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Russian scientists develop weapons of the future

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posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 02:02 PM
Russian scientists develop weapons of the future: Integrated soldiers, laser guns and smart tanks
07/08/2005 14:50
The renowned Kalashnikov gun will most likely have to retire and give way to an automatic gun of the new generation - AN-94

The traditional attitude to the Russian army is rather skeptic: it is most entirely equipped with the Soviet-era defense technology. The legendary reliability of Soviet weapons is known worldwide, although they have their limits too. Kalashnikov guns, Topol missiles, S-300 missile systems, Su-27 pursuit planes, Mi-8 military helicopters, T-72 tanks are reputed to have become perfect examples of the Russian defense power. However, they can be referred to as outdated weapons too. Russian specialists are currently working on new generation of arms that will be added to the arsenal of the Russian Armed Forces in the future.

Russian designers work on the program titled "The Integrated technology for Soldiers of the 21st Century." The program includes the work on the individual equipment for warriors of the future. The major goal of the project is to systematize all the weapons, which a soldier uses in military operations. A defense set of the 21st century actually represents the ultra-modern and multi-functional "walking" computer.

A Kalashnikov gun was considered the best automatic gun in the world only a short time ago. A monument to the globally-recognized Kalashnikov gun was unveiled in one of African countries. However, legends never last forever.

The renowned Kalashnikov gun will most likely have to retire and give way to an automatic gun of the new generation - AN-94, or Abakan. Outwardly, the new weapon does not have any peculiar differences from its predecessor. The Abakan gun has very slight recoil: the so-called carriage system absorbs the shock when bullets fire out.

Unlike the Kalashnikov gun, the Abakan is outfitted with three modes of shooting: single, fixed volleys and continuous fire. The capacity of the Abakan's magazine is 45 cartridges. Designers of the new Russian gun say that AN-94 will have broad perspectives for its perfection. Specialists already work on the modified model of the gun - Abakan-Super. Engineers want to create a symbiosis of unique fire-arms and a multi-functional computer system. The amended version of the gun includes a laser sight with day and night-time modes. In addition, the Abakan-Super gun will be equipped with a computer block, which analyses all parameters necessary to strike targets day and night.

A head-piece of the soldier of the future is made of light and ultra-solid materials. The helmet represents an electronic unit, which allows a soldier to stay in touch with his commanders, determine his whereabouts, the spending of ammunition supplies, etc.

World's smartest tank will most likely be developed in the city of Nizhni Tagil. For the time being, the new machine exists as a sketch; it is tentatively called "Object N." It is expected that the project will end with the creation of the smartest tank in the world: the machine will be outfitted with a highly efficient electronic intellect. The system will be receiving information about a target through optical, thermal imaging and infra-red channels, which include a laser range-finder and a radar station.

The new tank will be outfitted with a 1,300 horse power engine - it will thus become the most powerful tank engine in the world. The weight of the new super machine will reach 45 tons: it will be the lightest tank among armored vehicles of the class. The shells of the new machine will be capable of breaking the armor of any other tanks. Furthermore, a special electronic detector of Object-N's shells will not let a moving target escape the destruction.

Russian scientists currently conduct secret research works to develop a new generation of cartridges too. The traditional powder will most likely be replaced with light-gas blend. New cartridges will possess a more powerful breaking capacity: a new bullet fired from the distance of one kilometer will be able to break through a 2-centimeter thick layer of armor. The bullet develops an incredibly high initial velocity owing to the reduced weight and the special composition of the powder blend. To crown it all, Russian defense scientists try to design a jet-propelled bullet. As soon as such a bullet touches the surface of a target, a tiny charge blows up in the core of the bullet, and it vehemently plunges into the armor.

