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Let's pop the bubble of Ignorance.........

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posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 05:06 AM
Monopoly Men - 50mb .WMV

Money Masters PT1 - 44mb .WMV
Money Masters PT2 - 47mb .WMV

I am responding to the Fractional Reserve Banking system with great vigilance for if it was not for these corrupt corporations that rule the lives of many, many millions even billions of people then, many billions of lives would be saved.............................

In a world surrounded by money and materialistic prices of goods. We find it hard to realise the roots of our living and being. We become so wrapped up in monetary issues (domestically) that no longer are we in control of our countries parliments or democracies and even sometimes are not in control of ourselves.

Remember how profitable war is. Notice how quickly Georgy boy went to war right after 9/11. It was a pretext for war invented by the banking system as they felt their pockets were a little light. NOTHING to do with terrorism.

Notice how Lions are portrayed in front of banks. This is showing you that they are King of the Jungle. They rule. Even in a democracy, they rule.

I urge anyone to watch the documentaries attched, learn and pass the message. Only when everybody knows can people really make a difference.

The Federal Reserve is a bank NOT owned by the government of the US but is owned by Bankers of London.

The Bank of England is also NOT owned by the governemnt of England but is owned by private stockholders.

In fact I don't know of any bank on Earth that has been created without the use of Fractional Reserve Banking, What a way of making money......

There is ONE way they cannot control you and that is they cannot control your intelligence (Except of course if you let them). Many people including JFK, Abe Lincoln and many others tried to expose the bankers and unite the US congress with the power to create and regulate money. Unfortunatly while some tried to close down the federal reserve they were assassinated.

There is always a link to money in all of history, there is a pattern that money creates power and this is what the bankers really want. They want you. They want your power so they may wish to do whatever they like without taking notice to the little people who suffer from the depressions and economic slackings.

It boils my blood to see people get angry at others due to political views that was created intentionally to cause a rucus. Banks control both sides of the arguments. Either way they still rule. Wether you elect labor........or...................Conservative. Either way they all have to answer to the banks as they need to borrow money from these banks to run the country.


Help and tell others how we can save millions with ease. Tomorrow we could stop Fractional Reserve banking. Only if you want to. If you do not.................then as Stevie Wonder puts it "Shame on you".

These cabals who move tons and tons of drugs into the legal democratic contries need to be taken out of the loop.

If you want it in a simpler form look at it this way. Modern bankers are nothing more than Drug and War Lords all suited and booted with a nice clever accent to help you believe they are doing right, trust me, they are doing nothing of the sort. Looks can be cleverly decieving.

Thank you for reading, I hope you took notice and will pass on the message.


posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 06:04 AM
i agree i think bankers need to be taken out of the loop

they should be banned from politics indefinatley all they do is get greedy and try to run things their way....

they are evil

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 10:06 AM
Glad you started this thread, HV. I'm all over this subject these days. Its amazing how well kept a secret it has been throughout history. The documentaries you posted are amazingly thorough and informative. Thanks. If I may add some excellent reading material on the history of money, don't mind if I do.

The Babylonian Woe by David Astle. A Study of the Origin of Certain Banking Practices, and of their effect on the events of Ancient History. Written in light of the Present Day.

Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins. The title is self-explanatory. Now, I have Mr. Mullins speaking on a internet radio program I listen to and am trying to figure out how to upload it. Haven't had any luck so far.

Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution by Antony C. Sutton.

Does anyone know of a good free mp3 upload program out there? If so, please U2U me because I have several really interesting interviews I'd like to share with you.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 04:26 PM

Secrets of the Federal Reserve


The control over Federal Reserve System decisions is also founded in another unique situation. Each day, representatives of four other London banking firms meet in the offices of N.M. Rothschild Company in London to fix the price of gold for that day.

The other four bankers are from Samuel Montagu Company, which ranks Number 5 on the list of seventeen London merchant banking firms, Sharps Pixley, Johnson Matheson, and Mocatta and Goldsmid.

Despite the huge tide of paper pyramided currency and notes which are now flooding the world, at some point, every credit extension must return to be based, in however minuscule a fashion, on some deposit of gold in some bank somewhere in the world.

