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The weaponisation of psychology by psychopathic rulers and sociopathic lackeys. Break the circuit!

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posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 05:20 PM

This post covers a lot of territory, I had a hard time choosing a fitting title, several drafts would have been good enough but weren't distilled down to the proper essence of the overall matter I'd like to bring to your attention & discuss.

This starts with reading through the excellent James Corbett of Corbett Report's series of articles on his SubStack in which he discusses the weaponisation of psychological diagnostics & 'treatments'/ forced stays in institutions as political punishments, behaviours being levelled against those who express clear dissent versus the official narrative which we've seen emerge throughout the COVID scamdemic (see the links at the bottom of the OP).

He goes into a great amount of detail as to how the tools of psychology over the past hundred years & more have been used nefariously by bad actors to achieve political goals in society. He then moves on to discuss the irony that most of our rulers in positions of corporate, government or other institutional power are themselves suffering a form of mental illness, that being psychopathy. The psychopaths then shape their worlds, their fiefdoms of whatever scale, after their own image, following the driving traits that identify them as psychopathic, such as the absence of a conscience, a lack of shame or remorse, no fear of harming others in order to achieve their goals, and many more besides. Those psychopaths cannot rule their kingdoms alone, and so they recruit useful helpers who will begin to model their own behaviours & traits after those of the ruler/organisation, becoming measurably psychopathic as the result of being in agreement with the overtones of the psychopathic environment. These people are those we would call sociopaths - they exhibit psychopathic traits as a means of conformity to the psychopathic environment in which they operate & the traits of the rulers to whom they kowtow.

A better definition of a sociopath I have not seen before.

Much research has been done into how such 'secondary psychopathy' can affect & become expressed in seemingly normal, non-psychopathic or maladhusted people, famously the Millgram experiments in which people were told to press a button which would deliver a powerful electric shock to a person hooked up to apparatus in the next room. The button pushing participant couldn't see that person, but could hear their dramatic screams & pleas for mercy when allegedly higher voltages were applied (it was all fake of course). The only prompting the participant had in order to induce them to press the button delivering potentially lethal shocks, was an apparent 'authority figure' in a white lab coat, with a clipboard, who simply told them calmly to press the button.

It was a test to see whether people would give up listening to their sovereign ethical conscience if an authority figure merely gave them the go ahead for some nefarious action. The experiment was repeated 17 times under multiple variable-changed conditions, offering many key insights into the dynamics of power, authority & submission to tyrannical rule, but the most important revelation (for our purposes) is that when another participant was seated in the chair, the next participant to take part would observe him or her refusing to push the button & stating that they felt it was unethical to do so. When that happened, the next in line participant was 90% less likely to push the button & 'deliver the lethal shocks'.

What this tells us, in the example of a group of people suffering under tyrannical rule, coerced into submission & forced to take part in unethical activities, who would not fight back against brutal regimes because of intimidation, is that when someone stands up before the group & states 'NO MORE', jeering & booing the tyrant (James actually references a real world example of this in the final article) - the rest of the people are 90% more likely to join in with the rebellion against tyranny, refusing to participate in the corrupt system, refusing to enforce unfair 'social norms' that the tyrants want to enforce (think of all the shaming of 'crazy conspiracy theorists' during the COVID scamdemic - our family & friends were enlisted to bully & ostracise us, business owners refused service, and so on..) If someone, or some group of people, takes a very visible stand, if the conditions are bad enough, others WILL stand up in unison with them, and there may in such cases be opportunities for immense change - in essence, that initial movement towards resistance will have 'broken the circuit' by which the tyrannical system maintained the flow of its power.

But we have to be careful, as James also observes - we cannot simply banish all the existing psychopaths in power, because there are junior psychopaths-in-training who are eager to climb the ranks & ruthlessly replace that original tyrant. Instead, we need to explore other models, the decentralisation of governmental power structures, for example, is a great way to provide opportunities for genuine leaders (not political psychopaths & their lackeys) to step up to the plate to play fair for their own communities, to fight for what the people need to live sane, calm, happy, balanced lives in their local & national communities.

