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What is the reason, in your opinion, for all the movies portraying aliens a certain way

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posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 07:34 PM
In some movies they are portrayed as friendly and helping us in some way , and the lead characters become friends with them .
This made me want to gag it was so gringeworthy ,and I'm obsessed with aliens/ufos.
I can think of a few movies in which aliens were living among us , and it the plot and things said felt very 'political correct', if you know what I mean. Anybody that said something negative about the aliens were verbally attacked and shamed.
Those are just a few at the top of my hat.

Why do you think this is ? Any reason , or just random Hollywood run out of ideas scenenario ?

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 07:43 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

It could be a reaction against endemic racism, that leads to authors exposing the attitude in fiction, with beings that are the ultimate 'other'?

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 07:57 PM
I don't know what the MIC / Hollywood has in mind. But I know another persective.

If we watch a movie we are experiencing a defacto event. Our emotions are involved with the scene we are watching. That creates a memory.

Now what if say; our greys want to interact with us?

A very easy thing to do is receate a scenaro we are both familiar with.

Many people have watched the movie Close Encounters Of The Third Kind. So create something similar in the mind of the human. Say the scene upon the mesa before the big saucer arrives.

In one instant a whole lot of information is conveyed. The prelude to 'contact' for instance. Everyone suddenly knows the parts they are supposed to play, who is in charge and what to expect.

The scenes from movies are like a mental/emotional library.

That raises an interesting question: how the heck do they do that?

edit on 6-8-2023 by NewNobodySpecial268 because: added last line

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 08:00 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ancientlight

It could be a reaction against endemic racism, that leads to authors exposing the attitude in fiction, with beings that are the ultimate 'other'?
'Racisms' Lollololol really? I knew it seemed political correct but you took it seriously

PS aliens are different species, not a different race

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ancientlight

It could be a reaction against endemic racism, that leads to authors exposing the attitude in fiction, with beings that are the ultimate 'other'?
'Racisms' Lollololol really? I knew it seemed political correct but you took it seriously

PS aliens are different species, not a different race

There is only one 'human race'.

That is the problem, taxonomies are based upon differentiators which are arbitrary and not universally agreed upon.

edit on 6/8/2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 08:33 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ancientlight

It could be a reaction against endemic racism, that leads to authors exposing the attitude in fiction, with beings that are the ultimate 'other'?
'Racisms' Lollololol really? I knew it seemed political correct but you took it seriously

PS aliens are different species, not a different race

There is only one 'human race'.

That is the problem, taxonomies are based upon differentiators which are arbitrary and not universally agreed upon.
Uh okay. Maybe re-read my original post as it may have gone past your noggin a bit

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 08:49 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

What, then, in your opinion, would be an acceptable, more accurate depiction of a lifeform completely unrelated to anything on Earth (one assumes), yet not only capable of traveling to Earth, but also to, apparently, have sufficient motivation to do so repeatedly, over, perhaps hundreds, if not thousands of years?

You seem to find the idea that "different species" could become "friends", even to the extent that humans might become "protective" of the aliens, somehow "gringeworthy" and "politically correct" (a term I have always translated as "acting with compassion and politeness").

What would suggest as the correct response...."If you know what I mean?"
edit on 6-8-2023 by Mantiss2021 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 08:55 PM

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ancientlight

It could be a reaction against endemic racism, that leads to authors exposing the attitude in fiction, with beings that are the ultimate 'other'?
'Racisms' Lollololol really? I knew it seemed political correct but you took it seriously

PS aliens are different species, not a different race

There is only one 'human race'.

That is the problem, taxonomies are based upon differentiators which are arbitrary and not universally agreed upon.
Uh okay. Maybe re-read my original post as it may have gone past your noggin a bit

It appears that you assume that aliens would either be malevolent or benevolent, but have failed to consider the possibility that exists between the two extremes.

They probably don't want, or need, anything we can give them (we probably couldn't stop them from taking it anyway), and it is also not rational to assume that they would give us something for nothing, either.

This is the most consistent position based upon decades (millennia?) of almost no direct interaction.

Put simply, we're all, like, 'OMG!!!!', and they are all, like, 'meh'.

edit on 6/8/2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 09:30 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

Most movies show Aliens having an interaction with humans, good or bad, but the truth seems to be they have no interest in explaining anything to us. I imagine they, governments and aliens, benefit from us not knowing what is going on.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

"A Childhood's End" comes to mind.

