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Portrait of a martyr-in-waiting

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posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 03:51 AM
This is an interwiev of Marwan Abu Ubeida, for the Time.

One day soon, this somber young man plans to offer up a final prayer and then blow himself up along with as many U.S. or Iraqi soldiers as he can reach. Marwan Abu Ubeida says he has been training for months to carry out a suicide mission. He doesn't know when or where he will be ordered to climb into a bomb-laden vehicle or strap on an explosives-filled vest but says he is eager for the moment to come. While he waits, he spends much of his time rehearsing that last prayer. "First I will ask Allah to bless my mission with a high rate of casualties among the Americans," he says, speaking softly in a matter-of-fact monotone, as if dictating a shopping list. "Then I will ask him to purify my soul so I am fit to see him, and I will ask to see my mujahedin brothers who are already with him." He pauses to run the list through his mind again, then resumes: "The most important thing is that he should let me kill many Americans."

So much for Debunking the myth: We are creating terrorits in Iraq.

I guess we do.

This war is never going to end.

If this is already covered on ATS remove the thread or move it to other forum.


[edit on 29-6-2005 by yanchek]

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 09:54 AM
Nice Find yanchek.

Unlike many other Sunnis in Fallujah, Marwan had little love for Saddam's Sunni-led regime. Yet once the dictator fell, he turned against the Americans. "We expected them to bring Saddam down and then leave," he says. "But they stayed and stayed." Insurgents approached disaffected Fallujis like Marwan and urged them to join the resistance against the Americans. Many signed up, including one of Marwan's older brothers. Marwan joined the insurgency in April 2003 when U.S. soldiers fired on a crowd of demonstrators at a school, killing 12 and wounding many more.

A very interesting Interview, to see with the eyes of a Martyr in Waiting.

Altho it seems to me very "Westernized" article and how much of the Words originaly said by this Young Man were changed to make the story more Shocking is a mystery to remain.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:09 AM
he was happy with the military bringing Saddam's reign to an end. He probably celebrated in the streets. now, with no enemy to hate, he turns to the very people who rid his country of an evil power. How very muslim.

I would love to see us pull out and leave the country and I'd like to see what this suicide in waiting does next. I'm guessing he will take his explosives laden body somewhere else.

The problem is that muslims always need an enemy. When they don't have a common outsider to fight, they fight eachother. They have been doing this for hundreds of years. We should no longer try and fight it. I think we'd be better off taking our troops out of the region and simply setting up posts AROUND the region. Keep em all in one place and let them kill eachother off over time.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
he was happy with the military bringing Saddam's reign to an end. He probably celebrated in the streets. now, with no enemy to hate, he turns to the very people who rid his country of an evil power. How very muslim.


He was Happy becaues the US Forces got rid of the Saddam's regime, but why are they not leaving? Its still the same like before - or worse! Even More violence then before, actually Violence is All these people have known for a long long time.

I would love to see us pull out and leave the country and I'd like to see what this suicide in waiting does next. I'm guessing he will take his explosives laden body somewhere else.

I guess you dont Understand.

He would not become a Martyr if the US Troops were gone. They create these "incidents" and Force themselves to stay more and more and more time. This War is likely really NEVER going to end, just like Mister yanchek said. And thats what the Big Kahuna's want - and Endless War in the Middle East.

Check the Halliburton stocks since the start of the War on Terror, and things might be a little more clearer for you.

The problem is that muslims always need an enemy. When they don't have a common outsider to fight, they fight eachother. They have been doing this for hundreds of years. We should no longer try and fight it. I think we'd be better off taking our troops out of the region and simply setting up posts AROUND the region. Keep em all in one place and let them kill eachother off over time.

The Problem is that United States ALWAYS NEED AN ENEMY!

First it was the Big Bad Red Russian Communists!

Today it is the Extreme Muslim Terrorists!

Tomorrow it will be the Big Chinese Dragon!

Without somebody to Fight, US Economy crumbles like a tower made out of a deck of cards...

[edit on 29/6/05 by Souljah]

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
Without somebody to Fight, US Economy crumbles like a tower made out of a deck of cards...

[edit on 29/6/05 by Souljah]

ooo thats hilarious, on days that we never fight a war our economy grows, we didnt fight ani major during Clinton's administration. there are other times where we grow without even having to fight a war to grow. u dink that our economy depends on wars
. u need to take some economics classes. if u have taken them, u need to take more.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by deltaboy
ooo thats hilarious, on days that we never fight a war our economy grows, we didnt fight ani major during Clinton's administration. there are other times where we grow without even having to fight a war to grow. u dink that our economy depends on wars
. u need to take some economics classes. if u have taken them, u need to take more.

Keep on Pretending, Boy.

If tomorrow suddenly God came from Heavens and Said: "From now one, there will be NO MORE WARS!" the US Stock Markets along with US Economy would crash.

Entire Researach and Development is based on Military Sector.

I dont think You have any idea just how Big infulence your Army has on your Economy.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 10:54 AM
For every Marwan Abu Ubeida, there's a Jasim Mohammed Salih...


"I am not sad about what happened to my house," said Jasim Mohammed Salih as he salvaged what he could from his wrecked home. "This house was destroyed in order to make us get rid of those vagabonds, those foreign fighters whom we hid. I welcomed them at the beginning and I thought they are going to fight the Americans only. But when I saw them killing us, the Iraqis, I knew we had made a mistake.

"The one who commits mistakes should endure the consequences."

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by Souljah
[Keep on Pretending, Boy.

I dont think You have any idea just how Big infulence your Army has on your Economy.

u can pretend that the Army runs the economy, ill just go to Minyards or Walmart and buy some stuff.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 11:12 AM
Nice find ThatsJustWeird.

