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Zero Point Generator ready? Solution to oil?

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posted on May, 26 2005 @ 02:50 PM
I was surfing an old ATS thread when I found this link.....

Its claimed to be a Zero Point Generator ready to go into mass production.... Its the size of a cd player and can pump out 1 killowatt of power..... I haven't heard of this before and I'm not well versed on the subject.... But the implications are huge.... I think this means free and clean energy!
I need someone who knows about this sort of thing to confirm if this is the real deal (fingers crossed) or just BS...

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 05:47 PM
This most likely is not true. They have proved that the ZPF exists with the Casmir effect but have also proved that with current technology it is unfeasibly to tap the field for useful energy.
Although I will keep an open mind because anything is possible.

posted on May, 26 2005 @ 08:06 PM
I've heard that Vacuum Energy will be easier to device and employ. ZPE I believe is a theoretically impossibility when it comes to actually tapping it for power, the Former is different then the latter. At least that is how a Physist explained it to me.

posted on Jun, 1 2005 @ 08:08 PM
"...The Lutec 1000 is the first free energy machine to be developed to commercial stage anywhere in the world..."

This news was published in 2002, they made patents all over the world (checked), doesnt answer emails... STRANGE

posted on Jul, 9 2005 @ 06:40 PM
I don't believe in zero-point energy, because it violates the three laws of thermodynamics. You can't get something for nothing.

posted on Jul, 25 2005 @ 10:15 PM
I think those with a true interest in this subject ( and the techinical understanding that necessitates) will find most, if not all, of the answers here and more specifically here.

"The flatness of the universe also means the theory of inflation has passed a key test. Originally conceived around 1980 (in the course of elementary-particle, not astronomical, research), the theory says the entire visible universe grew from a speck far smaller than a proton to a nugget the size of a grapefruit, almost instantaneously, when the whole thing was .000000000000000000000000000000000001 sec. old. This turbo-expansion was driven by something like dark energy but a whole lot stronger. What we call the universe, in short, came from almost nowhere in next to no time. Says M.I.T.'s Alan Guth, a pioneer of inflation theory: "I call the universe the ultimate free lunch." One of the consequences of inflation, predicted 20 years ago, was that the universe must be flat—as it now turns out to be."

"I call the universe the ultimate free lunch"


[edit on 25-7-2005 by StellarX]

[edit on 25-7-2005 by StellarX]

[edit on 25-7-2005 by StellarX]

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 10:32 AM
Dr. John Hutchison

seems like a very plausible situation to me. I was amazed at the cold melted metal and the pictures seem real.

another good site:

every day it seems more and more likely that the U.S. has the technology to end the oil situation. It leads one to believe that they are merely waiting for the depression to hit, just like the 30's, and then intorduce these technologies which would bring the U.S. into a a state of power comparable to what they experienced at the end of WW2. Every economy must enter a depression from time to time, so why not do it in a controlled way? seems very genius to me.

[edit on 27-7-2005 by The Dreaded One]

posted on Aug, 2 2005 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by uhoh
I don't believe in zero-point energy, because it violates the three laws of thermodynamics. You can't get something for nothing.

Believe in it or not, it has been predicted to exist. The problem lies in how to access the energy. Here is an article on it from Calphysics...

The problem lies in the mind of man to encompass that the Universe is not a zero-sum game. That it is difficult to understand from the regular viewpoint of man doesn't mean that it does not exist. In fact if is based on the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal which is one of the fundamental laws of Quantum Physics.

posted on Aug, 4 2005 @ 11:45 PM
Nuclear power is the only alternative. Solar power may be 20 years away. That's it. ZP is a dream and a con.

posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 12:38 PM
your kinding right? we have bout 50yrs left of nuclear power using LEU, but there is nothing else? lmao theres solar,hydro,wind,thermal,tidal, and best of of all the near siulver bullet BIOFUELS. thier all made from are crop waste and we can make so much of it plus we can have total domestic production and it will finally give farmers a upper hand.

posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 12:44 PM
Do you have any facts to base your statement on?
I have yet heard anything anywhere alluding that there was only 50 years of nuclear power plants.
I do agree with your statement that at least in the short run the use of BioDiesel will help to an extent. The biggest drawback on it is that there is not enough in production to make much of a dent in the world's power consumption.
Increasing the manufacturing plants of BioDiesel would soon run out of raw materials (even counting all the grease pits from US restaraunts

posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 01:06 PM
i will get some links, but yes thier is at the current rate of consumption only 50yrs worth of LOW ENRIECHED in 20% or saying this becuase countries dont like peaceful countriesd that dont have nukes using HEU or plutonium,they even had a problem with japan using it a few yrs ago even though japan is a "virtual" nuclear powerr that coulod have the bomb in less than a year.but im talking about using ethonal methanol,biodesiel,ect becuase we could make a huge impact on global markets. a) no more oil from mideast b)america makes a fourtune off selling ethonal/fix the deficit and c)we wont have to compete with china on one more thing. also heres a link on ethonal and other bio fuels ill find the one on nuclear. o and yes with all our mighty fast food we could crush oil................mmmmmm greasy

[edit on 9-8-2005 by mikem2939]

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 07:15 PM
If more research money was put into solar power, and people were convinced to start buying solar, the price would drop dramatically. I'm not saying it's the solva all problem, but it's a pretty damn good investment considering you get free energy (Not relating to physics, I mean as in you don't have to pay for it).

