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Could Aliens Just Be Humans From The Future?

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posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 04:48 AM
Man I hope we as ET in the future aren't gay, I mean whats with that probing and stuff. I heard it done em' some pleasure, but in contrast it done us major pain. A little joke....

I like to think we have alien technology in the future and use it to time travel as to space alien use it to travel.

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 05:23 AM
My theory on this is aliens looked once like humans, but prolonged exposure in space has cause their bodies for "evolve" for their surroundings. There are site out there that have evidence of a humans that live on satellites to see what the effects the 0 gravity would have on human evolution over years. Aparently the efffects on a new born child in 0 gravity made it born as a taller, paler bigger eyes bigger head - all the typical aspects of your usual given this it wouldent be crazy to say they are a break off of humainity, the lost in space sort if u will...

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 06:45 AM
Anything's possible Mickey.....

McKusick: 216400

Absent or sparse tears
Acetabulum, general abnormalities
Autonomic dysfunction
Cerebellar abnormalities (structural)
Cerebral atrophy/myelin abnormality
Cloudy corneae/sclerocornea
Deafness, sensorineural
Deep-set eyes
Deficient adipose tissue or fat/lipodystrophy
Epiphyseal dysplasia
Flexion deformity of hip
Flexion deformity of knee
Hydrocephaly/large ventricles, non-specific
Hypohidrotic or dry skin
Hypoplastic ilia
Intra-cranial calcification
Joint contractures (including arthrogryposis)
Joint stiffness/arthritis
Muscle weakness/myopathy
Nevi or lentigines
Optic atrophy
Osteosclerosis or osteopetrosis
Peripheral neuropathy
Pigmentary retinopathy/chorioretinitis
Premature ageing
Premature greying of hair
Stature/length short, proportionate
Short trunk
Skin photosensitivity
Small testes
Sparse hair/alopecia areata
Telangiectasia/angiokeratomata of skin
Thick calvarium
Thin calvarium
Thin lower lip
Thin upper lip
Thin ribs
Thin fingers
Thin skin/generalized skin atrophy
Thin skin/generalized skin atrophy

posted on Apr, 26 2005 @ 10:00 AM
Ground zero, your talking about the same movie i am. It's called official denial.
The aliens are from the future and they shoot down a ufo with a laser and puncture the side but later find out it can 'heal' itself. the guy shaves his head and names the alien DOS. Great Movie!

posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 05:08 AM
One may also assume if they wanted that it need not be time travel, our future selves may just have incredible longevity.

I used to really enjoy the notion of this(grey's being the evolutionary future of the human race) and would love this thread to advance, or if someone is more familar with this site, provide a link to another more specific thread?



posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 09:37 AM
No, they can't be us physically. The web of quantum determinants is too deep in physical form. Physicists call it the Causal Ordering Postulate, or COP. The familiar idea is that if you could go back in time, you could off your grandma, or some such, preventing your existence. It isn't about individuals, but that you would essentially invalidate others' existence, override too much that is beyond you, which you can't do. It would be too unstable a universe to allow that. Instead, we all have to be humble, dependent on others.

Some aliens want you to believe they are us, but it's a scam, an attempt to rake our resources with more religio-hypno hogwash. Mind, or ideas can come back in time, but they are faded, elusive. In remote viewing, the past can be observed, but this doesn't allow physical intervention.

Maybe the highest form of mind, so far beyond us by billions of years, could regularly cycle back in time, but it wouldn't be physical "animals," or aliens. They evolved like we did. Don't fall for a colonizer's simple-minded ruse. Next thing they'll tell you is that they can abduct and implant your children because they own them. After all, they are you.

posted on Apr, 27 2005 @ 09:47 AM

Don't fall for a colonizer's simple-minded ruse. Next thing they'll tell you is that they can abduct and implant your children because they own them. After all, they are you.

As far as i recall they did not tell me any of this!

This is just my theory on aliens.

I find it extremly possible that they are us.


posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 08:52 AM
Whitley Strieber writes that the rectal probing is what's called an "electroejaculator." In animal husbandry an electrical probe is inserted into an animal's rectum, and when current is released it stimulates erection and ejaculation quickly. So, such aliens would likely be collecting sperm for their breeding program. And why a breeding program? In part to steal our genetic makeup for commercial trade, elsewhere (also to use for fortifying their cloned, hence limited, genetic composition), but, more importantly, abductors want to copy humans to insert their operatives here in order to gain control, say various reports.

Who would their operatives be? Not the Goobers, but probably select money/power figures. It's a takeover strategy.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 09:29 AM

In animal husbandry an electrical probe is inserted into an animal's rectum, and when current is released it stimulates erection and ejaculation quickly. So, such aliens would likely be collecting sperm for their breeding program.

Not just any breeding program!
Our breeding program!!!

