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It's a racial thing...of course! Racists America still stands!

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posted on Sep, 4 2005 @ 06:13 PM
I really think that this whole situation is a racial thing. But it's a high-tech racial thing. They don't want to admit they are doing this, but on the other hand are showing their racial side. It took the refugees five days to even reach the area. Now, N.O. is 98% african-american, and I'll be damned if it was a city that was predominately caucasion, they would be there in a heart-beat. Why did it take so long for them to get there? If it was a country that the U.S. is in a war situation, the troops would be there in less than 24hours. They did the same thing in Liberia. When they needed assistance from the U.S. Military to cease the rioting and rebel power, it took the troops days to even set foot on the island to help these people. But, I don't understand how, when the troops are in the U.S., take so long to get to a city inside of the U.S., but if it were a war in another country, they'd be there any less than 24 hours.

Now my concern about these people giving money to the Red Cross is if the money is really going to the familes as they say they were? Or are you going to only give it to the high-class citizens? Just like 9/11. There were several families including african-americans who did not get a dime as the government said they would. So why waste time trying to give money to an organization who is not going to be fair to ALL of the people who need the money to get back on their feet. So what's going to be done to those who aren't insured? They couldn't prevent that disaster from happening. And to them, they were living happily before the storm hit, now they went from first to worse. What's going to be done with the poverty level and those who had houses but lost them?

This is a wake-up call for America. WE bomb every nation that has oil, but find no weapons of mass destruction, and now look what happened over here. It's a revenge type of thing because the high power is sending a message to our nation's president. Don't bomb people for riches, and that's one reason why nature made it's way to show who is still in charge! This is a wak-up call! Stop being so damn racists, and help the U.S. citizens. We are all citizens or soon to be citizens of the U.S., and you treat many african-americans and other races as if we are a potential enemy. If we are so-called the United States, why can't the people within the states be united as well to each other?

posted on Sep, 4 2005 @ 06:15 PM
I really think you should add this to one of fifty just like it.

posted on Sep, 4 2005 @ 06:37 PM
Being covered here:

Feel free to add to it.


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