Unfortunately, people know not how a solar panel works, most don't even know they exist. There won't be an outcry for alternative fuels until after an oil crisis. A devastating one.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 11:43 PM
Nuclear reactors can run on thorium and other elements as well. They can also run off HEU.

Biofuels are good for light oil, but cannot be processed so far into the heavy crude that now cost $66 per barrell.

posted on Aug, 11 2005 @ 11:50 PM

Originally posted by WaStEdDeAtH777
If more research money was put into solar power, and people were convinced to start buying solar, the price would drop dramatically. I'm not saying it's the solva all problem, but it's a pretty damn good investment considering you get free energy (Not relating to physics, I mean as in you don't have to pay for it).

Unfortunately, people know not how a solar panel works, most don't even know they exist. There won't be an outcry for alternative fuels until after an oil crisis. A devastating one.

The best place to give money for research into solar power is NASA, who over the past 25 years have made the most significant advancements in the area. But sadly, NASA's budget is slowly being eviscerated each and every year.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 11:11 AM
Zero Point Energy acts at atomic levels.

It easy to get at, just give atomic gases a good hot spark from
a Tesla coil and you get energy.

I don't know if its extra but how do those bright headlights work.

Zapped into action like fluorescent lamps perhaps.

There exists a patented engine that zaps a noble gas mixture and
has no exhaust. I imagine some cooling is in order before re chambering.

Atomic energy, free energy, is in atomic gases.

posted on Jul, 17 2007 @ 11:16 AM

Originally posted by Kronos
"...The Lutec 1000 is the first free energy machine to be developed to commercial stage anywhere in the world..."

This news was published in 2002, they made patents all over the world (checked), doesnt answer emails... STRANGE

I'm sure they don't want a lot of pissed off investors leaving threatening emails. Yeah, I'm sure they have rolled up their tents and vanished, maybe into that vacuum they said they were getting the energy from. Along with the money.

posted on Jul, 24 2007 @ 02:17 AM
They cannot make money out o it even if it was real. They would sell let's say 1000 then someone will put the construction scheme on the net. Also the impact on the world economy is unknown - that means they could make a lot of money that are soon worthless
I say it's a fake, when someone will really discover something that works , the plans for it will be on the net , because of what I said above

posted on Aug, 1 2007 @ 05:26 PM

Originally posted by pai mei
They cannot make money out o it even if it was real.

If their only intent were to make money they could and would have been bought out long ago as it's well understood that you either take the rather large bribes ( supposedly a few million dollars) or disappear. If you have are known at all your death will be more public and serve as example to your colleagues to take the money.

They would sell let's say 1000 then someone will put the construction scheme on the net.

Why would the people who wish to make money from this sort of thing ever get to the point where they can sell a product if they will have been killed or bribed long before? It's one thing to say there are no devices on the market but quite illogical to say that that is evidence that they do not exist.

Also the impact on the world economy is unknown - that means they could make a lot of money that are soon worthless

Money has never been anything but useless and it's the faith in the promise of it's value that keeps the system going; we would still require currency of some sort with or without almost free energy. Why assume that money would be worthless?

I say it's a fake, when someone will really discover something that works , the plans for it will be on the net , because of what I said above

Well the plans ARE on the net and here are some links to some of them.



meg patent


Alfred Hubbard

USPO Hubbard


John Huston

USPO Houston



'Power from the Air' Patent Found! No us patent


T Henry Moray







Tesla's patent for an "Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy," number 685,957



James H. Rogers


958,829, Method and Apparatus for Producing High Frequency Oscillating Currents. J. Filed Jan. 20, 1910.


posted on Aug, 28 2007 @ 10:18 PM
Teslandlyne, from my understanging of ZPE, it doesn't exists at the atomic level, but at the sub quantum level. If I remember correctly, I a book called "The Hunt for Zero Point" that the local library had. I'm pretty sure in that book or in another book on the same subject, that zero point refers to -243.?? kelvin, absolute zero were nothing can survive, but zpe has been detected.

I am sure that if you tried to market this kind of technology, you'd either get bought out by big oil, or all your work in the feild of zpe would be missing when you returned from the maket or what ever. Remember, the Airforce stole tech from TT Brown?

Also, I don't personally take much stock in the Laws of Thermodynamics, mainly because:

a) they where written down by man. Newtom if I'm not mistaken.

b) We don't really KNOW anything in depth about the natural world. I beleive we have just barely scratched the surface.

and c) remember, anything under the sun is possible. ZPE may sound rediculous, but it could be possible, and feasible. Western physicists won't study this particular feild because they can't get major federal funding for it. they study what they get funded for, and what they where taught in college.

Anyone familiar with John Bedini? Some of his stuff might be worth a look.

Also, any research by T. Henry Moray, Nikola tesla,and TT Brown is always interesting to look into.

[edit on 28-8-2007 by seeker83]

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