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Ways of soul damage limitation to keep your PORN HABIT civilized enough for G-D to keep forgiving

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posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 05:30 AM
I am a single Christian. I have not been with anyone physically sexually for a very long time. The last time I had sex was when I made love with my ex wife after we had been divorced for several years. It was shortly before she died. I never had another wife. Before G-D she is my wife as she made clear that night. I love her, forgive her and will always love her. I will tell you the story one time. It is very juicy indeed and relates totally to my presentation of this MODEL OF MY MIND in my words before you on ATS, while it lasts. We better treat every day here as if it were the last. Perhaps we should do that with real life too? Nothing is secure any longer. Itr is all up for grabs.

Okay, so I have been womanless like a monk and St Paul for almost twenty years now. I live like a hermit. I look like a cross between Howard Hughes in his hairy days and Rasputin. I have eyes that are like Rasputin's. That is why people round here give me a wide berth. I put out vibes they do not experience with others. They know something is going on behind my eyes.

I have to use porn because I love women. I can't handle being totally without them. I believe them to be the most beautiful creatures in the universe that G-D made. I don't want to possess them. I don't want to control them. I don't want to play mind games and emotional games with them. I value them. To me they are all my Mom, my Sister and Mary Magdalene.

Biologically men have to handle their libido. Porn is a great tool for doing that if you are without a partner and do not have access to the usual coupling. As a Christian though it is vital I can account for this behaviour before G-D. Jesus clearly stated that it is as much what goes on inside your soul and mind as outside. We need to keep the inside clean or the outside will never be clean. Even if we look at a married woman to want to have her it is well bad behaviour.

It is more about the wanting to have her. It is wanting to take away what another man has become one with. If that union was before G-D HE will judge any adultery in ways that are very unpleasant and hard lessons of scars as teaching aids. It impacts the kids too; the generation below and the one below that too. The Bible is the truth of that.

I am too frightened of being with a woman now. They are too complicated for me to handle. I prefer G-D to them. I do need to see and appreciate their beauty in an imaginative way though. That is why I use porn. I am without a kiss, no sensuality and no tactility. I feel like I am made of stone sometimes. Porn is the only way I can reach an experience I need to keep me as a whole biologically functioning human being. Now to the "crotch" of this matter. I neeed the dirt of human intimacy as a respectful and loving connection. That is the challenge.

When I view porn I keep it to what I used to do in relationships. I have maintained the blueprint of behaviour. I always look for women I would even give a chance of a relationship with. I have made a vow that anything I watch I must accept in a woman's past and never judge it as I will also be judging myself. That would be a big mistake, would it not? I also keep it a solo thing as much as I can so it is not fornication, just messing about instead.

I never pay for sex as sex is sacred and must not be defiled by cash. The wife thing didn't work out for me, but the G-D Thing is working out amazingly successfully. He has healed me and brought me back from the dead like Lazarus metaphorically. I love HIM for that. I love Jesus for being my King. I am loyal to Him now. He comes first in my life. If He says bite I will bite. If He says sit I will sit. My soul is His. I have given it to Him to use as a joystick at His pleasure.

I love women. I am just a guy. I can't give you up entirely. Now I give you my love in a different way. It is the love of brotherly care. I don't want to own you or make you my bitch. "I want to love you and treat you right". I am trying hard, believe it.

It is do unto her what you would do unto your mother in terms of respect. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Don't give it if you can't take it. Don't want it if it is too uncivilized for G-D to handle and forgive.

edit on 25-10-2023 by Avengelist because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 05:55 AM

originally posted by: Avengelist

I have to use porn because I love women.

I know right? It's like no one understands the moral high road you and I take to justify our porn usage!

edit on 25-10-2023 by 2Narcoleptic2Buddha because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 05:59 AM

originally posted by: 2Narcoleptic2Buddha

originally posted by: Avengelist

I have to use porn because I love women.

I know right? It's like no one understands the moral high road we take to justify our porn usage!

For me it's different. I have to use women because I love porn.


posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 06:15 AM
a reply to: Avengelist

Indulging in Pornography Does Not Glorify G-g with Your Body

edit on 25-10-2023 by Triple333 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: Avengelist

Every time you watch any porn you are degrading women. Do you know those women? No. You just want to use them for their bodies and for your own sick satisfaction.

Rasputin is hot and grimy dudes are hot to most of my friends (I'm a 30 something year old woman)

Maybe if you weren't so focused on your ween and masturbating, coveting women, you would view women around you as attractive and intriguing instead of viewing them as something to be afraid of because you are now skewed from your viewing of porn to see women as objects. Objects that are useful for your own gratification and nothing beyond that. Regardless of what you say your intentions are or your claims that it's "brotherly love".

