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Pro-Israel bias found in US TV news

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posted on May, 15 2005 @ 07:16 AM
Television coverage of the Middle East conflict in the US slants news towards Israel's point of view by giving disproportionate coverage to Israeli deaths, a journalist says.

Independent journalist Alison Weir said on Monday: "Our analysis reveals troubling patterns of omissions and disparities in emphasis that, we feel, profoundly hamper the ability of viewers to understand this conflict."

ABC, CBS and NBC gave 3.0 to 4.4 times more coverage to Israeli deaths than they gave to Palestinian deaths in 2000-2001, at the beginning of the intifada or popular uprising against Israeli occupation, and again in 2004, said Weir, founder of If America Knew.

The difference is even greater when the networks cover children, giving 9.0 to 12.8 times more coverage in 2004 to deaths of Israeli children than to deaths of Palestinian children.


Again, clearly shown, that the blood of an Isreali Child is more valuable then the blood of a Palestinian Child.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 04:16 PM
Fearless predicition: only a few posts will go by without some thinly veiled anti-semitic "Jews own the media" hype rearing it's head.

Living in Northern NJ, I know a lot of Jewish folks, and I can't think of any group more consistently critical of Israeli policies - they seem to find Israel's behavior quite embarrassing.

I think the reason for this pro-Israeli bias is more subtle: Big Media knows it's target markets, and in the wake of 9/11, Americans tend to be far more sympathetic towards Israel than towards Palestinians, or any Arabs for that matter. It's not a matter of their own bias as much as it is a matter of economic imperatives. Blown up Israeli children garner more ratings than blown up Palestinian children

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 05:06 PM
Yeah... It's all hype. To mention the Jewish Ownership of the media is just as antisemite as mentioning the Israeli Spy Ring they busted here in the Us right after 9-11 according to the ADL. It is also antisemitic to mention the Kosher Food Tax or their ownership of the Federal Reserve, or their part in the Bolshevik Revolution, or anything else which might lead someone to believe that we are literally living in a financial aparthide.

Originally posted by twitchy
Paramount, Disney, ICM and CAA New York, Times, Wall Street Journal Washington Post, Boston Globe, Washington Post Barron's, Dow Jones Village Voice Time, U.S. News & World Report Atlantic Monthly, NY Daily News, AOL-Time Warner, CNN News Group (before you say no that's Ted Turner, look up 'Walter Isaacson'), Time Warner's publishing division, Sports Illustrated, People, Fortune, Walt Disney Company, Touchstone, Buena Vista, Hollywood Pictures, Caravan Pictures, Miramax Films, Capital Cities/ABC, Inc., ESPN, Lifetime Television, A & E Television Networks, ABC Radio Network, Viacom, Inc., Paramount Pictures, CBS's Country Music Television Nashville Network Simon & Schuster, Scribner, The
Free Press, Pocket Books. Showtime, MTV, Nickelodeon, Fox Television Network, 20th Century Fox Films, and Fox 2000, New York Post and TV Guide are all owned or controlled by one religous organization.

This is not to mention all the subsidary companies in print and local media, newsgroups, etc. that are either subsidized or controlled by the above listed companies. The recent consolidation of these major media companies has only tightened their grip, and really this is only to name a a few...
Rothschild Bank of London (Jewish)
Warburg Bank of Hamburg (Jewish)
Rothschild Bank of Berlin (Jewish)
Lehman Brothers of New York (Jewish)
Lazard Brothers of Paris (Jewish)
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York (Jewish)
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy (Jewish)
Goldman, Sachs of New York (Jewish)
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam (Jewish)
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (Rockefellers Interesting History...)

[edit on 15-5-2005 by twitchy]

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 05:14 PM
The simple fact is there are, to my knowledge, more Jews in the U.S., sympathetic towards Israel, than there are arabs. Even if the media wasn't "Jewish Controlled" as some claim, business principles state that they should report the news which gets the best ratings. Personally I get my middle east news from the BBC, they generally have less of a bias as regards Israel/Palestine. It's sad, but that's the U.S. media for you.

On a related note, I've always thought the US should have a BBC-style publically funded yet non-governmental news organization, which would be able to report the news without fear of financial consequences or government censure.

-koji K.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 05:20 PM
uh this report is a lie, they just analysed more israeli stories, that is easy to twist into saying what they want.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 05:21 PM
Question Koji:
Are you asserting that the BBC is not biased?


posted on May, 15 2005 @ 05:35 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Question Koji:
Are you asserting that the BBC is not biased?


