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Numbers and their significance

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posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 09:00 AM
There's something I don't understand about the so-called significance of numbers. I don't doubt anyone's experiences that have been shared and I've had some myself. What I don't understand is WHY numbers have signifigance. Other than the obvious relevance to keeping track of time, money, etc.

Who determined that 6 is the "number of man"? Why would it be the number of man?
Who decided that 9 is the "number of completion"? What makes 9 a "completion" number?
Why should 11 or 1111 be significant? Significant in what way?
If someone/something is trying to tell you something or alert you in some way, who COULD it be? WHAT could the message be?

The books I've read on numerology (not many) struck me as having in them an element of a psychological phenomenon known as "projection". Runes and tarot reading had a similar "feel". Basically, you interpret these numbers being noticed, certain cards being drawn, certain runes being tossed, in whatever you wanted to believe in the first place.

Obviously many people have experienced a synchronicity with numbers but what does it MEAN? What is the message being conveyed by having the number 13 frequently noticed? Is it some angel/demon/midwayer/spiritual guide/ascended master telling you to play the number 13 on a lottery ticket? You'll have 13 children? You're supposed to buy a house with the address of 13? Only drive a car that was manufactured on the 13th of the month?

Number synchronicity is an interesting phenomenon but, if it has some practical or spiritual relevance, it's not been revealed to me (or apparently to anyone else on this thread).

Please enlighten me. Thanks.

posted on Feb, 15 2008 @ 10:11 AM
I dont know what it means either? One thing i do know from my own experience of this "funny" phenomenon (i say funny because it does make me laugh when it happens repeatedly) is that if i look for it, it wont appear,ive tried this,,ive deliberately went through my day(s) looking for the sequence of numbers i constantly see and guess what ,,i dont see them,,not once,,unless i deliberately sit and watch the clock ofcourse,,but you know what i mean,,then in a moment of not paying "attention" bam there it is,,for instance as the number of mg's on the ingredient list of a shampoo bottle i was reading?! try this as an experiment,,this works for me,,when your quiet relaxing in bed or whatever,,,think of something you never see normally,,pink bag with green dots for instance? i dont know? Now do this for a few days,,jst relax and see it in your head the shape,colour,texture etc etc,,,then after each time just release it from your thoughts,,guess what,,id almost guarantee within the next few days you will see it,,,on TV,,on a person,,,now this is strange,,u wont see it while looking for it,,but you will see it will not looking for it,,,explain that one? To me its like your subconcious takes your thought and somehow pulls it into your physical experience,,this may not work for everyone due to possibly how clear you can visualise things,concentrate,relax etc,,im no expert,,only relaying from my own experience of this phenomenon

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Tizer
I dont know what it means either? One thing i do know from my own experience of this "funny" phenomenon (i say funny because it does make me laugh when it happens repeatedly) is that if i look for it, it wont appear,ive tried this,,ive deliberately went through my day(s) looking for the sequence of numbers i constantly see and guess what ,,i dont see them,,not once,,unless i deliberately sit and watch the clock ofcourse,,but you know what i mean,,then in a moment of not paying "attention" bam there it is,,for instance as the number of mg's on the ingredient list of a shampoo bottle i was reading?! try this as an experiment,,this works for me,,when your quiet relaxing in bed or whatever,,,think of something you never see normally,,pink bag with green dots for instance? i dont know? Now do this for a few days,,jst relax and see it in your head the shape,colour,texture etc etc,,,then after each time just release it from your thoughts,,guess what,,id almost guarantee within the next few days you will see it,,,on TV,,on a person,,,now this is strange,,u wont see it while looking for it,,but you will see it will not looking for it,,,explain that one? To me its like your subconcious takes your thought and somehow pulls it into your physical experience,,this may not work for everyone due to possibly how clear you can visualise things,concentrate,relax etc,,im no expert,,only relaying from my own experience of this phenomenon

I can explain the seeing someone wearing a handbag thing quite easily actually. That's becuase if you imagine a handbag, you can only imagine it from something previously seen. You'd have yo imagine a strap, the buttons, the front, the back. You might draw the handle from any brand you've seen before, as it's unlikely you'd dream it up randomly.

