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Bohemian Grove, The Owl: Not Satanic!

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posted on May, 27 2009 @ 10:50 AM
Really? It wasn't Satanic? Okay, maybe you have a point, but there is for sure some kind of malevolent force being praised here. If you watched the Alex Jones Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove they were shown to have

A large security detail, with hidden cameras, checkpoints, and other measures to ensure that the locals don't stumble into some innocent event.

Several large skulls placed over entranceways

The color of the robes during the Cremation of Care was Satanic

PJ, the little demon on the pamphlet scooping up human remains after a cremation

The "burning child" also featured on the pamphlet (on the altar)

And if that wasn't enough, fast forward the movie to about an hour and 23 minutes around the time when the final line is uttered, "Midsummer sets us free!" and watch. You should see 3 people holding large candles that drop down to the center of the altar where a human effigy lies (real live human or not real is unknown). They seem to be ritually burning it. A few seconds later a scream is heard. What is strange about this is that, if it was a real live human being sacrificed, the screams had a delay to them. Even if it wasn't a real human, Alex Jones said "Again, these people are deadly serious."

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by shinjiikari2839
A large security detail, with hidden cameras, checkpoints, and other measures to ensure that the locals don't stumble into some innocent event.

Privacy is Satanic?

Several large skulls placed over entranceways

Skulls are Satanic?

The color of the robes during the Cremation of Care was Satanic

Wait a second... Colors are Satanic!?!?!?!? Is it a specific shade? What's the Pantone number? Can I go to Home Depot and ask for Satanic paint, or do I need to bring a chip with me for them to match?

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 05:59 PM
Meh... I expected a little more pizazz from the world elite than the alex jones vid. Was a little disappointed. Jones is a retard besides...

posted on May, 27 2009 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by miragezero
Meh... I expected a little more pizazz from the world elite than the alex jones vid. Was a little disappointed. Jones is a retard besides...
Now, now... just because he's a community college dropout doesn't necessarily mean he rode the short bus to get there and back.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:04 AM

edit on 2-4-2011 by santjime because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:04 AM

edit on 2-4-2011 by santjime because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 12:05 AM
reply to post by sebatwerk

dang, im not sure why yall attacked seba so much. . . that was a bit uncalled for and distasteful, now i know this is an old thread. . .just thought id drop this bit of information about the owl. . . .

a owl is subliminally placed in the dollar bill. . .


mason is also subliminally placed in the dollar bill. . .


posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by santjime

Let's try that same thing, but with a better close-up:

Now, look at the right-hand side of the pyramid, on the line that supposedly connects to "m". Notice how the line deviates significantly from the pyramid. It's looking for something that isn't there, and fudging the data to prove a point.

You can see it in your image too; though it's less significant, the line deviates from the pyramid (though the line still doesn't correspond to the center of the circle around "m", and was "stretched" to make the point). For the purpose of this demonstration, though, I used a larger image.
edit on 2-4-2011 by OnTheLevel213 because: comparison

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:38 AM

Originally posted by JoshNorton

Originally posted by shinjiikari2839
A large security detail, with hidden cameras, checkpoints, and other measures to ensure that the locals don't stumble into some innocent event.

Privacy is Satanic?

Several large skulls placed over entranceways

Skulls are Satanic?

The color of the robes during the Cremation of Care was Satanic

Wait a second... Colors are Satanic!?!?!?!? Is it a specific shade? What's the Pantone number? Can I go to Home Depot and ask for Satanic paint, or do I need to bring a chip with me for them to match?

Have to agree here,

You cant label it "Satanic" just because of privacy, skulls and color.

I think its Pagan, and I think it dates back to before Egyptian times, and I dont think the people who attend would in a million years admit to being Pagan.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by LazarusTheLong
I can't beleive people are defending this crap....
these are our world leaders and power players.. and they apparently like to do obscure druidic rituals...

if they were in Oklahoma, the religious fanatics would have tarred and feathered them by now...

this is innapropriate for our leaders...
and as was pointed out... we know about one hour of the weekend... the rest is a mystery
and even if they do rope tying seminars during the rest of the stay, we the people need to know...

I suspect as several previous posters did, that this is a method of 'fund raising" or lobbying, where the sponsors are awarded with many pics of senators and powerplayers playing with little boys or girls...
thereby assuring that the politician/player got his rocks off, and the lobbiest has a nice vote... (similiar to the white house pedophilia Larry King scandal)


The bohemian grove is a ritual... and it is not done to honor GOD or jesus...
so why the hell isn't the christian coalition going after these guys?

Are you saying that anything that is not honoring god or jesus should be under scrutiny or attack?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 03:28 AM
reply to post by OnTheLevel213

@onthelevel you may want to check your link because it took me to a faulty site...a picture that said TRIPOD, but I am eager to see!

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 04:05 AM
I remember years ago when I first heard of Bohemian Grove and the use of the Owl in the ceremonies. It reminded me that the Rolling Stones song, "Sympathy for the Devil" includes some hooting by the lads starting at 1:58 and continuing throughout the rest of the song..... interesting coincidence or some deeper meaning?

Hooo Hoooo... ?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 04:26 AM

Originally posted by Blarneystoner
I remember years ago when I first heard of Bohemian Grove and the use of the Owl in the ceremonies. It reminded me that the Rolling Stones song, "Sympathy for the Devil" includes some hooting by the lads starting at 1:58 and continuing throughout the rest of the song..... interesting coincidence or some deeper meaning?

Hooo Hoooo... ?

