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The first Global Warming story?

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posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 10:49 AM


(SNOPES says the ending is true.)
The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer and in some places the seals are finding the water too hot according to a report to the Commerce Department yesterday from Consulate at Bergen Norway.

Reports from fishermen, seal hunters and explorers all point to a radical change in climate conditions and hitherto unheard-of temperatures in the Arctic zone.

Exploration expeditions report that scarcely any ice has been met as far north as 81 degrees 29 minutes.

Soundings to a depth of 3,100 meters showed the gulf stream still very warm.

Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones, the report continued, while at many points well known glaciers have entirely disappeared.

Very few seals and no white fish are found in the eastern Arctic, while vast shoals of herring and smelts which have never before ventured so far north, are being encountered in the old seal fishing grounds.

Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coast cities uninhabitable.
I must apologize. I neglected to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922 , as reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post 100 years ago.

This must have been caused by the Model T Ford's emissions or possibly from horse and cattle farts.

posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 11:14 AM
They were right! Haven’t you heard!? A giant mud flood happened for the first time in history and buried the world in 20 feet of mud. Then we just left the first floor covered in mud and thus the basement was invented and then we started over on the second story and left the coastal cities under the ocean and moved to the new coastal cities. The most powerful nation, Tartaria, was forever covered and all evidence of this humongous nation with high technology including electricity right from the air passed by roof ornamentation, free sonic health care which cured all disease, and high culture because they didn’t use paper in Tartaria and only had digital cameras, no hard copies.

Or, at least that is the prevailing theory of the dumber people of the world.
edit on 9/24/2023 by AlexandrosTheGreat because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: baddmove

Within a few years it is predicted that due to the ice melt the sea will rise and make most coast cities uninhabitable.

It is no different, except now if you cannot scare them off their ocean front land, you destroy everything they have, and force them to leave.

posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 12:18 PM
its all a skam.

there is a speech given by a skumbag r0thschild, where he laughs and brags how much m0ney can be made by the klimate change skam.

much like how bill g8tes bragged and laughed how much m0ney can be made by vaccazinations a few months before the skamdemik hit.

same gl0balist n0nsense.
same internati0nal skumbaggetry.

posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 12:44 PM
a reply to: baddmove

For those who are interested, here's a pointer to the 2013 Snopes article which, IMHO, should have been referenced in the OP:

Perhaps a pointer to the Snopes article was left out because of what Snopes had to say about the article:

"As interesting as this nearly century-old article might be from a modern perspective, however, it isn't substantive evidence either for or against the concept of anthropogenic global warming. As documented elsewhere, the warming phenomena observed in 1922 proved to be indicative only of a local event in Spitzbergen, not a trend applicable to the Arctic as a whole."

And here's the article they referred to as being documented elsewhere:

And here's some of what the article says:

"Those who seek to deny global warming constantly use transparently obvious tricks, selecting data from a single time, a single place, or both, to deny the larger long-term global patterns. This is easily done as climate is constantly fluctuating, so picking out the mean patterns and trends requires that one integrates the data over the largest time and space scales possible. So if one dishonestly wants to misrepresent the larger patterns, one can always find a particular place at a particular time that does not agree with all the rest averaged together. This is sometimes referred to as the “It’s a cold day in Wagga Wagga” approach, and is repeatedly used by the climate change deniers to fool people who haven’t looked at the data themselves."

posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 01:23 PM
Years ago, L Ron Hubbered stated that to get rich quick, you needed to make a religion.

We are in the midst of many true believers of the global warming religion. Many got rich or richer. Those that didn't really didn't matter. The profits are profitable it seems.

Climate change is just the weather on a longer scale.

Nice OP. Interesting that they started that long ago.
edit on 24-9-2023 by beyondknowledge2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 01:58 PM
a reply to: beyondknowledge2

thats soooooo right.

libral c0mmunist nonsense, is ALL religi0n.

i had a psycho vegan libral, tell me, 'you have to b0w before kappernick and b-l-m if not i cannot be friends with you anymore...' and he always claimed, 'i do not watch the newz' and this skumbag former friend, always dissed me for being catholik, even tho he himself grew up catholik.

my former friend turned psycho vegan libral c0mmie?
he turned into mini0n nun in the new religi0n of the librals.
edit on 24-9-2023 by drongosrevenge because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: 1947boomer

Those who seek to deny global warming constantly use transparently obvious tricks, selecting data from a single time, a single place, or both, to deny the larger long-term global patterns. This is easily done as climate is constantly fluctuating, so picking out the mean patterns and trends requires that one integrates the data over the largest time and space scales possible. So if one dishonestly wants to misrepresent the larger patterns, one can always find a particular place at a particular time that does not agree with all the rest averaged together. This is sometimes referred to as the “It’s a cold day in Wagga Wagga” approach, and is repeatedly used by the climate change deniers to fool people who haven’t looked at the data themselves

You realize that works both ways? For example, Mann's famous "hockey stick" graph that's thrown around everywhere as definitive proof of AGW was made using tree ring data from one tree....just one.

posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: baddmove

" It isn't possible to intentionally control the weather thru our actions
but we can accidentally control the weather thru our actions".


posted on Sep, 24 2023 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: baddmove

Ever think it has something to do with the axis shift? Cold zones are relocating to new area's. Ie the right side melts, and the left side solidifies. This has been seen happening in places like Australia, Alaska, Canada, Russia, and the ice caps in the north and south it is well documented that the 'rotational axis' shift is occurring. These places are experiencing the largest changes because they are the furthest north and south on the earth's axis - from what we are familiar with.

