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Why are the Freemasons attacked by Trolls

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posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 07:30 AM
As a Freemason of many years I find it hard to believe the venom that is directed against the Freemasons. Why do some people go out of their way to say that Freemasons have harmed them? We all know about the person who sayd that the Freemasons destroyed his WC, gave him drugs and were out to get him. This person never reported this to the police and we will never know why that is.

I wonder how many of the people who hate Freemasons are attending the hospital due to mental problems? as we seem to get a lot of them posting on this board.

As a Freemasons I am a free thinker and want to know why Freemasonry gets some people to go OTT in their postings.

Bro Gerard PM 1316 SC

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 08:14 AM
You say, venom? If anyone posts anything that dosnt flatter the brotherhood, you get buckets of "Venom" thrown on you. Say one disrespectful thing and bang, here comes the childish personal insults. It amazes me that a group of intellectuals can stoop so low.

It dosnt matter if the negative material happens to be true, the mosti operandsi is always the same, attack and destroy the person, not the message. Freemasonary is neither "Free" or "Masons".

I know many masons who have told me personally that many of these things that are discussed on this board, are true. They have broken thier vow of silence to inlighten the world to the truth. To me, those masons show the greatest amount of self respect, and integrity. For those masons, I have the greatest respect. Its not what you do in life that is importaint, but why.

[edit on 16-4-2005 by All Seeing Eye]

[edit on 16-4-2005 by All Seeing Eye]

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 12:02 PM

I know many masons who have told me personally that many of these things that are discussed on this board, are true.

Please post any or all of these TRUE THINGS with supporting evidence
and Documentation from reputable sources.

NOTE: Jack Chick, David Icke, and freemason watch are NOT reputable.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 12:19 PM
In all the time I have been on ATS I has seen many negative post against the Freemasons, the true is that they are more out of ignorance and misinformation that anything else.

When I wanted to know about them I got myself a couple of books and so far Is nothing evil, weird or satanic in their teachings.

Like I said some like to lean on the mythical and mysterious because it tend to attract the ones that doesn't want to deny ignorance.

One very good advice, for the ones that are involve in the Freemasonry without giving away your secrecy you can educate the uneducated.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by stalkingwolf

I know many masons who have told me personally that many of these things that are discussed on this board, are true.

Please post any or all of these TRUE THINGS with supporting evidence
and Documentation from reputable sources.

NOTE: Jack Chick, David Icke, and freemason watch are NOT reputable.

Sorry, the identity of these people will remain with me. In fact I dont care to know their names or write them down. The Identity's will go with me to the grave. As far as documentation, very few secret societies keep records of their mis-deeds.

One subject that is well documented is the American Red Cross's "Blood Drive". Will freemasonry deny that they are the ones behind this travisty of the heart? A gift given freely is turned into a product to be soled to the public at an outragious profit? This gift of life can cost upwards of 150$ a unit. Why is it that all the middle men must make their profit. Why cant they give as freely as well?

The poles we americans cherish so highly are in fact bought and payed for by secret societies. It depends on where you live as to which one owns it.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 01:44 PM
Your attitude towards people shows you have no respect for anyone except your brothers. Why would you expect someone to respect you if you call them trolls is beyond me.
It could be easily regarded as racist, on par with lots of other names given to people of different color or whatever you will.

Besides, if we are trolls, do you consider yourself KING TROLL or something?

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 02:02 PM
I'm just amused that the amount of power people assume Freemasons have.

I tease a friend of mine who is Jewish, a lawyer, and a Mason that I don't understand why he isn't personally running the world, given all the power that trifecta gives him. He laughs and says he would, but it's too much work so he lets the Bush family do it for him.

Anyway... I think the reason Masonry gets so much heat is because people make the worst assumptions in the absence of information. Alfred Hitchcock once said that the reason he didn't show alot of violence and gore in his movies was because nothing he could show would be as horrifying as what people would imagine if he just provided a hint.

Freemasons have been in the business of providing just a hint for a long time.

Not, of course, that there is anything like a Masonic secret really left. It's all been published if you know where to look. But for most people, the secrecy combined with the general refusal of the fraternity to answer absurd charges is enough to fire the imagination.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 02:08 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
You say, venom? If anyone posts anything that dosnt flatter the brotherhood, you get buckets of "Venom" thrown on you. Say one disrespectful thing and bang, here comes the childish personal insults. It amazes me that a group of intellectuals can stoop so low.

It dosnt matter if the negative material happens to be true, the mosti operandsi is always the same, attack and destroy the person, not the message. Freemasonary is neither "Free" or "Masons".

I know many masons who have told me personally that many of these things that are discussed on this board, are true. They have broken thier vow of silence to inlighten the world to the truth. To me, those masons show the greatest amount of self respect, and integrity. For those masons, I have the greatest respect. Its not what you do in life that is importaint, but why.

You're so full of it that it's mindblowing! YEAH! I'm SURE real masons told you what's discussed here is true. OK, whatever you say, partna'!

We tease you guys because we're sick to death of giving you guys TRUE, HONEST information and not being taken seriously, or being told we can't be trusted. We've given you guys BOOKS worth of accurate information, and you guys still believe the childish junk you believe, so be it.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 02:10 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
One subject that is well documented is the American Red Cross's "Blood Drive". Will freemasonry deny that they are the ones behind this travisty of the heart? A gift given freely is turned into a product to be soled to the public at an outragious profit? This gift of life can cost upwards of 150$ a unit. Why is it that all the middle men must make their profit. Why cant they give as freely as well?

