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A Perpetual Motion Device that the CIA Doesn’t Want You to Think About

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posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 08:04 PM
Despite what propaganda we are all fed, we should all be getting free energy at all times. Perpetual motion devices are not impossible. They are actually simple, but we are force fed propaganda that convinces our brain it isn’t currently possible.

Check it out. Windmill technology has been around for ages. It’s a turbine that spins a generator and produces electricity. We could easily be using this same technology on automobile wheels.

Turbines spin no differently than wheels. Cars have 4 possible turbines (the wheels). Hook up a generator at the axel point of each wheel, and as the car tires spin they will all simultaneously spin 4 generators, producing a great deal of energy. Imagine how many times a windmill spins in a minutes to generate its stored electricity? Now multiply that times how any more times a car wheel can spin in a minute. Have you ever seen those crank powered flashlights? You spin the generator 10 times and the light can last 20 minutes or sometimes longer.

Hook the wheels of the car to generators. Hook the generators to the battery, and once the car gets spinning, it will generate enough electricity to sustain itself without the need for gas or charging.

The exception is that primitive versions would likely use a slight amount of gas to start the car and get it spinning, but once it’s spinning, no need for gas because it will generate and charge itself.

Don’t let these people lie to you about there’s a “resistance issue.” A car can handle resistance, especially the little resistance brought on by the 4 generators compared to the power an electric vehicle can produce.

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 08:22 PM
a reply to: zaderamsesholloway


posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 08:23 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: zaderamsesholloway



....wait, what thread is this again?

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: JinMI

Law of conservation of energy.
edit on 22-11-2023 by TheSkepticGuy23 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 08:42 PM
a reply to: TheSkepticGuy23


I was stuck under the paradigm of the law of entropy.

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 08:46 PM
There's always something new in electricity generation nowadays, and lifepo4 batteries make for excellent storage. I have vivid memories from 20 years back, wrapping wires around my water pipe with galvanized steel buried in the ground, and purchasing neodymium magnets.

While many ignore the idea of free energy, they're dealing with rising power bills and living expenses. Technological advancements rarely seem to benefit us directly, often keeping us reliant and preoccupied. Sometimes, we chance upon useful technology, often stemming from corporate or military origins. Many everyday household items—like transformers, coils, microwaves, dryers, copper, magnets, and more—could potentially be repurposed for energy generation.

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 08:59 PM
a reply to: zaderamsesholloway

Explanation: Good thinking ... YES energy costs can be managed to be lower than currently is available.

Just like this theoretical gravity plane ...

Personal Disclosure: I suggest that solar power can help and also compressed air etc.

But as for perpetual motion ... nothing beats graphene and brownian motion ...

Graphene Proves That Brownian Motion Can Be A Source of Energy!

Careful now ... The CIA and Big-Oil are in cahoots and will kill you to protect their monopoly ok.

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 09:12 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: zaderamsesholloway


Ball Bearings and Alternating Battery Banks.

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 09:29 PM
The amount of drag your car wheel windmills will cause extra energy to be used to move the car along and you won't gain anything that way but you are right that technology exists which can provide more energy than it consumes to make it. First I will say the 2nd law of thermodynamics which most deniers will quote has been broken a number of ways. I've studied alternate energy for over 30 years and their are many ways or producing clean cheap energy which are highly suppressed due to big oil as well as other interests. There are thousands of patents that have been suppressed because of their energy creating ability. However there are devices in the works from a number of people and companies which may soon be allowed because times are getting desperate to keep up with energy usage IMO. One such company which has a device that was verified by more than one independent testing place (their business is certifying as valid such devices) is Holcomb Energy Systems. They have at least two different types and both have NO moving parts, use NO fuel and once started generate a lot of electrical power by means of a rotating magnetic field created electronically - again no moving mechanical parts and are self sustaining. If this works out as expected this will be world changing but it is an uphill battle against the powers that be.

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 09:51 PM
Some cars years ago were equipped with motors/generators on the wheels so that when you were decelerating, it would feed back power into the battery. I think it was some hybrid that did that. It was not just electric drive I guess. When braking or slowing down, part of the braking was done by that generator too. I never investigated how it worked, just knew it was part of the system.

I assume the same thing is still in some hybrid cars.

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 09:51 PM
No such thing as perpetual motion per the energy deniers according to their science anyway.
Oh but wait ... what about those electrons in perpetual motion around the proton in atoms?
The perpetual motion of the Earth spinning on it's axis.
Or the perpetual motion of the molten core in the Earth which creates our magnetic field.
Or the perpetual motion of the Earth rotating around the Sun.
Or the perpetual motion of the our Solar system rotating around our Galaxy.
Or the perpetual motion of the our Galaxy rotating around the Universe.
Well they might argue all that is not perpetual but it has been moving for Billions of years non-stop so in my book that's perpetual enough

What creates all this motion? Is this perhaps the reference Nikola Tesla made about getting energy by "attaching their machinery to the very wheelwork of nature" ?

