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Tell me about your Cat

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posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 10:09 PM
Cats are like people with lots of hair...

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 10:20 PM

"My Cat"

Cool cat
Good cat
Pussy cat

When I see him walking
Makes no sense to me
My cat is everywhere
We watch him on TV

My cat is amazing
He can play the guitar
He may not be an actor
But he's a pussy superstar

My cat
Cool cat

My cat is everywhere
Sees what he can see
He may not be an actor
He acts atrociously

My cat is amazing
He can play the guitar
He may not be an actor
But he's a pussy superstar

My cat isn't crazy
He's everything to me
My cat burns the bible
And he thinks it's so funny

He isn't very good
He isn't very smart
He may not be Picasso
But he is a work of art

Hates me as much as I hate you

My cat
Cool cat
Good cat
Pussy cat

When I see him walking
Makes no sense to me
My cat is everywhere
We watch him on TV

My cat is amazing
He can play the guitar
He may not be an actor
But he's a pussy superstar

My cat isn't crazy
He's everything to me
My cat burns the bible
And he thinks it's so funny

He isn't very good
He isn't very smart
He may not be Picasso
But he is a work of art

My cat is handsome
He can play the guitar
He can break my arm in seven places
He can eat a whole watermelon
My cat my cat

[edit on 31-8-2005 by Lysergic]

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 02:51 AM
We have two, and they're quite crazy. There's Cricket who's a 15 pounder and totally dominated by Missy who's about 9 pounds. They both are amazingly skittish and at the slightest noise, or anything odd, dissapear with amaizing speed down the hall.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 04:52 AM
my cat loves his ATS gear,

[edit on 1-9-2005 by asala]

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 06:52 AM
lol As, he doesn't look very happy to me.
My cat is a black and white cat that is skiddish if she doesn't know you. She is incredibly small for a cat. And thats about it. Cheers,

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 06:24 PM

Hi. Could you please tell me what breed your cat is? He looks exactly the same as mine, but I don't know what breed it is.

My one is a little nutcase. She climbs up the curtains and rips them to peices or she runs around making a funny noise like she regurgitating a miaow.

I want to post an image of her for comparison but it only comes up as a link.

Please could you tell me how to do it?


posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 06:58 PM
My kitty is part bob cat. and like you have said makes very wierd noices and plays very rough lol

to post an image

1, upload your pic and get the link

2. then use this tab,
insert your link in there

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 07:04 PM
Great thanks. I'll post an image as soon as she gets back. She keeps jumping out of the window and terrorising the other cats.

Part bob? Haven't heard of that before. My mate said they look like bengal's. I've no idea what they look like so i'm gonna have a look on google.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 07:34 PM
Okay, she's back now. Please excuse the poor image clarity, i'm using my crappy webcam. Notice the facial markings and colour? (Actually I don't think you can
) Her name is Skitz

Also, here is my other cat. His name is Orion (theres a strange story behind this one!). He's pretty old and big.

One is gone in the head and the other is pschopathic so at least i've got a bit of variety.

[edit on 1/9/2005 by redize]

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 07:41 PM
wow she really does look like mine! and your other kitty is so pretty also

Heres a pic of a full breed bob cat,

[edit on 1-9-2005 by asala]

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 07:53 PM
I want a bobcat. They look cool.

I just did a quick search on bengal cats and came up with these two:

Although the markings are similar I don't think i've got a bengal *shame*

I also found this.

It may be nothing to do with bengals but I thought he looked awesome!!

Who needs a guard dog with him around

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 10:07 PM
Asala, all I have to say is that is a SERIOUSLY ticked off looking cat. *laugh* I'm glad *I* don't have to go anywhere near him to try to take his hat away.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 10:27 PM
I have 5 cats, ranging from 7 1/2 years old to one who will be 18 years old next month.

This is the old boy.

This is is sister; she's 6 months to day day younger.

Not bad looking for geriatric kitties!!

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 10:28 PM
I miss my cat. I use to have a cat we called it Rusty. It looked like a tiger because it had stripes.

posted on Sep, 1 2005 @ 10:29 PM
Have two, both strays, and a wild one that I feed and call Morris after the Meow Mix cat.

