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Emily Rose- 6 demons?

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posted on Sep, 18 2005 @ 12:24 PM
According to "The Demonologists" By Gerald Brittle, whom briefly discussed that case, the only Devil he mentioned in was Beelzebub. The demons/imps all left after the first few exorcisms, the Devils remained and stuck behind. The Priests did everything they could to save the girl, they even tried reasoned with the devils, the devils inside her gave their ultimatum which was "Believe in God and the Girl will die, Believe in us and the girl will live.", the Preists and her family response was "NO!", because they didn't want the devil incarnate walking around, using her body as a host to the spiritual parasite. She of Course died after 66 exorcisms.

posted on Sep, 19 2005 @ 09:40 AM
Emily is possessed by six demons, including Satan himself, who calls himself Belial (2 Cor. 6:15). The demons, in identifying themselves to Father Moore, allude to several instances of demon possession in the Bible, including one who says it was with “Legion,” the demons mentioned in Mark 5:9 and Luke 8:30. As the demons taunt Moore in Latin (with subtitles), he responds (also in subtitles), “I am the one who comes in HIS name.” By this the priest is making it clear that he is not a lone ranger acting in his own capacity, but operating with the power of God.

posted on Oct, 13 2005 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by fireincairo
Can anyone remember the names of all 6 demons presented in the film? I can remember Judas...Nero..and Lucifer. What were the other 3???

This exorcism was flawed in a number of ways. The exorcism portrayed in the movie was not following the prescribed Catholic manual, the Roman RItual. Go to for the history of this book.

As to the names given, demons are great liars - as has been mentioned. Names given may be clues, but are often as not intended to distract or misdirect the exorcist. There has been some discussion that infers that there are members who have sought out experiences - this is really, really bad. Ghosts are one thing, the Infernal something all together different. Please be careful.

As to the vunerability and the authorization issue, I have no idea why it is so often women, especially young women. Vunerability? Susceptibility? No clue. There have certainly been cases of possession by men young and old, but the most sensationalized ones do seem to be young females. As the Catholic church doesn't release detailed records on exorcisms, there really isn't much quantitative data.

Malachi Martin, an Ex-Jesuit, wrote a book called "Hostage to the Devil". the book has recently been re-issued and may be of some interest. It certainly presents a frank and detailed discussion on the power of evil and the burden inherent in Free Will.

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 07:25 AM
do any of u guys actually know anything of the art of demonology and the occult cum on i studying it for frig sake, firstly Lucifer is not satan and mammon is not his son, if u want to kno more email me and ill forward u my coursework on demonology

*removed personal information*

[edit on 3-8-2008 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Dec, 4 2005 @ 06:25 PM

Originally posted by Constantine05
do any of u guys actually know anything of the art of demonology and the occult cum on i studying it for frig sake, firstly Lucifer is not satan and mammon is not his son, if u want to kno more email me and ill forward u my coursework on demonology
*removed persoanl information*

I would LOVE to know where you are studying demonology. Most reputable institutions are church related, and fairly competitive. This usually precludes people with horrendous spelling and grammer. Now, moving on to substance.

Isiah 14:12. "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, who didst rise in the morning? how art thou fallen to the earth, that didst wound the nations?"

Matthew 25:41 ascribes Lucifer as the chiefmost of the fallen angels.

"Tunc dicet et his qui a sinistris erunt discedite a me maledicti in ignem aeternum qui paratus est diabolo et angelis eius"

The Fourth Lateran Council determined that God created all of the angels - including those who would rebel - as perfect creatures. The Fallen fell into evil of their own accord.

[edit on 3-8-2008 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Dec, 10 2005 @ 03:13 PM
you actually belive the christian bible god its so full full of flaws its not even funny, its so contredictive.

The only bible for me is what i choose to belive and my currently parching together my own bible and thinking of starting my own religious cult/coup

posted on Dec, 24 2005 @ 04:53 PM

Originally posted by Constantine05
you actually belive the christian bible god its so full full of flaws its not even funny, its so contredictive.

The only bible for me is what i choose to belive and my currently parching together my own bible and thinking of starting my own religious cult/coup

You have got to be kidding me. David Koresh much?

The Christian Bible has been around for some thousands of years. Over a billion people share my belief and faith in this book and the theology. Full of flaws? Put up or shut up. I am sick of these blanket statements. It is real easy to sling offhand remarks; give me some specifics and I will counter.

And what is a 'coup'. A coupe is a car. a cup is something we drink out of? Are coup against the church? Have fun.