Turn off the fake porn women, go outside and talk to actual women. You might find your perspective changed and your fears alleviated about interacting with them.

You claim women are too complicated because you just want to use them for getting off and not actually know them. That's sad and I'm sorry you've been hurt obviously before. Not all women are the same. And if you are as you claim, an honorable guy who loves women, you would love talking to them and being in a relationship not just using them as a masturbatory aide.

Don't bring God into your perversions.

I'm pretty sure you're gonna hear "I never knew you" especially since you're trying to justify things you obviously know are wrong instead of repenting.

edit on 25-10-2023 by tcfanatic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 07:12 AM
a reply to: tcfanatic

Porn is the only industry that still has a huge pay gap in favor of women... Sex is what women sell, they are not the victims in this business... Just because your moral code bars you from that venue of income doesn't mean others degrade themselfs when using it. It's your judgment that degrades them.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: d1methyltryptamine
a reply to: tcfanatic

Porn is the only industry that still has a huge pay gap in favor of women... Sex is what women sell, they are not the victims in this business... Just because your moral code bars you from that venue of income doesn't mean others degrade themselfs when using it. It's your judgment that degrades them.

No. They degrade themselves and I feel sorry for them that they feel like they have to sell their bodies to make money. They don't feel like they're even worth putting the effort into themselves to improve. And that pay gap is nothing once you hit the wall lmfao. Better make millions in your 20s and save it because if you have no job skills than selling your body, once you get so worn out your price drops significantly and you're out giving BJs for 20 dollars on a street corner. Because all you know how to do is exploit yourself.

I never judge the women. Women aren't the problem. The demand for this comes from men. Its like prostitution stings where they arrest the woman for prostitution and not the johns soliciting them. What does that solve? Take away the demand and its simple economics from there. I suppose you would be hunky dory fine with it if your wife or girlfriend said "I can make more money selling naked pics than working im just gonna do that".
edit on 25-10-2023 by tcfanatic because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 07:39 AM
a reply to: Avengelist

Use your imagination you degenerate piece of S H I T

You don't need porn

Your just weak

You can still have GOD'S forgiveness you just have to admit you are a sinner and undeserving of His Gift.

Recognize that its a gift not something you got because you were "good enough".

Nobody is good enough.

But that's a pretty heinous sin. You're an accomplice to human trafficking.

The only "porn" allowed is what the woman you love sends you or what you record together consensually.

Everything else is EXTREMELY harmful.

You may as well be raping children. Because your doing business with producers of porn facilitates it.

Women wouldn't make porn willingly if there wasn't money in it. But there's money in it because people like you can't stop watching it.

Then those shady jewish porn companies use the profits to traffick child sex slaves and keep their women hooked on drugs.

See the "pornography and promoscuity" flyer:
edit on 25-10-2023 by TheTwizzle because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 07:40 AM
Using porn, or any artificially highly rewarding behavior, like gambling or drug addictions, will mess up your dopamine/serotonin system. Not to mention the guilt you must have about doing it, being religious and all. You're doing much more damage than good.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 07:44 AM

originally posted by: d1methyltryptamine
a reply to: tcfanatic

Porn is the only industry that still has a huge pay gap in favor of women... Sex is what women sell, they are not the victims in this business... Just because your moral code bars you from that venue of income doesn't mean others degrade themselfs when using it. It's your judgment that degrades them.

That's pretty disgusting bro not gonna lie. You just have no morals at all do you?

You're barely even human at this point.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 08:20 AM
a reply to: VariedcodeSole

Ex-cuuuuse me? Did you say you just "have" to "use" women? Theres your 1st problem....Let me gently explain this to you.

1st-respect all women, girls, all ages. general? "Porn" provides stimulus, stimulus directs itself towards orgasm, orgasm passes, off go the stimulus.

I view the issue this way: if you're using porn to avoid real relationships, that's not good. If you're using it to stimulate yourself to a "conclusion" to avoid or lessen stress...that's fine.

I think God understands our release methods...not the means or stimulus. Done? Turn off the porn.

You're term of "using" women.....denotes a frowning serious interpretation of what they really are.

And I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, no one would post that... You just dis-respected the entire female membership.

I'm guessing youre not married, have no girlfriend, wife....but Mom wants you in be streetlights....

I'm right, right?🫡✌️
edit on Oct230731America/ChicagoWed, 25 Oct 2023 08:22:07 -050022202300000007 by Mysterioustranger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: Hakaiju

100% Right!

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 09:19 AM
a reply to: TheTwizzle

Those are just facts, you're disgusted by facts thats why no one trusts your truths.

If you choose to be ignorant about facts because they contradict your morals is not my problem really...

