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Seeing an old friend

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posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 09:06 AM
Had one of those dreams the other night that had a good feeling to it.

I dreamt I met (again) a childhood friend who I haven't seen in decades. A few years ago, I learned of his passing; he wasn't particularly aged. Unfortunately, we had not communicated again since we last saw each other long ago, and I was surprised by how deeply his passing moved me.

In the dream, we were both of the age I am now. I was in an apartment about three stories off the ground, and the buzzer rang. I avoided answering the buzzer control and went to the window overlooking the main entrance to the building. He was there, and I called out that I would come down and meet him.

And so I did. We greeted each other, and then I woke up.


A small bit of background is that years ago, I tired of realizing I hadn't thought about people I knew who (had been friends or colleagues, and) had passed on, for long periods of time. So I initiated a habit of actively recalling each of them for a few moments once a week. It is a minor spiritual activity that leaves me feeling better for having taken the time to remember those who with whom I gladly interacted. This friend in the dream is one of those that I actively recall.

The symbolism of us being on different stories I took to be a way of depicting us being on different planes of existence now. I am still of this world, he has moved on. Yet, I wonder if the agency of dream-space allowed us to once again acknowledge each other, if only for a brief moment.

He is not the only old friend I have dreamed about recently. Perhaps this a consequence of becoming older and seeing life with a broader perspective.


posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

that's a cool way of looking at this. Thanks for sharing that.

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 09:13 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I noticed years ago whenever a friend/acquaintance comes to mind (or in a dream) that I hadn't thought about in years I'll soon hear about their passing.

When they visit my dreams the conversations seem so real. It's happened enough that I no longer question 'why' or 'how'; I just accept there is far more to our reality than we're aware of, or want to admit.

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 09:30 AM
Ive had the opposite. One relationship in particular. We have a troubled history with more than one reconciliation. We have said goodbye more than once. long periods of time pass and then i will see him in a dream. within a few weeks, he contacts me and off and running we go ..... 3 times now.

I have a recurrent dream of a big house with many rooms. I wander thru this house and i know its my house but many rooms do not seem familiar at all.

Early in our relationship, when first I saw his room, i immediately remembered seeing it in the house of my dream. I nearly fainted. It was one of the weirdest most woo woo thing Ive ever experienced. Deja Vu on steroids.

We speak of soul mates always in such a positive way. my experience has been that there is strong unfinished business from some other place and time.

He actually didnt believe in woo at all until he found himself tangled up with me. lol
We met late in life after our kids all grown.

And i also feel strongly like its his karma that im an ally in.

I truly believe that dreams can be a conduit of some kind. Ive had visits in dreams from others, both living in this reality and not.
edit on 10/17/2023 by CoyoteAngels because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Just a curious question, did your friend speak?
I’ve had a couple dreams about friends that have passed, while we acknowledge one another, they never speak.

posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 09:33 AM

originally posted by: TheLieWeLive
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Just a curious question, did your friend speak?
I’ve had a couple dreams about friends that have passed, while we acknowledge one another, they never speak.

As with your experience, he did not speak. I spoke to him and we shook hands.


posted on Oct, 17 2023 @ 12:25 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

It's said "Dream of the dead, hear from the living". Watch your phone, emails!!!✌️

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