Chances are after that, that you will then pick a front that "Just seems right," which would usually be the front from the SAME brand the handle was on. It all fits together in an alarmingly uniform way, and well, not only are there a lot of common objects out there that vary, you most likely remembered it from somewhere else, and if it's a big brand. Well, you're bound to see it again.

posted on Feb, 24 2008 @ 04:37 PM
I understand your point,however

you can only imagine it from something previously seen

Why is this? Surely you can think of your own bag,people design new things everyday.The point i was making (using a bag as a reference) is that when you bring something into your attention/consciousness for a few days while relaxing be it anything,although personally i think it would have to be something you believe is possible ,(eg your not going to see a NASA rocket take off from your back garden) you will begin to see it more regularly in the next few weeks,,,now,,Is this because you are looking for your chosen item/thought all the time,,therefore when you do come across your chosen object you are mentally noting it? Or is it on a subconscious level? The reason i say this is,,after doing the experiment for a few days/week,,,try deliberately looking for your chosen item,,you might find it pretty hard to find,in my experience this is the case but the minute you stop consciously looking for it,,guess what,,you know the answer,,,it crops up everywhere,,,as i said in my previous post im no expert here,,only relaying my personal experience with this,,doesnt work all the time i suppose, otherwise id have that lottery cheque or maybe i really believe i cant/wont win the lottery,why would i be so lucky,,but if our mind can manifest such items as bags,books,cars,people,phonecalls,,,then who knows what we could be capable of manifesting for ourselves?! Depression? Happiness? Material things? just throwing this out there as i find it an interesting phenomenon


posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 05:57 PM
I find myself often noticing the same time more than any other. 3:15, anybody else experience this?

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 05:57 PM
sry, double post.

[edit on 1-4-2008 by solvo]

posted on Apr, 1 2008 @ 06:26 PM

Originally posted by anitawee
my number is i see everywhere is 32

That is the number you remember seeing everywhere (ever since you paid attention to a repeated sighting of the number).

And BTW, I am not dismissing numerology. After all, numbers are the "alphabet" of being.

But that doesn't mean that every single manifestation of an apparent "pattern" is necessarily a meaningful expression of an underlying "esoteric" math. :-)

[edit on 1-4-2008 by Vanitas]

posted on May, 15 2008 @ 12:05 PM
As a historical researcher, I find it unsettling to see how many people have been hoodwinked by liberal propaganda.

For starters, Nelson Mandela was NOT jailed "for leading the freedom movement". He was jailed for sabotage, and for trying to smuggle tens of thousands of landmines and hand-grenades into the country to kill whites.

Secondly, one only has to "Youtube" 'Mandela sings about killing whites' to see and hear where he and the ANC really stand for.

Thirdly, over 2 000 white farmers have been brutally murdered by blacks since the ANC took power, and Mandela has not once spoken out against this.

Finally, he is no hero to the 72% of white people who votes "Yes" for "power-sharing" and who are now sidelined, and legislated against for being white. The 4-666-4 number is thus very fitting.

posted on May, 20 2008 @ 09:16 PM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Gee, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. This afternoon I visited a website
I frequent often and somebody had put up a link about a story on the gas crisis. I clicked on the link and there was a "Chicken Little" type intro that ended with something like "oh no...11.11" That absolutely froze me in my tracks. That is absolutely the first time I can remember hearing or seeing those numbers referenced by anybody else. Boy, have I had my head in the sand,huh? For the first time I decided to look into this stuff, Googled "11,11, significance" and boom I ended up here.

Fact is, they (11.11 and 1.11) have been bugging the heck out of me on a daily basis for the past 14 years. I see them absolutely everywhere at a frequency that is light-years beyond any possibility of coincidence. I pop something in the microwave to defrost. When I go back to check it, the timer says 11.11. I'll be watching a ballgame, glance up at the clock, in the corner of the screen, and it says 11:11. Look at my watch, the alarm clock, the clock on my computer, doesn't matter they all work the same. Last week at the grocery store, I grabbed some grapes and they weighed 1.11 pounds. A few weeks before that I glanced at my receipt and it said $11.11. This is spooky as all get out. It's almost like someone is trying to reach me or tell me something but I don't have a clue as to what it is. On a few occasions,
I've run to the store and bought lottery tickets but never came close Now I'm getting so I just kinda laugh and say "alright,already...what?"

In reading some of these posts, it appears that I'm far from being alone
in this. I can be driving down a strange road, pull up behind a car and their licence plate has a 1111 on it. Or, come to an intersection that says County
Road 1111. Credit card bills, phone bills, you name it, they've all showed up with those numbers at one time or another. A few nights ago, I was editing
a file I downloaded from an old VHS tape. Yup, you guessed it... final duration 11:11

Except for one instance over the last 14 years, I can't tell if the numbers are a good sign or bad sign and even that one isn't real clear.. About 4 years after first realizing that I was seeing these numbers too often, I got a call that my son had been in a very serious accident. It was November 11th. At the time, he was a professional athlete so it gave us all a great deal of concern. He bounced right back in about 6 months and ended up stronger than before. So, was that good or bad? Other than that though, I can't really tie anything, good or bad, to seeing them in what seems to be an increasing frequency. I know the last 4 or 5 weeks have been the most active I've seen but it has died down the last few days. The Burma Cyclone, the China somebody trying to tell us something?

