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The Oujia Board

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posted on Oct, 3 2003 @ 06:43 AM
Quija boards are dangerous and should be avoided, here is a link on some reasons NOT to fool around with powers you can't control:

Hope this helps.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 04:22 AM
Found another story about how foolish it is to mess around with Quija boards:

Scary stuff!

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 04:33 AM
Have done it more than a few times, most times it worked sometimes it didn't, once we even called up a person we knew to be living, but being 2:30 am we were 99.9% they were asleep so therefore we were talking to their astrally travelling spirit. we have had interesting times with the ouija, some very frightening with the glass flying from the table, others where you feel " a person walking past you". and still other times when it is just a conversation / Q&A with someone from the next place we will all visit eventually. We have done it the old fashion way with cut up bits of paper and a glasss on the table , we also have used a " proper" oujia board. both work just as well. give it a whirl and at the end if you are unsettled ask/tell the spirit or entity you feel is still around to leave and return to where they came..that usually works...mostly.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 05:18 AM
Ouija Board....

[Edited on 9-10-2003 by Creepy]

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 02:49 PM
Back when I was in high school (late 80's), a friend of mine's dad gave me a Ouija board that he got from an elderly woman who died in an apt. building he worked for. She had no family so they sold or dumped most of her stuff. This thing was an original William Fuld board, before Parker Bros. bought the rights. It didn't have a planchette, so me and my friend made one from wood panelling. It worked. I don't understand how, but we "talked" to several spirits. One even told us not to ever do a Ouija session without reciting the Lord's Prayer. I'm not religious, but to this day, the Lord's Prayer is glued to the back of this thing. I haven't used it in years because I now have small children.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by Jeffrey
~They say you could make a ouija board out of simple cardboard and simple black marker and have the same effect. I don't know this personally because I will never try the instrument.


I think I would agree with that. It doesn't seem to matter so much on the materials used as long as it's made of similar design and is actually usable.

I have actually used an unconventional board from and E.S.P Test Game Kit and made the planchette(sp?) out of some broken pencils attached together in the shape of a triangle. It worked just fine.

posted on Oct, 9 2003 @ 03:07 PM
I have used the Oujia Board once with my sister and cousins at their house in Cali. Anyways, when I first asked "it" a question and I felt a weird sensation in my body. I don't know what it was, but anyways. I decided to ask "it" where are you and it spelt out my name. The movement that happens I don't understand as it goes back and forth. Could the movement be caused by my cousins, sister and me, or is it really because of the spirit? I havent been afraid of the board and I don't get all the hype surrounding it. Sorry if this doesnt make sense

posted on Oct, 13 2003 @ 12:13 PM
I had a creepy experience with one when i was 15.Three of my friends took it to their house and after about an hour they came running outside totally freaked.Supossedly they were communicating with the spirit of a little boy.They were begging me and my other buddies to destroy the board.One of my friends got some gasoline and poured it on the board soaking it totally.When he lit it only the edges caught on fire.The middle of it wouldnt ignite.The weird part was at each corner a high flame would rise and go along the edge of the board and rise again at the next corner.We literally poured a whole gallon of gas on it for it to completely burn.

posted on Oct, 14 2003 @ 03:18 PM
Who make the Ouija Board.... Can you make one yourself?

posted on Oct, 15 2003 @ 06:06 AM
Yes Nep you can make one yourself but, I'm warning you, don't fool around with powers you can't possibly comprehend.

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 03:29 PM
My Mother-In-Law is a very religous woman and alway's has been so when she told me about her experience with a Quija board I had to listen. She said that her and her Husband (my father-in-law) played the game about three years into their marriage to try and contact her mother whom she lost to Cancer when she was 6. She stated that the Quija board answered several personal questions that only she could have known correctly. She continued to use the board for several hours talking to a spirit that claimed to be her mother. After using the board for quite some time she said they both heard strange noises coming from the back bedroom in the house. They both went to investigate the sounds and what they saw scared them both to death.

The way that she described it was a transparent being that appeared like her mother but very "satanic" as she put it. She said it was her mother but it was an evil version of her mother.

They immediately took the Quija out back and burned it. However the apparation stayed for quite some time showing up when they least expected it to. Such as when she was getting out of the shower or opening a closet. She never used a Quija Board again and stated that the cruciffix around her neck has not been removed since this happened in 1963.

