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Graham Hancock being proven right all along about ancient humans in America.

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posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: strongfp
a reply to: Xtrozero

I'd imagine those coming from Africa and Europe (if they did) were in small sporadic pockets.

I'm just wondering, if people did come from Africa they would have taken the west coast, to Caribbean sailing passage, but the oldest settlements in South and Central America are far south.

Europe was probably through glacial hopping.

Looking at the Map it looks like Europe, Bering Strait, and Australia work well with little sea crossing. The other ones of island hopping from Australia and Africa directly are 2000+ miles of just one ocean leg each. Would also explain why the southern tip of South America has some of the oldest settlements. Food is still the big question.

edit on 6-10-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: schuyler

One look at a “Native American” and it’s obvious they’ve come from the Asian continent. The Bering straight being the passage to the Americas, most likely as the Younger Dryas ended and the route became passable and North America became habitable.

I’m amazed it’s even up for debate.

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Food I don't imagine would be an issue for seasoned coastal hunter gatherers. Plenty of fish and shelled creatures to feast on.

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 07:14 PM

originally posted by: strongfp

Food I don't imagine would be an issue for seasoned coastal hunter gatherers. Plenty of fish and shelled creatures to feast on.

I'm not so sure when it is pure ice with no land.

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: charlyv

I have no doubt that we have been lied to about a lot of history.

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 08:35 PM
People keep forgetting that buck the spoon fed archeology doctrines in college & you're failing your butt right outta there.
Once graduated & working in the field it's "bring in your own funding" or go work somewhere else. Archeology isn't exactly a hot in demand career choice either.

Fortunately Hancock has always held the popular vote for his work with everyone else BUT his peers. I absolutely think he'll get the recognition he deserves. Loved his last Netflix Documentary Ancient Apocalypse.

Did anyone else think the White Sand's Footprints looked wonky? Yes 25,000yrs is a long time but the foot morphology
is still "odd".

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 08:39 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: charlyv

I have no doubt that we have been lied to about a lot of history.

Ironically so, Graham Hancock’s famous quote is “We are a species with amnesia”.

Along with being lied to about our history through eons by our overlords.

It all perpetuates a perfect clusterfu## of of BS.

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 08:48 PM
This video kind of goes along with this topic.

This type of disappearance of landscape might explain a lot of weirdness globally on populations during the ice ages.

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 08:55 PM
One time I was rendering a 3d model of King Tut and I couldn't shake how Asian his sarcophagus' face looked.
Does anyone else see a heavy Asian appearance when you look at King Tuts sarcophagus, or any other Egyptian sarcophagus for that matter?

I see a Chinese emperor more than a modern day Egyptian.

edit on 6-10-2023 by TheLieWeLive because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 10:25 PM
People came in spurts into the New World and then gestated into the pre-Columbian cultures giving birth to the current native tribes. The western hemisphere was fertile and ready to receive the seed of humanity when proto-Indians penetrated the virgin New World that yearned to be probed and explored.

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 11:03 PM
To tell the truth in archeology would discount Christianity and the Biblical narrative.
Religion has been a great self-policing mechanism for centuries and would need a replacement if our true historic timeline were to come to light.

Maybe aliens?

posted on Oct, 6 2023 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

l'm not so sure when it is pure ice with no land.

there is evidence that Beringia/ Bearing Land Bridge wasn't completely covered in ice and had a fairly dry climate and one DNA study suggests that there was a stand still period where people actually lived there for a period due to being blocked in by ice on both ends, my words.

there is fossil evidence of vegetation, animal life, and humans.

from the US Park Service and there is a map that show where the ice was thought to be and what was the straight as land, north america and siberia/ russia.

What Happened to All of Them? The Mammoth Steppe ecosystem vanished at the end of the Pleistocene. Some experts argue that humans are responsible for the megafaunal extinctions (Alroy 2001), but across Beringia, we know that humans co-existed with the extinct species for long periods. Documented 14C dates show that humans in Alaska overlapped with horse, bison, and lions for >1,000 years and also probably with mammoths, and we lack evidence of overhunting of these animals (Mann et al. 2013). The region of Beringia is vast and the early human population was small. A more likely explanation for the extinctions is that the prolonged warming at the end of the Pleistocene caused environmental changes that did not favor the Mammoth Steppe megafauna.
Pleistocene Megafauna in Beringia

this one from live science, has a better map,

Although it's gone now, the Bering Land Bridge persisted for thousands of years, from about 30,000 years ago to 16,000 years ago, according to global sea level estimates, said Julie Brigham-Grette, a professor and department head of geosciences at the University of Massachusetts-Amherst. Brigham-Grette, who advised Bond on sea levels and geography, was one of the many scientists who offered helpful information to Bond during the making of the map.
Humans Crossed the Bering Land Bridge to People the Americas. Here’s What It Looked Like 18,000 Years Ago.

