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Wormhole 'no use' for time travel

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posted on May, 24 2005 @ 09:34 AM
hey one of my first starting a thread so be gentle

ok found this on the bbc news and couldnt find any other threads matching it so thought i would post it up and find out what ppl thought about the results these individuals are proposing...

Story here

Do many of you agree with this field of research and think it is impossible to use wormholes as a means of time travel.

Also does it mean time travel in the sence of going back 400 years to watch some event........or does it mean that using it as a means of travel between two different space points in a universe are impossible as in away this is time travel as you travel between two points in a blink of an eye......

Do many of you believe in wormholes i belive in the exsistence and possibly the creation of man made wormholes are possible but not so sure whether it would be able to travel through them....

would enjoy everyones view scientific experience and anything thing else ppl can through into this topic.


posted on May, 24 2005 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by minority2000uk
Story here

Do many of you agree with this field of research and think it is impossible to use wormholes as a means of time travel.

Impossible with our primitive knowledge yes, in a few hundred years that could change.

Also does it mean time travel in the sence of going back 400 years to watch some event........or does it mean that using it as a means of travel between two different space points in a universe are impossible as in away this is time travel as you travel between two points in a blink of an eye......

Well it depends on which rout we go, there is the Quantum Wormhole rout which would violate Causality(eg You could arrive at your destination before you left) and the other type which is inherintly unstable(you could get caught inside the wormhole before you reach your destination due to it's instability, you could get caught in it if it collapsed). It's a very complicated concept.

Do many of you believe in wormholes i belive in the exsistence and possibly the creation of man made wormholes are possible but not so sure whether it would be able to travel through them....

I believe they are possible, but we have no direct evidance they exist only theory.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 07:13 PM
you can claim it will be possible in the future but then again that is just a theory as well. No one can defenetly say it will or will not be possible....just because one scientist says it is does not mean it will nor the other way.

I am all for it being possible but also of the open mind that it is impossible after all physics can only be bent so far before it springs back into place.

to create a wormhole of any useful size would take a infinite energy source surerly just to create it and then hold it open plus travel the far distances that it would need to do to be of use.

Of course we may find an infinite energy source or we may not...but in my opinion there is nothin infinite especially energy as it is always used up at some stage and converted into another form.

Nothing lasts forever.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 07:28 PM
Perhaps, yet if we discover some other energy source it may be possible...
However, I agree that it doesn't look very likely that we will be using wormholes as means of time travel.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 07:31 PM
I do believe this may be the way that other beings travel to this planet earth.

I believe they can create a wormhole in ours and their time and travel immediately through.

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 07:55 PM

to create a wormhole of any useful size would take a infinite energy source surerly just to create it and then hold it open plus travel the far distances that it would need to do to be of use.

Really, you know that how? I was not aware the Physist's actually knew how much energy it would take to create a wormhole with certainty, and none has expressed (to me at least) that it would take an infinite amount of energy. Maybe you're thinking about trying to accelorate an object(with mass) to the speed of light, we can't do it as it reaches a point where it's mass becomes infinite and it takes infinite energy to accelerate it more. Wormholes are a way to get around this...theoreticall. Oh yeah I assume nothing, allthough I usually stop short of saying it will be impossible as we cannot even make that assumption yet. Why? Think of Flatland

posted on May, 24 2005 @ 09:19 PM
A wormhole could have disastrous effects. Basically, it provides a path for something to travel to the past or future. If a bit of energy goes to the past, then there will be more energy in the future so more will go into the past and so on and so on until the universe explodes.

Or maybe not. No way to know, really, except that we're here.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 01:27 AM
OK, let's assume there are wormholes, whatever that means to you, and let's assume people can be put into one---what would happen? This may sound stupid but all travel would be from the past. This is because the people in the worm hole would be taken off the table, so to speak. They would be somewhere else--not in this dimension. The time they experience would not be comparable to our time and I am not talking some Relativity crap. They would re-appear in our current world but for them it would always be a one-way trip into the future-----unless there were two wormhole generators. Then a connection would be established between the two wormhole generators--no matter where they were. The people coming out would come out in their future BUT a person could walk backward from our time into the past through this connection that was made to the traveler's point of origin. So, all travel is forward but connections would exist to the past. This would work to transport people through distance also--like a Stargate. All that is needed are the two machines firing up and connecting. This is not rocket science inspite of how it sounds at first consideration.

posted on May, 25 2005 @ 06:20 PM
All you need are two really, really, really absurdly heavy bodies.

Heavier than that.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 01:27 AM

Originally posted by Amorymeltzer
All you need are two really, really, really absurdly heavy bodies.

Heavier than that.

Provided they are spinning and near enough to each other based on their mass to interact (as Newton describes gravity). Two neutron stars will qualify and form torsion fields. Eventually, one will collapse and form a black hole---an implosion vortex torsion field. That's one generator. You need two for a wormhole.

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 05:11 PM

Provided they are spinning and near enough to each other based on their mass to interact (as Newton describes gravity). Two neutron stars will qualify and form torsion fields. Eventually, one will collapse and form a black hole---an implosion vortex torsion field. That's one generator. You need two for a wormhole.

That hole sentance went over and beyond my head......

so what you are saying is that if you have two vortex then it a worm hole does that mean if you make a man made vortex you could change a black hole? I gather mass would come into it if possible which would have to be infinite if the blackhole was already made correct?

posted on May, 28 2005 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by Forschung
Eventually, one will collapse and form a black hole---an implosion vortex torsion field. That's one generator. You need two for a wormhole.

A black hole is a bad idea. It's much better to have really heavy things.

Minority, here's how it works:

Mass bends space. So, if there is a large mass somewhere, space is bent and distorted by it. That means a bunch of stuff that is irrelevant.

BUT if you have two masses, their bent space can end up meaning a shortcut.

Imagine a balloon. The surface is the universe. Pushing in means a mass is bending space. Pushing in further means more mass. Now, take two fingers on opposite sides and push into the balloon. What will hapen is a large indentation, but you'll have an anormous shortcut from one side to another. This shortcut, of course, will appear like regular space and you can't see the difference, but you can travel it.

posted on May, 31 2005 @ 07:26 PM
ye i understand the concept of howw it works lol i aint totally oblivious to the workings of a wormhole theory.......just way you explained it made it sound possible via blackholes masses

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