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Zahi Hawass takes video cameras into sub-sphinx chamber?

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posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 05:53 PM
While channel surfing one night I caught a glimpse of a familiar face. As I turned back to the channel it had been on (History Channel) I realized that it was the face (with a semi-deranged look on it) of our beloved Dr. Zahi Hawass. He was as giddy as a school girl because he was taking a camera crew into the sub-sphinx chambers made famous by Edgar Cayce. I don't believe he used any names, but he was very adoment about using terms such as "conspiracy theorists," and "uneducated speculators," along with other related, somewhat derogatory, phrases. The opening of the sub-sphinx chambers was news to me; I know that several groups have used ground penetrating radar and other methods to "look into" the cavities found below the sphinx, but I hadn't heard of them being opened and physically investigated. I haven't come across any threads that deal with the opening of these chambers...Am I missing them or has it not been addressed here? If anyone has any information regarding this please post it or u2u me with the info.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by Howard the Dolphin... The opening of the sub-sphinx chambers was news to me; I know that several groups have used ground penetrating radar and other methods to "look into" the cavities found below the sphinx, but I hadn't heard of them being opened and physically investigated. I haven't come across any threads that deal with the opening of these chambers...Am I missing them or has it not been addressed here? If anyone has any information regarding this please post it or u2u me with the info.
The chambers have been previously explored with the conclusion they end after just an insignificant number of feet, where most of that information is taken on the word of Hawass. However, with the discovery of the tombs and rooms under the causeway of the the pyramids of Khufu and Khefre, Hawass did declare he believed the tunnels led to the Sphinx, and then promptly closed the subterranean chambers.

This is not to say that the Sphinx holds any of the purported rooms or libraries as some might believe, but that Hawass did in fact contradict himself when stating the tunnels from the Sphinx led nowhere.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 09:04 PM
sounds like the blind leading the blind.

posted on Jun, 16 2005 @ 09:31 PM
I've never really trusted Zahi Hawass. I bet he knows exactly whats under the Sphinx.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 06:50 PM
i think the idea he has (and many would do good to adopt) is deny there is anything until something is actually found, that way you dont look silly by saying "o yes i truly think there is something!", spending 1000z of pounds on it, getting there and there being nothing.

posted on Jun, 17 2005 @ 07:36 PM
I believe you are talking about the show " Digging for the Truth with Josh Bernstein" on the History channel.

Episode 1. Who Built the Pyramids?

I found it interesting that there was a shaft under the Sphinx, that went straight down , accourding to the show , no-one knew how far it went down.

posted on Jun, 19 2005 @ 02:29 PM
A nation underground....

Behold your Fathers

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 02:32 PM
Would you mind explaining what the possible life span of 144,000 people, according to the Bible, have to do with Zahi Hawass and the pyramids? Or did I really miss something?

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 02:41 PM

Originally posted by Howard the Dolphin
He was as giddy as a school girl because he was taking a camera crew into the sub-sphinx chambers made famous by Edgar Cayce

I think Cayce said the chamvber was under the paws. There is no chamber under the paws. Hawass and others tried excavating there, but there was nothing. Hawass has excavated, i think, two other 'chambers' or entrances associated with the sphinx tho.

"uneducated speculators," along with other related, somewhat derogatory, phrases

its not derogatory to refere to uneducated people who speculate as uneducated speculators.

I know that several groups have used ground penetrating radar and other methods to "look into" the cavities found below the sphinx, but I hadn't heard of them being opened and physically investigated

Hawass and others [idug into them, but they weren't there, it was an error in the 'ground penetrating' equipemnt.

posted on Jun, 22 2005 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by SomewhereinBetween
The chambers have been previously explored with the conclusion they end after just an insignificant number of feet, where most of that information is taken on the word of Hawass.

If this is in fact true, then it tells me that there is something of great importance to all mankind underneath the Sphinx and it's being kept hidden. Just my opinion.


posted on Jun, 24 2005 @ 01:39 AM

Originally posted by Nygdan

Originally posted by Howard the Dolphin
"uneducated speculators," along with other related, somewhat derogatory, phrases

its not derogatory to refere to uneducated people who speculate as uneducated speculators.