Good luck with denying ignorance

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 09:25 AM
From the time I was about 13 to 42 I had about 1 to 3 orgasms per day.

By the time I was 35 I suffered from tinnitus and bloody bowel movements.

By the time I was 41 I started suffering from heart failure, that seemed incurable.

So I quit having orgasms, going on about 560 days now.

It has pretty much cured my heart failure, miraculously.

My bloody bowels feel like they are almost cured. My tinnitus has faded.

I have gained significant muscle mass.

I am way more flexible.

I have more focus and patience, I am less irritable.

And even though my wife (the one on earth) was pissed, and still doesn’t believe in my fast, we barely fight anymore. We used to have insane traumatic fights.

Of course I get tempted. But why the hell would I want to go back to having orgasms and throw my life away?

I have 4 kids. The oldest is 19 and youngest is 10 months. So there is no need for me to keep busting my nuts like a sex junkie.

But there is a need for me to be around and healthy enough to raise my kids.

I still feel like I have a long journey ahead of me. But I would have to be a goddam fool to dismiss this healthy life choice.

People under 30 can probably afford to ignore my advice. But to the boomers, gen x ers , and vintage millennials, you may want to test it out.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: Avengelist

It seems that you are being honest here.

I'm sorry that your wife died.

I have eyes that are like Rasputin's. That is why people round here give me a wide berth. I put out vibes they do not experience with others. They know something is going on behind my eyes.

I think that you should work on the eyes and vibes thing.

Like softer eyes, inviting vibe.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 02:00 PM
Everything in moderation, unless it's meth or heroin. Don't touch those.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 03:25 PM
a reply to: Mysterioustranger2

I'm trying out trolling while the trolling is good. I simply inverted what the OP said as a joke and look what happened, lol.

Trolling isn't my thing I'm finding, I just don't get the pay off part, like what is the pay off?🤷🏻

Anywho, I don't have a porn problem or a women problem, but flipping that statement sure makes a bit more gritty, no?

Lighten up.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 08:43 PM
haha, women.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 10:11 PM

originally posted by: VariedcodeSole
a reply to: Mysterioustranger2

I'm trying out trolling while the trolling is good. I simply inverted what the OP said as a joke and look what happened, lol.

Trolling isn't my thing I'm finding, I just don't get the pay off part, like what is the pay off?🤷🏻

Anywho, I don't have a porn problem or a women problem, but flipping that statement sure makes a bit more gritty, no?

Lighten up.

The payoff is where you just watched him act like a complete jackass over your obvious joke. He came swooping in to save the day, defending the female membership as if they needed saving, and all the clapping seals awarded him stars for it like the simps they are.

Maybe trolling isn't for you though. Perhaps youd prefer to be a part of the midwit crowd than mock them for their basic normie groupthink conditioning.

I thought your joke was awesome. I understood you weren't meaning to demean women.

The funniest part about normies though, is when they instantly pull the "you have no girlfriend and live with your mom" upon the first sign of a viewpoint that is different than theres.

It shows they know absolutely nothing about women. Women are CONSTANTLY dating (and staying loyal to!) men who treat them like absolute garbage.

But make any statement online that even slightly or jokingly disrespects women and here comes the retard brigade pulling the "incel" card. Bunch of drooling morons completely disconnected from reality.

He wants to believe only polite and respectful men of good morals could ever possibly get a gf or wife.

I bet his wife cheats on him for being such a fag.

posted on Oct, 25 2023 @ 10:20 PM

originally posted by: d1methyltryptamine
a reply to: TheTwizzle

Those are just facts, you're disgusted by facts thats why no one trusts your truths.

If you choose to be ignorant about facts because they contradict your morals is not my problem really...

Good luck with denying ignorance

"Denying ignorance" is a fools errand.

"if you're ignorant about something, deny it and pretend like you know what you're talking about"

I dont deny my ignorance. When I am ignorant about something I accept that fact and if I happen to give a rats ass about that particular gap in my knowledge, I do my best to remedy that.

Deny Ignorance indeed...

Everybody is ignorant about things. There is no human alive who isn't "ignorant" in some way shape or form.

Its a toxic dishonest and conceited motto and part of the culture of intellectual sewage that has toppled the greatness of this community and rooted out all the best posters leaving behind a collection of mostly sad rejects and a few genuine thinkers who can't let go of the nostalgia of what this site once was. (and I feel for them)

"Women who are drugged and trafficked or at best, ruin their chances to ever find true love and happiness in exchange for some shekels, are not victims"

No you're just a loser who used porn as a substitute for a real relationship. Without these women giving away what is precious to facilitate your jerk off sessions youd actually have to man the F up and learn how to talk to women.

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