Because of this factor, the London merchant bankers, with their power to set the price of gold each day, become the final arbiters of the volume of money and the price of money in those countries which must bow to their power. Not the least of these is the United States. No official of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, or of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, can command the power over the money of the world which is held by these London merchant bankers. Great Britain, while waning in political and military power, today exercises the greatest financial power. It is for this reason that London is the present financial center of the world.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 04:44 PM
This is a great thread to examine the hidden roots and purposes of international bankers, which traced its origins to the early banking practices of the Knights Templar.

posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas

The Federal Reserve is a bank NOT owned by the government of the US but is owned by Bankers of London.

Correct it is owned by the member banks of that reserver district of which most are publicly traded so YOU can own them and hence the Fed - yippee!!

The Bank of England is also NOT owned by the government of England but is owned by private stockholders.

Correct but it only indirectly influences the Fed by owning shares of the member banks....

An excellent article is here which lifts many of the assumptions that are being brought up here - actually written by a U of Charleston professor:

Who Owns and Controls the Federal Reserve?

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 03:28 AM
If you have a lot of stupid people willing to go to war at the drop of a hat, so they can wave the flag and be proud without having to use their brains, How can you fault intelligent people from taking advantage of them?

Is a predator evil because it kills other animals?
Is a herbivore evil because it eats plants that have no defenses?

The only cure is to be more intelligent people. Im pretty sure this has to happen one person at a time. And only when a majority of people are thoughtful and can not be persuaded to take rash actions, then and only then will the manipulators be at a loss.

By being more intelligent you no longer feed the monster. You make it more difficult for it to persist, flourish and survive.

(I think i am begining to rant)

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 05:27 AM
But how do you make people more intelligent? School? Hardly. Street education? Not very good there either. Parent's? Can't do that with taxes, rent and such no time to teach morals and ethic's, heck barely enough time to sleep, and really while th eparents are striving for more money the natural conclusion to any child money = freedom, eventually leading into money = power, which inevitably leads to getting money at all costs, which is exactly where we are now..

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 06:42 AM

"I have no use for politicians,"
says Fritz Leutwiler, head of the Bank for International Settlements.
"They lack the judgment of central bankers."

The B.I.S Rich text file

The membership of this club is restricted to a handful of powerful men who determine daily the interest rate, the availability of credit, and the money supply of the banks in their own countries. They include the governors of the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Bank of England, the Bank of Japan, the Swiss National Bank, and the German Bundesbank. The club controls a bank with a $40 billion kitty in cash, government securities, and gold that constitutes about one tenth of the world's available foreign exchange. The profits earned just from renting out its hoard of gold (second only to that of Fort Knox in value) are more than sufficient to pay for the expenses of the entire organization. And the unabashed purpose of its elite monthly meetings is to coordinate and, if possible, to control all monetary activities in the industrialized world.


Until 1977 the BIS hid itself from the world. Bankers told visitors to go to Frey’s Chocolate Shop and enter the unmarked entrance of the former hotel next door.


Even though an isolationist Congress officially refused to allow the U.S. Federal Reserve to participate in the BIS, or to accept shares in it (which were instead held in trust by the First National City Bank), the chairman of the Fed quietly slipped over to Basel for important meetings. World monetary policy was evidently too important to leave to national politicians.


“It was in the wood-paneled rooms above the shop and the hotel that decisions were reached to devalue or defend currencies, to fix the price of gold, to regulate offshore banking, and to raise or lower short-term interest rates.”


It is secretive. It is Swiss. And the little-known BIS holds the purse strings of nations.


To mollify such dissent on the periphery, inner club members publicly pay lip service to the ideal of preserving the character of the BIS and not turning it into a lender of last resort for the world at large. Privately, however, they will undoubtedly continue their maneuvers to protect the banking system at whatever point in the world it seems most vulnerable. After all, it is ultimately the central banks' money at risk, not the BIS's. And the inner club will also keep using the BIS as its public mask — and pay the requisite price for the disguise.
A very interesting read

The link below will work if you add the first 3 letters of assassination just before .html in the URL.
This is due to the ATS censorship.
The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination
Evidence of link between Nazis still in operation after World War II to the still unsolved murder of John F. Kennedy

[edit on 22/6/05 by Hunting Veritas]

[edit on 22/6/05 by Hunting Veritas]

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by Passer By
But how do you make people more intelligent? School? Hardly. Street education? Not very good there either. Parent's? Can't do that with taxes, rent and such no time to teach morals and ethic's, heck barely enough time to sleep, and really while th eparents are striving for more money the natural conclusion to any child money = freedom, eventually leading into money = power, which inevitably leads to getting money at all costs, which is exactly where we are now..