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 09:52 PM
a reply to: zaderamsesholloway

If it was just the CIA then the rest of the world would have discovered it by now, if it were so simple it would have been discovered before the CIA

Beyond that, Amen ATS Cousin, I've been singing from the same hymn sheet since I was a teenager, houses should all have solar panels, wind turbines and even little turbines within the plumping harnessing kinetic energy from the water flowing in and out of the property.

Plus every responsible person who can should have been collecting rain water to give animals and water their gardens or plots. Sadly this isn't the way of capitalism.

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 09:59 PM
a reply to: rickymouse

Yes that is a valid tech that is in use on some cars and helps get better mileage but it's not a real free energy source.

Fusion energy (not unsafe Fission energy used in current nuclear plants) is making progress as a much safer and cleaner energy source.

Plasma and Thorium are also making their way toward a future cleaner energy source. The biggest stumbling block to all these better sources is corrupt politicians and governments being controlled, bought off and threatened by big corporate interests.

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: djz3ro

While I think solar and wind turbines are useful sources for energy what do you do when the wind doesn't blow and the sun isn't shining? You will need huge banks of batteries to keep using power and those batteries are not good for the environment when they are made nor when they are no longer working. Many toxic metals and very expensive to make and buy. Per an article in mainstream news today those two technologies are having serious problems and losing investors right and left. It's not a great solution to the world's energy problems. There are better solutions on the way hopefully.

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 10:15 PM

originally posted by: megazone
a reply to: rickymouse

Yes that is a valid tech that is in use on some cars and helps get better mileage but it's not a real free energy source.

Fusion energy (not unsafe Fission energy used in current nuclear plants) is making progress as a much safer and cleaner energy source.

Plasma and Thorium are also making their way toward a future cleaner energy source. The biggest stumbling block to all these better sources is corrupt politicians and governments being controlled, bought off and threatened by big corporate interests.

I guess the Thorium generation systems can be shut down with a switch with the new technology they are making. There is Thorium in a few outcrops around here, it is not super dangerous, but if you live right next to one of those it can be harmful from what I was told by the head of the county work crews who discussed it with people at the base that were knowledgeable about their existence in the area. Not many people are aware of them. After he told me about them and where they were...right next to a highway about ten miles away, I took my geiger counter up there and it started ticking quite faster around those bluffs. I guess there are more around here and the mine is aware of their presence too. that location is not far from the mine, they won't expand that way from what I learned from a friend who worked in the mines lab.

I guess that those Thorium generators could be the size of a semi trailer and supply electricity for a small city of about four thousand people or so. They also do not need much radiation sheilding and can be shut down instantly. The ore does not have to be refined much either. I read about them, but do not know how expensive a generation unit will be if they ever approve them for use. If the cost is high, it would not be feasible for the amount of houses and businesses it will supply I suppose.

posted on Nov, 22 2023 @ 10:41 PM
a reply to: zaderamsesholloway

The technology is already in use. You can only use it to decelerate, but it does generate some power.

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: zaderamsesholloway

It wouldn't be perpetual motion. Have you ever tried to turn a generator by hand, heck even with a small electromagnetic motor you notice the resistance of the magnetic fields. This resistance makes it impossible to create a Perpetuum mobile.

There are however intents of transforming the kinetic energy released while breaking into electric current. It's quite promising and there is certainly alot we can still do to optimize our energy household...

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 02:47 AM
a reply to: zaderamsesholloway

I'd suggest reading up on a few of the basic principles of conservation of energy, first & second laws of thermodynamics, Carnot's theory, etc.

So far, there hasn't been a single example that doesn't break either one or more of those basic tennats of physics.
edit on 2023-11-23 by NoOneButMeAgain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 04:36 AM

edit on 11/23/2023 by elevatedone because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 23 2023 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: zaderamsesholloway

It's called regenerative breaking unfortunately it doesn't significantly increase milage. You capture back less then 1 percent of the energy you expended to get to speed. This is why most electric cars now are made without it. There are much better options to extend range. The problem you run in to is friction with the road surface and gravity both will always try to stop a car from rolling. This is why you push a toy car and it stops rather quickly. By your theory the car should keep going indefinitely. It doesn't even downhill you use more energy to get to the top of the hill so you save nothing on the downward trip gravity is just giving you back what you put in.

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