but we got so many stories about it that they left you wondering what the real reason was. Diplomats and public servants are more of a worry than mere politicians.

Mayet's point about the age and purpose of the construction of Canberra are valid as it isn't even that easy of a place to get around. Nornal residents tend stay around their own, "you've got all that you need here" suburbs as it is a pain to get around the whole place. There are few roads in and out of the city and the main roads tend to discourage you going off the beaten track.

Masonic Light's "kangaroo coment" would make me laugh if it didn't make me think he doesn't want folk to think too deeply about Mayets post. MS, you useually post deep arguments and relevant points. That 'joke' was way below your useual standard. If Mayet isn't on to something tell us why.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 12:48 AM

Originally posted by mashup
I did a small project on Canberra a while ago, and noticed they considered Melbourne and Sydney for the capital but chose Canberra for some reason. I thought it was weird....

My students are always asking me this question. The reason that Canberra is located where it is is one of practicality - it is approximately half way between Sydney and Melbourne.

In the late 19th century, when Australia began to seriously consider Federation, debate raged over which city should be the nation's new capital, Sydney or Melbourne. After much debate, the colonies reached a compromise. Melbourne would be the capital of Australia until a new capital city could be built partway between the two. The site for Canberra was chosen in 1908 by surveyor Charles Scrivener. On March 12, 1913 the site was officially named Canberra. The Federal capital was then officially moved to Canberra on May 9, 1927.

Check out this article at Wikipedia to learn more about Canberra in general and to see that I am not just making this up, as my students always claim.

As for Canberra being a Masonic design or the capital of the New World Order, I am afraid I do not believe any of it. Looking at a map of Canberra and seeing an inverted "compass" does not constitute evidence. Which is more likely - that the "compass" represents a Masonic symbol designed for some occult purpose or that it is merely roads which link different parts of the City? I also have never seen a single shred of evidence that the New World Order exists at all, let alone that it has plans for world domination to be headquartered out of Canberra. If anybody has tangible evidence, rather than assumptions or inferrals, I would be happy to see it.

The tunnels under Canberra probably support a range of things, from underground bunkers (which are to be expected in the political and military capital of a nation) to utilities. Their mere presence does not necessarily denote that Canberra is the headquarters of the NWO.

I am not sure how much faith I would put in the words and research of the Widdershins article. For example, it makes a claim about the "Legend of Black Mountain", but then says

I made that up, because I thought it sounded cool.

It then makes statements regarding the use of Masonic symbols and then states that

The 'Freemason' symbol is actually a compass over a set-square. Both of these tools have symbolic significance, but it's not my place to say what that is, by which I mean, I didn't look into it that closely.

In terms of Project Echelon, it does not surprise me that this would be located in Canberra, given that many defense and intelligence installations are headquartered there. It is the national capital, after all. Would you be surprised if Echelon in America were located in Washington, D.C.?

I am not trying to belittle the argument, just thought that I would act as devil's advocate, so to speak and present an alternate point of view. Anybody care to comment?

[edit on 14/9/05 by Jeremiah25]

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 04:17 AM
Jeremiah25 is on the money, all this NWO is just speculation BUT that does not answer why the laws are rather soft in the ACT.

Maybe to not glog the judicial with these diplomats and public servants

PS: Is anyone here from sydney and noticed the new renovations on the Free Mason building on pitt ST ? There is a MASSIVE compass on the wall im talking 3 meters wide. They only use to have tiny compasses near there entrance. I have got pics and will post them. SYDNEY IS FULL OF MASONIC SYMBOLS!!!!!!!!!

[edit on 14-9-2005 by helium3]

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 05:13 AM
I made a thread about underground tunnels in Canberra a while ago.
here. And it was you that told me.

but most of the websites about Canberra say that the soil isn't good enough to have underground tunnels. I don't know if that's just covering up or not, because I've never seen someone say that a place is or isn't good enough for underground tunnels just out of the blue.

[edit on 14-9-2005 by Nventual]

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 05:15 AM

Originally posted by helium3

[edit on 14-9-2005 by helium3]

That doesn't mean anything. In Melbourne there's Masonic lodges and Masonic symbols on buildings, that's because the buildings are Masonic, it's no conspiracy.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 06:02 AM

Originally posted by Nventual
I made a thread about underground tunnels in Canberra a while ago.
here. And it was you that told me.

but most of the websites about Canberra say that the soil isn't good enough to have underground tunnels. I don't know if that's just covering up or not, because I've never seen someone say that a place is or isn't good enough for underground tunnels just out of the blue.

[edit on 14-9-2005 by Nventual]

I read your post and i dont know about the Telstra tower tunnels but there are 1000's of tunnels here in SYD and VIC that where build during WW2. I have gone with cave clan members to see the ones here in SYD and there old WW2 tunnels build along the eastern coast line to store ammo. Also private companies like telsta have heaps under sydney. If you want info on underground tunnels here in OZ ask around for the cave clan. Thats all they do is search them out.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by helium3
Jeremiah25 is on the money, all this NWO is just speculation BUT that does not answer why the laws are rather soft in the ACT.

Maybe to not glog the judicial with these diplomats and public servants

Well, think about it. The one place in Australia where fireworks and hard-core porn is nice and legal is also the one place where all the politicians work and where many of them live.

No conspiracy here, just basic human nature.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 06:11 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25
My students are always asking me this question. The reason that Canberra is located where it is is one of practicality - it is approximately half way between Sydney and Melbourne.

