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Gravity is Not a Strong Enough Force to Confine the Nuclear Fusion Reactions of the Sun

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posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 03:15 PM
One of the fundamental aspects of our understanding of gravity comes from its role in maintaining Earth's atmosphere. However, when you closely examine gravitational strength on moving particles you will encounter an intriguing paradox. Gravity, although responsible for keeping Earth's atmosphere intact, appears to be such a weak force that it cannot even hold a stationary helium balloon to the Earth's surface. The helium, being lighter than the surrounding air, tends to rise upward, seemingly escaping the force of gravity. If gravity cannot prevent helium from rising at the surface of the Earth where gravity is the strongest, how is gravity strong enough to keep the outer atmosphere from escaping into space, in an area where gravity is the weakest?

A more perplexing concern arises when we examine the sun, a celestial body sustained by continuous nuclear fusion reactions. In nuclear fusion, particles are propelled outward at speeds of up to 223,693 mph due to immense energy release. The question emerges: how can gravity, a force seemingly insufficient to confine a helium balloon, exert the strength necessary to withstand and confine all the gases within the sun undergoing such powerful nuclear fusion reactions?

Lastly is the question of gravity's influence on the sun's shape. On Earth, gravity has had billions of years to act, resulting in a spherical form. It makes since that gravity could cause the Earth to be spherical over time because the atoms of the Earth are tightly interlinked and do not move much.

However, the sun, powered by continuous nuclear fusion reactions, should theoretically exhibit an ever-changing, non-spherical shape due to the outward thrust of particles at incredible speeds. I see no way the weak force of gravity could maintain the sun in a spherical shape, much less prevent particles that are propelled by nuclear fusion from escaping into space immediately.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: zaderamsesholloway

The sun is freaking huge compared to earth. The gravity should be much stronger on the sun than it us on earth. But if that doesnt work for you maybe it's the magnetic fields around the sun. There are maps of it on the internet you can check out. Gravity and magnetism probably do alot of crazy stuffs we havent thought about yet.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 04:41 PM
You can always check out the electric sun discussion here on ATS.

Something to ponder.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 04:53 PM

originally posted by: Adlow75yo
a reply to: zaderamsesholloway

The sun is freaking huge compared to earth. The gravity should be much stronger on the sun than it us on earth. But if that doesnt work for you maybe it's the magnetic fields around the sun. There are maps of it on the internet you can check out. Gravity and magnetism probably do alot of crazy stuffs we havent thought about yet.

I know I read an article talking about the possibility of there being a black hole in the center too. I think in the long run we will discover many unknown forces in play.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 05:54 PM
a reply to: zaderamsesholloway

First, a helium balloon doesn't float. Denser air displaces it, pushing it upward. It doesn't escape Earth's gravity. A helium balloon on the Moon would fall to the surface.

Second, large celestial bodies are round because they have a center of gravity, which is a point. A sphere is defined by a set of points being equal distance from the center. If the matter of a celestial body is more or less homogenous, then the final shape will be more or less spherical.

While it is possible that nuclear fusion may accelerate particles beyond the escape velocity of the sun, those particles would collide with other particles which would decrease their velocity. The constant force of gravity would take over and the particles would remain on the Sun.

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: VictorVonDoom
To add the suns gravity extends far beyond what earths dose we don't even know how far it reaches

Within what we can see as the sun (there's a lot more we can't see that still is part of it) is what is contained within its gravity a force so strong even if you excluded all other factors and just gravity you would be flattened from the gravity there

Yes our sun could become a black hole this is how they start as far as we know and there could be one inside now but we wouldn't call it that due to mass/energy output but once that stops it's a black hole

posted on Dec, 20 2023 @ 08:55 PM
a reply to: zaderamsesholloway

Gravity plays a crucial role in confining and sustaining nuclear fusion reactions in the Sun. Where temperatures and pressures are extremely high, gravity pulls the hydrogen atoms close enough together that the nuclear force takes over.

The nuclear force is a short-range force that acts between subatomic particles like protons and neutrons. When protons come close enough due to gravitational compression, the nuclear force becomes dominant.

So while gravity is not a strong force on the scale of subatomic particles, it's cumulative effect over a large mass like a star is significant and the immense gravitational pressure in the Sun's core provides the necessary conditions for nuclear fusion to take place.

Gravity alone is not responsible for initiating the fusion in a star, but it does help create the conditions necessary for the nuclear force to take effect.