Certainly, preconditioning has to have something to do with it. But, coincidence? I don't think so. I've never really looked at it with any thing
other than curiosity but after seeing this site and reading many of the posts,
I'm going to start keeping a log and do some serious research into it. Been a long, long time since I've sat down and read the bible but I'm going to do that also.

By the way, I was born on the 13th. Any significance to that? How about some of you others? Can we tie this into birth dates in any way.

Are there only a few of us or does everybody see these things?

posted on Jun, 10 2008 @ 07:55 AM
I have experienced the 333 numbers for a while now...have spoken about it in previous threads....the most recent one happened a few days back.....I work in IT support and went to sort someones PC out....her PC name was xp333, so I just smiled and thought OK its just the number I always see but somone has to have that PC name....I then had to open her email to print something off and she had 333 unread smile was even top it all off the person who's PC is was fixing only happened to teach my cousin and is very good friends with her....I only knew this because she had a picture of her in her office....coincidence, probably a very big one...

posted on Jun, 15 2008 @ 06:23 AM
for me it's 11:41. I see this damn time every single day on different clocks, for more than one year already... it really drives me nuts! what does this 11:41 mean?

posted on Jun, 17 2008 @ 10:30 PM

posted on Jun, 20 2008 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by orionthehunter

46664 was Mandela's allocated number when he was imprisoned by the South African apartheid regime. He had no choice in the number. It has become representative of human rights abuses. The 666 is however aptly symbolic of the behaviour of those in this world who bully the majority for their own twisted motives.

posted on Jun, 27 2008 @ 10:29 AM
I used to ALWAYS be about the number games! I don't believe that crap anymore, though. My numbers were 7 (generally lucky number), 13 (generally unlucky number), 14 (least favourite number), 22 (favourite number), 23 (duhh, pops up everywhere), 36 (sum of 1 to 36 is 666), 666, and occasionally 42. When I was in class, that's one of the things I would do. Look around the room at objects, numbers, and phrases, and find out how they relate to those numbers. In math class, when I was done my work, I would do these types of things with a friend. Later I realized that it was nonsense, seeing as numbers were created by humans. So I stopped. I still do get a kick out of doing them when I'm bored, though.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 10:04 AM
I know this is an old post but I would like to reply because this is a discussion that I have had with several people throughout the day. My time is 12:34, My number is 777. It doesn't matter what I am doing, including sleeping. At 12:34 I look at the clock both times a day. This has been happening since I was a child and has actually gotten to the point that I refuse to wear a watch. LOL In the middle of the night I wake up (if I am asleep) and roll over to see 12:34. I am in agreement with the poster who stated that a lot of it is the subconscious and can come from learning something new. (Like after my best friend died, I saw dragonflies and Magpies everywhere... they were her favorite flying things
. I had never seen a Magpie until that time).

777 is odd for me. I was born in July of 77, seems like half of my purchases have 777 in them, I see them in license plates, get them as phone numbers.... it's really bizarre, but no where near as bizarre as the 12:34.

Thanks for starting this post. It really makes me feel like less of a lunatic.

posted on Jul, 17 2008 @ 01:33 PM
reply to post by flyindevil

i don't think numbers were created by humans. i mean ONE THING is ONE THING. and if you have another ONE THING, there are TWO THINGS.
we created the alphabet, but not numbers. numbers were there since the beginning of time.
we only created the names of numbers.

posted on Jul, 23 2008 @ 04:55 PM
everytime i look at the time it always includes an 11..ex. 3:11, 5:11. 11:11
not only the time, but in other things, like house numbers, phone numbers. even my friends are starting to see it now.

posted on Jul, 25 2008 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by Annacryst

it is 666 not 616. "Six Hundred Threescore and Six" = 666.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 12:08 AM
Personally Ive never heard of 11:11 which seems to be the mainstay of this thread , why not the obvious? the number 23 lol... jim carrey known for being the 'green' man in all his films mauntauk etc.. , do a search for '19.5 degrees' in yahoo.

posted on Jul, 26 2008 @ 02:02 AM
reply to post by Believe195

and the 'true man' show, too, eh?
jim carrey is totally NWO.
i wonder if he knows?

"the mask"
"the truman show"
"the cable guy"
"me, myself and irene"
"the number 23"
"i am an illuminati puppet"
"puppets are us"


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