In the late 19th century, when Australia began to seriously consider Federation, debate raged over which city should be the nation's new capital, Sydney or Melbourne. After much debate, the colonies reached a compromise. Melbourne would be the capital of Australia until a new capital city could be built partway between the two. The site for Canberra was chosen in 1908 by surveyor Charles Scrivener. On March 12, 1913 the site was officially named Canberra. The Federal capital was then officially moved to Canberra on May 9, 1927.

Jeremiah, No one disputes this fact. It is taught to us in school, I had a flight and two day trip to Canberra when I was in 5th Class back in the 70's with my school but had probably learned that fact long before on one of my many trips through and to Canberra with my dad. We also acknowledged that particular fact in Sancs and my ATSNN fact cheet on Australia.

As for Canberra being a Masonic design or the capital of the New World Order, I am afraid I do not believe any of it. Looking at a map of Canberra and seeing an inverted "compass" does not constitute evidence. Which is more likely - that the "compass" represents a Masonic symbol designed for some occult purpose or that it is merely roads which link different parts of the City? I also have never seen a single shred of evidence that the New World Order exists at all, let alone that it has plans for world domination to be headquartered out of Canberra. If anybody has tangible evidence, rather than assumptions or inferrals, I would be happy to see it.

Tangible evidence has been given. I very much doubt that the masonic league of gentlemen are going to give us their enrolment books to check that bit of evidence out. Anyone flying over, viewing from Red Hill Lookout or Black Mountain tower can see that. Fantastic design, even as a kid I was attracted to it's aesthetics.

The tunnels under Canberra probably support a range of things, from underground bunkers (which are to be expected in the political and military capital of a nation) to utilities. Their mere presence does not necessarily denote that Canberra is the headquarters of the NWO.

The tunnels under Canberra are bizarre.
To quote my husband (they go under all the embassies)

ok Jeremiah, if you are correct then why the embassies? I can see the hospital, i can see the ones under Black mountain tower, I can see all the system under parliament house ..but to waste money and put tunnels under embassies?

Hubbies creds- security clearance, worked as radio tech in Telstra's or telecom as it was when he started. He worked in and out of Canberra for 8 years, he had an office on the third floor of black mountain tower, he installed the microwave links between parkes and tidbinbilla amongst other things and was part of the australian contingent of technicians working to bring microwave satellite links and data streams for nasa's GIOTTO mission. I have in my years of being married to him heard many many stories and "yarns" of his time in and around Canberra. I have questioned him over and over on parts the fascinate me and never has the story changed. I have asked his mates who worked with him. Same answers about the tunnels and I would say that even after all that, there is stuff he is still not telling me or stuff I havent found out yet. He oftens talks about being in the tunnels under parliament house.

The tunnels exist and we are not being told about them. This alone is enough to have me personally wondering. Why aren't they public knowledge? Are there any plans that show these tunnels?

The new parliament house was designed back by Burley Griffin. Hugely modern building and idea for the early 20th century don't you think? Why wasn't it built back then? Because umm, well it was kinda well well well before its time. Can you imagine a building like that built back then? Not really standard architecture was it? Would have looked rather...umm ...alien

I know the excuse is that we didn't need it back then, yet the infrastructure was in place back then. All but the building itself. What foresight eh....I remember standing on Red Hill behind the war memorial looking over it and down that avenue to the old parliament house(which was in use then) and then I remember our teacher pointing up the hill, in the line from war memorial, down that avenue over the lake, up the avenue to P.House and up the hill in a straight line from where I was and saying "thats where new parliament house will be built in about ten years."

It didn't mean much to me then, I took it as it was but now it makes me wonder. All neatly planned and co ordinated in what was it 1916? when he submitted the plans?

I am not sure how much faith I would put in the words and research of the Widdershins article. For example, it makes a claim about the "Legend of Black Mountain", but then says

I made that up, because I thought it sounded cool.

It then makes statements regarding the use of Masonic symbols and then states that

The 'Freemason' symbol is actually a compass over a set-square. Both of these tools have symbolic significance, but it's not my place to say what that is, by which I mean, I didn't look into it that closely.

The legend of Black mountain? of course there is a legend, in every tribe of every area there was legends. The aboriginals of the area were not nomadic like out in the centre of Australia. They treked between canberra and the coast between seasons. But that was their turf, their grounds and every hill, everything like that had a legend to tell the children. Aboriginals tell their children their history in legends. They tell the creation of the earth and stars and especially the mountains via legends. It would be interesting to find out how many Bora Rings (one for google) exist around Canberra, they show the history of the tribes in the area very eloquently.

Whether that legend encounters mythical beasts like the Yowie or of space aliens landing and showing them the way I am not to sure. I haven't talked personally to any of the elders in the area and if my memory serves me the local tribes were disposessed before the inception of Canberra in a very violent way. So perhaps the elders wouldn't remember, unfortunately white mans ways has served to obliterate their knowledge and passing on of legends and the aboriginals, save for very interesting graphic rock paintings, left no books for us to interpret.

In terms of Project Echelon, it does not surprise me that this would be located in Canberra, given that many defense and intelligence installations are headquartered there. It is the national capital, after all. Would you be surprised if Echelon in America were located in Washington, D.C.?

No comment there. I think Canberra is part of the Echelon network in a very important way. Once again hubby and his mates installed it.

[edit on 14-9-2005 by Mayet]

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