How do you make people more intelligent?

Lesson #1. STOP the dumbing down of the children.....

Lesson #2. Build small communities that enable the communities to become self sufficient in electricity, water and food.

Lesson #3. Proper education, not just throw a book at them and say read this........

Lesson #4. Remove the Fractional reserve banking system...

Lesson #5. Create a global governance created by the people for the people, which in turn can create and regulate the money......Without the need for banks........Therefore no one makes a vast amount of money and inevitably removes the power from the corrupt.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by Passer By
But how do you make people more intelligent? School? Hardly. Street education? Not very good there either. Parent's? Can't do that with taxes, rent and such no time to teach morals and ethic's, heck barely enough time to sleep, and really while th eparents are striving for more money the natural conclusion to any child money = freedom, eventually leading into money = power, which inevitably leads to getting money at all costs, which is exactly where we are now..

You will never hear any of this talk at ANY university probably worldwide. So-called economists will never talk about this!!!! So we need to talk amongst ourselves, read, read, read, discuss, discuss, discuss and share with others...even one at a time.

I mean - who knew that most countries have the right to coin and print their own money and not be beholden to the banks??? Apparently only the Isle of Guernsey prints its own money. Chavez of Venezuela knows and told the World Bank to take a flying leap....his days, unfortunately are probably numbered because of it!

Knowledge is power, guys....share this knowledge with everyone you know. My eyes have been opened!

[edit on 22/6/05 by AlwaysLearning]

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 05:52 PM

Originally posted by AlwaysLearning
You will never hear any of this talk at ANY university probably worldwide. So-called economists will never talk about this!!!! So we need to talk amongst ourselves, read, read, read, discuss, discuss, discuss and share with others...even one at a time.

I mean - who knew that most countries have the right to coin and print their own money and not be beholden to the banks??? Apparently only the Isle of Guernsey prints its own money. Chavez of Venezuela knows and told the World Bank to take a flying leap....his days, unfortunately are probably numbered because of it!

Knowledge is power, guys....share this knowledge with everyone you know. My eyes have been opened!

[edit on 22/6/05 by AlwaysLearning]

The only problem is that some people just want to live in a bubble of fake reality.....I think the problem is.......motivation.

There is currently nothing better than having these huge banks loaning money at interest making HUGE profits......or at least thats what the people think.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas
Lesson #5. Create a global governance created by the people for the people, which in turn can create and regulate the money......Without the need for banks........Therefore no one makes a vast amount of money and inevitably removes the power from the corrupt.

I have no problem with Line #1 to #4 but I stopped at Line #5 and drew the line on that. I'm against global governance (benevolent words for an one world government) and a need to create and regulate the money by what? A central bank! People are innately greedy for something or anything.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 07:17 PM
Here is an example of what can be achieved if a sovereign nation, with the power to create its own money, uses the principles of ‘monetary reform’. By changing from a debt-driven, private mint system to a wealth-based, pubic mint system…prosperity can follow.

Let’s Follow the Isle of Guernsey Model

It’s perfectly reasonable for anyone to ask if there is any nation in the world today smart enough to use monetary reform principles. And, it so, what have been the consequences? The Isle of Guernsey, one of the English Channel Islands, has had stable and prosperous economy for over one hundred and fifty years. The reason is because they have issued their own debt and interest-free money. The secrets of its success is that Guernsey is a ‘protectorate’ of the British Isles. As such, it is able to make its own laws. By controlling its own money supply from 1816 onwards, Guernsey was able to avoid the century-old trap of borrowing when it didn’t need to.

Guernsey was not without its problems in 1815. The island was literally sinking into the English Channel because the island government couldn’t afford to fix the dykes. Even though there were many workers able to fix the dykes, there wasn’t enough money to pay them. As a result, they left the island in great numbers for work on the mainland. The sea walls were crumbling and the coffers were empty!

