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Clif High & Remote Viewers Warn Of Predicted Deadly Mass Attack Of An American City.

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posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 08:16 PM
And they say awareness is key to stopping it.

Sorry, not interested in debate here. Just the messenger. Watch the video and help spread awareness.

Many of you will not be surprised something drastic may be in the works by our cabal enemies. These are, after all, the same people who planned and carried out 9/11, Covid, and Lahaina Hawaii. Nothing should shock us at this point.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 09:00 PM
a reply to: MRuss

I also post some info on this as well

Multiple Remote Viewers Warn of World Changing Event at Year’s End - LINK

The Future Forecasting Group was recently assigned the target of the next financial crisis. Because of their double-blind protocol, the only information they were given was an arbitrary number. But the Viewers were all distracted by overpowering images of a catastrophic event. They all saw the same thing. Massive explosions with multiple points of impact, small particles, and debris falling from the sky, people sick with Cesium, which is the most dangerous of all radioactive isotopes. Used in Dirty Bomb scenarios. They saw police checkpoints, people seeking shelter underground, and an exodus of sad-looking people.

edit on 26-9-2023 by TarantulaBite because: add info

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: TarantulaBite

Well, holy Hell. There went the neighborhood!
Seriously, troubled times really.


posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: MRuss

Cliff's Data the remote viewers, add in the Vedic astrology with alignments that have never been seen before. All the woo is screaming beware.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 09:47 PM
a reply to: anonentity

So is it true or just a line of BS.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 09:49 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
a reply to: anonentity

So is it true or just a line of BS.

Ive been hearing for years that around the Great Lakes is going to be one of the safe spots.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 09:53 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm

originally posted by: musicismagic
a reply to: anonentity

So is it true or just a line of BS.

Ive been hearing for years that around the Great Lakes is going to be one of the safe spots.

Not for flooding disasters.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 09:58 PM
a reply to: MRuss
I’m about half way through the video. I can’t speak to the events as purveyed, but Cliff’s grasp of consciousness and manifestation seem pretty much in line with both Eastern and Western Wisdom.

What we give attention to, becomes…oddly enough getting random throngs of people worrying about doom within a certain time frame has a higher likelihood to add to the potential than otherwise.

Not refuting the information being delivered, just wondering as to the premise of its being delivered, having the desired effect?

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 10:31 PM
From TarantulaBite's link. Interesting . . .

By reading the entirety of human language across the World Wide Web, the program will list repeated words and phrases in all languages creating a macroscopic view of what everyone is talking about. So if all humans are psychic, whether they know it or not, then you would see it in the collective chatter. Especially for traumatic events. The bigger the trauma, the more people would be emoting their anxiety online. And key words can be found. Such as the word “ejecta”, which has been showing up in Clif High’s work. Which shows the same event.

Predictive Linguistics reveals a time frame of when a big event happens at the point in time when the tension language ends, and the release language begins. The tension language is the psychic awareness before an event. And the release language is the event itself as everyone is made aware. Based on this, Clif High sees this event happening near the end of this year.

Both the Predictive Linguistics and the Future Forecasting Group saw that this was a decision that was made by some faction of government. Several saw a button being pressed. And they propose that if enough eyes are on the powers that be, maybe it will never happen.

Whatever happened to that other program that used random number generators all over the planet as a predictive tool?

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: MRuss

The Future Forecasting Group was recently assigned the target of the next financial crisis. Because of their double-blind protocol, the only information they were given was an arbitrary number. But the Viewers were all distracted by overpowering images of a catastrophic event. They all saw the same thing. Massive explosions with multiple points of impact, small particles, and debris falling from the sky, people sick with Cesium, which is the most dangerous of all radioactive isotopes. Used in Dirty Bomb scenarios. They saw police checkpoints, people seeking shelter underground, and an exodus of sad-looking people.

How apocalyptic...

But I've been burned too many times by promises of the end times. Damn doom porn. I want to know it's really real. Debris falling + dirty bomb attack seems horrific...

Let's see what I get. And I'll demonstrate it too.

This is an actual reading asked in response to this thread.

End of the year 2023:

Method: Tarot reading.
Deck: Golden

Q: What is a reading for Earth for the end of the year in 2023?

Freaking WOW!

Near future = three of swords (sorrow)
Outcome = ten of swords (calamity - crushing defeat)

* position 10 is top right on this site.

That's notable.

Themes = complacency, dominion, truce. A lot of swords.

There seems to be a major deal that has people starting to look at each-other favorably marred by those that see otherwise. It seems contradictory ideals conflict surrounding this and act to subvert it all. It reflects state (internal) subversion in the crossing card (not pictured) and religious influence in the "other influences" position. It's tied to the truce.

Complacency in the personal position suggesting the world sleeps with one sword by its side and three hanging over, reminiscent of "approaching factors". The world is caught complacent entirely under the guise of peace.

I hate to say it, but this sorta lines up with this doom porn.

And it's surprising. Not overwhelmingly bad, but bad enough to be negative overall.

The immediate prediction I gotta make is: Saudis are playing people or divided. Planning peace with Israel while a contradictory element plans the epic defeat of it all. Or more generally, religious influences are planning a major assault.

And maybe it's more mundane, and it's just saying religious influences sabotage the peace deal.

But terrorist attack scenario suddenly plausible. I also saw weird and vivid mind images of a white box truck (US Mail looking) exploding on a downtown gentrified street when I edited this, so I don't know now. Weird. A few flashes. Not kidding. Looked like Downtown Los Angeles.

Influenced by this thread? Probably. I'm actually pretty skeptical. The mind is it's own pagentry.

