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SCI/TECH: China's Deep Impact

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posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 02:00 AM
China has it's own plans for a Deep Impact Mission. The different with China's project is that it intended to save the Earth from disaster. China still had to overcome technical obstacles before it can launch this project.
The lead engineer behind the rocket says, "We still need to make sure that scientific data could be successfully transmitted back to the Earth via the impactor's mothership."

BEIJING (Reuters) - China is drawing up its own version of the U.S.-built Deep Impact probe, domestic media reported on Wednesday, two days after the American spacecraft smashed into a comet.

The third nation to launch a man into space has lofty space ambitions that include putting two astronauts into orbit this September and eventually sending up a space station and even a manned mission to the moon.

"Actually, our country has its own Deep Impact plans, it's just we've never revealed them to the public before," the Beijing News quoted Chinese astronomer Zhao Haibin as saying.

"Right now, our focus is on a moon probe, but once that's successful, we will immediately start pursuing this plan."

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

While conspiracists all along have thought that Deep Impact had a alternate mission regarding Earth's safety, China has come right out and said that is exactly what they are doing.

Many will think this is a copy-cat mission China claims that they have had plans to do this all along and are just now releasing the info to the public.

It will be a few years before the launch and I can't wait to see the results.

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posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 12:24 PM
Interesting and my guess is it is just a copy cat operation, China is known for that. I find it very hard to believe they had planned this a long time ago simplly because they are so concerned about the data getting back from the mothership.

I am also sure the little old lady in Russia will now try and sue China

Boy won't that help relations between China and Russia?

posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 01:48 PM

Interesting and my guess is it is just a copy cat operation, China is known for that. I find it very hard to believe they had planned this a long time ago simplly because they are so concerned about the data getting back from the mothership.

I'd have to say it wouldn't surprise me. The Chinese govenrment lies for profit all the time. Like how they say smoking is good for yousmoking is good for you.

posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 11:48 PM
Now if they come out and say their plan includes a nuclear bomb or something I think I'm going to be a bit skeptical.

posted on Jul, 7 2005 @ 11:53 PM
I suppose if the United States can do these things outside our atmosphere why can't China, France, Russia or others do the same?

I can't understand why technology can't be shared in terms of Space?


posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 06:48 AM

I agree about sharing...somewhat..
Problem is..getting there requires sophisticated missile technology.
I think thats an issue.

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 08:40 AM
Same old same old. The Chinese Communist Party spends billions on exercises of international pride, putting hunks of metal in space and building Olympic sports stadiums and maglev trains, while hundreds of millions live in abject poverty in rural China. And they wonder why there is exponentially increasing civil unrest in the outer regions. I predict that they will get all the badges, bells and whistles completed just in time for there to be a revolution to institute democratic government.

Why are we still giving International aid to these corrupt CCP crooks if they're spending it all on militarization and space farces while their citizens go hungry?

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by wecomeinpeace
Same old same old. The Chinese Communist Party spends billions on exercises of international pride, putting hunks of metal in space and building Olympic sports stadiums and maglev trains, while hundreds of millions live in abject poverty in rural China. And they wonder why there is exponentially increasing civil unrest in the outer regions. I predict that they will get all the badges, bells and whistles completed just in time for there to be a revolution to institute democratic government.

Why are we still giving International aid to these corrupt CCP crooks if they're spending it all on militarization and space farces while their citizens go hungry?

And the US government spending doesn't do the same ? There is no poverty in the US ? Let me guess the reason for poverty in the states is because they are all lazy work shy gits (assuming you admit there is any !). Whereas the poverty in China is because their government doesn't help hard working unfortunate people. People in glass houses........

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 10:19 AM

Originally posted by malcr
And the US government spending doesn't do the same ? There is no poverty in the US ? Let me guess the reason for poverty in the states is because they are all lazy work shy gits (assuming you admit there is any !). Whereas the poverty in China is because their government doesn't help hard working unfortunate people.

Oh, I agree. The U.S. government is no shining example either, but China has bigger problems than the U.S., problems that the CCP continually neglect to address, and that will perhaps be their downfall. The rich-poor gap in China is huge, and getting larger by the month. China is a developing country, but the CCP is trying to make it look like a developed country by spending hundreds of billions on cosmetics. They're putting white pillars on the front of a tin shed to make it look like a mansion, while the occupants have no money to buy food. If you decide to help someone in poverty, which do you do first, buy them a three-piece Armani suit, or buy them a hot meal?

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 01:37 PM
I think the interesting part of this article is where they say they are doing this in order to save earth. When is that asteroid/meteor suppossed to brush by earth between the earth and moon? Somewhere in the 20teens or 2020's? Maybe the path is a little too close not to look at some options to destroy it or divert it.

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 03:34 PM
So China's looking for an excuse to permantly stage in orbit either A) a kinetic kill vehicle powerful enough to affect a comet, or destroy it, or B) An explosive atomic device of similar magnatude. There is no other way to make a device that can affect a comet or asteroid trajectory.