Do you have ANY EVIDENCE of what you claim above? If not, BE A MAN and admit that what you are saying is false.... YOU'RE FREAKIN NUTS DUDE!!!

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 02:10 PM
And yes, we have the subject of the "Ancient Ones". Will freemasons still try to hide their exsistance for another 8000 years? The Ancient ones have been identified and located. Your fools to sell your souls, to hide them. You will recieve nothing but pain and suffering during the "Judgment", which by the way, is on going presently.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
And yes, we have the subject of the "Ancient Ones". Will freemasons still try to hide their exsistance for another 8000 years? The Ancient ones have been identified and located. Your fools to sell your souls, to hide them. You will recieve nothing but pain and suffering during the "Judgment", which by the way, is on going presently.


posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
Sorry, the identity of these people will remain with me. In fact I dont care to know their names or write them down. The Identity's will go with me to the grave.

This is a fair statement. This info is private, very much like the Masonic rituals and handshakes, no?

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 02:13 PM

Originally posted by intrepid

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
Sorry, the identity of these people will remain with me. In fact I dont care to know their names or write them down. The Identity's will go with me to the grave.

This is a fair statement. This info is private, very much like the Masonic rituals and handshakes, no?

It's a lie, plain and simple. This troll doesn't even bother to respond to other requests to provide evidence of his claims, why would he this one? It's just an excuse... NO MASON EVER came to him and told him the GARBAGE on this website is true. They might have lied to him and SAID they were a mason, to mess with him, but they were not.

Seems like a bit of wishful thinking on his part

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 02:13 PM

Do you have ANY EVIDENCE of what you claim above? If not, BE A MAN and admit that what you are saying is false.... YOU'RE FREAKIN NUTS DUDE!!!

And once again, the personal attacks. PAR! You really are, a mason, it shows.

[edit on 16-4-2005 by All Seeing Eye]

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye

Do you have ANY EVIDENCE of what you claim above? If not, BE A MAN and admit that what you are saying is false.... YOU'RE FREAKIN NUTS DUDE!!!

And once again, the personal attacks. PAR! You really are, a mason, it shows.

But why dont you answer my challenge? What are you afraid of?!? PROVE ME WRONG!!!

[edit on 16-4-2005 by sebatwerk]

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 02:15 PM
Do your own research. Im not a borther............

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 02:17 PM
First of all FreeMasonry is FAR from a Secret Society! Which Secret Society have you ever heard of throws PARADES (Shriners)!

Gerard this is were I believe the Problem begins! We are told by Masons that Masonry is a FRATERNITY (which it is). The next question that usually follows is: Well I am an Adult Male - how do I join? The requirements are then given - you must apply yourself (no Soliciting) - you must Pay your Dues - you must be a FREE MAN
(Race is not a factor in A & A, FM).

Here is the kicker however: You must believe in the existence of a "Higher Power". The Divine, the
Universal Mind, God - what ever you want to call it. Masons call it "The Supreme Architect of the Universe". It doesn't matter which Religion or Church you belong to or Specific stuff like that - just that you Believe & have Faith - that you are not a Materialist Atheist that believes that all of Creation or the Entire Universe was just a mere Accident! That Family & Country & God comes FIRST & then Masonry afterwards. Masonry Motto: "Brotherhood of Man, Fatherhood of God".

Here is the amazing thing - they can't get past that one simple little thing! They begin to concoct all of these Conspiracy Theories. Well now this must be some sort of NWO Plot! “Everyone knows” that My Religion is the only REAL/TRUE one & the way that I Practice it is Superior! Everyone knows that God's Name is "XYZ"! My God is the TRUE God - everyone else who does not Worship my God exclusively is a Devil Worshiper! Those that disagree with me (or have a different Viewpoint) MUST be Evil Satanists! If I can't Convert these people they are going to Hell & I have no interest in Conversing or "Fraternizing" with them!

Well now - isn't that just the most Backwards Logic that you have ever seen? But this is the way that many people think! Could it be possible that the Masons were telling the Truth & believe that there is Truth in ALL of the Established Religions of the World! That Freemasonry takes people from any & all Religions - if they are interesting in Improving themselves & Helping Others & being part of a Brotherhood! Heck you might even learn something along the way!

Isn't it amazing how many people in this world continue to fall victim to this Closed Minded Bigotry? Unable to look past Race & Creed - to our Common Humanity! Even in today’s Modern World! I feel sorry for people like this - they must live Sad & Pathetic lives - wrapped up in their own Neurosis!

[edit on 16-4-2005 by Seraphim_Serpente]

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
Do your own research. Im not a borther............

That's wehat I thought, troll. That's EXACTLY what I thought.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 02:41 PM
So, are all Non-masons, trolls? Or is it just the ones that are thorn in the side of masonry?

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 02:44 PM

Originally posted by All Seeing Eye
So, are all Non-masons, trolls? Or is it just the ones that are thorn in the side of masonry?

Your a troll?!?!
i thought you use to be a super mod here

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