No, no news source is unbiased completely. For example, on issues relating to India/Pakistan, the BBC takes a very pro Pakistani stance, due probably to having so many Pakistani's working for them. I also found the BBC's reporting on the Hong Kong handover to be very biased. I do assert that the BBC is much less biased than most american news sources regarding the specific issue of Israeli-Palestinian affairs.

-koji K.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 05:42 PM
I can respect that and thank you sir for clarifiying such.

IMHO, I believe that the US media is so pro-Israel because the press, as with the US, were the first worldwide to back and support the creation of and the state of Israel when Israel declared statehood.

Others have and will continue to give 'other' rheotoric ridden reasons why, but so be it.


posted on May, 15 2005 @ 05:53 PM
If Americans Knew

Nice source of Information about Isreali - Palestinian conflict.

- 118 Israeli children have been killed by Palestinians and 680 Palestinian children have been killed by Israelis since September 29, 2000.

- 1,049 Israelis and 3,606 Palestinians have been killed since September 29, 2000.

- 7,169 Israelis and 28,695 Palestinians have been injured since September 29, 2000.

- The U.S. gives $15,139,178 per day to the Israeli government and military and $232,290 per day to Palestinian NGO’s.

- Israel has been targeted by at least 65 UN resolutions and the Palestinians have been targeted by none.

- No Israelis are being held prisoner by Palestinians, while 8,043 Palestinians are currently imprisoned by Israel.

- 0 Israeli homes have been demolished by Palestinians and 4,170 Palestinian homes have been demolished by Israel since September 29, 2000.

- 60+ new Jewish-only settlements have been built on confiscated Palestinian land between March 2001 and July 11, 2003. There have been 0 cases of Palestinians confiscating Israeli land and building settlements.

So I guess no wonder this kind of News is not going to come to the American people.

Check this for more information about the research, for those who find this reports to be Lies.

Off the Charts - Accuracy in Reporting of Israel/Palestine

Remeber These Children?

[edit on 15/5/05 by Souljah]

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 05:15 PM
How dare them Jews!!! This Pro-Isreal bias has to be dealt with!!! Perhaps a nice train ride to my special camp!!!

HOnestly, biased in the media is nothing new, and it doesnt matter. There are lots of people and groups that hate the Jews, which is just another form of envy. The nation of Isreal may not belong where it is now, but there is no way that a media bias will change where they live. The Arabs are fighting against the Isrealies because it gives them a reason to exist. If Isreal wasnt there, then they would be battling themselves.

Alot of biased news sources are run by liberals, and historically, Jews are Democrats. So it only makes sense to run news that the base is interested in.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 05:25 PM
Just a thought. Could it be, possibly, because the attacks on Israel have been directed purely at civilians, much like the attacks on 9-11, while Israeli attacks have been directed towards Hamas and other terrorist networks?

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 08:51 PM
Obviously the Israelis have more of their enemy imprisoned. Don't the Palestinians just kill prisoners?

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 09:00 PM
Hamas doesnt abide by the Geneva Conventions or the Laws of War, so its no wonder they do not take prisoners. Im sure Isreal treats the prisoners humainly, despite thier obvious primitive culture.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 09:18 PM

Originally posted by twitchy
Yeah... It's all hype. To mention the Jewish Ownership of the media is just as antisemite as mentioning the Israeli Spy Ring they busted here in the Us right after 9-11 according to the ADL.

You have voted twitchy for the Way Above Top Secret award.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Seekerof
Others have and will continue to give 'other' rheotoric ridden reasons why, but so be it.

There's nothing rehtorical about it, unless by rhetorical you mean the skillfull use of discourse to convey a point, once you do the math, follow the money, and do the research, you will find no less than a modern American Apartheid, evident in the nearly complete control and subsequent consolidation of our media, our illegally established Federal Reserve banking system, our foriegn policies, our multi-billion dollar contributions to Israeli interests as well as our unillateral support for their nation despite their current record holdings for the most violations of UN resolutions and their as of yet undiclosed hoardings of nuclear, chemical and biological arsenals. If you would be so kind as to point out any of the following which you would deem to be incorrect, or "rhetorical" seekerof...