A large group of concerned citizens gathered together, one day in 1815, to try and figure a way out. During the meeting, someone came up with the idea of issuing their own money. This, he or she said, could be printed at cost and spent into circulation. As long as the Island government was willing to accept the Guernsey-printed money as payment for taxes, the money would be valid. In 1816, the governors of the island issued SIX thousand pounds of Guernsey notes. That was the beginning of the end…the end of the debt…that they had been suffocating under for years.

By 1837, fifty thousand pounds of Guernsey notes had been spent on fixing the sea walls and the roads, building a new marketplace, a church and a college. The English banks were furious, but there wasn’t much they could do. The Isle of Guernsey was no longer begging at their front door. By 1914, while the British were restricting their own money supply, Guernsey was issuing more…another one hundred and forty thousand pounds…without any inflation. The island flourished.

By 1990, Guernsey, with 60,000 permanent residents, had zero unemployment, a flat income tax of 20%, a healthy standard of living and absolutely NO public debt. As well, there is no GST, VAT, inheritance tax or capital gains tax. They simply aren’t necessary.

Sources: The Guernsey Experiment by Olive and Jan Grubiak, Omni Publications, P.O. Box 216, Hawthorne, CA 90250; and “The Debt Virus” by Dr. Jacques S. Jaikaran, Liberty Library, 300 Independence Ave. SE, Washington

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 08:03 PM

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas
Lesson #5. Create a global governance created by the people for the people, which in turn can create and regulate the money......Without the need for banks........Therefore no one makes a vast amount of money and inevitably removes the power from the corrupt.

Lesson #5 = marxism sugar coated to make it sound oh so sweet. Until you remember how many people have died in the world due to others chasing that "utopian dream".

Duh, and just where would your new dream world government create, regulate and store it's money? Hint: starts with a 'b' and ends with a 'k'.

Regarding the 'Guernsey experiment', it is not possible to increase the money supply, keep all other things equal and not have inflation. More money = cheaper money = takes more money to purchase the same amount of goods and services than it did before the money supply was increased=inflation.

Ridiculous thread ...

[edit on 6/22/2005 by centurion1211]

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by centurion1211
Lesson #5 = marxism sugar coated to make it sound oh so sweet. Until you remember how many people have died in the world due to others chasing that "utopian dream".

Ok then, I shall ignore what I said about a global governance and focus on the other 4 issues. What do you do about the other 4 issues.

Duh, and just where would your new dream world government create, regulate and store it's money? Hint: starts with a 'b' and ends with a 'k'.

In all actuallity the money would be regulated by the people....for the people. NOT banks. Well to be exact Fractional reserve banking where the greedy bankers create money from nothing at an interest which inevitably means they will control money.

Regarding the 'Guernsey experiment', it is not possible to increase the money supply, keep all other things equal and not have inflation. More money = cheaper money = takes more money to purchase the same amount of goods and services than it did before the money supply was increased=inflation.

Then how come Gurnsey is still a FREE interest and NO WAR.

Besides.....I am NOT trying to make people equel it is obvious some have better skills than others....What I am trying to get people to see is the bankers are in control NOT the Prime minister or the President of the USA as we are all lead to believe. We all need to borrow money but in order to borrow money from a bank you have got to pay interest. From this they make millions and no one says a thing.......or if they do.....well I guess just look at Abe lincoln and JFK. Both wanted to destroy the federal reserve which is private institution. Coincidence I think not.

Ridiculous thread ...

Rediculous post...


posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 08:33 AM

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas

Duh, and just where would your new dream world government create, regulate and store it's money? Hint: starts with a 'b' and ends with a 'k'.

In all actuallity the money would be regulated by the people....for the people. NOT banks. Well to be exact Fractional reserve banking where the greedy bankers create money from nothing at an interest which inevitably means they will control money.

You didn't answer my question because logically you can't. Let's try it again. Somebody will have to store your money in a place to protect it from those that would want to steal it. That place (whatever you choose to cll it) will be a bank.

