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Halliburton hired to clean up after Katrina!

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posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 11:13 PM

Imagine the Shock!!!!!

Halliburton hired for storm cleanup
The Navy has hired Houston-based Halliburton Co. to restore electric power, repair roofs and remove debris at three naval facilities in Mississippi damaged by Hurricane Katrina. ADVERTISEMENT

Halliburton subsidiary KBR will also perform damage assessments at other naval installations in New Orleans as soon as it is safe to do so.

KBR was assigned the work under a "construction capabilities" contract awarded in 2004 after a competitive bidding process. The company is not involved in the Army Corps of Engineers' effort to repair New Orleans' levees.

Imagine the shock!!

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 11:29 PM
Hmmm, lets see. $10+ Billion and Halliburton in the same area. (*Explicative here*) I should have seen this comming! #^#* %&@%

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 12:39 AM
Halliburton, Bectel, etc are the only companies capable of conducting large scale construction/re-construction efforts on this magnatude in the short time frame needed. You can't crack your yellow pages and look up a contractor.

For that matter the "Bin laden Construction" group is also big enough to get this type of job done.

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 08:01 AM
I just think its a little peculiar that no matter what happens, these are the only folks now who can take care of matters.

It is interesting to people like me.
WHO benefits?

Natural disaster...I'm beginning to think that these devastating storms are man-made and sent to strategic places in the USA.
Who benefits? Dont laugh
I heard a radio commentator speak of these "weird" storms last night.
Look out, coastal cities. This is the next wave of terrorism.

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 08:21 AM
halliburton, im not surprized. They always clean up MR. Bush's messes.

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 08:23 AM
Who else did you Expect?

DICK in Action again!

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 08:31 AM
I'm with you on thought here dgtempe.

The more I read the more I think of playing a H.A.A.R.P

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 08:34 AM
OK, all you Bush/Cheney/Haliburton bashers. Do a little research and see how many times Clinton called on Haliburton.

Maybe that will put some perspective in your Bush hating lives.

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
OK, all you Bush/Cheney/Haliburton bashers. Do a little research and see how many times Clinton called on Haliburton.

Maybe that will put some perspective in your Bush hating lives.

Maybe if he loved the country as much as money we wouldnt be hating.

[edit on 3-9-2005 by SpittinCobra]

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 08:42 AM
Dont forget Controlled Demolition Inc.

Clean Up:
Oklahoma City Bombing
First World Trade Center Bombing

I get the funny feeling CDI helped a little in the destruction of these 3 events.

Problem Reaction Solution can work in all areas of Society on many different levels.

That Tesla HAARP Chemtrail thing is starting to look more plausible every day.

S 517 IS


1st Session

S. 517

To establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes.


March 3, 2005

Mrs. HUTCHISON introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation


To establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes.

Although they say the Research is to stop devestating weather but see the statement after and: "for other purposes"

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 08:44 AM
@ Spitting Cobra

Why don't you do some more research and find out who gave more to charity. Bush or his last 2 opponents, John Kerry and ALGORE.

I'll save you the trouble, it was Bush in a landslide.

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 08:47 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
@ Spitting Cobra

Why don't you do some more research and find out who gave more to charity. Bush or his last 2 opponents, John Kerry and ALGORE.

I'll save you the trouble, it was Bush in a landslide.

I have done my research I dont give a f who gave what, people are hurting an people are out of jobs. The only reason those punks give to charity is so they can write it off on taxes. how bout you do some research.

[edit on 3-9-2005 by SpittinCobra]

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by FredT
Halliburton, Bectel, etc are the only companies capable of conducting large scale construction/re-construction efforts on this magnatude in the short time frame needed.

That is not true and you know its not. Whenever I have enough time Im going to illustrate other viable options besides turning to Haliburton.

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 09:11 AM

Our elected officials are liars and thieves, and 90% of Americans KNOW this for a fact.

But they keep playing the partisan shuffle. Why? You keep playing along. Why?

The same exact special interests prop up both sham parties, and both sets of idiots (the red and the blue puppets) are dependent on the same groups for publicity and promotion. It's the special olympics, where everyone's a winner, and the contestants have only the vaguest notion of what's going on. Again, why?

Anyone who thinks Bush is a criminal mastermind has only got to read a handful of transcripts to know the man couldn't think his way out of a nutsack, nevermind come up with a plan to take over the world. He likely has the lowest IQ of any American president, and his verbal skills border on the simian.

The fact that Americans like yourself, Carseller, are so captivated by this one man, two puppet show, is a testament to the ease with which one can control any population, if one is clever enough to present said population with the illusion of choice. But, again, WHY is it so easy?

The cult of personality, and the fan boishness demonstrated (by Republicans especially) is absolutely nauseating to outsider individuals. It's so disturbing because otherwise intelligent folks can be completely subsumed, and transformed into what essentially amount to emotional automatons, identifying hollow concepts like unqualified 'values', with political celebrities, and coming to conclusions based off that set of masterfully delivered stimuli. This end-run around consciousness borders on the profane.

But don't misunderstand, I'm glad things are the way they are. Life continues to be perfectly fair. Anyone suckered into this deception gets just what they deserve, for as long as they persist in outsourcing their personality and decision making to the pundits.

Wasn't there another thread on this authored by Seekerof? I remember reading this before, earlier in the evening. Might interest you to search for it.

In any case, these corporate criminals are quite adept at raping the nation in full view and explaining it away after the fact. I don't see them changing their MO any time soon, it's worked brilliantly so far.

