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Project Megiddo

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posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 09:36 PM

I'm wondering if anyone remembers this.

This projects targets Christians and those who believe in a NWO as terrorists. But it's funny because Bush senior and many others have mentioned NWO how come nothing ever happened to them?

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 09:40 PM
Using the ATS search function, I came up with this link for
Project Megiddo info:

It's from last year, but maybe it will shed some light

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 09:45 PM
Well no one really knew anything about it in that thread you gave me. But i find it weird that in the US they will target Christians as terrorists because of their beliefs. What happened to freedom of religion??

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 04:49 AM

Originally posted by JerryFletcher
What happened to freedom of religion??

There will be no room for religion in the NWO. It would just be another thing that separates us as individuals, and we can't have individuals in the NWO, can we?

Christianity is an organization, that when united, might call into question the practice of the NWO governmentn and have enough power and money to do something about it. That would be too inconvenient to the new world government.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 02:26 PM
Megiddo is coming.

The fact is:

Faith will either save us or it WILL destroy us.

And we have just been lucky up until now, haven't we, that 'good Christians' developed the Atomic bomb, for example?

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 10:10 PM

Originally posted by akilles
Megiddo is coming.

The fact is:

Faith will either save us or it WILL destroy us.

And we have just been lucky up until now, haven't we, that 'good Christians' developed the Atomic bomb, for example?

I'm sorry can you explain what you are trying to say.

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by JerryFletcher

I'm wondering if anyone remembers this.

This projects targets Christians and those who believe in a NWO as terrorists. But it's funny because Bush senior and many others have mentioned NWO how come nothing ever happened to them?

Do you honestly not understand the difference between a 'New World Order/one world dictatorship' conspiracy and GWB saying 'we're working torwards a new, world order'???

What happened to freedom of religion??

Its allways been there. Freedom of religion doesn't give you the freedom to conspire to destroy the government.

Besides, just look at the subtitle of the document, its a
" strategic assessment of the potential for domestic terrorism in the United States undertaken in anticipation of or response to the arrival of the new millennium.". How'd you make the jump to 'its the NWO trying to destroy freedom of religion??? Mcveigh was motivated by religion, but that doesn't mean that he's not a domestic terrorist. The Concern in that paper is very real, very sensible. Just what are these christians who are in a panic over the NWO doing? Are they arming themselves, amassing weapons and are they ready to use them? Will they use them against the general public and the US government? If they do, then they are domestic terrorists. It makes perfect sense to investigate them and be prepared to round them up, just like it makes sense to monitor and investigate mosques that rave about the final battle and "Mehdi in America' or anything like that.

Look at the headings in the document
"Blueprint for Action: The Turner Diaries"
People that are 'big fans' of the turner diaries are, simply put, potentially dangerous. Just like people who are big fans of Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto.




You don't think it makes sense to investigate the white supremacist anti-federal apocalyptic christian identity cults??? Do you understand who they mean by 'christian idenity', and that its not 'christians' ?? Why, in the world, shouldn't the government investigate and possibly arrest death cult militias??

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 11:32 PM

Mcveigh was motivated by religion

Dude! Mcveigh was a scape goat!

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 12:24 AM
The previous administration, while working for the same master, had a different outlook and strategy. They really tried to straddle the Christian fence while, at the same time, paint Christians as a problem. Reno, for one personal reason or another, really took that to heart.

Because one is a Christian, and because one believes that it is prudent to be part of a militia, doesn't mean you want to overthrow the government. As a matter of fact, only a government that wants to spread tyrannical wings would have to fear a militia. Funny how militias became bad things, huh? Funny, also, how situations arose that could make militias and Christians look bad.

I agree, Timothy was a patsy, just like Oswald. Engineers and explosives experts alike have laughed at the idea of that "truck bomb" doing that damage.

As far as Christians are concerned, if I understand the Bible, there will be a bit of a falling away. That is to say, it might be hard to convict someone of being a Christian as there might not be enough evidence. Also, it seems to me that the Christians will be gone (raptured) before the NWO takes obvious power. I lean toward seeing the NWO as being the platform used by the Anti-Christ. Keep in mind, though; that is just a hunch. No evidence, no scripture to point to.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by aelphaeis_mangarae
Dude! Mcveigh was a scape goat!

No, 'dude', he wasn't. He was one of the people who played out the Terror Attack.

Thomas Crowne
Because one is a Christian, and because one believes that it is prudent to be part of a militia, doesn't mean you want to overthrow the government.

Agreed. But, regardless of the religion invovled, any armed militia that views the government as the agent of evil, whether its satan for the christian militias or Shaitan for any muslim militias organizing right now, it's quite prudent for the government to become concerned.

Also, it seems to me that the Christians will be gone (raptured) before the NWO takes obvious power.