Over the last 50 years mens sperm count have been dwindling away due to a whole load of reasons, and in the future we will probably run out.

So the aliens(Us in the future) are coming back in time to collect sperm samples to keep the population of greys up!


Remember Jurrasic Park???

We are to them what dinosaurs are to us, and they want to make their own human zoo to show the other greys what life was like back in 2005!!!

Could be true!!!

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 11:06 AM
whether or not these "higher intelligent" beings are humans or aliens, is uncertain. however, it is not unlikely there are worlds like ours with beings much like humans that are travelling here or around here. Or theres the possibility of time travel as stated before.

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 04:43 PM

however, it is not unlikely there are worlds like ours with beings much like humans that are travelling here or around here.

i agree, but still think that the grey aliens and silver flying saucers are humans evolved!

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 06:12 PM
You would think that if the aliens were humans from the past, they would try and prevent some of the large scale devastations of our time---for example, the Holocost, 9/11, the war in iraq...etc...

Who knows, but i think if they are us in the future, they better start pushing us in the right direction

posted on Apr, 28 2005 @ 09:47 PM

Originally posted by Malphas
You would think that if the aliens were humans from the past, they would try and prevent some of the large scale devastations of our time---for example, the Holocost, 9/11, the war in iraq...etc...

Who knows, but i think if they are us in the future, they better start pushing us in the right direction

Well, who knows what would happen if they stopped those things. As for the holocaust, and WWII, we'd be decades behind our current state of technology if it weren't for all of that. Not necessarily a worthy price, but you have to realize there are countless problems associated with preventing things in history, the least of which being the lessons learned. We'd make the same mistakes again, just with bigger weapons.

Oh, and there are greater tragedies than the war in Iraq. Like the Crusades.

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 09:15 AM
Stopping things like 9/11 would change time, which is very bad.

We woud be decades behind in technology if not for ww2.
If the cold war had not happened would we have been to the moon???
If Titanic had not sank, how many more in the future would have drowned due to ships not having enough lifeboats???

I could go on and on!

posted on Apr, 29 2005 @ 02:48 PM
`\This is an interesting isea. It would be quite interesting if this were true. They did do something like this on South Park though it was a comedin=c side to it.

posted on Mar, 23 2008 @ 03:05 PM

Originally posted by wyatt43
what proof do you actually have that we have shot them down? lol.... do you really think that our technology at the point htat it is, is any match for far superior, intergalatic space technology?

Point in case against your statement:

Captain James Cook, killed by local Hawaiian villagers.
Cook had circumnavigated the world, had trained organised men, and weapons such as hardened steel swords, pistols and rifles.
The villagers had spears and the like.

He was killed because he was not expecting it.

As Cook turned his back to help launch the boats, he was struck on the head by the villagers and then stabbed to death as he fell on his face in the surf. The Hawaiians dragged his body away. Four of the Marines with Cook were also killed and two wounded in the confrontation.

[edit on 23-3-2008 by smans]

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by Dallas

well, i'm afraid relativity allows for time travel. read the wikipedia article on time travel, it talks about using wormholes as a plausible way of travelling.

I thought about greys just being future generations too, and also, a spherical orb would actually be the best way of getting through a wormhole.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 01:21 AM
It is something that has crossed my mind. In listening to some scientist on the future of human evolution they have said that fingernails, hair on the head and on he body would no longer exist in future people. As for the height black eyes and head shape, I dunno if this has been theorized as part of human evolution. I think they are from another planet, but until the world knows for sure it is a possability.

posted on May, 21 2008 @ 03:54 AM
Aliens are not humans from the future and neither is UFO. Its not liked they evolved and came back. It makes much more sence that they are from other planets. But I think its possible for future humans to come back and be mistaken for UFOs.

[edit on 05/20/08 by SixthDream]

posted on Jun, 9 2008 @ 01:24 AM
look,lets face it. time travel isnt impossible, in the future our technology will be great. For example who would have thought 1oo years ago that we would break the sound barrier,we did. there are stars in space that are no longer existing, an havent for billions of years. that light is barely reaching us now giving the impression that they are still there. Now If and when we are able to travel faster than that light we will traverse time. Now as for the way we look, we might live on a distant planet,or if earth stilll exists in her depleted state we would have evolved to weather the harsh intense elements. for instnce, are small puny appearance is due to the fact that we have lost our size and strength due to little or no manual labor. everything will be done for us by robots and computors. No sexual reproduction organs becuase of the over polluted state of the earth or other planet, we became sterile and lost the abilty to procreate,and therefore evolved with no genitalia. but we have perfected human cloning.we also dont need a nose because we dont really need to breathe the toxic unatuaral air along with the other characteristics that have been touched on at this site make it a very high possibilty that WE ARE THE ALIENS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DREN ONE..........OUT!

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