So here are the links to each article James Corbett has written on the subject of the weaponisation of psychology. I highly recommend you read the whole series in one sitting to get the overwhelmingly positive message in its proper context after all the heartbreak & evil that this world has produced to this point. I'm always optimistic when James Corbett speaks/writes on solutions-oriented conspiracy theorising, offering really hope-filled possibilities in his typically wise & comprehensive manner.

Have at it! Let's break those circuits together, standing up to laugh at the Emperor's new clothes, and to disavow (until they cross over to the light) all those who side with the globalist, corporatist, fascist/communist hybrid World Economic Forum Great Reset Beast System which they are actively pushing, first via the Plandemic, and now via the wholly artificial 'Climate Crisis'. Their manipulation is so blatant, but unfortunately most people have opted to follow along with the deception operations, because inwardly they're too overwhelmed to look into the dark truths which permeate events such as the COVID Plandemic & the alleged Climate Crisis.

Dissent into Madness - The Weaponisation of Psychology

Dissent into Madness - Crazy Conspiracy Theory

Dissent into Madness - Projections of the Psychopaths

Dissent into Madness - Escaping the Madhouse

Thanks everyone - I look forward to further discussion.

Kind Regards,


edit on JulySunday2317CDT05America/Chicago-050025 by FlyInTheOintment because: edit title

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 05:25 PM
Yes, all true sadly. If you look at the plandemic and how it was obviously about control and nothing but control it's obvious how far reaching this psychopathy/narcissism traits run in all governments , corporations, MSM etc.
Far too many with this disposition reach higher levels of management and goverment as they don't care about consequences for their actions . They will stop at nothing.

I wish there was a way to globally erase these traits in one go
The world would be totally unrecognizable after that , and so much for the better

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Psychologists have one of the highest suicide rates among occupations.

Almost like they shouldn't be giving people advice on how to live their lives...

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 05:33 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

This book might be interesting to you. A friend here recommended it to me, it is a good and eye opening read. It covers most things in your thread as well as mass psychosis.

The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing

This book, first published in 1956, describes the various tactics used by Totalitarian states, and explores why some people stand up to them better than others. It discusses brainwashing, menticide (a term coined by the author), attaining false confessions, and the gamut of tactics of mental submission -- be they active or passive in nature and whether they target individuals or the whole of society.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 05:33 PM
I think basic psychology should be taught to children in schools if only to help them figure out why they do what they do. Actually, I watched an interview with Goldie Hawn and she is now teaching children 'mind up' or mental fitness to survive out there. So is there hope for future generations in breaking the cycle of intimidation and standing up for one's convictions? I think so.

As for Milgrom's experiment - shocking innocent people because an authority figure told you to - surprisingly, or maybe not considering nobody does any real 'mind up' soul and psyche searching - today the percentage which is 90% of people will still follow an authority figure's instructions to deliver that shock.

They found that 90% of the people were willing to go to the highest level in the experiment. In terms of differences between peoples willingness to deliver shock to a man versus a woman, "It is worth remarking," write the authors, "that although the number of people refusing to carry out the commands of the experimenter was three times greater when the student [the person receiving the "shock"] was a woman, the small sample size does not allow us to draw strong conclusions."

In terms of how society has changed, Grzyb notes, "half a century after Milgram's original research into obedience to authority, a striking majority of subjects are still willing to electrocute a helpless individual.",in%20pursuit%20of%20obeying%20authority.

I'm glad I had the gumption to always question authority even though it did not serve me well socially. Never wanted to follow that crowd any way.

As for that Barney Miller reference, all the conspiracist had to do was provide some kind of proof or present the theory is such a way with reasonableness, not just a blanket accusation.

I agree most societies are suffering from many forms of mental illness but government won't spend our money to help...maybe there's a conspiracy there.

I don't believe all people in power, with power are psychopaths so we must do our duty and scrutinize and call out those behaviours that are suspect.
edit on q00000041731America/Chicago1212America/Chicago7 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 05:34 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

Indeed, if only there were a way for us to eliminate the psychopathy traits, the world would be a glorious technologically advanced paradise by now - cancer would be a thing of the past, we'd be driving water-powered cars, there would be no poverty, war would be an extremely rare occurrence, our energy sources would be free, wireless & infinitely abundant.

