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Mini-Profile and Stuff

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posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 01:43 PM
I need info about some stuff about stuff in the mini-profile and related things. I couldn't find stuff about it in the search for some reason. Can you either tell me or give me links about these things.

1. What is that bar thing that gets bigger near the ATS points, why is it different colours for some people? What happens once it's full.

2. What is that little "warn" icon that pops up at certain users, what would happen if I click it.

3. What is "Vote for RATS" do? Any info on how it works?

4. What dose "Ignore this user" do?

5. How come sometimes my background color, ATS points, and that bar thing will not show up (usually when ATS is slow, mabey due to maintenence)? I need to know if it's only happening to me.

6. Whats with the code errors that pop up after I modify the my "settings" or upload a picture? (administartor, knows what I mean... mabey) Yet nothing happens, upload makes it through, and settings all work.

7. What are ways to earn ATS points? I post like crazy yet I don't get any. Are the Mods incharge of this system?

That's all I want to ask, sorry if I sound like a newbie, because I'm not really that web literate, you people seem to be. The #1 I want to know the most.

Okay thanks.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 01:50 PM
Please browse through the forum listed below. It should answer all your questions....if it doesn't please post your question in this thread and I will attempt to answer.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 01:51 PM
1: postcount, hold your mouse over it and the actual number apears.
2: when users get warnings from mods, they get that sign under their names. it uses a 3 strike your out system on banning people too. Warnings timeout after a while.
3: Voting for WATS means you vote to give the person points to recieve the Way Above Top Secret status at the end of the month.
4: Ignore user hides all posts posted by that user.
5: When the system goes in low bandwidth mode (because of heavy traffic) alot of the graphical features are severely toned down.
6: Dunno, submit error report.
7: Posting, applauses, news submissions and so on.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by GoldEagle
I need info about some stuff about stuff in the mini-profile and related things. I couldn't find stuff about it in the search for some reason. Can you either tell me or give me links about these things.

1. What is that bar thing that gets bigger near the ATS points, why is it different colours for some people? What happens once it's full.

2. What is that little "warn" icon that pops up at certain users, what would happen if I click it.

3. What is "Vote for RATS" do? Any info on how it works?

4. What dose "Ignore this user" do?

5. How come sometimes my background color, ATS points, and that bar thing will not show up (usually when ATS is slow, mabey due to maintenence)? I need to know if it's only happening to me.

6. Whats with the code errors that pop up after I modify the my "settings" or upload a picture? (administartor, knows what I mean... mabey) Yet nothing happens, upload makes it through, and settings all work.

7. What are ways to earn ATS points? I post like crazy yet I don't get any. Are the Mods incharge of this system?

That's all I want to ask, sorry if I sound like a newbie, because I'm not really that web literate, you people seem to be. The #1 I want to know the most.

Okay thanks.

1) How many posts you have done. It changes colour depending on how many way above votes you have.

4) you can't see there posts.

5) Too many people on the site. They change it to low band-width, to save on their internet costs.

6) Nothing important, it still changes the profile.

7) Diffferent areas get different points. If you start a thread and get replys you get points, lots of ways.


Use the search function and you'll find answers to all of these.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 01:54 PM
Wow that answered everything, thanks guys. What are the best way to make the most ATS points just out of curiosity.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by GoldEagle
1. What is that bar thing that gets bigger near the ATS points, why is it different colours for some people? What happens once it's full.

That would be a graphical represenation of a member's number of post contributions. It "blushes" when staff applause are applied. And if it's anything like my garage full of "Camel Cash," once full you get a boat. But it's never really full, is it?

2. What is that little "warn" icon that pops up at certain users, what would happen if I click it.

A staff applied warning for a violation of the Terms & Conditions. I'll fill in links later unless someone beats me to it.) If you click it, it takes you to the post that earned the warn.

3. What is "Vote for RATS" do? Any info on how it works?

It's WATS (Way Above Top Secret), a member voted award for an excellent post. You may vote up to 3 times per month. A winner is announced monthly.

4. What dose "Ignore this user" do?

You will no longer see posts by that user.

5. How come sometimes my background color, ATS points, and that bar thing will not show up (usually when ATS is slow, mabey due to maintenence)? I need to know if it's only happening to me.

It's when ATS is experiencing high volumes actually. We enter low bandwidth mode. It's universal to all members.

6. Whats with the code errors that pop up after I modify the my "settings" or upload a picture? (administartor, knows what I mean... mabey) Yet nothing happens, upload makes it through, and settings all work.

