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End of the Year 2023 Meditative Prediction

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posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 11:26 PM
As a Western person who got into Buddhism, I cherry picked it down to a 3 fold path and learned to meditate.

And I got pretty good. Took almost 8 years, but I learned to do it at will. Great for relaxing and lowering you heart rate. Drifted away from everything but meditation and yoga. But also great to train yourself to lower you brainwave output through concentration. Theta waves, 4-8 hertz is what you're shooting for, the closer to delta, the better.

Plain and simple. Meditation is lucid dreaming any way you want to look at it.

So I wanted "enlightenment" on the USA's coming future. The big event the psychics saw. The one my Tarot reading seemed to confirm.

Thread here

Here is either my meditative vision or I might have just fell asleep because I do it sitting in a recliner because it's more comfortable.

Either way it was quick and poignant.

The Vision or Dream

My vision/dream had the cinematography of Terry Gilliam. Just weird. Certain colors of the spectrum omitted, really abstract and seedy looking shots at weird angles, with weird lighting.

It showed a movie theater. The audience was in the Terry Gilliam filter. The theater decor as well. People were behaving like gossips. They were overanimated in their gesturing. Like if part of a dance were to involve whispering in someone's ear. They were dressed in formal wear. All really over the top avant garde dresses and suits. Comic book even.

Yet the screen was normal. Normal color range. The panoramic view of the theater has the audience in the filter and the screen in full spectrum.

The movie screen was cycling through different scenes.

If you have ever been to a Primus concert they use usually 4-8 second movie clips and animations that are often weird in their cycling movements and go with the music. If you don't have reference, that's the best I can do.

It would show an economic scene.
As the audience kept gossiping.
It would switch to a talk show.
As the audience kept gossiping.
It switched to a natural disaster
As the audience kept gossiping.
Normal things you'd see on the news.

Entertainment news, war news, disaster news. As the scenes continued to cycle, they got progressively darker.

Likewise the audience got more gothic and ghoulish as the scenes did.

It continued that way at an accelerated rate. The audience was now violent. It was overanimated mayhem in the audience and rapidly cycling laughing faces, explosions, and bloody massacre on the screen.

And then the old school film bubbles and the screen turns white, as the theater instantly jump reset to the initial playful gossipy behavior, as a new film started.

It then switched to out of the theater to show a normal street with people going about their daily business. Sweater weather. Holiday decorations were on the light poles. Sunny day. People were happy.

Fade out. Vision/dream over.

That was what I got. As with everything, believe it or don't, because I really don't care either way.

Leave interpretation up to everyone else.
edit on 30-9-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2023 @ 11:44 PM
a reply to: Degradation33

Social media hype is hype.
Not real life.

edit to add:

The darker part is that we have been desensitized.
Time was that natural and manmade disasters caught the attention of news media. Now what? Hurricane, a couple minutes, then hours of politics, massive fire, 5 minutes, hours of politics, earthquake 5 minutes, hours of politics.

So we're fighting over words now. And real life is ignored.

edit on 29-9-2023 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 12:22 AM
a reply to: pthena

That's what I took from it. I think the subconscious power of suggestion in watching a Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas clip shortly before I did it, gave it the Terry Gilliam quality.

I liked their outfits most. Really cool aristocratic high society crossed with Burning Man. Turning into victorian vampires at Burning Man. Like going to royal banquet on acid. I'm a sucker for strange outfits that aren't singing me pop songs.

Otherwise, it wasn't too enlightening.

I was really strange. Worth sharing strange.
edit on 30-9-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 05:34 AM
I do not dismiss the remote viewing or predictive dreams but I am not sure about these guys at all, the Future Forecasters Group seems to be monetized, have they had any proven viable true viewings?

Lucid dreaming, astral projection, and remote viewing I can believe conceptually but from these guys?

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: putnam6

It is like that with every spiritual idea. People often make it more complicated than they need, maybe out of vanity or being afraid whatever they try to achieve won't work. Some make it a form of race to the top and this is how these people in your picture get a foothold in other's life.

"You have to do this and that and then your chakra and cundalini will do this and that but ONLY if you do it this way."

No. It will come to one, one can prepare oneself but not enforce it. Someone reading a lot about all this but focusing too much on the technical part has their own spiritual way blurred. I do not think the old scriptures about the topic should be taken as a recipe for success or measurement stick how far one is "spiritually". When they mere present concepts about mostly the same idea just different approaches.

The same is true for card laying people that do it for money or others. I went to two of these in my life, the second time was a harsh reality check where the person started to oracle about who I am yet was completely set off track by the clothes I wore at that point in time.

Of course not everyone doing card laying is like that. Some genuine believe in it and want to use it to help. It just also has a bitter taste about control and influence in other's lifes that come with these "powers". The second one could not have been more wrong about my person. For example I wore a ring and the "oracle" oracled about seeing my husband in trouble. I asked some follow up questions like, could it be during a boat trip and the other person said the card is connected to water, so probably. I didn't bring up the ring, it was one of the signs the person interpreted to fool their normal clients.

Also there was some eerie feeling about deriving pleasure in fiddling in other's lifes. Influencing and getting a kick out of manipulating and directing others.

I do not have or never had a husband. Of course believers will tell me time is no matter here so it was my future husband

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 08:46 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

I have meditated since 1969. Transcendental. Gone into the Astral...and back. Dozens and dozens of times.

Odd meditating in the late 80's...but I had been into it already 20 years by '89.

See you on the Astral plane😎✌️

*Following this thread
edit on 09235430America/ChicagoSat, 30 Sep 2023 08:47:54 -050047202300000054 by mysterioustranger because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 09:18 AM
sounds like your meditation vision was the horizontal tornado clif presented to the audience in that 3:00 AM interview found in here :

i have my doubts... clif high (imo) is deliberately creating a trail of bread-crumbs to follow in calling the vortex a horizontal-tornado

and the world paradigm that becomes attacked is phaze 2 or 3 of the ongoing 'covid'' trans-humanism operation gaining momentum

the OP is accessing the event horizon of the future i.e. oct-nov-dec 2023 which is still in a chaotic disarray as this period of time is really significant in Its 'Covid 19' development & release by Dark Agents

thanks for sharing
edit on th30169608532630482023 by St Udio because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 09:39 AM
a reply to: Degradation33

My interpretation is about media feedback loopery.*

See this story: A Few Days Off. He writes opinion pieces, much like ATS posters. But he only has opinions about what he's been told. No independent experience input.

*The words I woke up with this morning (methodology)

edit on 30-9-2023 by pthena because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 11:06 AM
Man, I try to meditate all the time but I can’t get past the “I really want a sandwich” part several minutes in. Eventually, I figured I’m actually really good at meditation, it’s just that my potential is very low, which is why my enlightenment only comes out to a ham and cheddar on wheat. Now I’m twenty pounds overweight but goddamnit am I blissed out.
edit on 30-9-2023 by QRST4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 30 2023 @ 09:34 PM
a reply to: QRST4

Lol. I can relate.

The clearing the mind part WAS FREAKING impossible at first.

Green. I settled on green. Emerald rooms, and landscapes until I could visualize nothing but that color in my mind's eye.

I thought it was impossible. It was like my head fell into a internet or YouTube hole. One thought leads to the next and my cleared mind is now going over tomorrow's schedule.

Doesn't help being "bi-polar" either. Literally needs a few glasses of wine to shut it up...

edit on 30-9-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

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