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 03:48 PM
Here is a news story concerning Quija Boards

[Edited on 17-10-2003 by BlackJackal]

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 04:17 PM
ive allready spoken to some members regaurding my investigation with oujia boards... when i have the right circumstances i will try it i never got the oportunity i was hoping for ...

i did try what i thought was automatic writting and i asked some interesting questions... including asking satan to speak to me... nothing more than a violent twitch and my hand moving about an inch on the page happened all night....

it didnt scare me and when i get the right oportunity i will try it again...

i would like to read up on how to astral project an other stuff...

i am curious as to how to learn,


astral projection...


the power of the subconscience...


ect ect..

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 04:19 PM
i am begining to think the human mind is alot more powerfull than is made out... i think we are possibly being spirtually repressed..

why.. i have no idea.. but i think the power of the mind is not something to be scared of...

i think we all possibly have abilities that we cannot comprehend at the time...

the power of possitive thinking...

posted on Oct, 17 2003 @ 04:28 PM
if you at all are phcic stay the HELL away,

it may not be the board itself that draws this "power"

it may just be your subconsic beleafe that it is "real"

and your mind will make it real

posted on Jan, 10 2004 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by The Blade Runner
i have no idea what so ever about what im doing, im trying to get some deccent tangeble information on possitives and negetives of oujia boards... it just seams that it is a really taboo subject and nobody wants to shed any light on it...

I decided to check out this forum because of some negative experiences i had and am afraid still living.

July 2003 my sister, wife, sisters aunt and I sat down to use a Ouija board one night. The three of them are practicing wiccans and have used a board before as I never had before that night and never will.

During the night I could sense a change in the way the board was behaving and the atmosphere around us as well. My sister kept taking hers hands off the pointer to light a cigarette and at one point when the spirit we were talking to said it was in the house and my sister said, "Oh yea prove it, give us a sign". These were both a way of opening a doorway for the spirit to enter and it did. But only until we took our hands off the pointer did it show us it was in the room (it wouldn't when we were on the board because another spirit could have warned us). At that point 1 of the 4 candles began to rock violently on the table then shot across the table moving the board and an ashtray out of the way and stopped right before my sister.

I don't know much about this but it told us that it had never been a spirit of living flesh after this. See we used the board on a new moon and the 4 of us posess the 4 elements.

The next day my 9 yr old nephew who I am going to be adopting soon started complainingthat his eyes hurt and he was hot and his back felt like a fish tail was slapping his back and when we lifted up his shirt we could see the white outline of a fishes tail fin. About 2 minutes after that he turned to us and began crying and had a look of fear and terror in his eyes. I immediately picked him up and ran out of the house.

To make a long story short we cleansed the house and got rid of the board and all was well or so the others think. See a friend of ours who is 25 and been a wiccan since he was 8 asked me if I thought it was gone and I said No I don't think it is and he agreed with me.

what has happened is just prior to cleansing the house I defied the spirit from doing harm to anyone in my house and family and to leave everyone alone.

This is where the problem is and only recently realized why I have the feeling that it's not gone. I ran into someone I have known for most my life and haven't seen in years (she is an indian with some strong spiritual senses). She seemed uncomfortable around me which was odd and I asked her why. Then she told me something that startled me. She said, "It's not you I'm uncomfortable with, it's what is a part of you". You see I never told it to leave me alone and well it didn't and now it's a part of my life and I have know idea what to do about it.

At least I can say one thing my family doesn't have to worry about it, I hope.

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 04:32 PM
truth is a Ouji Board like a television attracts the most base driven spirits and as the board works with your physical senses far more goes on beneath. While you sit with your back turned a million subtle manipulations accure. But i would say to you that the....."event" as it was worded may have been very physical but you should not fear. Change or such an event can open your eyes move you to ask finely honed questions . Do not translate out right physical attacks as"bad" or "scary" dump hollywood this is the real world where things are far more complex and clinical. No a ouji board can feed the need to learn and see if you control fear and pointless explanations that always simplifie the truth.
ps i note the use of the word negative because pain was inflicted, this is purile without pain a child does not learn to mature, and many things have to be communicated in many ways when you are a spirit clumbsy in the physical world.

[email protected]

[Edited on 11-1-2004 by waiting]

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 04:56 PM
My mom wont let me touch ouija boards, because she thinks they are satanic, but my friend told me about her experience with one. She was at another girls house and they were playing with one. The spirit or w/e started to get threatening, though. It told my friend it was going to kill her. She said "Do you know where I live?" and it said her address. She freaked out, and wont touch them anymore.
Another friend also told me that she was doing it, and when it started moving she got scared and said "Cover this house with the blood of Jesus Christ, and protect us from evil spirits!" and the spirit stopped and left.

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 05:03 PM
I have tried it a few times and got nothing

posted on Jan, 11 2004 @ 05:08 PM
I hope Im not creating a monster, but heres a link on how to make a ouija board!

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