Hi, Rebostar. Yes, I am in contact with lead beings of the organization of visiting races, but that does not mean I know everything, and my saying so
is not a challenge for you to believe me in what I say.
My husband Jack's and my conversations with our alien contacts are intelligent and educational. They teach us things about themselves so that we can
help others get to know them, particularly others who have contact. Many humans have alien contact, but it's not all the same- most humans, given the
opportunity, can't or won't progress in their own role. What we do is help open them up to do their own work, whatever that may be.
Jack's and my contact is advanced and progressive because we have abilities to perceive and comprehend, and willingness to help the aliens and other
alien experiencers as much as possible. We work on public relations, you could say. If we were working on ecological sciences or something, we would
not need all of "this" kind of personal information or to tell it to as many people as we can publicly.
From what I understand from the alien races, making first contact with another race is always different for every one, and depends on the needs and
circumstances of the newer race.
Normally, they are much further advanced and evolved races that approach a newer race as the newer race reaches a point of maturation in their
naturally evolution. This point is also different for every race, but it's marked by things like telepathic ability, travel ability, need, request,
location to other races, and other things you could probably think of.
Primitive races are not always hostile. Certain kinds of "things" natural and self-created make a race hostile- we are not born hostile. Hostility
becomes a natural defense, but also a learned way to take advantage of others. Sometimes that advantage is necessary for survival, but sometimes it
becomes just capitalistic. We humans make leaders who keep us living in the capitalistic. On advanced worlds, nobody goes without food or shelter or
medicine, and nobody has to "pay" for them- necessities are already prepared for through the contribution and distribution through all of society.
Their leaders are true leaders of all, who keep peace and make sure everyone has what they need, not just themselves.
The rule is that advanced races are not hostile, and that is because in order for a race to advance, it must work together with itself, and then with
others around it. Hostile races are not allowed to travel to where they will bring their hostility to other races. However, the Universes are "so"
vast, that it is impossible to speak for all- some areas are very young and very isolated. However again, this area of our Universe is teaming with
life, and almost all of it is much further advanced and evolved than we are. The union between them is so actively networked and organized that it
would be very difficult for any race who was causing trouble for others, to go unabated by the other races.
Speaking of Earth, it is our time to meet our neighbors. The main things that mark our time is that we are beginning to travel, and that we are
destroying our planet. Of all races, we humans on Earth have some of the worst problems among our-self as a race, and we are one of the most difficult
races for the other races to try to work with. It is already taking us thousands of years. This is because we are set up here against our-self, with
some factions of our-self creating, maintaining and depending on the suffering of other factions of our-self. Those who are running our world (who are
obscure to me) have many uses for and secrets from all the people, and do not want the other races here to help the people change the way our world is
One advantage that creates natural peace that we humans do not utilize is telepathic ability. Because we do not cultivate and put it to good use, or
our other natural abilities, it is very easy for us to mislead our own kind. Instead of being born learning the truth of each other, we are born
learning from our own kind how to lie and get away with it as a way of life in our families, in societies and in government. We are creating the
"demons" of crime, desperation, anguish, disease and stress that are so prevalent in normal life throughout our race. Then we project our demons
into our concepts of all other life.
Anybody who thinks that aliens when they come will land in the backwoods for a few days and leave all the hard graft of proving first contact
to non important people and then push off are just as daft as the people who say that they are in regular contact with aliens.
I hear you calling me daft and non-important here, as well as calling anyone else daft who might be interested in what I have to say about my
experiences. I have already spoken to you about this problem many times, and I do not appreciate having my train of thought interrupted to defend
myself from your insults again.
You have been following me, pestering me and antagonizing me since I became a member here. You didn't say my name this time, but the timing and
position of your post points your intentions directed at me. You are as conspicuous and contemptible as you have ever been.
Don't talk to me and don't talk about me.
EDIT: Gee Gazrok, fine moderator, thanks a lot for adding to the insult.
[edit on 9/7/2005 by EarthSister]