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Was Jesus married?

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posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 01:02 PM
I used to say all the time that Jesus was married. I believed that the wedding where he peformed his first miracle was his wedding, not someone else's. Mary would never had asked Jesus to do something about the wine if it was not his wedding, according to Jewish custom.

"1. Jewish customs of Jesus' day required married Rabbis. Unmarried men were considered a curse to Jewish society. Jesus would not have had much credibility as a leader had He not been married. Although Jesus was a non-conformist and had many conflicts with Jewish tradition, His parents, Joseph and Mary, were not. The Bible says that they were careful to perfectly obey the laws of their people. It also says that Jesus was "subject unto them". Since Jewish culture practiced arranged marriages and early marriage, as well (a Jewish boy was marriageable at age 16), it is reasonable to assume that Jesus' parents would have performed their parental duties faithfully and arranged a bride for the young Jesus. There are 18 silent years in His life (12 - 30). The Gospel of John tells us that there were many other things which Jesus did which have not been recorded."

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 01:09 PM
If think it is possible, but for people to believe he was the son of God they would like him to be as pure as possible which wouldn't be the case if he was married.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 01:10 PM
Well maybe he wasnt the Son of God, he was a prophet like every everyone else was. And all the prophet's were married and had children.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 01:13 PM
Jesus was the Son of God. Not a prophet. If he were married it would of been written in the bible.


posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by Nightwalker
Jesus was the Son of God. Not a prophet. If he were married it would of been written in the bible.


I don't want this to be turned into another thread about silly people believing he was the Son of God.

And I'm sure it was written in the Bible, but it was edited out like a lot of things.

Didnt John say that if they wrote down everything Jesus had done and said, not all the books in the world will cover it?

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 01:16 PM
I believe Illmatic's interpretation is that it is written in the bible. BTW, Illmatic, are you Muslim by any chance? Muslims believe Jesus was a prophet.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 01:19 PM
Yes, I am but please let's not turn this into a prophet/Son debate.

The evidence is there that suggest that Jesus may have been married.

If he was married then what's the probability of him having children?

I know the thought of Jesus having sex bothers Christians.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 01:20 PM
I doubt he would actually be married because it never accounts for a women who would have married during his travel. After he died and before he rose dont you think she would have visisted. There could be a change Illmatic and you bring up a good pooint of why there could be but think they would have wrote down that minor detail. Also not all prophets had children and married

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 01:22 PM
Name me a prophet who was not married.

And the possible wife of Jesus probably DID visit his grave.

Mary Magdalene?

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by John Nada
If think it is possible, but for people to believe he was the son of God they would like him to be as pure as possible which wouldn't be the case if he was married.

This is due to one of many misunderstandings within the Church. For you see, being a son of God means nothing else than being a king, or as the name was for Israel-Juda -- messiah. Jesus however was more than just a son of God and more than a messiah, he was the promiced King, THE Messiah and THE Son of God, who would write the Law in the hearts of his followers.

Of course Jesus was married. His whole life was a prophecy. Jesus was married to his wife like the prophecy of him says in Hosea. He might even have been married to two women, since Hosea says so and since Jesus was the second Adam, and Adam was married before he married Eve, with a woman he later left whose name was Lilit, the night owl. Besides, messiah Solomon was the son of God, but he had 1000 wives. Why shouldn't Jesus who was THE Son of God and THE Messiah be married?

See 2Sam 7:14, 1Kings 11:3 and then see how this will happen again, after Jesus, and Jesus will be his God in Rev 21:7


posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67
Yes, I am but please let's not turn this into a prophet/Son debate.

But you have to Ill, you are talking about Jesus as if was just a person who lived in another time, but he wasn't only that. As a result the fact of WHO he was has great meaning on WHAT he did, or may of done..

The evidence is there that suggest that Jesus may have been married.

No there isn't you are just making this up as you go along. Funny in the last 2000 years no one else has said this. If it was true there would be heaps in the bible about it, instead it is totally silent. Why not say he had green skin as well, its as valid an argument as that.

If he was married then what's the probability of him having children?

Hello, here comes the hook, its the gnostic traditiions or the Templar traditions that you are getting at with Jesus his decendants.

As people in that time were often called with their family name (bar = son of) there is no person described as Jesus son, or kids.

Ill you can ruminate until the cows come home on what if's, but it doesn't make them any more real than what you see on Stargate, or any other TV fantasy. Its still only in your head.

[Edited on 27-7-2003 by Netchicken]

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 09:57 PM

Originally posted by Quicksilver
I doubt he would actually be married because it never accounts for a women who would have married during his travel. After he died and before he rose dont you think she would have visisted. There could be a change Illmatic and you bring up a good pooint of why there could be but think they would have wrote down that minor detail. Also not all prophets had children and married

Not so. There was one certain woman who followed Jesus wherever he went, who were standing at the foot of the cross, and who was actually the first to enter the empty tomb on Sunday morning the seventh of April year 30, as soon as the Sun rose: Mary Magdalen whom Jesus cast out seven demons from, and whose brother (Lazarus) Jesus woke up from the dead. And we have Susanna, Martha and many others. In the time of Jesus it would be unheared of that unmarried (or married for that matter) women would follow an unmarried man like they did. They would possibly have been stoned to death for adultary.

But you can sum it up as follows: The Gospel of John more than implies that Jesus was married. The Gospel of John is the only Gospel written by an eye-witnesse, the beloved disciple, whom Jesus at the cross even grant the honour (or perhaps remind of his duty) of caring for his Mother Mary. The Gospel of John has as the only Gospel within the Catholic canon to be believable as to the events around the death and ressurection of our Lord Jesus of Nazareth. While the three others that was written much later and by second and third hand writers, somehow don't seem to support the idea that Jesus was married, at least not to Mary Magdalen.

