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Radionics (One last time)

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posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 02:33 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
I have posted numerous times on the subject of radionics, and I hardly ever had any replies or I was scoffed at. Even though I have used radionics with succes, people here still didn't believe me.

I'm gonna bring up the subject once again, for the last time. This mostly unknown and repressed material. The U.S. government is most probably using it. And there are people and organisations who are selling radionic products, software or hardware...

Supposedly, the Powers-to-be are using a more advanced, efficient/effective version of the's call Psychotronics

I think that's why Radionic is still on the market. It just not so efficient/effective...

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
Are there are affects of orgonnite, orgone radiation, or orgonne devices, that can be tested?

Yes, there's an experiment you can do by putting ice trays in a freezer, and putting an orgone generating device on top of that freezer. At best at an angle from the ice trays and not above. It's best to do this with distilled water, tap water is not advised (although the tap water in Aruba is of a very high quality compared to USA and Europe). After the ice has formed you should be able to see that the ice have formed stalagmites.

Here's a webpage.

I've tried it myself a few times, but with tapwater and a measuring cup instead of distilled water and icetrays. I got a clear bump pointing into the direction of the orgone generator I had on top of the fridge. I did this a few times with orgone generator and tons of times without (I love to eat ice). I've never gotten a bump when I didn't have an orgone generator on top of the fridge. And both times with the generator I got a clear bump from about 1-1.5 cm high.

Of course this is not a double blind experiment.

posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 04:20 PM

3. It is the medium for electromagnetic and gravitational phenomena. Again, like the ether., orgone energy is the substratum of the most fundamental natural phenomena. It is the medium in which light moves and electromagnetic and gravitational fields exert force. One of the major tasks of orgonomy is to integrate our knowledge of orgone energy with the facts about those phenomena known to orthodox physics.

The above is from a link previously posted in this thread

Here you go. Since it was shown in 1887 (I think) by the Michelson-Morley experiment that EM phenomena have no medium, and require none, this shows the whole thing is bogus.

Also, most of the stuff on radionics that I've seen on the web claims it won't work in the presence of a skeptic. Uri Gellar anyone?

The inventor died in jail, he was there for a good reason. Had he come earlier, say in the 19th century, he could have made a legitimate fortune. It was guys like this that brought about the creation of the FDA.

'Nuff said.


posted on Aug, 30 2005 @ 05:06 PM
I'm not even going into this. My own experiences have shown me that orgone, chi or whatever you want to call it is 100% real. Especially since that ice cube experiment I'm more conviced of it being real.

You don't agree with it, suit yourself.

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
(I love to eat ice)

Its good with rum or whiskey.

Of course this is not a double blind experiment.

A double blind would merely require having a fake orgonne device on top, or possibly, even simpler, putting the orgonne device in a box, than getting an identical box and weighing it down to the same weight as the orgonne device, and then randomly alternating them for each experiment without checking. Put I think that the fact that its a replicable experiment is interseting enough.


I do have to be critical and say that I am pretty well dissapointed that the people selling these things have done a systematic study of this sort of thing. Then again that page anyways also advocates for the existance of chemtrails, so perhaps I shouldn't take it too seriously. These results however are interesting.

[edit on 31-8-2005 by Nygdan]

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 10:55 AM
Thanks for a great thread Bandit. Please don't let it be your last on this topic. Education is a spiral process, and needs to begin again with each new participant. Also, repetition is recognized as essential to the process.

From a personal level - I had forgotten all about this stuff. Need it, and will start reading. Thanks again. - sofi

posted on Aug, 31 2005 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by Nygdan
I do have to be critical and say that I am pretty well dissapointed that the people selling these things have done a systematic study of this sort of thing. Then again that page anyways also advocates for the existance of chemtrails, so perhaps I shouldn't take it too seriously. These results however are interesting.

It's a thin line..

Most of the orgone related websites have pretty interesting reading material and do it yourself stuff, but they're often full of crap about the NWO, reptilians, chemtrails etc...

I just take what I can actually use and drop the rest. It's like looking for the jewel in the rubbish bin.

posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 08:38 PM
I have a couple 3oz. orgone, 5oz, and one that's the size of a bar of soap. The very first orgone I got was the pendant. I work at a hotel and was wearing the pendant and to this date (4 months now), have yet to hear any negative complaining at my work from guests. I realize this could be coincidence or just maintaining the hotel better, but I wanted to mention that I really believe that people's attitudes are affected by orgone.(POR, not DOR) I believe we are basically energy as everything in the universe is and do believe we have chi. If you happen to hear of the terminator 2 zapper, it has a little orgone in it, but the main part of it has coils and crystals(orgone is made by crystals) and affects disease with tones/harmony/frequency. Look up what you can do with tones. The gallstone can be broken with tone, other sound technology,etc. Anyway I am behind orgone too and thanks for bringing it to others attention in these days, thebandit785. The world was flat once, until people broke through ridicule, percecution, and their beliefs. U have to C it 4 yourselves! Everything is frequency and negative energy is low frequency. Things that vibrate higher would be positive. By your faith, knowing you are healed someone once said.

I am trying the ice cube tray thing as I write this, thanks.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 12:10 AM

you are doing all this stuff your self, if think wearing a dirty rock on your neck makes your life better...then more power to ya.