Anyways, one is the King of the neighborhood. He fights all the time, can hear him fight at night, he has scars from a time against a raccoon, which he won. He was so proud of his prize, let him keep it in the laundry room. Other cat is a wuss, won't go outside, is afraid of the tv, radio, basically if it makes noise he is afraid of it. Thankfully they get along, I guess Reilly realizes that Ozwaldo is a wuss and doesn't need to be fought.

posted on Sep, 2 2005 @ 03:27 PM
I have had several cats over the years. Most of them have lived for around 6+ years. The most tresured one was a gray/black big male "rat" cat (don't know what they are called in english, but it means it has a extra claw on it paws...)
Anyway it only had one eye, because it lost the other in a fight with another cat when it was like 1 year old. It made it look pretty evil..heh, anyway the poor cat lived for around 9 years when it disapeared
But it was a wonderful cat that loved to play.

"My" current cat is a all black female cat. It was found on a parking lot abandoed, while I was a trip to german, only max 2 days old. It was so small and we dident think we would have a chance to survive. But with the help of my mother that spend like the next two weeks doing nothing but feeding the small poor thing and by a miracle it survied
At first my parants dident want a cat again(the previous cat I told you about had died around 5 years earlier), and I took it to my apartment and had it there for awhile. But its now back at my parents house, since it can be outside there and have a much better life there
And they are pretty happy about having a cat again. It might not live with me anymore, but its still my cat and it comes running each time I go home there. Its around 4 years old now.

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 10:49 AM
I'm so upset and gobsmacked. My little psychopathic love bubble, Skitz, was missing but turned up last night. She was missing for over thirty hours so I started worrying as she's never goes for too long without coming back to munch.

I eventually found her lying in a bush underneath my window sill. She could hardly muster a miaow. I rushed her to the animal hospital (10.30pm) and was told that she had a broken pelvis bone, explaining why she couldn't walk, and several fractures in her tail also. Ergo, she'd probably been hit by a car.

The vet said it didn't look too good for her. Anyway, thismorning I went to pick her up to take her to my usual vets and she was looking a little perkier.

My vet then told me that the pelvis should be ok, with a little rest, as they tend to heal quite quickly. But if she can't walk properly and can't control her own bladder then I was to discuss "alternate options"!!!

She's not even a year old yet. To see her face an uncertain few weeks just breaks my heart.

This may be innapropriate to post here but I just wanted to get it off my chest.

Here's hoping she bounces back like the skitz that she is

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 11:55 AM
aww poor kitty, I wish her well,

Also do what you feel is right when making a choice about your cat, Sometimes we can work through things that may be difficult,

My kitty lost her eyes and they wanted her putdown, but i asked myself would i put a blind child down? My anwer "NO"

Good luck and keep us posted on her recovery,

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 12:35 PM

Originally posted by asala
aww poor kitty, I wish her well,

Also do what you feel is right when making a choice about your cat, Sometimes we can work through things that may be difficult,

My kitty lost her eyes and they wanted her putdown, but i asked myself would i put a blind child down? My anwer "NO"

Good luck and keep us posted on her recovery,

Thanks for the kinds words

It's sound odd but that is the way I see it with animals too. I think of them similar to children who can't obviously make decisions for themselves. I won't have her put down. She's is too young and doesn't deserve it.
Although I have thought about it if she gets to the point where it wouldn't be fair on her. Otherwise it will definitely be NO!

I got a call from my vet around 40 mins ago. She said that Skitz is now trying to walk on her back legs and is now eating also. She also thinks that with some pain relief and a few weeks rest she should recover well.
On the downside, they haven't had time to go over Skitz's X-rays properly yet, so there may be a chance they find something they missed.

I hope not.

I agree with you. Just because an animal loses both eyes does not mean that it is useless and may as well be put down. There is still much a cat can do. For one, their hearing is remarkable, thus possibly making up for lack of sight! Also, without her eyes it's possible the rest of her sense would be heightened. I think you made the right choice.
As long as the cat is happy and not in pain then she deserves to be here as much as any other animal or person.

Sorry for the long post, i'm just a little happy now with the snippet of good news I was given. I'll definitely keep the posts updated.

p.s: thanks again for your kind words, and you cat is gorgeous

[edit on 6/9/2005 by redize]

posted on Sep, 7 2005 @ 05:26 AM
Woo-hoo!!! I'm happy now.

I phoned the vets to check up on Skitz and was given some excellent news.

Despite the multiple pelvis fractures and damage to her tail, she's going ot be ok.

They also couldn't find any internal injuries in the x-ray so that's even better.

They're keeping her in for one more night, for pain relief, and then tomorrow i've got to go and buy one of those large metal cages as she has to have complete cage rest for a month. I'm totally chuffed now

I now look back to the other night when I "slightly" cried myself to sleep, and being 24, feel like a fool. But hey, I don't care now. I'm happy!!!

p.s: sorry for double posting...AGAIN!

[edit on 7/9/2005 by redize]

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