Regarding the 'Guernsey experiment', it is not possible to increase the money supply, keep all other things equal and not have inflation. More money = cheaper money = takes more money to purchase the same amount of goods and services than it did before the money supply was increased=inflation.

Then how come Gurnsey is still a FREE interest and NO WAR.

Besides.....I am NOT trying to make people equel it is obvious some have better skills than others....What I am trying to get people to see is the bankers are in control NOT the Prime minister or the President of the USA as we are all lead to believe. We all need to borrow money but in order to borrow money from a bank you have got to pay interest. From this they make millions and no one says a thing.......or if they do.....well I guess just look at Abe lincoln and JFK. Both wanted to destroy the federal reserve which is private institution. Coincidence I think not.

I'm sorry, but this is all so incredibly naive. First, I don't see you complaining that the banks are paying you interest for your deposits. That is just the flip side of charging you interest to borrow money. The money a bank takes in interest gets used in part to pay you interest on your deposits.
All businesses operate that same way. Do you also have a problem with a hotel charging you for the room you rent? The hotel uses your rent money to pay expenses such as wages, food, lights and heating, plus improvments that you use when there. Would you not charge (more than it actually cost you so you could make improvements, etc.) someone if they rented a good or service from you? You would not be in business long if you did not.

[edit on 6/23/2005 by centurion1211]

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 12:06 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211
I'm sorry, but this is all so incredibly naive. First, I don't see you complaining that the banks are paying you interest for your deposits. That is just the flip side of charging you interest to borrow money. The money a bank takes in interest gets used in part to pay you interest on your deposits.
All businesses operate that same way.

[edit on 6/23/2005 by centurion1211]

No, no, no, Centurion. Don't you see that the banks make money charging interest on money they don't have? They lend out much more money than they actually have in their vaults - money that doesn't exist, except on paper and then you pay back the interest. The interest the bank pays you on deposits is on actual physical money that you have deposited with them. Its called fractional reserve banking and you need to do some research on it. Here is an example of how it works in Canada, but this scenario could be applied almost anywhere in the world (except Guernsey and the Middle East where usury is a crime).

How Banks Rob Us Blind

Do you know where the bank gets the $160,000 for your mortgage? It’s a simple as this. Someone walks over to a computer keyboard and types in $160,000 under your name. With tiny reserve of currency to back it up the bank has just created more than 99 percent of that interest-earning money out of thin air. When, after 25 years of hard work, you pay off your mortgage, the $160,000 (the principal) vanishes back into thin air. All the interest, however, goes into the banker’s pocket. Chartered (i.e. privately owned) banks, such as the Bank of Montreal, RBC, CIBC, TD Canada Trust have created over 95 percent of our total money supply in exactly the same way. (Bills and coins, i.e. legal tender, account for the remainder.) Prudently increasing credit a necessary service that chartered banks – or better still the Bank of Canada – can provide. But charging interest on the unproductive portion of that instantly created credit is unjust and immoral – a principle that bankers and most politicians adamantly refer to admit – and it’s steadily sucking wealth out of the community and into the hands of a few people. The historical name for this evil is usury, and Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, the Bible (Deuteronomy 23:19), the Koran (2:275-278), the Catholic Church, virtually all codes of law and all writers on morals have condemned it for more than two thousand years. Nevertheless the banks feel secure because they know most people think that they only lend out the money that people have deposited. And they devoutly wish that people will go on thinking that. The essential truth, however, is that the banks lend out much more money than the savings people deposit, for when a bank creates a loan it simultaneously creates a deposit. What the banks do, then, to justify the accusation of being economic parasites is lend out interest bearing money of their own creation using a very thin sliver of legal tender (i.e. cash) to back it up.