I just posted the exact same song in my thread, but I dont think anyones noticed the Hooting just yet, they all seem a little baffled so far, I gotta
im sorry

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 04:32 AM
reply to post by Born

But what does that have to do with the ritual you ask? Well the whole ritual is done in honor of natures. The ritual is honoring nature.

Sure they are honouring nature...they go to this secret club, no public are admitted save for a few servants/slaves/girls and boys of 'the night' and so on. There is no media, no accountability and no record of what was discussed.

There is a huge effigy and many ritualistic elements involved, and frankly i've *never* heard *any* president, former or current, no politician, no banker, no industrialist talk about rituals involving 'mother' Earth, let alone talk about performing annual Pagan rituals in secrecy...have you?

Then of course, these 'nature loving' elites, send thousands of tonnes of depleted Uranium weapons and armaments to be used to contaminate and poison the Earth for years to come.

They drill into the 'mother' and extract her life blood, which we call Oil to burn and pollute and contaminate the air we breath.

They rip out the mothers lungs and send them to massive saw mills to be turned into furniture.

They make natural plants illegal and punish humans for wishing you use Nature the way Nature intended.

They build reactors that continually pollute and contaminate the Earth, on a normal basis and especially when they have a disaster as in Japan and elsewhere.

I could go on and on *all day long* here (we all know the facts), but really, do i really need to? Is there anyone alive today reading this, that can deny any of what i've said?

You're *very* wrong OP, they are *NOT* interested in nature, unless you include an interest in corrupting or destroying it.

'The Grove' meetings are by there very nature (no pun intended) conspiratorial.

They are all about consolidation of power and influence for the participants, and very shady Paganist ritualistic behaviour, in which the central theme is the worship of an effigy which is blasphemy, as they mostly claim to be Christians, or other mainstream religions which forbid the worship of false idols.

It isn't about worshipping nature.

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 11:39 AM
just thought this belonged here. . . .

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by santjime

No idea why that didn't work. It worked on my laptop, but not my phone. Oh well, let's try it again:

posted on Apr, 3 2011 @ 11:09 AM
My two cents worth: after reading the thread and the heavy debate that followed I went to Youtube to see some of Alex Jone's material on Bohemian Grove.
I didn't see him directly calling the ritual "satanic", or any direct claims of child molestation (some other contributers however do, and seem to twist his words).
He refers to a re-enactment of a Canaanite ritual.
As far as I'm concerned there is no occult and anti-occult divide. All religions use the same energies, and it is the intent that is benevolent or malevolent, or shades of both.
Christianity and other faiths are also re-enacting occult rituals.
Pagans had bloody rituals where human blood was offered to "nature", and later pagan mixtures like Christianity kept the symbolic blood atonement.
I also think there is homosexuality going on (I'm not sure to what extent), and that bothers me a bit as a gay person.
Maybe it's a nature "Brokeback Mountain" thing, or the ultimate male bonding.
The intent certainly seems different from regular gay people who challenge gender stereotypes - here it seems to be the ultimate rejection of social female power.
And most of these men are so ugly!
Well, each to their own but:
If some elite men enjoy male-male sex that's fine.
But don't come and present yourself as a homophobic, family values, "Christian" Republican when the week is over!
Don't organize mass rituals of homoerotic bonding and then spew hate against gay people afterwards.
Hypocrisy sucks!

Of course I might be misinformed by the available material.
But to me it seems malevolent, even if many there are only having a party.
Why not openly invite the press and make counter materials if it's so harmless.
How many garden variety Christians in suburbs would let a neighbor who attends a camp to re-create a sacrifice to Moloch watch their kids, or even feed their pets?
Not many.
So why do they tolerate it from the people who rule them?

So, at least stop the homophobic pretense, and make paganism acceptable by coming out of the closet.
Normal people would face discrimination for what they are doing.
That for me is the conspiracy.

Let the Christians know they have nothing to fear from pagans and satanists, because they too are run by people who regard it as entertainment or reality.
Then we could have less fear and discrimination.

That's my opinion.

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by JoshNorton

Now, now... just because he's a community college dropout doesn't necessarily mean he rode the short bus to get there and back

@JOSHNORTON, what are your intentions on this site? Just wondering what do you not like about Alex Jones, im honestly curious.. .. ..I would suggest you watch this video, its very interesting.

@onthelevel, do you honestly not think that it spells out mason, i feel like you just proved my point, now i respect your opinion so im curious as to how you do not see that it clearly points to the letters of mason. . . it may not point to the middle of the letter M but the line is at the edge of M that does not disprove anything . . and also curious if you were to show people on the street the photo that you showed me, out of 10 people how many would you say would disagree that the triangles do not point out to the letters of mason?
edit on 4-4-2011 by santjime because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 03:16 AM
Sauron, Super Moderator, added a list in his reply with members of the BC. On that lis was one name that surprised me and confirmed my belief that there is something terrible wrong with this guy. The person I am talking about is Seth Shustak, astronomer, SETI Institute.

Why...? because this guy openly refuse to belief that ET has reached Earth. With other words, UFO as we understand them do not excist and the ET pilots/ passengers of them are an imagination of the people who see them.

I never understood this know....working as a senior member at SETI and having such a determent and narrow view about ET. He is there at SETI to defuse every close encounter and to misinform the public.

An eye opener today......thanks

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 09:37 AM
reply to post by shinjiikari2839

Wait i thought this was supposed to be in secrecy?!!?? they are putting on a show. . . theres a large crowd and everything. . . now im REALLY confused. if this was so secret and there was to be no media attention, then wtf is the audience doing there. "pop corn for sale popcorn for sale! Ice cold beer icecold beer!!"

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