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Actor 'James Woods' - Words of Wisdom

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posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 11:04 AM
Words of wisdom from Hollywood actor James Woods on the War on Terror :

"I'm not about appeasing, ya know, any of these crappy little Arab states that want to hold us hostage over oil and so on and decide they're going to use terrorism or state support it or whatever

"If I had any evidence that any single country was supporting one ounce of terrorism I would say wipe them off the face of the earth. That's how I feel and I'll never change it. And it's blatantly obvious to the most casual observer to me that that is the correct position to take, ya know, but these other guys want to negotiate and placate and appease and do all that, ya know ?"

"I�m sort of not your average liberal Hollywood bear here so, you know, this is just a personal opinion but I happen to think right now that this is a war that we�re now engaged in with the single most ruthless and cunning enemy that we have ever encountered because it�s the first enemy we�ve ever had who doesn�t mind if he is destroyed along with us. And he has no agenda other than our complete and utter and total destruction. It�s �we want you eradicated from the face of the Earth.� Well, simple logic tells you that if somebody wants you dead you have one course of action: To get them deader sooner."

Woods also argued: "If this had happened to the Russians, about three major cities in the Middle East would have been parking lots in twenty minutes. They would have been molten green glass, not a single thing would have lived there for 250,000 years and they wouldn�t have worried about the consequences because there would not have been any because the remaining terrorist states would have said �we get the message.�"

Interesting side notes :

Alleged to have an IQ of 180. Scored a perfect 800 on his verbal SATs and a 779 on the math section.

He also has a degree in political science at MIT.

[Edited on 19-9-2002 by mad scientist]

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 11:08 AM
absolute feckin moron.

- qo.

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 11:10 AM
why do yanks seem to think that the views of film stars suddenly gives relevance to their arguments?

Its weird, I mean, scientists, historians, statisticians fair enough, but film stars are just over paid actors?!?

next you'll be deciding that because they were good in some cowboy movie or something that they obviously have what it takes to be president!

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 11:10 AM
Who's James Wood?Anyway he's a wanker!

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 11:12 AM
I don't care what actors say,they live in fake world for the most part.

But I have also read and heard a lot,well the majorietyof actors moan and groan about the war on terror.Do you think there views are relivant?

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 11:13 AM
James woods was Robocop.

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 11:15 AM
James Woods, one of my favorite actors, was on a plane a week or so before 9/11.
(my details are sketchy on this)
He noticed some guys on the plane that he said looked out of place. Something to the effect that they looked 'in character.' These guys were acting odd he thought. He spoke to the flight attendant and captain about these 3 guys ( think he said 3) and not much else happened.

Turns out those guys were the terrorists on board the jets that crashed into the WTC. They figured it was a 'practice' run these terrorists were conducting.

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 11:16 AM
yeeeeeeeeeah right.

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 11:19 AM
hey fellas, I'm not agreeing with what he says, I just thought it was interesting.
Interesting side notes :

Alleged to have an IQ of 180. Scored a perfect 800 on his verbal SATs and a 779 on the math section.

He also has a degree in political science at MIT.

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 11:22 AM
iq means nothing. i should know, as i hang around with a lot of fairly-high iq guys. doesn't mean they know anything about politics, what's ~right~, or have any common sense.

if he has a degree in political science i'm sure he can write a really good essay justifying that statement, and i'd be very interested to read it. as it is, its still drivel.

- qo.

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 11:23 AM
PS, I was able to find a partial transcript of the interview Woods gave about the terrorists located here:

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 11:26 AM

Originally posted by quiet one
iq means nothing. i should know, as i hang around with a lot of fairly-high iq guys. doesn't mean they know anything about politics, what's ~right~, or have any common sense.

if he has a degree in political science i'm sure he can write a really good essay justifying that statement, and i'd be very interested to read it. as it is, its still drivel.

- qo.

You're right quiet one, u r much more qualified to drivel than he is. I guess none of the intelligence of the people u hang out with has rubbed off. LOL

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 11:27 AM
I'm not sure who was, but it wasn't Mr. Woods...although he did kick some ass in Vampires!

And I think he's %100 right, unfortunatly it's us or them at this point. I vote for us!

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 12:22 PM
umm,sorry, it was peter weller

[Edited on 01-08-2002 by nyeff]

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 12:29 PM
he wasn't robocop !!

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 12:36 PM
I understand what he is saying, and what he says might be the route t6hat will have to be taken since the enemy does want our conversion or our death.
But I still stand by my opinion that these Hollywood folks should keep their collective yaps shut. Like that little Titanic dude...Decrapio I think, who became the spokesman for the Down With People, Up With The Environment movement. This kid has no clue, only regurgitating the same scare dialogue he is fed, but because he feeeeels good trying to do what he thinks is the right thing, the movement uses him because of his fame.

I remember, back when I was an ecofreak, hearing Cousteau say that by 1995 the pennisula of Florida would be a desert much like Malta. Boy, was I worried. Boy was he wrong. And he'd be one I more likely believe, than some barely out of his teens actor.

For the same reason, unless an actor has some kind of decent background in an area, I think they should keep it to themselves, whether I agree with them of not. Just because you have access to the press doesn't make you right.

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 12:55 PM
peter weller

yes I know way off topic.

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 01:56 PM
LOL!! I respect a man that likes accuracy!!

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 02:12 PM
quiet one, in his oh so "quiet" way said:
absolute feckin moron."

I can opnly believe he was refering to himself, as it would fit quite well. Someone, in another thread, said it looked like yanks against brits...well, having spent quite a lot of time in Great Brition, and having many British friends, I can honestly say that none of these arguments are yank against brit's. It's people witha clue against America bashing Jackasses. The fact that some of the Jackassas happen to be from the UK says nothing about the country, just about knuckleheads that have nothing better to do than bitch and moan while they collect their welfare check.

There...that ought to stir up a few nasty comments!!! HA!!

posted on Sep, 19 2002 @ 06:36 PM
the name James Woods sounds familiar...but i can't place a face on him... he must not be in any good westerns.

i disagree with him totally, mostly because of his stance on leveling countries...countries consist of men, women, and children that have nothing to do with this "war on terror". to take that stance he becomes a terrorist himself, caring nothing about life and only about his cause.

also, he says "i'm not appeasing these crappy arab nations that want to hold us hostage over oil" my friend we hold ourselves hostage over that oil, it is our nation's policy to refuse to cut the cord and look for alternate renewable fuels that are out there and less costly to life and limb not to mention our beloved enviroment which sustains our life and limb TC. if we weren't so dependant on arab oil then his comments would just be racist and not racist and ignorant. Q-one is right, this James Woods is an absolute moron no matter his iq. oh and of course, all murder is wrong.

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