The problem for the governement tho is, what happens when some of these armageddon militias think that the rapture has occured? They'll, obviously, start attacking the government, not caring for civilian casualties, and perhaps think of themselves as the 'ones left' to help bring converts to true christianity. Its a recipe for disaster, the government has to at least keep tabs on them.

I mean, turn it inside out. You are sultan of arabia. There are groups of muslims who are very much concerned with the ends of days gathering arms and building armies in the high desert. They are saying that you are the tool of shaitan, and they are awaiting the Mehdi. You, knowing that shaitan and his tools are to be destroyed by the mehdi and his army, do what? Nothing? Or do you infiltrate, extensively? Does this make you a tyrant?

Also, whats the difference between a good militia and a bad milita? Is a trainging camp for fanatical muslims who view the koran as the ultimate source of law and who feverously awaite the Day of Judgement a good militia? I mean, surely, there are bad militias.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 02:20 AM
"Faith will either save us or it WILL destroy us. "

What I mean is:
We tend to believe in things strongly as people.

The perfect example is aliens.

You are apparently equally mad for thinking there are terrestrial entities that are some how invisible, as you are for thinking there are no such thing as aliens.

The only accepted belief is that there are aliens (and now, added bonus, we get to pray to them).

This is what our world will be split over. Believing what you see, or denying what you see, and knowing you are still right (in the case of aliens).

[edit on 6-6-2005 by akilles]

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 12:25 PM
Nygdan, the reason for the militias is that the government is becoming tyrannical, and is ruling in a manner that seems quite arbitrary. This would, indeed, make the government appear very suspicious, and gives rise to the need of militias.
A militia is not for the purpose of taking down a good, just and constitutional government.

As far as "Armeggedon" militias, How would they think that the Rapture has occured? That'll be a pretty big event. I hope it'll be very noticed by those left behind, anyway.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
A militia is not for the purpose of taking down a good, just and constitutional government.

But, if al-Sadr's mehdi army took up residence and got green-cards, that would make them just?

How would they think that the Rapture has occured? That'll be a pretty big event

Is it tho? We don't know how many people will dissapear. How many people dissapeared this year? Also, its happened apparently that individuals thought that the rapture was happening, why not groups of individuals? Especially if they get panicky and hunker down in a bunker? Or what if they are one of those groups that don't think that there will be a pre-tribulation rapture, and think that its armageddon time? And, while I know its primarily a christian thing today, what about non-christian, or exotic christian, militias? Or atheist militias?

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 04:34 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
That is to say, it might be hard to convict someone of being a Christian as there might not be enough evidence.

How many "Christians" would be convicted today based on evidence alone?

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 05:08 PM
Dark Elf, message received, loud and clear!

Nygdan, we are getting really close to splitting frog hairs, here, with these "what-if's".

al-Sadre's army is not the same as a militia, and as this is a Christian nation, I don't believe a Islamic army trying to take down the government inthis country is the same as organized militia groups meeting once a month or whatever, keeping in drill, and keeping up on government activity.

As far as pre, mid or post Tribulation beliefs are concerned, there should be no confusion about what makes a tyrannical or arbitrary government. The Founding Fathers expected us to be wary of the government and also to be prepared to take back the government. From what I've read, they didn't expect us to get this far along without a bloody purge, as a matter of fact. In all reality, we didn't. The Civil War was a armed conflict over the concept of states' rights, and the good guys in that regard, lost. Lincoln was going to put things back the way it was (not all the way right, but much better than what did happen), but was killed before he could. So far, the score is Powerful government - 1, individual and state's rights- 0.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 09:25 PM
My concern with militias is that, well, they say that they are out to do good. And yes, if they were all honestly out to do good, then perhaps the federal government needn't worry about them, unless they themselves are doing something 'wrong' and trying to install a tyranny.

But, my point is, what makes them all good? Sure, a lot of them say 'we are against tyranny'. Lots of dictators have come to power saying that, the Tyrants of ancient Greece would sweep into power when the ruling oligarchy had become corrupt. Pervez Musharaf in pakistan is literally just such a dictator, who overthrew a dangerous and corrupt central government. So the mere fact that a group is well intentioned doesn't mean that its not very dangerous.

Also, waco and Oklahoma City clearly demonstrate that militias and radical cults are infact dangerous. There was no reason for mcveigh to bomb the Murrah Building. Those peopel didn't do anything. And Waco, at worst the feds messed up by one of their smoke grenades setting off the fire, but overally, what could they do? It was just like Ruby Ridege. The question was, just what exactly are these guys doing with these personal armies?? Why won't they cooperate? Why won't, if they are just a citizen militia, they open up to investigation? The Constitution provides for well regulated militias, and some states, like New York, have those. Others do not. The mehdi army in iraq right now is a militia. Right now, there are militias that roam the countryside in parts of India, constantly attacking other sects and adversaries. I doubt that these guys think that they are the bad guys. THe people at Waco and Mcveigh didn't think that they were either.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 10:44 PM
Who was the Koresh loonies dangerous to? Nobody.