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 03:45 PM
Suit yourself. I know there's something to the whole radionics and orgone thing.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by TheBandit795
Yes, there's an experiment you can do by putting ice trays in a freezer, and putting an orgone generating device on top of that freezer. At best at an angle from the ice trays and not above. After the ice has formed you should be able to see that the ice have formed stalagmites.

That's a kool experiment.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 01:58 PM
nice job staying on topic.
You've really added to the conversation with your steely analysis

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 01:54 PM
This isn't us just talking about this. Now that we're more conscious now of the weather and those funny looking X's in the sky, maybe you'll buy a cloudbuster and see the sum of results per experience.


Wilhelm Reich – discoverer of an actual, scientifically verifiable "life energy" he named "orgone" – developed a device he called the Cloud-Buster. This consisted of pipes grounded in water, and connected to layers of material from living and inorganic sources which functioned as an orgone accumulator. He was able to use this device to both shut off and bring rain. It was so powerful that it had to be used sparingly and with caution, to avoid creating either drought or flood. Some of Reich’s experiments had remarkable results. In 1954, he brought rain to drought-stricken Tucson. Even before the rain actually arrived, the grass had reached a foot in height due to the enhanced and balanced life energy (orgone). (Ref)

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 06:37 PM
As far as life goes, an Orgone Generator or Beamer or whatever cannot work unless it destroys atoms and harvests the energy. Which means that the item itself (or whatever its sitting on) will be atomically ripped to mere quarks and turned into... Well, what then? Luck?

Don't make me scoff. Its a psychological boost-nothing more.

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 07:52 PM
Every time there's another member who comes with a halfassed explanation of how they're impossible.

Dude, I'm not even trying to convince anyone at all that they work. I already know they work, and I've been able to create my own evidence for that. Believe what you want to believe.

posted on Sep, 24 2005 @ 11:57 PM
During the course of Reich's investigations, he developed a special metal-lined enclosure which attracted a high charge of orgone energy inside itself, directly from the atmosphere: the orgone energy accumulator . The orgone accumulator was proven to charge seeds and increase garden plant growth, speed the healing of burns and cuts, and there are a number of physical experiments which demonstrate anomalous phenomena inside the accumulator.

Reich observed that certain kinds of low-energy illness, such as cancer, would symptomatically yield to careful application of the orgone accumulator. After he moved to the USA, he treated people experimentally with his combined emotional/orgone-energetic approach. Within a few years, however, he was attacked by US Food and Drug Administration, which was at that time (1955) in an all-out "war" against natural healing methods (the repression of natural healing methods has always been a major agenda of the FDA). The FDA obtained a court injunction which ordered the banning and burning of Reich's books -- any book containing the forbidden word "orgone" was ordered destroyed, even his classics on human sexuality which only mentioned orgone energy in the preface.

The FDA factually burned Reich's books and journals on several occasions (most recently in 1962), while Reich was given a 2-year jail sentence for a misdemeanor technicality - he transported one of his machines over state lines (you know, the ones that don't work) - dying in prison in 1957.

The FDA's attack against Reich constituted a fraud upon the courts and the American people, and the Reich legal case continues to overshadow the better-known Scopes Monkey Trial in constitutional significance, in that an American court authorized the burning of scholarly books and the jailing of scientists for maintaining unorthodox viewpoints.

Don't look too hard or far for much of his material, the FDA disposed of much of it during his incarceration.

Imagine, jailing a guy for stuff that didn't work?

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 08:42 PM
I'd just like to add this to the thread.

The "skeptics" on here have one argument that they return to time and again. They always say "it's the placebo effect". I have a real problem with dismissing evidence with that argument, because no-one can say how the placebo effect works.

There are two terms "placebo" and "psychosomatic" that are used to explain away anomalous results that are somehow to do with what is often called "the mind-body problem", which is a philosophical conundrum centuries old, and boils down to the question, what (or where) is the mind, and how does it affect the body?

None of those people who post so authoritatively to say that orgone or chi or prana cannot exist can solve this problem. Yet there are people who, through introspection and meditation, have made advances in it - yet these data are rejected as subjective, even if the people concerned can develop abilities beyond that of ordinary folk.

For example, I know a martial artist who can move his skull plates, move individual vertebrae, who can, if punched in the stomach, can use his internal organs to break the wrist of the punching arm, and who can transmit chi flows to other people. These are solid replicable results yet very seldom are they acknowledged by the "scientific community". I myself, though a poor student, have had experiences of transmitting to others that were quite unmistakable and not open to being explained through the current paradigm.

At any rate, I would dearly love any of the skeptical posters on this thread (which I know is a bit old, but here's hoping) to provide some idea of HOW the placebo effect works.

If all you can do is use it as a magic "explaining away" word, I'm not impressed with the argument at all.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 09:07 PM
Thanks for bringing this back up.

Lost it before I could check it out.

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 09:15 PM
Have been scanning the links, but can't find plans for building an orgone generator. (Or whatever it might be called)

Can someone help me with this? Links, plans, references?

Thanks, sofi

posted on Sep, 22 2006 @ 09:31 PM
You can check out Jon Logan's website here:

The instructions he has here is how to make a holy handgrenade, which is basicalle a round pyramid formed orgone generator.

And here's info on making a ring generator:

ORgonite is basically mixed out of organic and metallic material mixed together. Coarse mixes can function as passive orgone generators, and very fine mixes powered by an electronic device (speaker, signal pulser) are called active orgone generators. There's also a third form called a quasi active generator which usually has an antenna and transforms emf radiation into orgone. I have two of those and they do exactly what I've just described.

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