I have no problem discussing issues with peple who disagree with me. I have no problem with people who espouse a position offensive to me. I DO have a problem with children who use this forum as a playground. Take a postition, dig in, and defend it. Otherwise, go IM the other weenies.

posted on Dec, 31 2005 @ 04:50 PM
to stop you all from argueing. what was said was "i am the one who dwells within CAIN", "i am the one who dwells within NERO", "i am the one who dwells within BELIAL", "i am the one who dwells within JUDAS", "i am the one who dwells within LEGIAN"... "and i am LUCIFER, the devil in the flesh." HAPPY NOW??... but the thing is. there are different names from the real case.

legion is the same thing as nero, its the roman army (in true religion)

there are 13 levels of hell and the last 3 are reserved by cain, nero, and judas.

ok people. watch the movie ONE MORE TIME. and/or read the book THE INFERNO. maybe you'll understand.

now ther are different interpretations of demons in hell. In The Exercism of Emily Rose, i believe they pulled some off the bull from their @SS.

posted on Jul, 23 2006 @ 12:05 AM
the story of emily rose, i just dont get. first of all the girls real name was anneliese michel. if your going to tell the story, why do peeps not tell the story right? on the movie the called the father, father moore... his real name was father arnold renz, the 6 demons... there names were lucifer, who was a roman god-bearer of light,and the sprit of air, and personification of enlightmant. judas iscariot-who betrayed god. nero-the 5th and last roman emoroer... the rest was cain, hitler,and fleischmann...there was another father...his name was pastor ernest alt... if you cant tell the story rite then dont tell it at all... i do how ever believe that, who ever was on trial for murder of anneliese, was not gultiy... and the people need to reilize that... well thats all i have to say... if i cum up with more info... ill type sum more!!!
peace out

posted on Aug, 3 2006 @ 07:55 PM
There is much I'd like to say on this topic, but first I have a question that's been bugging me. My question concerns Fleischmann who was said to have been possessed by the same demon as Annelisse Michele (Sp?). Does anyone know Fleischmann's first name or what he did when he was (allegedly, though I am likely to believe he was) possessed to make his name go down in history. I've been googling for a while and all I can find is that everyone keeps saying that he was a disgraced 16th century Frankish priest, but I can't find a biography or anything saying what he did that made his name go down in infamy. Was he just really depressed or did he kill himself or do wicked things? Was he exorcised? If someone has had any more luck than me, that'd be sweet if you could let me know. Thanks

posted on Sep, 17 2006 @ 09:25 PM
the names are Cain, Nero, Judas, Legion, Belial, Lucifer

posted on Sep, 18 2006 @ 04:44 AM
Interesting stuff, I saw the movie and was interested in the true events but didn't find anything until now, I read some stuff and found the names of the demons.

It was determined that Anneliese must be saved from the possession by several demons, including Lucifer, Judas Iscariot, Nero, Cain, Hitler, and Fleischmann,

Now i'm assuming this is Adolf Hitler, can anyone confirm that a Frankish accent is Austrian for as i'm a little poor with accents.

If this is THE Hitler, why, why would he be with Lucifer possesing a young girl?
Did the Devil drive Hitler to do the things he done?
Was it infact Lucifer who wanted to kill all Jewish people?

Also can anyone fill me in on Fleischmann as I cant find anything about him plz??

posted on Oct, 11 2006 @ 01:35 AM

Originally posted by Cliffie
And if we're talking butchers, I just want to add that Goebbels is a better candidate than anyone.
[edit on 17-9-2005 by Cliffie]

My friend is descended from that bloodline.

posted on Feb, 12 2007 @ 03:51 PM

Originally posted by emily rose
there names were lucifer, who was a roman god-bearer of light,and the sprit of air, and personification of enlightmant.

THere is no entity called lucifer in the roman pantheon.

The word exists as a latinization of a non-latin word that means 'light-bearer', luci-fer.

nero-the 5th and last roman emoroer.

Nero was the last of the Julio-Claudian line of emperors. There was nearly 400 years worth of emperors that followed him. Or over 1,000 years, if you count the eastern empire.

Hitler, can anyone confirm that a Frankish accent is Austrian for as i'm a little poor with accents.

The Franks were a germanic tribes from the ancient world who invaded and ruled Gaul. We call that land "France" today, after them. The Franks today, if they exist at all as a people, speak French. Austrian is a modern germanic language that would've been unintelligible, possibly, to the Franks in the old days.

My friend is descended from [Goebbels'] bloodline.

Thats a neat trick, considering that Goebbels murdered his offspring when the were still young adolescents.

