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posted on May, 14 2005 @ 12:51 PM

Ibogaine, a substance discovered in plants from the West African rain forests has been reported to reduce both narcotic and coc aine withdrawal symptoms!

More that this, it also seems to reduce other form of neurosis. The question is why isn't this treatment being promoted more? If society is serious about it's war on drugs, you'd think that ibogaine would be it's wonder drug.

posted on May, 14 2005 @ 11:48 PM
Well, first off, you're using their website. Anyone else talking about it.

Second, they themselves say it is experimental, and untested. They use words like "opinion" and "claim" and "anectdotal."

We have very high standards for this sort of thing, although I'm willing to bet there's a certain disinterest on the part of some who profit from certain illicit actions.

posted on May, 15 2005 @ 12:28 PM
Ibogaine has shown success in treating not only addictions, bit other complusive behaviours. People who have been treated say they've resolved deep seated issues reaching back into childhood. Mental health is bad for the GNP, since the whole basis of our economy is discontent. "How can people be content with so little" is the catchphrase.

People have to be goosed in to working harder so that they can spend more. The auto industry has worked on that basis for decades. You could make a car, or even a light bulb, that might last for 25 yrs. How then would you sell new product?

The most negative, and neurotic, tendencies are played on to keep the marketing machine running. Fear, insecurity, competition - basically are you screwed up enough to be a success?

Now everyone is making big noises about the war on drugs. If you believe the hype this is society's No 1 taboo. What is there is a way of successfully treating addictions? What if the side effect is mental health? Would the mentally healthy person really work 80 hours a week, trying to feel good about himself, by trying to out do some one else? Would he have to buy a new car every other year (People who keep the same car for more than 4 years are 'talked about', but if you're 'sane', would you care?).

Even parents like to keep kids a little frightened and a little nervous, as a control mechanism. Society uses similar methods. "Self esteem" has become the great overwhelming issue over our time - thank you Oprah. Peopl will go to any lengthes to feel go about themselves, and as long as the keep feeling lousy, they'll keep trying. You have to try, that's the point. So the whole thing sets up like Charlie Brown and the foot ball. It becomes a self perpetuating vicious circle - with anxiety as the mechanism that keeps all this going. So from that point of veiw, which is better; to have a society of drug addicts, or a society of calm and rational people? Ibogaine is a chance no one wants to take. Stay hungry.

posted on May, 29 2009 @ 09:39 PM
It works wonders. Amazing stuff really. Ibogaine turns in to Noribogaine in the liver and that blocks opiate and cocain withdrawal and stops cravings for months to a year. Think of how many people could be saved :S

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