Why was it that the Feds never picked David up when he was in Waco? He went to town fairly often. No, there was no danger, and that wasn't a militia.

Who says all militias are honorable? There is a difference between a militia and, say, a drug gang. Or a group attempting a coup. The militia, by definition and design, is a good thing, and if the government is righteous, a militia is nothing to fear.

The OKC bombing was not carried out by a militia, and, as a matter of fact, I believe the government was a part of the OKC bombing. Call me paranoid, call me a kook, but you might wonder why a former goose-stepping Son of Uncle Sam would now hold such suspicion for his government.

You sound like a very Law and Order type guy, Nygdan, and I respect that. However, I do not believe that law and order is to be enforced at the detriment of the individuals' rights, or the good of the nation. And, I don't believe the very entity the militia is on guard to control needs to be trying to squelch the militia.

One last thought. Have you ever known any folks in a militia? I have made aquaintance with many, and from several states. They are good, sensible, logical people who are as pragmatic as any good soldier/citizen. As a matter of fact, most have military backgrounds, are proficient with weapons and are disciplined. On top of all that, they love their country.
Maybe that is what scared the 92-00 administration.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 10:28 AM

Call me paranoid, call me a kook,

Dude, your not paranoid, people call me paranoid for thinking the WTC was brought down in a controlled demolition, even though fire engineering magazine said there was no way fire could bring down those buildings.

With the OKC bombing, just like the WTC, experts agreed afterwards there is no way a truck bomb could do that (Or in the case of the WTC a fire.)

I mean heck, the initial news reports from the OKC bombing showed they had found 3 unexploded bombs inside the building, what more evidence would you need.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 10:46 AM
Funny thing is, in the Nation with the largest Militia in the world (Switzerland) there has never been an event like that in America. Yet in Switzerland is is illegal to be male and not own a gun, once you've turned 18. They also have to attend Military training at least 1 weekend a year. The militia is not a harmful thing, when it really is a Militia and that's the problem.

posted on Jun, 7 2005 @ 11:27 AM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
The militia, by definition and design, is a good thing, and if the government is righteous, a militia is nothing to fear.

So long as the militia is convinced that the government is good, then there will be no violence from them yes. But a government can be generally good and still be perceived as being wicked and corrupted.

You sound like a very Law and Order type guy

Its a pretty good show, I like the Special Victims Unit spin-off, but that Trial By Jury one sucks.

And, I don't believe the very entity the militia is on guard to control needs to be trying to squelch the militia.

Squelch, no, definitly not. But monitor? Undoubtedly. The paper that is mentioned upthread is a good example. They're not simply concerned about all citizen militias, but rather the potentially explosive combination of white supremacy, apocalyptic death cults, and large stores of arms.

One last thought. Have you ever known any folks in a militia?


I have made aquaintance with many, and from several states. They are good, sensible, logical people who are as pragmatic as any good soldier/citizen.

Good, the US needs people like that.

As a matter of fact, most have military backgrounds, are proficient with weapons and are disciplined. On top of all that, they love their country.

I'd hope that most people with weapons fit that mold, and the peacable militias are to be respected for exercising wisdom and restraint while also watching out for tyranny at home. However, the fact remains, some of these paramilitary groups are likely to be dangerous, and, as the paper above seems to suggest, the ones to watch out for are the ones that think that the world is comming to an end and that the army of satan is what they will be fighting (as opposed to merely an anti-constitutional tyranny, their context is the apocalypse, not necessarily what the founders were thinking of), and the ones that are racist fronts. True enough, that doesn't describe all militias, but the ones that it does, well, obviously they should be investigated, and certainly infiltration doesn't do them harm if they are as well intentioned and sober minded as they should be.

And, just to be clear, I do think that militias are an important part of the US system, they're practically a branch of the government itself. Surely, in the Founders' days, the state militias were more effective than today, but nevertheless, when dictators come to power, they need to strip the citizenry of their weapons and fighting ability. The militias having weapons, even very powerful 'military level' ones, is something of a necessity, and their being organized into paramilitaries and drilling and the like is also vitally important. But, again, who watches the watchmen, no? Some of them are undoubtedly simply 'bad guys'. Others too are perfectly and honestly intentioned, but good intentions usually aren't enough, especially when power, like the militias have, is involved. They can easily get blinded by parochialism and not see that they do genuine harm. So just as the Federal government is checked and balanced by the State Governments and Yeomen Militias, the militias themselves have to be monitored and verified by the public to at least some degree.


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