How did the banks gain this oppressive power of charging interest on mere computer entries? Very simply they pressured, enticed and tricked our politicians into giving it to them. Before World War II, a reserve requirement of 1:10 had been the norm in practice. This meant that if you deposited $100 of cash in the bank, the bank would create $1000 in credit. Note that the credit is not cash – only the Bank of Canada (BoC) can print and coin money – but it’s spendable money nonetheless because the bank will honour cheques written against that credit. In 1991 legislation was sneaked through parliament totally eliminating the reserve requirement by mid 1994. The result? By February 1998 the ratio of their legal tender (cash) to the total assets of Canada’s banks had soared to 1:347. (That ratio was never more than 1:15 in the first half of the century.) That means for every dollar of cash in their vaults or deposited with the central bank (BoC) the banks have created $347. And it’s earning them interest like crazy, hence the record profits. Meanwhile, because not one of us in a hundred understands that banks create money (in the form of credit) out of the void and then charge interest on it (usury), we go quietly about our business as docile economic serfs. But it won’t continue indefinitely. Anyone familiar with the history of money knows that banks are forever trying to find new ways to commit financial suicide – the once mighty Japanese banks have been in intensive care for years with taxpayers footing the bill. More recently the collapse of bank-created debt pyramids has helped to smash national economies in Southeast Asia. Currency speculation, playing the stock market, gambling in derivatives: this is what banking is mainly about nowadays. Providing actual banking services holds less and less appeal. It’s not where the big money is.

Now that our money supply has been essentially privatized, how can we free ourselves from this sly form of economic tyranny? In the three quotes from a famous American president, a famous Canadian prime minister, and a governor of the Bank of England in the 1920’s tell us exactly what needs to be done. Unfortunately, there’s never been a reform of the banking system while the banks were in the driver’s seat. They must first be rendered helpless by an economic catastrophe. When that blow comes – God help us – two facts should be etched in your mind:

1) A government can lend interest-free money into existence by borrowing from its own bank, the Bank of Canada. Unfortunately the BoC has become a puppet of the financial elite, despite its mandate to serve the interest of all Canadians – or, it can borrow interest-bearing money into existence by borrowing from privately owned banks;

2) A government that borrows with interest from private banks when it can create its own interest-free money is a government of idiots or thieves.

Dear reader, human nature is such that it’s easier to believe a lie you’ve heard a hundred times before than to believe a truth you’re hearing for the first time. We hope that the words of Jefferson, Mackenzie King and Stamp will help break down any natural skepticism you may feel when we claim that the chartered banks, in collusion with the Bank of Canada and with the complicity of our government, are riding on the backs of the citizens of this country. The right to create money belongs to the people, and it is the sacred duty of the government to exercise this right for their benefit. Instead the bonanza of money creation has been handed over to private bankers by ignorant, irresponsible politicians.

“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a moneyed aristocracy that has set the Government at defiance. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talk of sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile…Once a nation parts with control of its credit, it matters not who makes the nation’s laws…Usury once in control will wreck any nation.” - William Lyon Mackenzie King

“Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin…Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and with a flick of the pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again…Take this great power away from them and all the great fortunes like mine will disappear and they ought to disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in…But, if you want to be slaves of the bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.” - Sir Josiah Stamp (Governor of the Bank of English in the 1920’s)

Do you want to take some action? First discuss this with others. Then make a few photocopies and send a few faxes. Leave one copy in the nearest bank to show them that people are beginning to understand how they siphon off wealth from the community through their outrageous privilege of creating interest-bearing money. (Government created money is interest-free.) Finally – for the really committed – ask your local bank manager just how much truth ere is in all of this. You can be certain he or she will resort to their much feared weapon – impenetrable economic jargon. Some bankers will actually deny that banks create any money! It’s a classic example of motivated ignorance, to be savoured like a fine wine.

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 05:57 PM

You have voted AlwaysLearning for the Way Above Top Secret award. You have used all of your votes for this month.

The problem try to discuss it but they don't wanna know because then it upsets there happy lifestyle.

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas
In all actuallity the money would be regulated by the people....for the people. NOT banks. Well to be exact Fractional reserve banking where the greedy bankers create money from nothing at an interest which inevitably means they will control money.

Sorry but there are people who are innately greedy for something.

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas
Then how come Gurnsey is still a FREE interest and NO WAR.

That's because Guernsey is too small to be a major player in the global affairs. Perhaps it's for the best.

Originally posted by Hunting Veritas
well I guess just look at Abe lincoln and JFK. Both wanted to destroy the federal reserve

Uh, that's not accurate on Abraham Lincoln. There was no Federal Reserve bank in his time. He was assassinated by the zealot Confederate loyalists who may have ties to the British/French agenda of undermining the Union.

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