100inches of snow in california - why? Because it shifted north. This shift pulled cali out of subtropic into a temperate climate, this sudden shift literally FROZE the water in the air causing a massive downpour of snow across the state. Thanks to the cold jet stream from Alaska. This is very unlikely to happen again w/o another drastic shift to move it's climate zone.

Van Go Jet steam
reference to rotational shift 1 CNN
Smithsonian Article Rotational axis shift
Claims melting glacial relocations are causing the shift in the axis
NY Times - Earth Axis Rotation - 'something's messing with the axis'

See, picture this.. EArth Climate Zones For those to lazy to look, it's a picture of the earth and the climate zones. I.E Tropic/subtropic/etc.. The 'equator being the 'center' path of the sun, or the part that gets the MOST sun throughout the day/year.

When the axis rotates, so does the zones. Because the equator will always be the 'center' point of the earth closest to the sun, no matter how you look at it doesn't matter if the earth is upside down, the sun will still shine on 1 part of the earth longer then the rest.. and thus will always make up the equator and the climate zones seen in the above picture. There could be factor's like axis speed rotation, like if we were to start to 'death spiral' which is another theory where the axis just start's to spin along with the actual rotational spin. But currently not a real concern or something to worry about at this current point in time, that danger only will occur once we pass a perma 20% shift, then it becomes more of a 'risk' as weight mass isn't equal all over the planet.

Now when the earth rotation on it's axis changes, i'm not talking about the 'magnetic' rotation, but the actual axis(Body's mass : continents aren't where they were before). The climate's actually rebuild themselves in a different location based on the suns new trajectory across the planet. Normally the axis rotation also helps us get seasons. Example Alaska has long arse winters. If Alaska moved to a different location because of the axis shift, this would actually change what Alaska experiences in the winter, shortening or in this case increasing the length of this season. But this hold's true to everyplace on the planet.

Normally our axis wobbles 23% But it has a new 'starting zone' location which is shifted 7% s/e making the new seasonal zone 7% different. So if you were to take the globe and rotate it 7% that would be it's new home, and everything will continue like normal once the dust settles and the seasons return to normal based on the new location of the landmasses. But as long as we keep rotating on the axis, the climate's will change based on the new rotation because the zones/jet streams/plant life/ice/animals are all effected by the new climate location.

Example's can be seen if you look at planting weather zones - which will give you an idea on the scale of the effect these thing's have, you will see that climate's based on where they are can only support certain plants - banana's in the south, avocado's etc.. that's because they can not survive the colder climate's in the north

Plant's are shifting south as the US warms

7% might not seem like a lot on the grand scale of things, but it is enough to pull eastern Canada for example from sub-arctic to subtropic temperatures(This is huge when you consider cold plant's can't live in warmer climates and vise versa). It's also enough to pull places like NYC into the sub tropic zone as well. This also moves places like the UK closer to the equator which explains why they are having issues with river's drying up, etc. The grand scale of the shift of the axis is hard to picture w/o rotational images or a globe and overlay of the zones in their previous posistion vs the new locations.

But along with this, the ice caps need to melt and reform elsewhere, because they can not maintain a frozen tempature in a warmer climate - thanks to this axis shift. We have been shifting on our axis for awhile now, since the chili quakes.
Shortened daylight - chili shifts axis. (Material balance) they are calling it now.
How the chili-quake moved an entire planet

This isn't the first incident of the shift, and won't be the last. The shift occurs anytime a quake greater then 8 seems to occur. Which direction the rotation happens is anyone's guess until it occurs but it's more likely to go the direction of least resistance. This is also believed to of occurred in the 60's before we were able to measure this rotational change via space station. But to put it into perspective, the claim is we moved 22inches from our 'normal' balance (axis shift 22inches E/SE) measured from space. While it can be noticeable to those that pay attention, it's not going to be noticeable unless you actually have been paying attention for years - mapping stars etc. Because from here on earth a 22inch rotation is a lot smaller looking out on vast horizon, then it is looking at the planet from a distance.

Hope that helps, it's not really anything to be to worried about, sure the weather will be a bit more active as the jet streams change it's location, along with the ice caps etc. But it's all part of the earth's cycle, the earth's landmass, and climate are constantly changing because the earth is not a perfect sphere. Meaning anything like mining for EV/windmills/solar panels and other material intensive objects (ore which is heavier then gas, they actually refill those places with liquids to support landmass changes)is enough actually have an impact, same with relocation of large amounts of water. (Like Nestle) Starter of Nestle's abuse of overfarming water til riverbeds are bone dry. (That famous picture : cracked earth is nestle overharvesting)

edit on 80820230030 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2023 @ 03:42 AM
Moron Spammer

edit on 9/25/2023 by semperfortis because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2023 @ 05:17 PM
a reply to: 1947boomer

posted on Sep, 26 2023 @ 04:07 AM
The first Global Warming story?

As far as I can reconcile the first global warming story on record is from Chauvet Cave, Ardèche, France. Dated to: 30,000 to 28,000 B.C.

In the scribblings on the wall, suspected to be from a tribe shaman, it spoke of a great worldwide drought and heat wave spurred by the sins of mankind that would only get worse if all the cavemen and cavewomen across the globe didn't immediately adopt a new form of rain dance while at the same time transitioning to octagonal rocks instead of round ones on their wheel barrels.

A cave next door had images portraying the shaman as the inventor and stock piler of octagonal wheels that no one wanted to barter.

While the octagonal wheel was never adopted, it seems the shaman's wooden rain dance shoes became a hit in what is today known as Holland.
edit on 26-9-2023 by GenerationGap because: (no reason given)

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