A glitch.

7. What are ways to earn ATS points? I post like crazy yet I don't get any. Are the Mods incharge of this system?

Posting, news submissions, staff applause. You've pretty much got it. Just post.

No problem to ask.
Anything else?

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Odium
1. What is that bar thing that gets bigger near the ATS points, why is it different colours for some people? What happens once it's full.

Almost right.

The bar in the profile represents the members post count, the bar maxes out at 5000 posts. The bar starts out grey turning redder with every “applause” received from a staff member. The more staff “applauds” the redder the bar.

Oh and moderator bars are all orange.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 01:59 PM

Wow that answered everything, thanks guys. What are the best way to make the most ATS points just out of curiosity.

Submit quality news reports. That usually gets you more points. Or I believe if you participate in a debate or research.

[edit on 7/9/2005 by 9890]

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 02:02 PM
What does the WATS winner get in return? Is it a load of point or something like that?

[edit on 7/9/2005 by GoldEagle]

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 02:09 PM
Well as far as I know the WATs winner gets a medal in their mini-profile. But I think they get some points too.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 02:14 PM
What about peope that say, Subject Matter Expert, how did they get that title?

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 02:28 PM

Originally posted by GoldEagle
What about peope that say, Subject Matter Expert, how did they get that title?

The mods, etc, find someone that knows a lot about one/more areas and they become the FSME. From what I've heard it also involves some "tricks", if you get what I mean.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 02:31 PM

Originally posted by kinglizard

Originally posted by Odium
1. What is that bar thing that gets bigger near the ATS points, why is it different colours for some people? What happens once it's full.

Almost right.

The bar in the profile represents the members post count, the bar maxes out at 5000 posts. The bar starts out grey turning redder with every “applause” received from a staff member. The more staff “applauds” the redder the bar.

Oh and moderator bars are all orange.

Ohhh, fair enough.

Applaud me or you shall feel my wrath! I thought you also got it for way above votes. lol

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by GoldEagle
1. What is that bar thing that gets bigger near the ATS points, why is it different colours for some people? What happens once it's full.

The bar is actually representative of the member's level of anger at trolls and general nincompoopery. The angrier you get, the redder it gets. The mods' bars are orange to represent how after having spent so much time on ATS, they have gotten so angry that they literally burst into flames.

BTW, if you're using Firefox browser, the post count won't show up in the tool tip that pops up when you hover your pointer over the bar. Right click the bar and select "Properties". The number next to "Alternate Text" in the dialogue box is the post count.

Hope this helps.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by wecomeinpeace

BTW, if you're using Firefox browser, the post count won't show up in the tool tip that pops up when you hover your pointer over the bar. Right click the bar and select "Properties". The number next to "Alternate Text" in the dialogue box is the post count.

Hope this helps.

Oolala. Thank you, I was just trying to figure out why that didn't work. What's the deal with Firefox? My brother told me to get it because it was the best or something, but it has so many limitation and things that don't work, at least from what i've seen around the web.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 03:50 PM
Firefox isn't what it's cracked up to be. People use it primarialy to go on "sites" *wink* without getting spyware and spam. Thats all it's good for. It has too many problems and exploits that are starting to show up.

I would make a great expert subject matter at the space exploration section and the science disscusion section due to my vast knowlage of biochemistry, and general physics but I assume unless you "know" people to going to happen, but it's only a title so it dosn't concern me. For experts some people are pretty biased, thats why I think I would be more fitting.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 06:36 PM
The Feeling Of Entitlement

Originally posted by GoldEagle
I would make a great expert subject matter at the space exploration section and the science disscusion section due to my vast knowlage of biochemistry, and general physics but I assume unless you "know" people to going to happen, but it's only a title so it dosn't concern me. For experts some people are pretty biased, thats why I think I would be more fitting.

Establish this over time with a consistent track record of knowledgeable and fact-oriented posts, and you won't need a title -- though one might eventually come your way.

By the time someone gets FSME, it's usually quite obvious why they did.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 08:11 PM
hiiiiiiiiii waasassssup immmmmmmm ggg

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 11:25 PM

Originally posted by hardcore14
hiiiiiiiiii waasassssup immmmmmmm ggg

Ummmm I'm sorry but what does this have to do with mini-profile and stuff? If you want to introduce yourself thats why there is a board for that.

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 11:29 PM
hardcore14;"hardcore14 don't like silly number man! hardcore14 smash! Rorrrarererrr!"

I think he might have just snapped.

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