Peter, whom Jesus entrusted with the leadership over the elect and the keys of Heaven was married, and all the rest of his disciples were married. Except for the self proclaimed apostle Paul, who obviously didn't like women much and never married. Paul never met Jesus in person while he was on Eareth. And God only knows why Catholic priests don't marry. There is no scripural foundation for that, unless Peter saw the Babylon the Catholic Church would turn into so he conned them by atleast making them childless so they couldn't make a bloodline out of themselves and claim to be gods or whatever....

I have yet to hear of any single one argument that should somehow proove that Jesus WASN'T married, but there are several indications that he indeed was.


posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 10:15 PM
netchicken, please read the post above your own if you haven't already #pid=127010


posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 10:23 PM
Is there any evidence in the Qur'an that may help you in this subject of Jesus(pbuh) being married? (As I yet have to read the Qur'an myself)

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 10:36 PM
I read it mik, but I don't believe it.
What are the words from Hosea?

here is 2Sa 7:14
I will be his father, and he shall be my son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men:

This is God's promise to the house of David. The king (Jesus) will be as a son to God - He might chasten him, but He will never reject him.

1Ki 11:3
And he had seven hundred wives, princesses, and three hundred concubines: and his wives turned away his heart

This is about solomon, nothing to do with Jesus, or his suposed children.

Give me some more biblical "evidence"

Originally posted by mikromarius
netchicken, please read the post above your own if you haven't already #pid=127010


posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 10:45 PM
it's a strong possibility, I think. after all, the Bible has been retranslated and edited so many times that by this point, it's hard to discern what actually happened and what's just myth. didn't Jesus disappear from about ages 12-30 or so? what did he do during those years? it's entirely possible that he might have married and had children.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 10:47 PM
mikromarius, please qoute the passages from the Bible which you claim would indicate that Jesus was married. You say it cannot be proven that He was not married, well prove that He was (or at least give some evidence to support your contention).

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 10:49 PM

Originally posted by Illmatic67

Originally posted by Nightwalker
Jesus was the Son of God. Not a prophet. If he were married it would of been written in the bible.


I don't want this to be turned into another thread about silly people believing he was the Son of God.

And I'm sure it was written in the Bible, but it was edited out like a lot of things.

Didnt John say that if they wrote down everything Jesus had done and said, not all the books in the world will cover it?

Then why else would you take from another thread*Underground Stream* and write this ridiculous statement?

It would please you more than anything to somehow be able to turn people your way and into believing Jesus was not the Son of God. I know you are Islamic, but I have never trampled on you belief, only your attacks, and they are many and numbered, on Christianity et al.
I think you just post things like this to attack Christians for your own amusement.
I think it is pathetic that your faith does not allow you the courage to operate within your system of belief without tearing down another constantly and blatantly.

And to say the Bible is tainted. Hmm, I suppose over the last 1300 years the Koran is pure?? You are intellectualy in denial if you can't see your arguement from all sides.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 10:57 PM
Well, Illmatic and I have had discussions/comments to the word/term of "son" and "Son", but I think one has to keep in mind, as Illmatic has eluded to, that the Bible, like the Quran, like the Torah, like any other "holy texts", were written by men/Man. In such, is open to being flawed, re-written to and for "hidden agendas," and is very open to curruption (ie: the changing of words,etc.).

I am not saying that Jesus was not the Son of God, but perhaps all the great prophets were the Sons of God. I find it somewhat difficult sometimes to take the Bible literally in meaning and in word usages because the Bible, as other holy texts, have been translated and re-written so many times that error cannot be helped from being introduced. One must remember also that there have been many books that have been excluded, further making one wonder.

Personally, whether Jesus was the Son of God or the son of God, is immaterial to me. Its what he had to teach that should ultimately matter.

There are many legends and stories to the effect that Jesus did not die on the cross. There have been stories told that state because he had not died prior to the Jewish Sabbath commencement, sundown, he was removed from the cross, as the others who were also crucified with him, and were not killed but left for dead. It is a known Roman practice, in respect to the Jews and their traditions of the Sabbath, that those who did not die prior to the onset of the Sabbath commencement, were removed and had their legs broken so that they could not "get away" and to also help speed the arrival of death. The stories speak of this happening to Jesus. Being left ofr dead, after his legs were broken, as night fell, Jesus's mother and Mary Magdelin (sp) came and stole him into the night, resulting in Jesus's escape and exile. The stories speak of Jesus and Mary Magdelin (sp) leaving the country and going to a far of land (Europe) and marrying. They have children and those children grow to become great kings and heroes in Europe.

This is but one of many stories of Jesus not actually dying and also of Jesus being married and having children. Whether they are true or not, I cannot say. That is ultimately up to the individual to discern.
The point I am trying to make, is instead of "downing" or condemning what Illmatic is saying or believes, one must respect his discernment. I would feel that he would do likewise. There are always two sides to a story......and discernment is always concluded on the basis of one's interpretationial skills......


posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 11:13 PM

I don't want this to be turned into another thread about silly people believing he was the Son of God.

This statement alone is inflaming since it implies that all Christians are silly because of their belief. If you do not want to believe - fine. But I believe that Jesus was the Son of God and threre are good rational reasons to believe so (if you want to study them). Also the charges of corruption and editing of the Bible are also one sided presented by people who only want to trash the Christian Faith. As for the stories and legends about Jesus not dieing on the cross, again where are the textual qoutes from the original source (I do not mean some anti-theist web site, but actual qoutes from a historical document). About the Romans breaking legs of people being crucified. This was done while the person was still on the cross. After the legs were broken, the person could not raise up to breathe and death by asphyxiation quickly followed. (In order to breathe, a crucified person had to lift his body with his arms.)

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