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Pentagon report to portray China as emerging rival

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posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 02:27 PM
Pentagon report to portray China as emerging rival
By Demetri Sevastopulo in Washington

The Pentagon is preparing to release a report on the Chinese military that warns the US that it should take more seriously the possibility that China might emerge as a strategic rival to the US, according to a senior government official.

The report has generated controversy in the Bush administration because of earlier drafts that concerned National Security Council officials by painting what they saw as an overly antagonistic picture of China, according to two people with knowledge of the report.


Rumsfeld flags concerns over China military

I knew it was only a matter of time....

I think because China is a larger country and has more weapons and our icbm's, they pose a larger risk then north korea...

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 03:15 PM
Actually I would be more worried if our government and military made a report that said china was not a potential threat. Anyone can see that china will in the near future pose a threat to the US strategic control of the pacific.

[edit on 25-8-2005 by WestPoint23]

posted on Aug, 25 2005 @ 03:59 PM
They will pose a threat to all countries around the world if they don't play fair...

China is prob just as paranoid as the us that they will strike because they are paranoid...

Paranoia is a vicious vicious cycle...

These leaders need to go on anti psychotics..

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 07:02 PM
Since when has any nation when given the chance "played fair"?

It's about time the US gets a rival just so that they won't have the ability to make any nation it wants to kowtow to them.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 08:04 PM
You think China is a rival?
Not yet, when their enconomy is not dependant on our pocket then they will be a rival. “We will not import any goods from China” Ooops there goes china on its knees.

posted on Aug, 28 2005 @ 10:02 PM
China is not a rival. It will take them at LEAST a quarter century (and probably more like 40 years) to be a legit rival. As well as their economy is doing, it is still about 10 TRILLION dollars smaller, and with many more people to pay for. Their military is over a trillion dollars behind in funding.

Hell, Chinas latest fighter jet is based off the Isreali Lavi (spl?) which in turn is based off a 1970's US jet - the F-16. The US is getting rid of it's F-16's in favor of F-35's while China is JUST getting an F-16 rival. And thats just one example of the technological gap. And then of course there is the fact that even if they had rival technology, they couldn't afford to buy enough of it to challange us.

No - all the US needs to do is bully China economically. As long as the US makes up 20% of the worlds spending power, no one stands a chance.

posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 12:46 AM
China is flirting with capitolism. Money makes the world go around, not war, they'll eventually come to their senses. That's not saying that China won't invade Taiwan though. However, if they do it will hurt them massively economically.

posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 12:52 AM
If china invades taiwan it may start a war, I wouldnt be surprised if taiwan had a few nuclear tipped cruise missiles compliments of the USA. In any case, clinton started this trading crap with china and IT WAS APPROVED by a republican congress. They all screwed us in the interest of 'business' and 'economics'.

posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 03:56 AM
Great that means we can swap "WMD" and "terrorists" to "the chinese are coming!!" as the going excuse for war and carnage.

posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 09:36 AM

Great that means we can swap "WMD" and "terrorists" to "the chinese are coming!!" as the going excuse for war and carnage.

Only if they Invade Taiwan or start creeping on the US Pacific Fleet, if they don’t do that then we have no problems with them.

posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 11:30 AM
Some of you yanks are so full of yourselves, so arrogant, maybe that's what will bring you down in the end.
In WW2 the French army was technologically more superior than the Nazi German army and they had more troops, and Nazi Germany still beat them.
The Finnish army also managed to hold back the Soviet Union from completly invading Finland, and the finns were definately outnumbered and technologically inferior.

So technology doesn't always matter, unless you're like 100-200 years behind, it's how you use what you've got and also pure will power.

I'm not saying China has got the edge on those either, infact they're probably more arrogant than you yanks, but they could. You shouldn't be so arrogant and underestimate theirs or others capabilities.

[edit on 29/8/2005 by SwearBear]

posted on Aug, 29 2005 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by SwearBear
Some of you yanks are so full of yourselves, so arrogant, maybe that's what will bring you down in the end.
In WW2 the French army was technologically more superior than the Nazi German army and they had more troops, and Nazi Germany still beat them.
The Finnish army also managed to hold back the Soviet Union from completly invading Finland, and the finns were definately outnumbered and technologically inferior.

So technology doesn't always matter, unless you're like 100-200 years behind, it's how you use what you've got and also pure will power.

I'm not saying China has got the edge on those either, but they could. You shouldn't be so arrogant and underestimate theirs or others capabilities.

A billion people tend to give you an advantage, no matter what. China is a scary potential enemy. It is a state controlled economy that lets certain people have free market style action, but don;t ever forget who is holding the reins. Couple this with several account of bragadioio from prominent Chinese military officials, and I get the feeling of a "chinese water torture" being done to the US. I believe there is a long term Chinese plan for dominance on the international scene, and they see the US as the obstacle to that plan. Slowly, they improve their own position, while at the same time garnering a US reliance on China, economically. Someday, when it suits them, they will take Taiwan and let the dominos fall. Ever notice how ALL computer related industries are based in Taiwan or China?