Souljah, you are utterly wrong in saying that the U.S. depends on war. It doesn't. There are thousands upon thousands of different industries in the United States of America. You want proof? Fine. The U.S. exports and imports goods from all over the world, if we solely depended on "warmongering" to survive, the world economy would have collapsed by now.

Your blatant ignorant anti-American tone is becoming tiresome, my friend.


posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 11:37 AM

The problem is that muslims always need an enemy. When they don't have a common outsider to fight, they fight eachother. They have been doing this for hundreds of years. We should no longer try and fight it. I think we'd be better off taking our troops out of the region and simply setting up posts AROUND the region. Keep em all in one place and let them kill eachother off over time.

Crakeur, let me ask you, how many real muslims do you know in real life ?
My bet =NONE

It is obvious that you have not even the slightest idea of what beeing "muslim" is about. I assure you that killing poeple is against the Koran.

Every single religion in the world has been "abused" by men in power to direct the masses, to manipulate them and keep them afraid.

It's sad , but you're the first person to go on my IGNORE list.

[edit on 29-6-2005 by XyZeR]

[edit on 29-6-2005 by XyZeR]

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 11:41 AM
muslim history is one of violence. they unite against a common foreign enemy (Russia, U.S.) but when they don't have that, they kill eachother.

You can try and paint the US military as root of all evil if that makes you sleep better at night but that is not the case. I'm not saying we should be there and I'm not saying we haven't played the aggressor when it wasn't needed. We have. However, in the event of a complete US withdrawl from Iraq, you will see the various muslim factions go right back to slaughtering eachother. What separates the muslims from the rest of the world is that they view killing as a faster means to heaven and an act sanctioned by their god. While the majority of our children are raised with the belief that we should accept people who are different and we should never resort to violence, they raise their children to believe that you should kill anyone who doesn't follow your beliefs. I'm sorry, I cannot find a rational way to find sympathy for people who plan on killing innocents. Don't bother telling me the US military kills innocents as well. They do. The difference is that there isn't a group of military officers sitting around planning on blowing up a shopping mall filled with non-military people. I know, the insurgents are targetting military only. But they seem to have a lust for beheading non-military men and women. They also like to blow up buses with people heading to and from their jobs.

Unless you are a devout follower of the koran, your symapthies are wasted on these people. They'd cut your head off on Al Jazeera as fast as they'd cut off mine.

[edit on 29-6-2005 by Crakeur]

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 11:43 AM

A smaller proportion of the roaring 8.2 per cent growth recorded for the third quarter was directly attributable to the military, but Professor Pollin and others argue that it is still the military that is driving the deficit, and the deficit - budgeted at about $500 billion (£270bn) for next year - that is driving the recovery.

Military-fueled growth, or military Keynesianism as it is now known in academic circles, was first theorized by the Polish economist Michal Kalecki in 1943. Kalecki argued that capitalists and their political champions tended to bridle against classic Keynesianism; achieving full employment through public spending made them nervous because it risked over-empowering the working class and the unions.

The military was a much more desirable investment from their point of view, although justifying such a diversion of public funds required a certain degree of political repression, best achieved through appeals to patriotism and fear-mongering about an enemy threat - and, inexorably, an actual war.

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 03:33 PM
You can not defeat a person that wants to die. Although you can take the thought process of virgins and Allah away. Please look up general Black Jack Pershing. His methods today would be concidered monsterous by the politically correct standards of the public. You can read the article here.

I was a soldier up until 3 days ago. I have seen the muslium culture first hand. The only way to win this war is to be more ruthless than the people we are fighting. Thus the term "war" and not "police action" or "peace keeping"

just a small rant,, thanks

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 03:35 PM
I always thought Black Jack was an urban legend.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by chris0576
I was a soldier up until 3 days ago. I have seen the muslium culture first hand. The only way to win this war is to be more ruthless than the people we are fighting. Thus the term "war" and not "police action" or "peace keeping"

just a small rant,, thanks

Sigh... oke let me aplly the same generalisation.

You know those nutcase religious TV preacher freaks you have un the states ? Are they representative for the entire Christian population of the USA ? NO

Isn't it clear to anyone that in order to believe your going to get 70 virgins in heaven for killing "infidels"you have to be a complete NUTCASE. this has nothing to do with real religion or real islam, it's an abuse of religion, and that happens ALL over the world.

[edit on 30-6-2005 by XyZeR]

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 03:35 AM
Protrait of the sucker in waiting:

A 15 year old American kid with no life or future thinking " Duuhh...I'm gonna join da army... yeah! #$%@#$ YEAH!!"

"I hope i get the biggest gun and get to kick @$$ for freedom!"


See how sad it is no matter what side your on?

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 03:57 AM

Originally posted by deltaboy
ooo thats hilarious, on days that we never fight a war our economy grows, we didnt fight ani major during Clinton's administration. there are other times where we grow without even having to fight a war to grow. u dink that our economy depends on wars
. u need to take some economics classes. if u have taken them, u need to take more.

You are in no position to tell others to get an education, deltaboy. Do you even read your posts before you hit the button? I let this slide for a while now, but you provided the perfect opportunity.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 04:02 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
The problem is that muslims always need an enemy.

Sounds more like the neocons to me. No more commies, lets kill arabs...or liberals.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by Crakeur
I always thought Black Jack was an urban legend.

So did I...

Looked it up on Snopes and it says the status is *undetermined*. Interesting commentary though.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 05:47 AM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird
For every Marwan Abu Ubeida, there's a Jasim Mohammed Salih...

"I pray no innocent people are killed in my mission," he says. "But if some are, I know when they arrive in heaven, Allah will ask them to forgive me."

And Jasim will forgive him. I bet he won't say no to Allah.

I guess its a win win situation for Marwan.

[edit on 30-6-2005 by yanchek]

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