Second line.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 09:38 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

Would you befriend a dog? Same concept.

'Look at the nice pet I have. I even tought this human to do some tricks.'

Or possibly, 'Ok, let's wipe out this infestation. These humans have messed up the place enough. Get rid of them now!'

Both have been done in several stories.

Now, suppose the diplomats shake hands and their sweat kills the aliens on contact. They can't touch salt. We then have an all out war started without saying a word or firing a shot.

Sound better to you?

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 09:51 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: ancientlight

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: ancientlight

It could be a reaction against endemic racism, that leads to authors exposing the attitude in fiction, with beings that are the ultimate 'other'?
'Racisms' Lollololol really? I knew it seemed political correct but you took it seriously

PS aliens are different species, not a different race

There is only one 'human race'.

That is the problem, taxonomies are based upon differentiators which are arbitrary and not universally agreed upon.
Uh okay. Maybe re-read my original post as it may have gone past your noggin a bit

It appears that you assume that aliens would either be malevolent or benevolent, but have failed to consider the possibility that exists between the two extremes.

They probably don't want, or need, anything we can give them (we probably couldn't stop them from taking it anyway), and it is also not rational to assume that they would give us something for nothing, either.

This is the most consistent position based upon decades (millennia?) of almost no direct interaction.

Put simply, we're all, like, 'OMG!!!!', and they are all, like, 'meh'.

It appears that you assume that aliens would either be malevolent or benevolent, but have failed to consider the possibility that exists between the two extremes.

Gotta be one or the other .
Else , why would they be here ?
C'mon man....

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 09:53 PM
Don't you worry nary a bit.
It's all sc-fi designed to make money and nothing more.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 10:25 PM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

"Second line" ?

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 11:45 PM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021
a reply to: ancientlight

What, then, in your opinion, would be an acceptable, more accurate depiction of a lifeform completely unrelated to anything on Earth (one assumes), yet not only capable of traveling to Earth, but also to, apparently, have sufficient motivation to do so repeatedly, over, perhaps hundreds, if not thousands of years?

You seem to find the idea that "different species" could become "friends", even to the extent that humans might become "protective" of the aliens, somehow "gringeworthy" and "politically correct" (a term I have always translated as "acting with compassion and politeness").

What would suggest as the correct response...."If you know what I mean?"

They are pushing an agenda possibly, political correctness is just a part of that. I would be friends with aliens , sure. The part that makes it gringeworthy is so much is based on lies and deception. Aliens are out there for sure, but here on earth I highly doubt it sadly.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 11:47 PM

originally posted by: NightSkyeB4Dawn
a reply to: NewNobodySpecial268

"A Childhood's End" comes to mind.

Second line.

I want to see that series still. There is some truths hidden in it perhaps

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 11:50 PM
Depends what the agenda of agency is. Using media as the tool they use it for.

posted on Aug, 6 2023 @ 11:51 PM
I think it's just storytelling, pretty much any angle has been covered in one movie or another.

posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 12:32 AM

originally posted by: ancientlight

I can think of a few movies in which aliens were living among us , and it the plot and things said felt very 'political correct'

Think my favourite 'alien' film is 'The Thing' with Kurt Russell so that's not a good example.

Anyway there's a peer reviewed article below about the 'History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television' which is worth a look as it contains some interesting speculation about UFOs, Walt Disney, Stephen Spielberg etc. as well as some relevant reading concerning the USAF, the CIA and the Pentagon. 

'History of Government Management of UFO Perceptions through Film and Television'

A major new article on the subject on government manipulation of UFO-themed media products is accessible from today as an advance publication for the Spring 2011 issue of 49th Parallel - a journal of North American Studies jointly run through the UK universities of Birmingham and Nottingham.

This is one of only a small handful of articles dealing with UFOs and entertainment-media-control ever to have been published in a peer-reviewed academic journal, and is all the more unusual in that it treats UFOs not as a mere cultural abstraction, but as a real, physical phenomenon of considerable concern to officialdom..

PDF file

posted on Aug, 7 2023 @ 12:46 AM
a reply to: NightSkyeB4Dawn

I read that years ago, and I always have thought it was one of the best stories ever.

I have always expected disclosure to happen that way, ships hovering over every large city. Like 'V", I got chills from that scene.

So many movies were inspired by the sci-fi classics. Some better than others, of course.

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