I agree with you as long as they are uneducated people who only speculate, however, there are some scholars out there who have dedicated years of research who still disagree with all of Hawass' orthodox claims; such as John Anthony West...these are the people I feel/felt were # on by Hawass' labels during this show.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 05:15 PM

Originally posted by Shadow88
i think the idea he has (and many would do good to adopt) is deny there is anything until something is actually found, that way you dont look silly by saying "o yes i truly think there is something!", spending 1000z of pounds on it, getting there and there being nothing.

Otherwise known as "Pulling a Geraldo". lol

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 07:06 PM
they've dug wells several hundred feet deep in that part of the world, so why couldn't there be a 500 foot shaft under one of the pyramids or beneath the sphinx? after building something like the great pyramid, what would be so daunting about a deep tunneling project?

i think most of the secrets of egypt have yet to be excavated.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 03:04 AM
These chambers Dr. Hawass is re-opening have long been known about and accessable since the late 1800s. Likewise with the cavity in the chest, and in the head of the Sphinx. All have been closed up - in general - decades ago during various restorations. The chest cavity is still accessable, and the shaft in the rear one can still go down in but is sealed at the end.

Assuming at first glance, or equating this opening of the Sphinx chambers with the "other" chambers that everybody is hoping to find (aka, the HoR), is an error of assumption. Glad the user somewhereinbetween cleared this up right away.


posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 04:34 AM
i remember being at a lecture in london years ago where film was shown of hawass saying he was at the entrance of the secret chamber underneath the sphynx and it was going to opened up live on tv - it was some sort of promotional vid to get the highest bidder interested in funding it - this, shortly after he had been publicly denouncing several authors for being crackpots by suggesting there might have been chambers underneath. several of the said authors were even offered in on the whole thing providing they kept their mouths shut about it and had signed non-disclosure agreements. after legal advice by the authors it was found that they could 'show' this video in front of a non-paying private audience and get around the agreement, which is how i ended up there.

vids were shown of hawass denouncing the authors as crackpots and then in the next vid claiming the exact same thing himself (if you paid him enough). he was going on like... 'not even indiana jones could have dreamed of this' etc etc. i wouldnt trust hawass at all.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 05:03 AM
i dont listen nor trust anything that comes out of Dr.Zahi Hawass's mouth, as im a strong beleiver that he is a cover up front man for a secret society that dates back to when the pyramids were built.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by Inf0rm3r
i dont listen nor trust anything that comes out of Dr.Zahi Hawass's mouth, as im a strong beleiver that he is a cover up front man for a secret society that dates back to when the pyramids were built.

I agree that hes the frontman of a pritty nasty coverup, but I believe its a coverup of a more modern time.

Hawass and his masters are covering up the true details behind the Pyramids and Sphinx because the truth will change known history from making Egypt one of the greatest civilizations in history to making it a civilization of slaves to the actual pyramid and other megastructure builders around the world.

posted on Jul, 4 2005 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by Inf0rm3r
i dont listen nor trust anything that comes out of Dr.Zahi Hawass's mouth, as im a strong beleiver that he is a cover up front man for a secret society that dates back to when the pyramids were built.

I wouldn't go that far. He's a hack at best. He's one of those people who send my BS meter to the "pegged" position, much like Dr. Phil. He's one of those dudes who's only in it for the buck$, for sale to the highest bidder. Of course this is only my first, second, third, fourth and fifth impression of him.

posted on Jul, 5 2005 @ 05:06 AM
I do not put much faith in whatever Hawass says or does. I feel in his mind he must think that he is the sole authority on the sphinx and the whole complex. What I do find interesting is that I feel he knows or is hiding something that would unlock a plethra of details about the whole comlex. He may have orders from those who are higher up the foodchain to limit the amount of information he puts out to the general public. I also think that the Egyptian govt. is holding something close to the chest.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 12:49 PM
And you wonder why it was sealed off? And why Hawass won't let anyone do any surveys of the area, except himself and his crew? And why he demeans other archaeologists in their search? And why he's so adamant in his convictions?

Simple: He knows what's there and he don't want to share it with the world because it will disprove the 'historical' accuracy of his culture!

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