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Radical cleric, Omar Bakri Mohammed, leaves Britain (plans to return)

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posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 02:24 PM
Omar Bakri Mohammed, a radical muslim cleric who was kicked out of Saudi Arabia and has been living in the UK, has been under much speculation as of recent. He has publicly stated that he would not inform the police if he knew of any future suicide bombings because it would interfere with his faith. He has founded or has lead several radical Islamic groups, including al-Muhajiroun, Hizb-ut-Tahrir, and the Muslim Brotherhood. He has also gone on record to praise the attacks on September 11.

Omar has recently left to visit his mother in Lebanon for the next 4 to 4 weeks. He plans on returning to Britain if the police do not oppose him frmo doing so. IMO, this would be a great opportunity for Blair and Co to enforce their latest claims that they would deport anyone indrectly or indirectly involved with or in support of terrorism. The radical cleric has already left on his own will. I say they keep him out so that he can't poisen any other young impressionable muslims that would come in contact with him back in Britain.


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