The recent documentary hosted by Dr Stephen Greer: 'The Lost Century & How to Reclaim It' was superb in my view, as it discussed all these hidden technolgies that have been suppressed, destroyed, left to rot on a shelf by those in charge of the Special Access Programs of the past hundred years - all for the sake of psychopathic greed & dominance in the politico-corporate hierarchies.

Here's hoping that we do see some progress in blocking the attempts at world domination by the WEF, the WHO, the Bill Gates Foundation & even the UN. The sneaky, diabolical bastards are rushing now, it seems they think that if they take it too slow, people will have time to assess en masse the devilish schemes being rolled out - they want to 'lock in' the new systems as quickly as possible, hence the overbearing propaganda drive regarding the alleged 'Climate Crisis'. They are pure evil, in a true & literal sense, which is indicated by the indisputable fact that they do not possess a conscience - something which is a prerequisite for living a righteous life. Having said that it's possible that a psychopath could discipline themselves to do 'good' by refusing to bow to the pressure to become a powerful maniac, instead using logic & an intellectual understanding of the concept of 'goodness' to form decision-making processes that would not interfere with the rights of others. But most have no such desire for self-control, instead they want to dominate & enrich themselves, at any cost.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 05:35 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

Or it's the information they have trouble coping with. The experiences with patients etc.

It think it is much more plausible that they were not suicidal when getting into / studying the job but became it after dealing a lot with mental ill people, their thoughts, actions and thoughts.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

today the percentage which is 90% of people will still follow an authority figure's instructions to deliver that shock.

You're absolutely right - I didn't take into account the sheer levels of narcissism & psychopathy/sociopathy in modern 13-25 age groups. There was a video I saw the other day on Telegram in which some dickhead late teenage lad was posing for a TikTok video in front of the body of a man who had been stabbed to death only moments earlier. The man's poor wife could be heard crying hysterically in the background, while this little idiot was joking & hyping up what he had witnessed, as if doing a product review for some engaging new tech. Apparently the post went viral, with hundreds of thousands of views on TikTok within days. Shows the depths of depravity operant in young minds today.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 05:42 PM
a reply to: quintessentone
Well for once I agree with you. Are you questioning the government enough (whichever country you're in ) . All governments are corrupt and run by people with these traits . Including Trump . Yes, both sides of the 'political spectrum'. They use these political spectrums 'left' and 'right' so we fight each other and not them. They enjoy the show too I bet , like watching a dog fight. These people are plain sick

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 05:44 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: quintessentone

today the percentage which is 90% of people will still follow an authority figure's instructions to deliver that shock.

You're absolutely right - I didn't take into account the sheer levels of narcissism & psychopathy/sociopathy in modern 13-25 age groups. There was a video I saw the other day on Telegram in which some dickhead late teenage lad was posing for a TikTok video in front of the body of a man who had been stabbed to death only moments earlier. The man's poor wife could be heard crying hysterically in the background, while this little idiot was joking & hyping up what he had witnessed, as if doing a product review for some engaging new tech. Apparently the post went viral, with hundreds of thousands of views on TikTok within days. Shows the depths of depravity operant in young minds today.

Well that was one unsympathetic kid with who knows what online social media agenda. I was referring to the masses today that will still deliver that shock because authority intimidates them. I think we need to start with teaching the children to think for themselves and critically think their environment including authority.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Psychologists have one of the highest suicide rates among occupations.

Almost like they shouldn't be giving people advice on how to live their lives...

True. A lot of documentaries about various things, especially mysterious things employ psychologists/psychiatrists to attempt to explain many things away in the most prosaic and mundane ways which in itself is them telling the world in the context of their "explanation", that they simply can't handle the unknown, have great fear of the unknown, and want the rest of the world to steer clear of these things for their own sanity. (They can't handle these things, and believe everyone else is the same as them.)

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: FlyInTheOintment
a reply to: quintessentone

today the percentage which is 90% of people will still follow an authority figure's instructions to deliver that shock.

You're absolutely right - I didn't take into account the sheer levels of narcissism & psychopathy/sociopathy in modern 13-25 age groups. There was a video I saw the other day on Telegram in which some dickhead late teenage lad was posing for a TikTok video in front of the body of a man who had been stabbed to death only moments earlier. The man's poor wife could be heard crying hysterically in the background, while this little idiot was joking & hyping up what he had witnessed, as if doing a product review for some engaging new tech. Apparently the post went viral, with hundreds of thousands of views on TikTok within days. Shows the depths of depravity operant in young minds today.