Put it this way without gravity, the Sun's core would not be dense or hot enough for nuclear fusion to occur.

As to the star's shape well its gravitational forces compressing the core and forcing particles apart that allows the Sun to maintain its stability and shape.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 05:24 AM

originally posted by: Hibburt

originally posted by: Adlow75yo
a reply to: zaderamsesholloway

The sun is freaking huge compared to earth. The gravity should be much stronger on the sun than it us on earth. But if that doesnt work for you maybe it's the magnetic fields around the sun. There are maps of it on the internet you can check out. Gravity and magnetism probably do alot of crazy stuffs we havent thought about yet.

I know I read an article talking about the possibility of there being a black hole in the center too. I think in the long run we will discover many unknown forces in play.

Black holes are the remainings of supernova explosions when there is enough mass to form them.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 05:37 AM

originally posted by: grey580

You can always check out the electric sun discussion here on ATS.

Something to ponder.

A censored faculty of science that when studied will explain. gravity... geological formations.. the shape of the universe, the sun our second sun and free energy

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 05:45 AM
a reply to: purplemer

The electric sun hypothesis often stems from misunderstandings of physical principles and selective use of data.

Proponents of the theory have been unable to provide compelling evidence supporting their claims.

Their arguments lack consistency with the well-established laws of physics.

The idea of an electric sun contradicts already proven principles in astrophysics and lacks empirical support.

The notion is quite frankly pseudoscience.

People are free to choose to believe as they wish all the same but that does not make the notion anymore plausible.
edit on 21-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 05:54 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Yes your fundamental laws are physics are tools of control. Very much in the same way you fake history, fake spirituality monopoly money and energy restriction. All part of the ruse,,

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 06:03 AM
a reply to: purplemer

Yes your fundamental laws are physics are tools of control.

They are not my laws persay but the fundamental laws of reality.

Which are the basic principles and rules that govern the behavior of the universe at its most ""fundamental level"".

These laws provide the framework for our understanding of motion, interaction, the properties of matter, energy, and spacetime.

Very much in the same way you fake history, fake spirituality monopoly money and energy restriction.

Whereas you obviously prefer fake pseudoscientific mumbo-jumbo with no basis on reality and which lack consistency with the well-established laws of physics.

And how exactly have i faked history pray tell?

All part of the ruse

Yeah, science is not a ruse purplemer, science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organises knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.

It is both a body of knowledge and a process for discovering new knowledge.

Science is the best tool humanity has in her bag, and the only tool really, that will allow us to attempt to understand our universe.

Again you are free to choose to believe as you wish but it won't make the electric universe theory hold weight.
edit on 21-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 06:09 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

They are not my laws persay but the fundamental laws of physics. Which are the basic principles and rules that govern the behavior of the universe at its most ""fundamental level"".

blah ... blah.. blah.. clown world talk have heard it all before..

If you cant see the level of censorship going on around you in so many apsects including sciencne.. You are asleep.. A gerbil happy in its gerbil cage. No one is going to make you come out. If you are happy in there then you will only know gerbil life..

Yeah, science is not a ruse purplemer, science is a systematic enterprise that builds and organises knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the universe.

Paid science is a great tool to sell and control a narrative.....

red pill pill

Sun tornados should not form on a gasous plasma body.. yet they do

Why in solar maximum, are coronal holes formed around the Sun's equator, while during solar minimum they are formed around the Polar Regions.... cant be explained with current model,,

..blah blah i could go on. Its upto you if you want to see whats on the stage or whats behind it...

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 06:22 AM
a reply to: purplemer

blah ... blah.. blah.. clown world talk have heard it all before..

And yet choose to obviously disregard the facts and physics.

If you cant see the level of censorship going on around you in so many apsects including sciencne.. You are asleep.. A gerbil happy in its gerbil cage. No one is going to make you come out. If you are happy in there then you will only know gerbil life..

So a silly personal attack and name-calling because you fail to be able to refute the notion that the electric universe is pseudoscience?

How very predictable.

Paid science is a great tool to sell and control a narrative.....

Scientists get paid just like everyone else who's employed.

As to narrative i think its clear which one you wish to swallow and that would be of the pseudoscientific sorts.

red pill pill

Are you double-dunting(taking both pills)?

Sun tornados should not form on a gasous plasma body.. yet they do

The phenomenon you're referring to on the Sun is likely "solar prominences" or "solar filaments" rather than actual tornadoes. So somewhat distinct from Earthly tornadoes, which are formed in the atmosphere due to the interaction of warm and cold air masses.