Originally posted by twitchy
Paramount, Disney, ICM and CAA New York, Times, Wall Street Journal Washington Post, Boston Globe, Washington Post Barron's, Dow Jones Village Voice Time, U.S. News & World Report Atlantic Monthly, NY Daily News, AOL-Time Warner, CNN News Group (before you say no that's Ted Turner, look up 'Walter Isaacson'), Time Warner's publishing division, Sports Illustrated, People, Fortune, Walt Disney Company, Touchstone, Buena Vista, Hollywood Pictures, Caravan Pictures, Miramax Films, Capital Cities/ABC, Inc., ESPN, Lifetime Television, A & E Television Networks, ABC Radio Network, Viacom, Inc., Paramount Pictures, CBS's Country Music Television Nashville Network Simon & Schuster, Scribner, The
Free Press, Pocket Books. Showtime, MTV, Nickelodeon, Fox Television Network, 20th Century Fox Films, and Fox 2000, New York Post and TV Guide are all owned or controlled by one religous organization.

This is not to mention all the subsidary companies in print and local media, newsgroups, etc. that are either subsidized or controlled by the above listed companies. The recent consolidation of these major media companies has only tightened their grip, and really this is only to name a a few...
Rothschild Bank of London (Jewish)
Warburg Bank of Hamburg (Jewish)
Rothschild Bank of Berlin (Jewish)
Lehman Brothers of New York (Jewish)
Lazard Brothers of Paris (Jewish)
Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York (Jewish)
Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy (Jewish)
Goldman, Sachs of New York (Jewish)
Warburg Bank of Amsterdam (Jewish)
Chase Manhattan Bank of New York (Rockefellers Interesting History...)

And this not to mention the close relationship between Freemasonry and Zionism. They are rebuilding the same temple, and you are "just another brick in the wall."
Don't take my word for it, name any country, any country you can think of and google the name of that country with Mossad. Take a real good look the folks we are giving billions and billions and billions of dollars to, going to war over. Have you ever really stopped and wondered why you hate Pallestinians so much, I mean really stopped and wondered about it? Was it because you saw so much violence on the news? Think about it. How many times have you seen a pallestinian point of view in our media? Never? Seriously.
Take a look at any map prior to the early to mid 20th century, Pallestine was a recognised nation, a country, a people with history and culture, now they are exiles from their own lands and we are supposed to hate them for getting po'ed when they get thier houses bulldozed? We are supposed to ignore small print news stories like Israel Busted Setting Up Fake Alqeda Cell In The West Bank, yet gasp in horror every time one of these desperate bastards runs into a crowd and blows himself up.
More to the point...

Here's some history they probably left out of your textbooks...
Balfour Declaration is invalid because it gave political legitimacy to establish a Jewish homeland under false and contradictory circumstances...
The BD is not recognised in international law as well because the Jews are not a body politic, but a religion. A state cannot be established on the basis of a religion. The BD is issued for political reasons and not religious ones. The British not only promised a homeland for the Jews, but at the same time it also promised the Arab independence, and with the French it promised to carve out Arabia into colonies leading to the secret (at the time) Sykes-Picot agreement. These three promises are contradictory because British self-interest was the motivation. Britain needed all the support it could get against the Turks and the Germans during WWI. The British promised the Jews a homeland at the same time they promised Arabs independence.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 11:48 PM
Well, everything is a Jew conspiracy. The Jews are in control of all the banks and financial centers. Where is the new information?

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 05:47 AM
Bottom Line is - American People are paying big bucks for all the dollars that go to Isreal in form of economic help. So, ofcourse Isreal has to be presented, to be a nice, modern, civlized country.

That is the image the Media have to make, and that is EXACTLY what they are doing.

But as we know - there is no media that is not biased.

[edit on 18/5/05 by Souljah]

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by WissNX01
How dare them Jews!!! This Pro-Isreal bias has to be dealt with!!! Perhaps a nice train ride to my special camp!!!

I was waiting for this
- And yes "How dare them Jews" , the evidence is there my friend, and sites like this and the internet in general will open many eyes to the fact that the "them Jews" are controlling our media and stealing our money.

Strange how "them Jews" have been persecuted and kicked out of every place they settled... I wonder why...

twitchy, I will now proceed to vote you "Way Above Top Secret"

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 04:38 PM
If you follow media coverage of Israeli / Palestinian policy in the USA you will find that about the time that the Israelis began supporting a huge lobby in Washington the US Media also began to become more pro-Israeli. Any lobbyist worth his salt knows that you must also get the media supporting your view so that the politician's constituents will support the policies your lobby supports.