Either it's reflecting the remote viewers predictions, or tapping something real, or my mind is influenced and imparted that on the wave collapse of the cards, or most likely just a coincidence interpreted with bias that this says DOOOOOOOM too.

Give it a 20-30% chance, to be as doom porn as I can be.

edit on 27-9-2023 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 10:40 PM
So then, what's the plan here, the plan to stop it, what ever it is. Generally I guess the thinking is if enough people know about this prediction a mass consciousness will arise to the point where the perpetrators, namely the government will pull back from their plans to do it. I think bollox.

What if the dramatic events are not man made what if the''ejecta'' that is forecast is natural. A huge eruption for instance or say that Yellowstone thing. Or a major tectonic shift or a pole shift that is far beyond the powers that be. Or what about crap falling on us from space.

How long has this remote viewing bit been around, twenty, thirty, forty years? I heard about it at least 30 years ago and so far, nada. Sure, lots of little things that with smudging can be said to have been correctly predicted, but some major cataclysmic event that early predicting predicted? Nope.

I just looked it up and found that RV started as a means of prediction in 1970, thats over 50 years. 50 years and still people are giving it heed.

I will take all ofl this and put it in my Nostradamus File .

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 11:00 PM
Well, I guess that settles it. It's been nice knowing whoever happens to be in that city.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 11:04 PM
I watched this interview a few days ago and I always take what Clif High says with a grain of salt because he's often wrong, but I do worry about how the conflict in Ukraine will be resolved, especially now that Biden and the cabal may be about to lose power over the US government. It does worry me what insane actions they might take to maintain their power.

I also found it interesting how they seem to think it will be a directed energy beam attack, that sounds pretty outlandish to me, but more importantly, all the remote viewing imagery seems to suggest the event is a nuclear attack. I don't live in the US, but one of the drawings looks like Central Park in New York, which would be a very obvious target for a nuclear attack.

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 11:30 PM
Ah here it is . . .

The Global Consciousness Project Meaningful Correlations in Random Data
Coherent consciousness creates order in the world
Subtle interactions link us with each other and the Earth

When human consciousness becomes coherent, the behavior of random systems may change. Random number generators (RNGs) based on quantum tunneling produce completely unpredictable sequences of zeroes and ones. But when a great event synchronizes the feelings of millions of people, our network of RNGs becomes subtly structured. We calculate one in a trillion odds that the effect is due to chance. The evidence suggests an emerging noosphere or the unifying field of consciousness described by sages in all cultures.


posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 11:47 PM
Modern "RV'ing" arose out of Radionics, so we can go back to the 1950s England.

"Radionics" being the infamous 'black boxes' apparently banned in the United States. One had to be psychic in the first place to use them though.

Apparently George Delawarr made a radionic camera that could create photographs of disease tissue in a patient from a blood sample. For example the photographic plates showed a tumour where there was not yet a tumour. So the idea was to "look into the patient's future", or rather see the potential of the yet unmanefest existing disease condition. Apparently the medical authorities didn't like the idea.

So, in my opinion anyway, one does not "look into the future" as is implied. Rather one "sees" only what is already existing, and yet to manefest.

After radionic photography in the 1950s and 1960s came remote viewing in the 1970s and 1980s. Remote viewing was the psychic capacity of an individual to view a remote location without travelling there in person, retrieving details and intelligence in the process. Remote viewing was invented by an artist, Ingo Swann, in conjunction with Hal Puthoff and Russell Targ of the Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in California.

In the 1990s, the Project Stargate was declassified and many details of the 20 million dollar project were made public. Of interest to this discussion is the fact that the way remote viewing worked was that an internally generated (eidetic) mental image of a place could be retrieved from a representation of that location, even if only a set of coordinates. The process was eerily similar to radionic photography, and one wonders with such outstanding psychics in their employ, if the SRI team didn’t seek to duplicate the Drown and de la Warr results and obtain actual images.

Source and further reading: Radionics - George Delawarr

As the charkra people will tell you, the body has these energy centres. What is not normally emphisised is the side view. Vortexes extend forward and backwards from the body, like trumpets. Everyone has these, yet the length varies depending on the person.

In front is what is comming, what is behind is the past. People who "live in the past" may have short forward seeing vortexs and longer ones behind. The opposite is true too.

(Image source: me. Alt-text: Image shows the trumpets extending from the body within the human aura.)

Those forward looking "trumpets" is where gut-feelings, fore-bodings and intuition come from. So does "seeing into the future", or rather what is already there.

edit on 9/27/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added last line

edit on 9/27/2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added image source and alt description

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 12:09 AM
Clif High is a fraud

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 12:22 AM
Could you elaborate on that? a reply to: anonentity

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 12:29 AM
I’m going to follow this thread and see how it develops into 2024.

What springs to mind is the warning from The Redneck re Minnesota and Romania..


posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 12:53 AM
a reply to: 5ofineed5aladder

Have a look at this one.

posted on Sep, 27 2023 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: musicismagic
Clif High is chock full of BS. I had covid early on in 2020. I had the "shots". According to Mr High I definitely was going to die in October 2020. Didn't happen, he was WRONG. Then he e3dged his bets by saying I would be in mass die offs in summer 2021. It didn't happen, he was WRONG. But according to all accounts they are going to turn me off in October this year with a 5G signal.

The biggest danger Mr High, and other "predictors", is odd times their "predictions" could come to fruition and then they shout from the hill tops "look we said this would happen" and people forget about the thousands of times they were wrong. The problem is an awful lot of people believe them and alter their lives to suit. And for some this can change their lives in negative ways with absolutely no punishment for these doom merchants. AND THERE SHOULD BE.

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