These Sun tornado-like features are apparently the result of the complex interplay between its magnetic field and the charged particles in the stars outer atmosphere.

Why in solar maximum, are coronal holes formed around the Sun's equator, while during solar minimum they are formed around the Polar Regions.... cant be explained with current model,,

The Sun undergoes periodic changes in its magnetic activity during the solar cycle transitioning between solar maximum and solar minimum. The changes in solar activity influence the distribution and characteristics of coronal holes, which are regions on the Sun where the magnetic field allows the escape of the solar wind.

blah blah i could go on. Its upto you if you want to see whats on the stage or whats behind it...

Yada, yada, yada, and so could i, it's up to you if you choose to disregard physics and science and supplant them with pseudoscientific nonsense.

As to what is behind the Sun, in terms of our observational perspective from Earth, that would be the Milky Way galaxy of which she is part of.
edit on 21-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 06:41 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

So a silly personal attack and name-calling because you fail to be able to refute the notion that the electric universe is pseudoscience?

Not trying to call you names.. Sorry you think that.. Trying to share an narrative to express the predicament i see you in. I have learned that if people are happy in the cage. There is nothing you can do to get them out... thats why the limitation of diagloue on the subject. I am a gerbil too in that narrative.. Only difference is i have stepped outside the cage.

You need your laws.. your rules...your matix control.. your mental comforts..

As to what is behind the Sun, in terms of our observational perspective from Earth, that would be the Milky Way galaxy of which she is part of.

yes and they move and dance in observed way not understood by your matrix talk... but its blah blah to you and not worth going there to me. Spirals and shapes observing the laws of plasma structures.. Birkland currents move us on motions outside the remits of Newtonian physics....

If your comfy.. stay where you are.. but when you are ready.. when you get that itching feeling to know the truth.. all you have to do is open the door..

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 06:55 AM
a reply to: purplemer

Not trying to call you names.. Sorry you think that..

What else am i supposed to surmise when you said "You are asleep.. A gerbil happy in its gerbil cage"?

If thats not silly name calling and an aimed attack im not quite sure what is.

Trying to share an narrative to express the predicament i see you in.

No bother Yoda.

Oh look at that i can do it also.

I have learned that if people are happy in the cage. There is nothing you can do to get them out... thats why the limitation of diagloue on the subject.

Your problem is the limitations of actual tangible facts and data to support the notion of an electric sun/universe.

I am a gerbil too in that narrative.. Only difference is i have stepped outside the cage.

Smashing but it won't change the physical laws of the universe or make pseudoscientific notions and ideologies any more a reality or colour of the day.

You need your laws.. your rules...your matix control.. your mental comforts..

Again not my laws but the underlying laws and principles that underpin and control the universe and reality we think we experience.

yes and they move and dance in observed way not understood by your matrix talk... but its blah blah to you and not worth going there to me. Spirals and shapes observing the laws of plasma structures

That is broken English at best and amounts to not exactly much of anything really other than gibberish.

Birkland currents move us on motions outside the remits of Newtonian physics

Birkeland currents are the electric currents that flow along the Earth's magnetic field lines in the polar regions.

Which play a crucial role in the interaction between the solar wind, the Earth's magnetosphere, and her ionosphere.

If your comfy.. stay where you are.. but when you are ready.. when you get that itching feeling to know the truth.. all you have to do is open the door..

And when you are ready, i suggest you open an actual science text as opposed to the ""alternative facts"" you choose to swallow and entertain.

On that note buddy I'm afraid i have stuff to do today.

So ile simply bid you good day, and leave you to your pseudoscientific nonsense and hyperbole.
edit on 21-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 06:58 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

When the gerbil is in the cage.. GIve them gerbil food and walk away..
It limits the conversation..

take care

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: purplemer

When the gerbil is in the cage.. GIve them gerbil food and walk away..
It limits the conversation..

And good luck with the gerbil fascination.

take care

Will do.
edit on 21-12-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 07:49 AM
Silly humans. It's obviously caused by Space Magic.

posted on Dec, 21 2023 @ 08:02 AM
I'll ask the most important question again:- What keeps the planets in their place orbiting around the Sun? What keep the Galaxies apart and revolving around one another? HINT, it aint a piece of string. I'll repeat again, gravity is not a weak force.

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