I am from the Metro Detroit area and we have both a large Orthodox Jewish community and several large Arabic communities. (Largest Middle Eastern Community outside of the Middle East.) I even went to school in Dearborn, Michigan. The difference between the Israeli and the Palestinian causes coverage is the amount of money they are paying out to the politicians and the bigwhigs in the media. You know folks are paid to sit on some stories of espionage for Israel. Those stories are too big to not be being actively suppressed. (This is not just about Israel, other groups do this too - think Archer Daniels Midland and genetically modified food.)

Up until the 1972(? - never can remember) Olympics there was sympathy for the Palestinians in the United States. Most Americans were well aware of the crimes being committed in the name of Israel's existence. And many, many Americans were upset about the U.S.S. Liberty. (Most older folks will mention it.) The Israeli lobby used the events in the Olympics to convince Americans that Arabs were not "like us".

One point I noticed is that the Arabic community made a bad mistake in attacking in Germany. Unlike the American supported Irish resistance and the Basques, they took it outside of their own area. (Yes, there are isolated incidents outside their spheres of influence, but the majority of those were well-contained media-wise.)

The truth is, the Palestinians have not been as sophisticated as other groups in using the media. Even the Japanese - who were resented greatly in the 1970s used media to endear themselves to the USA through anime and other cutesie things that made it harder to just blindly hate them.

The propaganda war was lost once the Palestinians decided it was no use to create their own lobbies in Washington DC. Israel did not make that mistake.




posted on May, 18 2005 @ 09:42 PM
The mass media is a tool of the establishment, just imagine if you could have a box in everyone's homes that would constantly sing your praises, wouldn't that be nifty? Constantly telling people how great you are, what clothes you should buy, who's tires should be under your car, imagine the poweryou could weild if everyone thought you were wonderful, and everybody was told to buy your product. It isn't about marketing, it's about conditioning and the illusion of choice. Guns for boys, dolls for girls. The media is superpowerful, and it is the ultimate determination of the will of the people. If it doesn't bother you that one religous organization, has consolidated and now weilds that power almost exclusively, then you are too far gone to hear anything I might say.
Who owns the western media media? Why do we hate Arabs in general? Perhaps this may have something to do with it?

Freemasonry is outlawed, in general, in Arab countries. ... Freemasonry is
prohibited in all Arab countries except Lebanon and Morocco.

They didn't outlaw freemasonry there because they don't like the shriner caps, or the handshakes, they banned it there because they know that freemasonry and zionism are the self same organization. Wake up people, the world isn't what they told you it was. We slaughtered Indians, we hung black people, we stole texas, we provoked war with the spanish, we were in tripoli killing people as soon as Teddy heard there was oil there. We let industrialists seize our government, handed our monetary system over to some real creeps. We let Pearl Harbor happen, we flew plane loads of opium over the ehads of our soldiers in vietnam while we sprayed them with chemicals and burnt down villages. We supported terrorism in SOuth America, Barry Seal had Bush's personal phone number, we stomped the piss out of Grenada for no better reason than some trading with Castro we didn't like. We bombed Lybia because Israel faked some radio transmissions, we supported terrorists in Afghanistan, bought Osama a big anti-tanki rifle he carried in his early videos to remind the west of who payed his bills. Our government has sprayed us with pathogens to study the spread patterns, thanks to FOIA, we find they have been doing all kinds of crap to us, for decades. We shot Kennedy to death, and as a nation wept we let ourselves lie for now two generations. You have been lied to so long and so often, that the lies have become accepted. I honestly think that the Internet is the last hope for truth in the world. It has freed us from literally upon centuries of controlled propoganda. 20 year ago people had no source of information other than what was handed to them, it is like we have been asleep folks, dreaming of some utopian american way, and now that the truth is starting to leak out to the masses about where your money goes, and who ends up with it, it is starting to upset alot of people. Good!
True freedom of information is unprecendented in Human history, I don't think the establishment was ready to handle it, hell no government in history could stand up to true freedom of inormation, because government, as a system, is inherently corrupt. As to the internet, you can just about bet on one of two eventualities, either it will spawn a new generation of a very informed mankind, or they will shut it down and your next ISP could be a .gov

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