[edit on 12-2-2007 by Nygdan]

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 06:19 AM
This is merely a post for myself to straighten this thread out through practicallity and what i have learned and observed in the movie. It would seem that some posts misquote the movie as far as the dialogue between Father Moore and Emily Rose.
The movie distinctly states that there exists 6 demons that 'dwell within'. The names are not given, even though the refrences are. the infamous six, for those who are reading this without access to a Bible and have not been exposed to the teachings of said book, were with Cain, who slain his brother in the fourth chapter of Genesis. Although six names are given by the possesed girl, they do not relate to the names of the demons themselves. The Second name given, Judas, the betrayer of Jesus, and in Dante's Inferno, He dwells in the 9th circle of Hell which represents Treachery. In the Middle face of Lucifer, who's six flapping wings eternally freeze the lake that exists within this deepest circle. Judas was tempted by these six demons in the desert and was persueded to betray Jesus.
The movie refers to the six demons that were with Cain, Judas, Nero, and Legion. as others have stated before, Belial is the name which (i want to be tentative with this as there are many different properties and capacities in which satan, lucifer, mammon, ect exist, and i am not quite familiar with this portion of demonology) as stated before,

Originally posted by childofGod
...Satan himself, who calls himself Belial (2 Cor. 6:15).

and Lucifer. who fell the hardest from the graces of God. now, Nero was a Roman Emperor after AD 54 and was considered one of the elarier persecutor of Christians. he was a shrewed ruler, along his rise to power it was suspected that he poisoned a few people. The movie stated that Nero had the Six whispering into his ear, telling him what to do and some believe, persecute Christians.

As far as Legion goes, he was an unfortunate fellow, (for those of you not familar with the story) he was posessed by many demons, and was shunned by the nearby village and lived in the tombs. Jesus, after sailing across the lake, sees him and asks him what his name is, the man replies Legion, because we are many. before Jesus casts out the demons, (six of which would show up later they plead to be sent to the pigs feeding on the hill, because they would need the divine permission to possess. as they always do, because the demons abide within laws and are not able to do anytihng without the permission of God. anyway, As far as Belial goes, that's yet another name for Satan, as is Lucifer, and it is thought that Satan is with all of the demonic angels, as God is with the divine ones.

Thank you for giving this post the time to read it.

posted on Mar, 12 2007 @ 06:50 PM
Alot of peeps are talking about the real life version of events...

Different names were said apparently...
Annaliese Michel, Wiki link...

posted on Mar, 14 2007 @ 10:05 PM
The first one, (In Hebrew)- "Ah-nee-hoo-sha-show-CAIN-be-toe."("I am the one who dwelt within CAIN!")

The second one, (In Latin)- "Eh-galee-shoo-quee-avi-avitah-NERO."(I am the one who dwelt within NERO!")

The third one, ( In Ancient Greek)- "Eh-no-ente-so-paro-thene-JUDAS."(I once dwelt within JUDAS!")

The fourth one, ( In German)- "Eet-ik- nik- LEGION."(And I was with LEGION!")

The fifth one, (In Assyrian Neo-Aramaic)- "Ana-BELIAL!"( I am BELIAL!")

The sixth one, (In English)- "And I am Lucifer, the devil in the flesh!"

posted on Mar, 15 2007 @ 01:05 AM

Originally posted by childofGod
Emily is possessed by six demons, including Satan himself, who calls himself Belial (2 Cor. 6:15). The demons, in identifying themselves to Father Moore, allude to several instances of demon possession in the Bible, including one who says it was with “Legion,” the demons mentioned in Mark 5:9 and Luke 8:30. As the demons taunt Moore in Latin (with subtitles), he responds (also in subtitles), “I am the one who comes in HIS name.” By this the priest is making it clear that he is not a lone ranger acting in his own capacity, but operating with the power of God.

Exellent point you make. I have added emphasis in bold.

Thought all Christians were protected from this sort of thing...? This is God's will, eh? Wonder if its for the collective good?

[edit on 15-3-2007 by NJE777]

posted on Sep, 3 2007 @ 01:24 AM
Ok, as far as the real story goes, I have no idea. But as far as the movie goes, here's what I know, and can speculate:

The four big ones, ones that aren't hard, are the demons that dwelled within Judas, the traitor, and Cain, the first murderer; Lucifer; and Legion.

Belial, I found out, is actually not another name for the devil. He is a being from Jewish apocrypha, and one of the four princes of hell. He is the demon of lies and guilt, and reigns over the earth element, and Earth elementals themselves.

Of course, Nero would be harder to place, being an albeit less remarkable figure in Roman history. But he wasn't exactly a nice person. When he heard about the Great Fire in Rome, he blamed the Christians, and threw thousands of them to their deaths, maybe that had something to do with it. Nailing them to crosses, covering them in animal carcasses so the dogs would eat them, or burning them as torches at night just for illumination. And then, of course, he committed suicide when his reign ended with another emporer rising, and him being declared a public enemy, which is a big No-No in Christianity.

posted on Mar, 13 2008 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by fireincairo

the six demons from emily rose are Nero, Judas, Cain, Legion, Belial and Lucifer, not sure about the order though.

hope this helps!

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