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Hey you guys and gals.

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posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 10:36 AM
I always find it humorous to see how "secure" most people here are with their lives,or at least they try to pass themselves off as such.
But ya know what?,you could be out of a job tomorrow,with no money to stay where you are within a year if you couldn't find another job by that time.
Naaaaaa!,you say,that won't happen to me!
Newsflash(*)(*)(*)(*)(*)(*) it's happening all over the country,and it happens because too many people go too far in debt to buy a bunch of junk they don't need.
Get thrifty or be homeless,It's a lot worse than you are being allowed to know.
But you know if everyone began to live a realistic lifestyle and get themselves out of debt,it would be the end of the banking cartel in this country,the banks rely on debt to generate any money,money in the US system does not exist without debt,go here,good articles,interesting info too.
Well Yeah!,it's for real,do it.
If enough people get this done,and resist the urge to refinance and buy crap they don't really need anyway,we could get rid of the parasitic Federal Reserve and actually steal out country back from the thieving bankers.
You see,you have been led to believe that you are free in the US,but how free can you be if there is only one way to do things.Go to work,pay people for nothing,fact is that most of our bills we pay represent nothing,a debt that is used against you in court to steal you real property from you to satisfy that debt.
You been had dudes and dudettes.
Wake the fk up!.

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 10:59 AM
Sure, what's the alternative?

I don't know about you, but I don't have 20K just laying around to buy a car, nor do I have 100K laying around to buy a house....

Are you saying a car or a house isn't a need?

Now, I agree that one shouldn't go into debt for frivolous things...but one man's frivolity, is another's necessity...

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 11:10 AM
You know...
If people just learn to live within their 'means' and not try to stay up with Mr. or Miss Jones...guess what? Won't have to worry about it.
This case doesn't apply for all but it does for most. Life and money is like the story of the grasshopper who ate, partied, spent, and never saved for winter. A job with the money made from it is the same way.....
Bankrupcy's in the US and pretty much around the Western world is as high as its ever been....
Jobs are few and far inbetween and the jobs that are available aren't squat.
Future planning and nest eggs' are something that most people can only think of....the reality is that one can't plan ahead like one used to as opposed to your parents situation and times.
Times are rough, but hopefully, they will get better for most or some.


posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 11:12 AM
If you can't benefit from the info,pass it on to someone who can.
More people need to know the truth about these things,and you can't generally explain it to them in a way they will comprehend,it seems that too many have chosen to turn a blind eye to the legal/banking system here.
the more people who know the better.

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 11:30 AM
I hear what you are saying,I never have been particularly materialistic like many that I know around me.
A lot of the grief that I am enduring now is overflow from my ex-wife who was very into the "Jones race",before she filed for divorce,her 3 kids teamed up with her to basically destroy me,nearly succeded but I began to recover,then I got layed off,couldn't find a job which would cover the bills,so I had to find another way.

It may be too late for me,but that doesn't mean that someone else can't use what I have learned.

There is an amazing amount of supressed info out there,the faster it gets out,the faster those in power will act,the less time they will have to prepare for the reaction of the population of the US.

We still have a chance to get our country back,not a big one,but there is still a chance.

I am down to about the only thing I can lose,and I am not fearful of losing it.

Call me crazy,but don't call me late for supper.

Peace to you.Live long and prosper,but share your wealth freely.

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 11:42 AM
I do understand what you are saying...I truly do.
I have been there and done that.
Times are tough...
Jobs are scarce...
But things appear to be a cycle and they eventually come around and get better.
One has to have a bit of faith and hope...perhaps persevering is a better way of see this.
I agree that what you have posted may help.
Ultimately, limitations must be recognized and adhered to.


posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 12:05 PM

My intention wasn't to belittle the call for alarm, but rather to point out that most don't really have a choice. Myself, the only true debt I have is my car payment (there is no debt on my credit cards), but I am trying to save for a good house (currently I lease). But yes, many do get into debt for things that are not exactly needs....(most in other countries may not realize this, but in most of America, we NEED a car...our states are as big as most countries, and often, we live in one city, and work in another....)

posted on Aug, 29 2003 @ 07:17 PM
I think that there are some practical ways you can protect yourself that everyone can do. Like..

Stay away from using credit and pay cash
Pay off your debts as fast as possible to avoid interest payments - get rid of your mortgage as fast as you can.
Make things last longer.
Buy a car you can afford rather then go into debt over one you want

... simple little things like that can mean the difference between losing it all if the economy dives or being able to take the blows and carry on.

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