Foreign specialists of defense technologies acknowledged 20 years ago that the Russian multiple-launch rocket system (MLRS) Smerch, or Tornado, won the status of the world's best artillery machine. Russian designers continue the work to modify the system, although it may seem that it can already be added on the list of perfect arms. The firing range of the machine was characterized with 70 kilometers a short while ago. Nowadays the MLRS is capable of firing missiles at the distance of 90 kilometers. Designers plan to improve the firing capacity even further - up to 130 kilometers. It brings up the idea that the number of launchers will be increased from 12 to 16 or even 20.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 03:38 PM
Well I for one am glad that tehy are working on "weapons of the future". It would have been fruitless working on weapons of the past

Is the Russian military in any state to develop new technology? I gather they have trouble even paying their own troops or maintaining their own equipment.

Is there anything about this pravda article that is more than bluster? Surely any tech the Russians work on is decades behind America.

An updated version of the kalshnikov should be great, all the Mujahadeen in Afghanastan will be queueing up for one.

I take anything that starts with "Worlds greatest..." or "Worlds first ..." from Pravda with a cynical eye.

[edit on 11-7-2005 by Netchicken]

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 03:43 PM
If they've developed them, doesn't that make them weapons of the present?

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 03:52 PM
Maybe we could compromise and call them "weapons of next Tuesday at afternnon tea".

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 03:53 PM
nah tuesday doesn't work for me, dentist and all.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 07:13 PM
So they said Object N will be the smartest tank in the world... how would that be? it is just a drawing, and many many years behind of making the tank.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 03:16 AM
America's Land Warrior will start field testing next year. America could put mobile lasers into service right this minute, but they want something smaller. A FCS sized laser vehicle called the Talon will enter service in 2008.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 10:52 AM
Good post prelude

check out this thread too :

Russia working on secret weapons : Russia's defence minister

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 10:57 AM

Originally posted by Netchicken
Surely any tech the Russians work on is decades behind America.

and what makes you think so ??...

Russia have the world's second largest defence budget and have been spending about the same amount as America on R&D and have not been involving themselvs in wars like America like in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo, etc ; and its these that make the american budget larger; but for R&D Russia is second to none.

Maybe there is a 3 to 4 year gap on what Russia lost out between 1990 to 1994 but after that overseas arms sales & an ever improving economy have ensured good funding for R&D

You'll know this if you check out the other thread that i have given you a link of.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 02:54 PM

Originally posted by Stealth Spy

Originally posted by Netchicken
Surely any tech the Russians work on is decades behind America.

and what makes you think so ??...

Russia have the world's second largest defence budget and have been spending about the same amount as America on R&D and have not been involving themselvs in wars like America like in Iraq, Afghanistan and Kosovo, etc ; and its these that make the american budget larger; but for R&D Russia is second to none.

Maybe there is a 3 to 4 year gap on what Russia lost out between 1990 to 1994 but after that overseas arms sales & an ever improving economy have ensured good funding for R&D

You'll know this if you check out the other thread that i have given you a link of.

According to RAND, China and Russia are about tied for 2nd largest defense budget. Really, Russia spends $70 billion a year on R&D?

[edit on 12-7-2005 by NWguy83]

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 02:57 PM
This is going by official figures.

The official chinese defence spending is 29 billion $;

some speculate that its even higher but you cant say for sure.

and perhaps you'll like this thread :

China's defence spending - fact or fiction ?

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 03:02 PM
With China rapidly modernizing it's military and deploying 700 - 800 missiles aimed at Taiwan, $29 billion is clearly false.

posted on Jul, 12 2005 @ 03:09 PM

Originally posted by NWguy83
With China rapidly modernizing it's military and deploying 700 - 800 missiles aimed at Taiwan, $29 billion is clearly false.

Doesn't need to be.

Remember the difference a USD is in China, compaired to the U.S.A. or the U.K. your money will get you a lot more in a country where they can pay them "less" and still afford a "high" standerd of living - by that Nations level at least.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 09:50 AM
Sounds like that Russia is designing their own FCS and OICW type weapons, good deal, the ballance of power will be maintained!

