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ATS bullies

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posted on May, 6 2005 @ 08:06 AM
I love reading ATS/BTS everyday. So many different subjects and views. Many very informative, talented and professional writers.

It is nice to come across a subject of interest and read differing views when it is done in a mature manner. However, it ruins a great post when some people talk down to others in a degrading manner. Members calling other members idiots, stupid or don't know what they're talking about. It TOTALLY ruins a thread when someone starts name calling or treating others like idiots.

This is a great forum. To all those that think they are above other people and talk to others like they are a lesser, PLEASE STOP IT!!! You are ruining a great place with your high school cut-downs. One CAN debate without belittling others.

Sometimes folks are wrong, and sometimes folks just have a different opinion. You don't have to treat others like they are stupid, just to make yourself look smarter than others. If you are worried about your reputation, that will go up by itself just by respecting others.

When I first joined here, I loved the forums maturity and professionalism. It has definitely dropped in the last year.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 08:24 AM
You will find this on all sites. ATS is, in my opinion, is the least tolerant of 'bullies' and that is one of the reasons for ATS' popularity.


posted on May, 6 2005 @ 08:39 AM
Its true, it happens everywhere, i use to get it but for some reason now i get a lot of respect shown to me lol ATS is the best place where you dont get flamed for posting theories, etc. ATS fixed most of the problems on here with flaming and bullying.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 08:44 AM
These "bullies" are only expressing their baser human qualities. I guess some people handle criticism and anger much better than others...

"There is nothing new under the sun..." Job

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 08:44 AM
yeah,well it's people who are just err negative there problem i won't say anything more about that

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 08:45 AM
I would suppose that this is going to be an issue with any site of this type just because of the sheer numbers of people using it. It does however go to say, that most here are perfectly willing to respect the opinions of others, and that there is only a small number of people who are compelled to be somewhat rude. For the most part, we must ignore these responces and keep our mind on the reason why we are here at ATS; which it to engage in and be part of a great site, that allowes us the freedom and forums to express our opinions without being faulted.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 09:27 AM
Don't know what your indicating sir. But seems to me 'err' is not exactly what I feel friendly?


posted on May, 6 2005 @ 10:40 AM
oh just shut up the lot of you your all complete idiots....and your all going to get a bashing at lunch time in the playground!

LMFAO!....sorry guys that was supposed to be funny and lighten the mood?

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by optimus fett
oh just shut up the lot of you your all complete idiots....and your all going to get a bashing at lunch time in the playground!

LMFAO!....sorry guys that was supposed to be funny and lighten the mood?

*gets scared*
*starts to cry*

Im telling a mod

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 11:22 AM
Good topic...
I have noticed there aren't really that many bullies anymore at ATS... more like "disinformation lackeys"

Where's Sebatwerk when you need him?

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 11:56 AM
I don't even think this is what kills ATS. Stupid comments are one thing but what is really hurting ATS at the moment is that every thread (and I don't care what topic it is under, aliens, religion, medicine, general news, etc) all quickly turn into nothing more than a political our side vs your side debate. No facts, no knowledge, no education, just political agendas and lies being tossed back and forth. Maybe it is that whole chaos theory in effect…Everything that is good will slowly spin out of control and deteriorate into garbage.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 12:05 PM
Don't worry, we've got a super hero.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 12:31 PM
If some jerks aren't playing nice, ignore them. This isn't that 'out sideworld' (that i hear rumours of), a person isn't 'backing down' by ignoring some twit on an online forum.

Lots of people don't make enough use of their "Ignore" function. Heck, barring that, if someone is 'hijacking' 'your' (not directing this at you saint4god) thread then what does anyone think is accomplished by responding to them?

Do not feed the trolls. Its true, even if they aren't intentional trolls, they don't exist if peopel don't repsond to them. And if a couple of people are going back and forth, what does it matter to the rest of us? This isn't a physical conversation where we can't hear each other because of a couple of yammering idiots.

Not to downplay your concerns saint, in fact I am glad you brought them up.

None of us should even bother with the obvious lunatics.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 12:37 PM
Also remember If you feel you are being bullied, drop one of us staff a u2u so we can keep an eye on it. therefore nipping it in the bud

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Do not feed the trolls. Its true, even if they aren't intentional trolls, they don't exist if peopel don't repsond to them. And if a couple of people are going back and forth, what does it matter to the rest of us? This isn't a physical conversation where we can't hear each other because of a couple of yammering idiots.

If a troll posts on ATS and nobody responds, did a point(s) get made? Because we all know... It's all about the points.

None of us should even bother with the obvious lunatics.

An immediate miniaturization of ATS, but it's the subtle lunatics that really get you...

Institutionalized Monkeys, not just for being committed anymore...

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me

If a troll posts on ATS and nobody responds, did a point(s) get made? Because we all know... It's all about the points.

I hope you are joking with this statement, as the point of ATS is all about contributing thoughts, feelings, facts, ect. And denying ignorance. I joined ATS for these things and I stand by them. ATS's sole purpose is to replace the lies out there with the truth.

And for this I am proud to be a fellow ATS'er!

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 01:21 PM
I'm sure double M was being sarcastic, but it does seem like some peple think that ATS points are all that great. I mean, they don't actually do anything, other than let you do stuff on ATS, like have silly pics and whatnot.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
I'm sure double M was being sarcastic...

Hence the name "Mirthful." I prefer levity as the vehicle for my rambling and musing; unlike the stern and literal MaskedAvatar whose poignant prose must be accepted verbatim.

Two peas in two very different pods.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 02:13 PM
Without trying to sound as if l`m taking down but please get over it grow up and ignore it or belittle them back.

posted on May, 6 2005 @ 07:25 PM
As Teddy Roosevelt Might Say

I anguish about this a lot, because I can be very, very snippy at times.

However, I (try to, anyway) balance that by focusing my derision on posts, not posters.

My policy is that I am free to post my unvarnished opinion about another member's opinion -- as long as I confine my criticism to the post itself and not the poster.

Thus, I may say that a post is “stupid”, but make it clear that I'm talking about the post.

In practice, I try to be more tactful, but sometimes the choice is either to be honest or water down the criticism so much that it becomes pointless.

When Good People Do Dumb Things

I consider myself a reasonably intelligent person, but that doesn't mean I don't do stupid things.

I know this is also true of my fellow ATSers. For as many godawful braindead posts as I see in a typical session, I know that the people responsible for posting them are otherwise intelligent and usually sensitive, caring human beings.

That said, some posts are just dumber than a box of rocks. When I see such posts, I often find myself feeling inclined to comment on them, and why I think they suck.

Often, for the sake of brevity and clarity, I can be rather undiplomatic about it.

So, Am I A Net.Bully?

I despise it when I see a fellow ATS member personally attack another member. When I see such a thing, if no one else has said something, I may very well contribute a nastygram about how wrong such posts are.

Tough I think tact suits the mission best, I can still be rather unflinchingly brutal about it. Nation-bashing, race-bashing, ethnicity-bashing and other forms of gross bigotry, for example, I have little patience for.

They are an insult to this forum, and, in my opinion, should be soundly and firmly discouraged.

So I can be somewhat harsh about such things.

My question: Does that make me an ATS bully?

I can handle honest answers to that question, so please don't hold back.

Expect to be mercilessly flamed, of course. (j/k)

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