and the standstill theory

Even though some additional minor founder types have been later identified in North America, such as X, the hypothesis of just four major founder types in the initial colonization of the New World remains uncontested. However, the timing of their entry remains debated. Previous studies of mtDNA data place estimates for the peopling of the New World in a broad range from 11,000 to over 40,000 years before present (ybp) [reviewed by 20], although more recent estimates range from 20,000–15,000 ybp [21]. Recent archaeological evidence places Homo sapiens in northeastern Siberia at the Yana Rhinoceros Horn Site as early as 30,000 ybp [22] about twice the 15,000 ybp [23] date for humans at the southern end of South America. These archaeological dates suggest two likely scenarios. First, the ancestors of Native Americans peopled Beringia before the Last Glacial Maximum, but remained locally isolated (likely due to ecological barriers) until entering the Americas at 15,000 ybp (Beringian incubation model, BIM) [24]. Second, the ancestors of Native Americans did not reach Beringia until just before 15,000 ybp, and then moved continuously on into the Americas, being recently derived from a larger parent Asian population (direct colonization model, DCM)
Beringian Standstill and Spread of Native American Founders

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 02:24 AM
a reply to: TheLieWeLive

One time I was rendering a 3d model of King Tut and I couldn't shake how Asian his sarcophagus' face looked.

Turns out that there is a strong connection in the evolving cultures of both China and Egypt. There are some sarcophagus that look almost identical and many suspect hieroglyphs have commonality in Chinese writing. This is on topic, as Hancock believed that there must have been ancient travel between Asia and Egypt long before present day historians started to piece together clues. However any communication they may have had was never documented so history says no.

How China and Egypt developed similar structures.
edit on 7-10-2023 by charlyv because: sp

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 04:35 AM

originally posted by: chiefsmom
But will they ever admit he was right?

It has been interesting lately, with all the new finds.

I need to go back and read his books again.
Nothing like a good man going against the machine story eh?

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 06:00 AM
Hancock doesn't have any ideas. He's a journalist. He simply makes money by popularising other people's ideas - and then moving on to another, when the first falls out of fashion ...... Which is why he's long forgotten all about Atlantis in Antarctica and SE Asian temples replicating the patterns of European constellations.

The reason there has been no mainstream acceptance of earlier settlement by humans in N America is simply because there was insufficient evidence. Once conclusive evidence is found, the paradigm shifts accordingly. That's science. However many people have long suspected humans in N America long before the Clovis people. But this in no way at all confirms Hancock's ancient civilisation malarkey. Any more than the presence of humans in Britain or Finland thousands of years earlier than previously thought would.

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 06:32 AM
a reply to: AndyMayhew

Unfortunately when involving Hancock it all falls on deaf ears when you talk about actual archeology and anthropology.

A good "alternative" narrative book to read is called The Dawn of Everything, by David Graeber and David Wengrow showing a side look at human civilization within the last 30,000 years.

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 09:34 AM
mr handcock found himself in a niche' career...

i too am convinced there has been 4 or more Global civilizations that have met with catastrophe over multi millennia of prehistory

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato

there is evidence that Beringia/ Bearing Land Bridge wasn't completely covered in ice and had a fairly dry climate and one DNA study suggests that there was a stand still period where people actually lived there for a period due to being blocked in by ice on both ends, my words.

there is fossil evidence of vegetation, animal life, and humans.

I can see that happening, but what about the Antarctica side to suggest that humans might have traveled from Australia to the south tip of South America? To find the oldest human inhabitants in the farthest southern part of the Americas doesn't seem logical to me unless they came from a different direction, and the only real one would be along the huge ice sheets of Antarctica that minimized the sea crossings due to the extended ice sheets.

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: AndyMayhew

Hancock doesn't have any ideas. He's a journalist. He simply makes money by popularising other people's ideas - and then moving on to another, when the first falls out of fashion ...... Which is why he's long forgotten all about Atlantis in Antarctica and SE Asian temples replicating the patterns of European constellations.

I disagree with your assessment.

Graham is a dedicated researcher that has a profound ability to take complex and obscure historical and scientific discoveries and explain, lecture and write about them in a way that allows most of the world population to understand them. He gives these subject legs, and is responsible for so many of them to now be common knowledge.

Many people that would say negative things about him, have never read any of his books. Today, those works should be regarded as mandatory for anyone that questions the myriad of historical and scientific mysteries that main stream science refuses to explain, or insists on explaining it with outdated or absent research.

As both a journalist and researcher, he did great work in Egypt by gathering obscure facts about how the pyramids were constructed and discovered mathematical relationships that are truly amazing. He truly understands the self righteous attitude of mainstay science and is constantly supplying historians and scientists with evidence that they need to take their jobs a lot more seriously and shed the bias caused by egotistical laurels.

If you want an example of what mainstream science does to him, read the Wikipedia entry on him. It shows disgusting ignorance with no gratitude for what he has accomplished. It is the reason I do not support Wikipedia, and will not until they correct this literary garbage with a serious, correct and respectful synopsis of his career.
edit on 7-10-2023 by charlyv because: sp

edit on 7-10-2023 by charlyv because: sp

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: schuyler

Quite possibly the most politically incorrect observation of the year. But true just the same. The so called "indigenous" tribes simply conquered/replaced the previous people of the Americas.

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