I'm not quite as fearfull of China as I was the Soviet Union, but the fear is slowly growing, and I keep checking for a knife in our backs.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 06:39 AM
I'm pretty sure Japan has a good all round computer and electronics industry as well, and then theirs India's software industry (which recently is combining with China's hardware) but remember its also a possibility that we simply form a coalition with Japan and other Asian nations. Now isn't there a scary thought for you to consider?

40 years? In that time we should've competely ecplised you economically, militarilly, socially and diplomatically.

As for "not buying goods from China" NI HAO! Last time I check America has considerably investments in China's cheap labour and ast time I check if war broke out tomorrow it would ruin YOUR economy, we however would be just fine just a little strapped for cash.

[edit on 30-8-2005 by The Middle Kingdom]

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 08:23 AM
"You think China is a rival? Not yet, when their enconomy is not dependant on our pocket then they will be a rival. “We will not import any goods from China” Ooops there goes china on its knees."
(Quote: WestPoint23)

Westpoint, I think you have your arguement the wrong way round..

Friday July 22, 2005
The Guardian

"..China, already sitting on foreign exchange reserves of $71bn - second only to those held by Japan - has a fast-increasing trade surplus. Between April and June, the value of exports increased by 31%, almost twice the growth of imports"...."[it's] economy is immeasurably stronger than the Soviet Union's ever was and its growth is continuing at breakneck speed: economic strength is the key precondition for global power and influence. Second, unlike the Soviet Union, which chose confrontation and autarky, China has opted for global integration and its own form of capitalism. As a consequence, China is already deeply entwined with the global economy. It is the biggest exporter to the US, the largest recipient of foreign direct investment and the main reason why the US is presently able to live with a huge budget deficit.."

[edit on 30-8-2005 by timski]

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 11:41 AM
Isn't unchecked corporate greed terrific?

In their goals of infinate growth.....major corporations saturate the US marketplace and then say............."lets go global!!"

So the pay off and manipulate political parties with soft and hard monies............recruit even some of their own to run for high offices....

....then they convince those in political power to open up the free trade in world economies where they can maximize profits through the exploitation of slave labor abroad while destroying the American work force........

And they perform this role without an concern of whether it compromises our national security or concern for the community...............

As a result they make record profits and then end up worrying about how those same countries they exploited to maximize profits have now become a threat to the very system they used to manipulate them in the first place..

Does greed really make us so stupid that corporate elites and wallstreet would sell out our children's future in America and send it down the crapper just to own a 10 million dollar yacht instead of a 5 million dollar yacht??

What are you going to do with all the extra maximized profit when you are sitting in a burned out bomb shelter Mr. Corporate elite??

Our species is like a cancer to this planet and to each other........

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 10:58 PM
fear itself.

By making China out to be "evil" or the "enemy" or just simply someone to be watched and feared you'll never get anywhere. Aside from myself they're plenty of Chinese from Mainland China living in places like Canada who have nothing but fond memories of China and know that its their homeland, who do not hate or disrepect their government and who do not think that the CCP is "doomed to failure", its their home, things are getting better and better in China for everyone. And they are not brainwashed, some of them have spent years in foreign countries yet don't come up with thoughts about how their government is supposedly "evil" or "corrupt" and if you keep asumming that they are brainwashed how can you enter a reasonable discussion if you completely disregard what they say just because they're different or don't fit in with your view of the world?

Its time to stop listening to the # your warmongers tell you and look at the situation with both eyes open.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 12:47 AM
In 40 years Nation States will tremble in fear of Transhumans so both you arrogant power
mongering countries should remember that Technology can take wild left or right turns at times.
Go ahead and laugh but I personally believe that both Capitolism and Communism are
obsolete and will be on the way out in the 21st century.

Fear the future ...


posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 12:55 AM
I have read the report to congress concerning China, it makes interesting reading. The world as a whole needs the emergence of a second or even third superpower, its all about balance.

China is powerfull, and the Bush administration feels threatened by this, its understandable.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 01:52 AM

Originally posted by sardion2000
In 40 years Nation States will tremble in fear of Transhumans so both you arrogant power
mongering countries should remember that Technology can take wild left or right turns at times.
Go ahead and laugh but I personally believe that both Capitolism and Communism are
obsolete and will be on the way out in the 21st century.

Fear the future ...

And what do you suppose we do for economics? resorce credit allocation? and who gets that, or better yet who will take the most? Communism and socialism has always been doomed to failure, we said this all along, however straight greedy Capitalism isnt the solution either the best we can do is have the middle ground.

posted on Sep, 9 2005 @ 07:40 PM

I have read the report to congress concerning China, it makes interesting reading. The world as a whole needs the emergence of a second or even third superpower, its all about balance.

A one superpower world has many small scale wars, but a multi superpower world has few large scale wars that if they were to occur again would be devastating to say the least. You pick and choose which one is better.

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