There's a rumor of space based American weapons and the entire world goes nuts. China sits here telling us blatantly they want to orbit city or country killing devices in order to "save the Earth" and there's cheering.

The Deep Impact device made a stadium sized crater, with a 300 pound copper weight. No serious effect on the comet's path. To make a serious change, and do it within the short time from a dangerous object's detection until impact, would require an order of magnitude greater energy.

An American strategic defense missile killer might conceivably level a large building. China wants to develop and keep in orbital standby, a device capable of making the largest atomic weapons look obsolete. Level an entire county, or a small state, with no nuclear fallout. And the world cheers their industry and praises their ambition.

Where's the protests about space based weaponry now, hmm? Oh, that's right, they didn't call it a it's okay.


posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 04:19 PM
"Why are we still giving International aid to these corrupt CCP crooks if they're spending it all on militarization and space farces while their citizens go hungry?

Better yet.......

.....why do we allow them to produce ever increasing amounts of our goods with slave labor while they keep the profits to spend it on the military?.........

........why do we free trade and maintain such a poor deficit position with them while they continue to build up the military and starve their own people?

..Oh I know........cause they have an emerging market that corporate America is licking their chops over to make profits on......

Yeah, corporate America can sit in their crumbled bomb shelters wiping their azzes with the money they made wondering how China's military got so strong so fast and turned against us............

We we put profits and contributions to political candidates over national security we are doomed............

posted on Jul, 8 2005 @ 05:50 PM
I didn't say I supported them, I just asked about the meteor that will cross the earth's orbit in the 20teens or 2020's and will be as close as half the distance of the earth to the moon. I think it is a viable object to look at because it will be CLOSE!

To hell with those commies....

Go Dawgs!

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Umbrax
I'd have to say it wouldn't surprise me. The Chinese govenrment lies for profit all the time. Like how they say smoking is good for yousmoking is good for you.

Umbrax, where in that article does it point to facts that the Chinese government says "smoking is good for your health".

The only people that say this are the tobacco industry, as said by the website. The title is completely false, as the only thing the Chinese government can be accused off is not advertising the dangers of smoking heavily enough. The company may be state owned but that means little, most of the companies in China are state owned or have state involvement.

Personally, all my family in China (like 10 aunties and uncles + grandparents) know that smoking is bad for you, and we are always trying to get our grandma to quit smoking.

I fail to see how statements like "most Chinese believe that smoking is good for you" can be proved or substantiated in any meaningful way.

[edit on 1-8-2005 by rapier28]

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 11:38 AM
I never said "most Chinese believe that smoking is good for you".

Originally posted by Umbrax
I'd have to say it wouldn't surprise me. The Chinese government lies for profit all the time. Like how they say smoking is good for yousmoking is good for you.

By 'they' I was referring to the Government.

The problem with tobacco is complicated by the concentration of most cigarette sales in a government controlled monopoly. The government, dependent on tobacco revenue, seems hesitant in its response to the tobacco compared with other public health problems.

In China, cigarettes are a kind of miracle drug


From Saturday's Globe and Mail

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Guiyang, China — Here's some exciting medical news from the Chinese government: Smoking is great for your health.

Cigarettes, according to China's tobacco authorities, are an excellent way to prevent ulcers.

They also reduce the risk of Parkinson's disease, relieve schizophrenia, boost your brain cells, speed up your thinking, improve your reactions and increase your working efficiency.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

You don't have to become a Globe and Mail member to get the full article you can pull it from this blog

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 12:34 PM
Here is another news article on the Chinese government and smoking.

...the government-run tobacco industry clearly promotes smoking as a way to improve health in the nation of 1.3 billion people.

Ads in China tout smoking as a cure-all for diseases and ailments -- from Parkinson's to ulcers. In fact, smoking can even make you smarter and happier, if you listen to the government.

The pro-smoking campaign is perhaps a reason why China has not only the largest population of smokers anywhere in the world, but a growing one -- with an estimated three million people choosing to light up every year.

"I don't believe all the talk about cancer. Most people who smoke don't get sick," a resident of Guiyang told CTV News.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

posted on Aug, 1 2005 @ 08:58 PM
The reason why i say the topic is a bit misleading is because its the stete-owned concerns that are making the claim as a separate entity.

For example, the smoking factory is 50+% owned by the government in terms of shares, but its the smoke makers that are making this claims, this does not necessary mean that the government is making those claims.

The word "Government" in China is also a word that can mean local, state or federal, often operating autonomousely from each other on all issues unless the federal government issues a direct order (banning Falungong for example).

The article also suggests that (Sorry, i never meant you said it);

"Quitting smoking would bring you misery, shortening your life."

Such statements are widely believed in China.

I find it hard to believe how the reported in this case can actually back up the above statement with hard facts and not just one or two people saying it is. Like i said, i'am yet to meet anyone in China that actually says smoking is good for you.

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