To complete your list:

New Fighter, PAK-FA
New Attack Helicopters, Mi-24N, Ka-52
New Tank, so called Smart Tank (will this work on AI?)
New infantry weapon, AN-94(M?) Super Abakan
New Pistol, PYa "Grach"
New PDW, PP-2000

That's all I can think of right now.

Beware, SeekerOf, Westpoint and other nationalistic Americans will more than likely laugh at these developments like they always do.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 11:28 AM
It really doesn't matter real Military knowhow Russkies laugh thier heads off at people like them cus USA has never taken on Russia but small 3 world nations using DownGraded Russia weapons and winning , and these yanks based upon that think "well that means we can defeat Russia" HAHAHAHAHAHA

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 12:47 PM
I think that in the next 5 years russia willfix its economy and will be on top once again, so these new weapons will be mass produced. Russians are very strong people.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 01:46 PM
Sorry to burst your buble but were headed for WW3 with in 3 years, and there no stopping it with out prayer cuz these zionists are realy pushing for it.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by SiberianTiger
Sorry to burst your buble but were headed for WW3 with in 3 years, and there no stopping it with out prayer cuz these zionists are realy pushing for it.

are u saying that the U.S. of A. is goin to war against Russia? cause thats really a bad dream u got there. cause i have no idea why the U.S. would want to nuke Russia right now or even 3 years from now, unless Putin decided to do somthin crazy.

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Netchicken
Well I for one am glad that tehy are working on "weapons of the future". It would have been fruitless working on weapons of the past

Is the Russian military in any state to develop new technology? I gather they have trouble even paying their own troops or maintaining their own equipment.

Is there anything about this pravda article that is more than bluster? Surely any tech the Russians work on is decades behind America.

An updated version of the kalshnikov should be great, all the Mujahadeen in Afghanastan will be queueing up for one.

I take anything that starts with "Worlds greatest..." or "Worlds first ..." from Pravda with a cynical eye.

[edit on 11-7-2005 by Netchicken]

If reading an article from the times magazine is what you call passing time and stating economic data is what call passing inferiority then I am sorry to state that the US has perpetually stopped producing brains- actually they never did “produced” other than “hiring” brains from the fertile brain pools of Russia India and UK –the only American contribution to this world – The concept of hiring brains (when u don’t have them )

Now coming to the point

Well I for one am glad that tehy are working on "weapons of the future". It would have been fruitless working on weapons of the past
Though it doesn’t need much intellect to understand but still for YOUR information new weapons are developed mainly by working and correcting on the weapons of past ……

Is the Russian military in any state to develop new technology? I gather they have trouble even paying their own troops or maintaining their own equipment.
Don’t you have an educational system in the US which teaches you todo some independent research? If yes then do it ….instead of reading all those politically motivated articles give a visit to Russia and you will discover that the international media is a myth industry

Is there anything about this pravda article that is more than bluster? I take anything that starts with "Worlds greatest..." or "Worlds first ..." from Pravda with a cynical eye.
instead of having stereotype views go and visit the website….this Pravda is not the same Pravda that was being published during the soviet times its full of criticisms of the government .and its interesting to note that almost 80% of its readers are from north America and the west …

An updated version of the kalshnikov should be great, all the Mujahadeen in Afghanastan will be queueing up for one.
…… the same way by which US universities queue up for foreign brains?….. you queue up when you are in shortage of something… Right?

Surely any tech the Russians work on is decades behind America. still until now (the “discovery” has not launched yet ) Russian rockets are the only means of transport of the US cosmonauts after the Colombia disaster ….

If US is our Enemy we don’t need much R &D we know who our forefathers were (which you US citizens don’t) and they did it all for us

so.,... May God bless America

posted on Jul, 13 2005 @ 02:14 PM
well all i gotta say is watch out for those ruskies in the near future,i wonder what other eroupean countries are workin on.hmmmm..come to think of it id like know if latin american,african,asian,oceana are workin on?
anyway glad russians doin something productive

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