I agree. They are raised to believe they are the 'best at everything' just because they were born, or just because they're pretty, rich, black , young , they are delusional. And yes I didn't include white because I see the race card only being played by blacks. Also, parents who are both working not involved enough with their kids when they're growing up.
Social media plays a huge role as well. All the 'likes' become an addiction of sorts enhancing their self worth artificially sadly. Another thing , probably when parents started to get berated for smacking their kids as it's 'abusive'. I think it all depends on what kind of slapping and the circumstances. I was spanked as a child because I deserved it . Abuse is power based and they beat their kids just for kicks, defintely not the same.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Can you tell me what this "plandemic" achieved, and how?

As near as I can tell, nothing politically has changed after the austerity of the lockdowns was lifted and the vaccines were rolled out.

But in the turbulence that occurred over the same time period, much was lost for no appreciable gain.

If anything happened, more have come to distrust authorities, and very political systems that try to place limits upon those authorities.

edit on 30/7/2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Psychologists have one of the highest suicide rates among occupations.

Almost like they shouldn't be giving people advice on how to live their lives...

It is not that they shouldn't be giving advice to others, it's that they themselves have nowhere to turn for help. Perhaps the ego of one who heals cannot overcome the inability to say "help!" for themselves and end up living in a world of frustration.

After all, I'm sure many psychologists begin by overcoming personal problems, working them out, feeling they can help others, and then forget to keep nurturing the self as a way of living while they begin and continue careers in the field.
edit on 30/7/2023 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 06:50 PM

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: watchitburn
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Psychologists have one of the highest suicide rates among occupations.

Almost like they shouldn't be giving people advice on how to live their lives...

It is not that they shouldn't be giving advice to others, it's that they themselves have nowhere to turn for help. Perhaps the ego of one who heals cannot overcome the inability to say "help!" for themselves and end up living in a world of frustration.

After all, I'm sure many psychologists begin by overcoming personal problems, working them out, feeling they can help others, and then forget to keep nurturing the self as a way of living while they begin and continue careers in the field.

The way society is set up to help the mentally ill does not work so nobody is really getting any help they/we are just being medicated and some of those meds cause more problems (suicidal thoughts) than the original mental illness.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 07:35 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Can you tell me what this "plandemic" achieved, and how?

I believe it was an experiment to see how many, and how fast people would roll over belly up just because a figure of "authority" told them to. Even to the point of ignoring their own sense of logic and morality.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 07:41 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain


They obviously aren't equipped to be giving life advice to others.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 08:14 PM

originally posted by: Flatcoat
a reply to: chr0naut

Can you tell me what this "plandemic" achieved, and how?

I believe it was an experiment to see how many, and how fast people would roll over belly up just because a figure of "authority" told them to. Even to the point of ignoring their own sense of logic and morality.

The Millgram experiment had already established that, and for a tiny cost.

The cost of the pandemic and all its attempted mitigations was exceptionally vast, especially when we already knew what the outcome would be (and what its fiscal and sociopolitical 'hit' would be, too).

Perhaps you should suggest that people should saw off one of their legs just to see if they would have to hop to get around?

edit on 30/7/2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

Can you tell me what this "plandemic" achieved, and how?

As near as I can tell, nothing politically has changed after the austerity of the lockdowns was lifted and the vaccines were rolled out.

But in the turbulence that occurred over the same time period, much was lost for no appreciable gain.

If anything happened, more have come to distrust authorities, and very political systems that try to place limits upon those authorities.

This plandemic achieved HUGE sums of COVID relief cash to be laundered and fraudulently acquired with large kickbacks going right back to certain political insiders and club members of corruption. It happened everywhere, and it happened a lot.

And yeah, that does cause people to lose trust in authority types, but do they CARE? No they don't care.

posted on Jul, 30 2023 @ 08:45 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Yes, and some people made vast amounts of money out of this "experiment". As for the leg thing, you'd probably be surprised at how many people would do it.

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