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 09:38 AM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
It's so disturbing because otherwise intelligent folks can be completely subsumed, and transformed into what essentially amount to emotional automatons, identifying hollow concepts like unqualified 'values', with political celebrities, and coming to conclusions based off that set of masterfully delivered stimuli. This end-run around consciousness borders on the profane.

This very concept is what struck me last evening. When I heard about the Halliburton deal, I was shocked. Then I asked myself - Why am I shocked? I have known the capabilities and intention of this administration for years now. What exactly is it that shocks me? And the answer is that the otheriwse intelligent (I think?) individuals of this country continue to defend and apologize for the blatant actions of this government.

I realized that I keep holding onto hope that soon, yes, soon, people will realize what a sham this administration is, what criminals we have put up to care for us!

I'm not shocked that the criminals have the audacity to keep committing crimes, I'm shocked that the people continue to make excuses for them!

The only way of preventing that shock every time I hear of the latest outrage is to give up hope of the people coming to their senses. And I don't want to give up that hope! I find it hurts to think of giving it up!

So, I shall keep hoping, not that this administration will somehow be made to pay for their offenses, but that the people, for whom this government is supposed to WORK, will somehow come to realize how very misled they've been.

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 10:13 AM

First off, thanks.
Secondly, I dig your sig. It's good to be an individual.

When I heard about the Halliburton deal, I was shocked. Then I asked myself - Why am I shocked? I have known the capabilities and intention of this administration for years now. What exactly is it that shocks me? And the answer is that the otheriwse intelligent (I think?) individuals of this country continue to defend and apologize for the blatant actions of this government.

Yeah, it's shocking to me too. I don't expect criminals to act like anything but what they are. However, I do expect people to take some responsibility for their own convictions, and do more to see through the illusion. There are literally millions of people going to bat for these criminals! It's insane!

Part of it, I think, is a response to knowing these things deep down, but being unable, or unwilling, to confront that truth. Can you imagine what it must be like to have been taken advantage of so completely? What's that syndrome hostages sometimes develop, where they start identifying with their captors? It could be a situation like that.

Or, it could be shame. People could be so ashamed of these criminals, that they can't stop supporting them, because that would be an admission of having been wrong all along. It's hard, I think, to have been made a fool of, to have been used. If folks continue to pretend that the illusion is real, they don't have to deal with all that. The defensive posture might be an emotional survival mechanism, kind of like repressed memory syndrome, a way to avoid confronting the awful truth.

I don't know what's really going on, but I suspect there is some psychological mechanism that's being manipulated to produce these results we're seeing. I thought for a while that Bush supporters might have been brainwashed at rallies, because their defense of their chosen puppet was almost, like, religious in its fervor. It sometimes seems as though these folks take an attack on the president as an attack on themselves.

This could be the result of clever media packaging of the POTUS and his adminstration. People identify with the man, for whatever reason, and this makes them reluctant to hang him out to dry. I think they've been duped by advertising. Just like the burger you see on the poster, it's juicy and delicious, with crisp lettuce and wonderful gooey cheese. Then, when you open the package you find a limp, mangled hunk of bread and worm casings, with a little meat mixed in, topped wtih withered lettuce and starchy processed cheese...

Lots of people eat the burger, and enjoy it though..because their brain still retains the image from the poster. I think a similar situation may be going on with our president. He's that pathetic, soggy burger masquerading as a genuine meal.

The only way of preventing that shock every time I hear of the latest outrage is to give up hope of the people coming to their senses. And I don't want to give up that hope! I find it hurts to think of giving it up!

Hope is a funny thing. I find it's a little bit of faith, and a little bit of desire, mashed into one. Desire is generally a bad thing, faith is generally a good thing. I'm still on the fence regarding hope, whether or not it's healthy to continue to indulge in. Believe me though, I know what you're saying. I don't want to give up hope either, because it seems right to maintain it. At the same time though, I am very seriously trying to give up wanting for things, and I'm trying to benefit from the ebb and flow of life, rather than exhaust myself fighting against it.

Maybe hoping for anything is fruitless, because, can we really comprehend all the factors that make our world tick? I don't think we can. We're always working with incomplete information. All we see is a bunch of criminals, ruining a nation that we love.n We can't see all the possible outcomes.

Maybe if we had God's eyes, we would see the good that can come from such a mess. Maybe this administration will fundamentally change the psychology of the average American, sort of like the way fire tempers steel. I don't know...

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
What's that syndrome hostages sometimes develop, where they start identifying with their captors? It could be a situation like that.

Stockholm syndrome

It truly does beggar belief that yet another contract is awarded to Haliburton. It also doesnt really matter how many times Haliburton has been awarded contracts in the past or whether or not there is a large pool to choose from, the ex-CEO of Haliburton is the Vice President for crying out loud. Who isnt going to cry conflict of interest there?

[edit on 3/9/05 by subz]

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by FredTHalliburton, Bectel, etc are the only companies capable of conducting large scale construction/re-construction efforts on this magnatude in the short time frame needed. You can't crack your yellow pages and look up a contractor.

Thanks and you are correct. Its funny how those that have no clue about the world will bitch about something without even knowing about what they are talking about..

imagine the shock

But Bectel is more of an engineering group, I think they subcontract the construction labor and such, at least that was my understanding

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by FredT
Halliburton, Bectel, etc are the only companies capable of conducting large scale construction/re-construction efforts on this magnatude in the short time frame needed. You can't crack your yellow pages and look up a contractor.

Hey Fred that is top secret stuff. Now you have gone and done it; you have fried their brains with the truth.

posted on Sep, 3 2005 @ 08:53 PM
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